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Universitas Negeri Padang

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Journal : Naradidik: Journal of Education

Interpretasi Nilai Kearifan Lokal Minangkabau dalam Lirik Lagu “Pasan Buruang” sebagai Upaya Penanaman Mitigasi Bencana dalam Pembelajaran Sosiologi Dendy Marta Putra; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (June 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.955 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i2.37


This paper describes sociology learning that is integrated with the value of local wisdom in facing the challenges of living in a disaster area. One of the disasters that often occur and have a major impact on people's lives is flooding and banjir bandang (galodo). One way to deal with natural disasters is to understand how to deal with disasters, therefore it is necessary to understand disaster mitigation. Disaster mitigation education is an effort to overcome and minimize the impact if a disaster occurs, so it is important for teachers to teach disaster mitigation education, which will later be beneficial for students in interacting with the environment. One of the appropriate materials to teach disaster mitigation education is local wisdom material. The form of local wisdom that exists in Minangkabau is a song, one of the songs that contains the value of local wisdom in dealing with disasters is "pasan buruang". Few students know this song, so the teacher needs to teach the value of local wisdom contained in this song. This research is a descriptive qualitative research, using interview, observation and documentation methods. The theory used in analyzing the results of this study is the theory of cognitivism proposed by Jean Piaget. The results of this study indicate that the method of group discussion and choir is a way for students to appreciate the meaning of the pasan buruang song and with this chorus method students feel interested in collaborating with other friends to find the meaning of this song. Teaching the local wisdom of the pasanburuang song with the chorus method increased the enthusiasm of the eleventh graders.
Peran Guru Sosiologi Menyiapkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa dalam Proses Pembelajaran Sosiologi Siswa di SMA N 2 Sipora Siti Ramadah Yanti N; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (September 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.883 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i3.49


This research is motivated by the low critical thinking ability of students in learning in accordance with the indicators of critical thinking skills assessment in learning. Related to the low critical thinking ability of students in learning, the importance of the role of a teacher to prepare students' critical thinking skills in learning. The teacher is the most important component in learning activities that can interact directly with students. Teachers have an important role to form quality students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of sociology teachers in preparing students' critical thinking skills in the sociology learning process at SMA N 2 Sipora. This study uses a qualitative approach. The informant selection technique is purposive sampling, which is based on the researcher's criteria. The data was collected by interviewing 3 sociology teachers at SMA N 2 Sipora, 3 students in class X IPS 1 and the Curriculum Representative of SMA N 2 Sipora, then observing the sociology learning activities and the latest data was documentation in the form of photos, lesson plans documents and so on. In this study using data analysis from Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The theory used in the research on the role of the teacher in preparing students' critical thinking skills in the sociology learning process at SMA N 2 Sipora is constructivism theory. The results of this study are the first role of the sociology teacher as class manager, in the form of creating an atmosphere of fun learning activities, attracting students' attention and managing learning. Second, the role of sociology teachers as facilitators, designing learning media and innovative learning models. Third, the role of the sociology teacher as a motivator, providing direction, advice, and approaching. Fourth, the teacher's role as a demonstrator, the existence of performances and mastery of the material in advance or self-preparation.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Pair Share Dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa Sosiologi Kelas XI IPS 1 Di SMAN 1 Kecamatan Akabiluru Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota Rifi Yolanda; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (September 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.163 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i3.50


This research is motivated by the low level of student learning activities that affect student learning outcomes in sociology in class XI IPS SMAN 1 Akabiluru District, the low learning activity is influenced by several factors, one of which is learning strategies. This needs to be corrected by the teacher, one way to improve it is by applying the think pair share learning model in the student learning process, this study aims to analyze the effect of the think pair share learning model in improving student learning activities in class XI IPS 1 SMAN 1 Akabiluru District. the type of research that will be used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with the model from Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and tests. The research instruments that the researcher used were observation sheets and tests. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative with a sample of 32 students in class XI IPS 1. The theory used in this study is Behavioristic according to Thorndike. The results of this study indicate that there is an increase in learning activities using the think pair share learning model. This is indicated by the average percentage of the first cycle of 36.1%, in the second cycle there was an increase of 71.8% so it can be concluded that using the learning model can increase student learning activities and also have an influence on learning outcomes with the percentage of the pretest level of completeness 31.3% and at posttest 75%. This happens because students are required to complete individual and group assignments that develop students' thinking skills so that students are able to think critically and make students active in learning activities.
Peran Anggota Keluarga dalam Proses Pembelajaran Siswa SDN 03 Kuamang Nagari Panti Timur Kabupaten Pasaman Nelvia Aprinalni; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (September 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.238 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i3.54


The role of parents is needed during the learning process at home. The role of parents is also very much needed for the education process for students who still cannot understand the material given by the teacher at school. This study aims to analyze the role of family members during the learning process. This research is a qualitative type with data collection techniques used through observation, interviews and documentation. The role of family members during the learning process of students at SDN 03 Kuamang Nagari Panti Timur Pasaman Regency uses the theory of voluntary social action initiated by Talcott Parson. Research informants obtained from the results of the study amounted to 13 people. The data analysis used in this research from Milles and Huberman is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study Based on the results of research that has been carried out related to the title "The Role of Family Members in the Learning Process of SDN 03 Students" it can be concluded that there are several roles that parents must replace the teacher's position when studying at home which include: giving direction or supervision to teach children, providing direction to children for tutoring or tutoring, providing adequate facilities and infrastructure to complete learning facilities, taking work time to assist children in learning.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT (Teams Games Tournament) untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Sosiologi Kelas Xl IPS 1 SMAN 1 Lubuk Basung Lidiya Putri Handayani; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (September 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.156 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i3.57


This study aims to analyze the increase in learning motivation of students class XI IPS 1 SMAN 1 Lubuk Basung in sociology learning, by applying the Team Games Tournament (TGT) type cooperative model for the 2021/2022 academic year. To analyze the problems in this study, the researcher uses the learning theory by Thorndike which says that a response or learning process followed by pleasant conditions by giving gifts or praise will strengthen the learning process. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) with 26 research subjects in class XI IPS 1. The approach model used by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart which consists of four components: planning (planning), action (acting), observation (observation), reflection (reflecting). The data collection technique used is observation and interviews. The research instrument used in this research is an observation sheet. Analysis Techniques Observational data used quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques.The results showed that from the analysis of observational data in the study of increasing learning motivation with the application of the Team Games Tournament learning model, the students of class XI IPS 1 SMAN 1 Lubuk Basung experienced an increase. The highest increase is that it is not easy to let go of things that are believed from 50% in the first cycle to 90.38% in the second cycle, this is because. Can maintain the opinion of 55.76% to 88.45% in the second cycle. This can be seen from the activeness of students in expressing opinions in class or students who ask and provide questions about the material being studied, these active students are also influenced by the additional value given by the teacher if they are active in the learning process. The difference in the average increase from the first cycle to the second cycle is 26.51%. The average in the first cycle from 58.40% to 73.89% in the second cycle. The conclusion that can be drawn from this discussion is that by applying the Team Games Tournament (TGT) type of cooperative learning model, it can increase students' motivation to learn sociology in class XI IPS 1 SMAN 1 Lubuk Basung.
Strategi Adaptasi SMA N 1 Payakumbuh terhadap Sistem Zonasi Salsabila Dinda Ramadani; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati; AB Sarca Putera
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (December 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.02 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i4.84


This study discusses the adaptation strategy of SMA N 1 Payakumbuh with zoning and knowing the changes that have occurred after the zoning system at SMA N 1 Payakumbuh. This study uses a descriptive approach with qualitative research methods. The data collection techniques that the researchers used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used in this study used the Miles and Huberman interactive model through several activity procedures including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or levers. The results showed: first, changes in student input which were relatively heterogeneous after the implementation of the zoning system led to changes in learning patterns; second, the lack of public understanding of zoning; third, the strategy carried out by schools at SMAN 1 Payakumbuh in adjusting to the zoning is to make extracurricular activities at this time and fourth, inculcating values, increasing motivation by subject teachers and counseling teachers (Counseling Counseling).
Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Google Site dalam Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi di Kelas XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Ampek Angkek Rezka Nurliswati; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati; Annisa Citra Triyandra
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (December 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.615 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i4.85


This article describes the application of Google Sites based learning media in an effort to improve learning outcomes in Sociology subjects in class XI IPS 2 SMA Negeri 1 Ampek Angkek. The method used is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model. In its application, all the steps needed in the contextual teaching and learning (CTL) model are carried out, namely modeling, inquiry, questioning, learning community, constructivism, reflection, and authentic assessment. The results of this study indicate that the application of Google Site based learning media can improve student learning outcomes. The learning media made consist of the Main Page, Absensi Page, Pre Test Page, material Page, feedback page, and Post Test Page. This media was validated by sociology teacher. The feasibility of Google Sites media is based on the score obtained for each aspect by sociology teachers to get an assessment result with an average score of 76 which is included in the appropriate category.
Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Perilaku Merokok di SMA N 1 Batang Onang Elina Wasila Harahap; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati; Sri Oktika Amran
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (December 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.615 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i4.86


This research is motivated by the presence of students smoking in the school environment which is a violation of school regulations. Character education is one way to reduce students' smoking behavior at school. This study looks at how the application of character education to smoking behavior at SMA N 1 Batang Onang. This study uses a qualitative case study type. The informant selection technique was purposive sampling, which was based on the researcher's criteria. Data collection was carried out by interviewing the principal, deputy head of curriculum, deputy student affairs, counseling teacher, 5 subject teachers, 16 students, and 3 parents as well as the surrounding community at SMA N 1 Batang Onang, then observing activities at school such as classrooms, cafeteria, in the parking lot, and outside the school and the latest data is in the form of documentation in the form of photos, lesson plan documents and so on. In this study using data analysis Miles and Huberman namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The theory used in research on the application of character education to smoking behavior at SMA N 1 Batang Onang is Thomas Lickona's character theory. The results of this study are character education at SMA N 1 Batang Onang, application of character education at SMA N 1 Batang Onang, smoking behavior at SMA N 1 Batang Onang.
Kesulitan Guru dalam Merancang Media Inovatif Digital untuk Pembelajaran Sosiologi Manisa Octasyavira; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati; Muhammad David Hendra
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (December 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.967 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v1i4.87


This study aims to explain teachers' difficulties in designing innovative digital media for sociology learning. Researchers are interested in conducting this research because there are still many teachers who still experience difficulties in designing innovative digital learning media so that this makes the teaching and learning process not varied. This study used a descriptive qualitative research approach, with a case study research type, the selection of informants was carried out by purposive sampling with 7 informants namely 3 students, 2 sociology teachers, 1 school principal, 1 curriculum representative. Data collection in this study was carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing/ Verification. The research location is SMA Negeri 2 Dumai. The results of this study indicate the difficulty of teachers in designing innovative media for sociology learning caused by internal and external factors. The internal factors included; the habit of not using the media, the ability to analyze the needs of difficult learning materials, mistakes in understanding the student center, difficulty understanding student learning styles, and not making enough use of the facilities and infrastructure provided by the school. Meanwhile, the internal factors of the teacher do not have free time to create innovative learning media.
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Sosiologi Kelas X SMAN 7 Padang Puspa Hutiyanti; Nurlizawati Nurlizawati
Naradidik: Journal of Education and Pedagogy Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Naradidik: Journal of Education & Pedagogy (March 2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.601 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/nara.v2i1.101


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik, kurangnyapartisipasi siswa didalam belajar, kurangnya minat siswa dalam belajar sosiologi, serta kurangnya diskusi kelompok, terlihat dari tempat duduk siswa yang masih klasik atau kurangnya variasi dalam proses pembelajaran yang menyebabkan rendahnya hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran sosiologi.Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Sosiologi Kelas X SMAN 7 Padang. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori konstruktivisme. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan kuantitatif eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa/i kelas X SMAN 7 Padang tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling, kelas yang dipilih sebagai kelas eksperimen adalah kelas X.E10 dan kelas kontrol adalah kelas X.E8. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini digunakan dengan tes hasil belajar peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perolehan nilai rata-rata tes hasil belajar sosiologi kelas eksperimen adalah 80,1 dan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar sosiologi kelas kontrol adalah 70,8. Setelah dilakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan bantuan SPSS Versi 26 maka diperoleh nilai signifikan α dalam dua sisi (2-tailed) sebesar = 0,000, maka dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa (0,000 < 0,05) pada selang kepercayaan 95%. Maka keputusannya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya terdapat Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Sosiologi Kelas X SMAN 7 Padang.