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Fenomena Vol 21 No 2 (2022): FENOMENA: Journal of the Social Sciences
Publisher : LP2M UIN KH.Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/fenomena.v21i2.125


Baritan Tradition is defined by the people of Wonodadi Blitar, as a form of gratitude to God for what has been given to them in the form of an abundant harvest. The harvest as a symbol of soil fertility and the safety of the life of the Wonodadi people as a form of blessing. Baritan Tradition with the takir plontang symbol means that protecting nature is the duty of humans to be stable in carrying out life. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach, in order to make it easier to identify a community phenomenon based on individual experiences in the community, data obtained from observations, interviews by focusing on the Wonodadi Blitar community with predetermined criteria and supported by the study of Sociology of Religion in order to strengthen one analysis of culture, society and religion. As for the results of the first analysis, there is a function of the relationship between humans and culture which is seen in the form of preserving baritan as a forum for friendship between people. Second, there is an awareness of the community's eco-spirituality by protecting nature, natural products, and the takir plontang as a manifestation of God's existence in maintaining safety in the process of planting until the results are abundant and blessed.
Fenomena Ziarah Haji (Studi Tentang Soloidaritas Masyarakat di Desa Podorejo Kecamatan Sumbergempol Kab. Tulungagung) Hanum Khumeidatul Khasanah; A Zahid
Socius: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 1, No 4 (2023): November
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10220021


This research discusses the tradition of the Hajj pilgrimage, where people come to visit people who have just returned from the Hajj, not someone visiting the holy land of Mecca, and also discusses community solidarity when the Hajj pilgrimage tradition takes place. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. With two research results, namely: (1) Knowing the meaning of the Hajj pilgrimage tradition, where in this tradition it is not people who visit the holy land but visits of people who have just returned from the Hajj with a specific purpose; (2) Know the forms of solidarity in the form of mutual cooperation and mutual assistance activities during the traditional Hajj pilgrimage activities
Dinamika Ekologi Masyarakat Pesisir Pantai Kili-Kili (Studi Kasus Konservasi Penyu Desa Wonocoyo Trenggalek) Vindyana Cipta Saputri; A Zahid
Socius: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Vol 1, No 6 (2024): Januari
Publisher : Penerbit Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10575744


The existence of modernity has given rise to industrialism which has resulted in environmental degradation. More than that, the emergence of degradation is also caused by several factors such as demographic factors, economic factors carried out by society, internal changes in society and market dynamics. Not all environmental degradation or changes have a negative impact, environmental changes provide economic-demographic opportunities and create changes in attitudes, values and norms in society. This article aims to explain the ecological dynamics of the coastal community of Kili-Kili Beach which is located in Wonocoyo Village, Panggul District, Trenggalek Regency. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation and interviews. The research results show that poor natural interactions and natural transformation that occurred in Wonocoyo Village have given rise to environmental consequences that have an impact on environmental degradation. Environmental changes that occur in Wonocoyo Village occur due to natural and human factors. Apart from that, demographic factors are also one of the causes of environmental changes in Wonocoyo Village, with the increasing number of residents in Wonocoyo Village causing an increase in human needs for nature. Natural changes in Wonocoyo Village also provide demographic economic opportunities for coastal communities and create changes in attitudes, values and norms in the community so that they succeed in making Wonocoyo Village a superior and advanced village based on environmental conservation.
Hidden Localization (Case Study of Function Modification of the Former Gedangsewu Localization in Pare Subdistrict, Kediri District): Lokalisasi Terselubung (Studi Kasus Modifikasi Fungsi Eks Lokalisasi Gedangsewu Kecamatan Pare Kabupaten Kediri) Muhammad Yusuf; A Zahid
CONSEN: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): Consen: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement
Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Bisnis prostitusi saat ini masih banyak beroperasional di seluruh Indonesia terkhususnya di Kediri, tidak dapat dipungkiri dewasa ini bisnis prostitusi mengalami komodifikasi yang sering dijumpai di tempat lokalisasi. Penelitian ini mengkaji lokalisasi terselubung Gedangsewu di Pare Kabupaten Kediri, sebagai pisau analisis penelitian ini menggunakan teori komodifikasi dalam perspektif Karl Marx untuk mengetahui bentuk nilai tukar komoditi berbasis ide, sex, jasa yang ada di eks lokalisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini guna untuk mengkaji ulang lokalisasi terselubung di Gedangsewu dalam kajian sosiologis dan untuk mengetahui bentuk komodifikasi yang ada. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan tinjauan pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi lokalisasi terselubung yang ada dalam penelitian ini merupakan salah satu bentuk manifestasi strategi pemasaran pasca terdapat isu ditutupnya eks lokalisasi Gedangsewu terdapat tiga bentuk modifikasi yaitu warung kopi, karaoke dan prostitusi online. Ketiga komodifikasi tersebut berjalan dan menjadi langkah utama menarik minat konsumen atau pengunjung eks lokalisasi Gedangsewu.