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Distribution of soil morphology and physicochemical properties to assess the evaluation of soil fertility status using soil fertility capability classification in North Galela, Indonesia Tri Mulya Hartati; Bambang Hendro Sunarminto; Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami; Benito Heru Purwanto; Makruf Nurudin; Krishna Aji
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2023.103.4405


One of the indicators of land productivity assessment is soil fertility. The causes of infertile soil have been widely reported. This study aimed to evaluate soil fertility using the Soil Fertility Capability Classification (SFCC) approach and to determine the relationship between soil morphological and physiochemical properties and soil fertility. The research was conducted in North Galela Sub-district, North Halmahera Regency. The research framework began with the interpretation of thematic maps, surveys, field observations, and the making of soil fertility evaluation maps. Soil sampling was carried out based on the stratified random sampling method and supported by laboratory measurements according to USDA international standards. The research result showed that the research area had 14 soil fertility statuses. The fertility classes having the most significant limiting factor were loamy texture (Ø<0.002 mm), rock surface, gravel subsoil, moderate salinity (0.2-0.4 mS cm-1), low exchangeable K (<20 cmol(+) kg-1), and sloping slope (8%) with Lithic Haprendolls type and loamy texture (Ø<0.002 mm), subsoil >15% rock outcrop, moderate salinity (0.2-0,4 mS cm-1), Na saturation >15%, and a rather steep slope (14%) with Lithic Eutrudepts type. Both of these classes have a top layer texture, and the bottom layer contains clay <35%, with limiting factors of hard layer inhibiting root to a depth of 50 cm, extremely low nutrient reserve, low electrical conductivity (EC) and high Na. The limiting factors found in North Galela Sub-district were hard root-restricting layer, exchangeable K, electrical conductivity, Na saturation, slope, and gravel.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Undana Vol 15 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Nusa Cendana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35508/jpkmlppm.v15i2.5646


ABSTRACT The existence of the Covic-19 pandemic also affects the economic factors of the community that interfere with the immune system, so there is a need for productive activities that can increase added value. Banana peel utilization technology aims to train the community in dealing with plant waste management. This community service activity was carried out in Ngade Village, South Ternate District, Ternate City Regency. The target of the service participants is a group of young people who are members of the productive economic group "Qonita". The method used is the indirect method and the learning by doing method by demonstrating and conducting counseling about the manufacture of organic fertilizer made from banana peels. The activities provided include counseling and training on making organic fertilizer from banana peels. All activities are carried out online and offline while still implementing the Covic-19 protocol. To find out the increase in understanding of the partner group, an evaluation was designed at the beginning (pre test) and at the end of the activity (post test). From the pre-test and post-test scores, the results of the implementation of this activity showed that the insight ability of the "Qonita" youth group increased by 81.6%. The socialization of making organic fertilizer made from banana peels provides additional insight for the youth group "Qonita" in utilizing agricultural waste. ABSTRAK Adanya pandemi Covic-19 turut mempengaruhi faktor ekonomi masyarakat yang mengganggu sistem imun sehingga perlu adanya kegiatan produktif yang dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah. Teknologi pemanfaatan kulit pisang bertujuan untuk melatih masyarakat dalam mengatasi penanganan limbah tanaman. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Ngade Kecamatan Ternate Selatan, Kabupaten Kota Ternate. Sasaran peserta pengabdian adalah kelompok pemuda pemudi yang tergabung dalam kelompok ekonomi produktif “Qonita”. Metode yang digunakan metode tak langsung dan metode learning by doing dengan mendemontrasikan dan mengadakan penyuluhan tentang pembuatan pupuk organik berbahan kulit pisang. Kegiatan yang diberikan meliputi penyuluhan dan pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik dari kulit pisang. Semua kegiatan dilakukan secara daring dan luring dengan tetap menerapkan protokol Covic-19. Untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman kelompok mitra, dirancang suatu evaluasi yang dilakukan di awal (pre test) dan akhir kegiatan (post test). Dari nilai pre test dan post test, hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan wawasan kelompok pemuda pemudi “Qonita” meningkat sebesar 81,6%. Sosialisasi pembuatan pupuk organik berbahan kulit pisang memberikan tambahan wawasan bagi kelompok pemuda pemudi “Qonita” dalam memanfaatkan limbah pertanian
Analisis Kapasitas Infiltrasi pada Beberapa Tipe Lahan Tegalan di Kelurahan Sasa Kecamatan Ternate Selatan Hartati, Tri Mulya; Teapon, Amiruddin; Wati, Indah; Vitri Indrawati, Urai Suci Yulies; Aji, Krishna
Agrikultura Vol 34, No 3 (2023): Desember, 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/agrikultura.v34i3.47021


Pengembangan lahan tegalan di Kelurahan Sasa Kecamatan Ternate Selatan melibatkan pengolahan tanah secara intensif sehingga memiliki struktur tanah yang renggang dengan porositas yang tinggi. Demikian juga dengan kondisi alami tanahnya yang bertekstur lempung dan berpasir dapat menyebabkan meningkatnya laju infiltrasi serta turut menentukan ketersediaan air yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kapasitas infiltrasi, infiltrasi kumulatif dan karakteristik tanah yang memengaruhi kapasitas infiltrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode percobaan lapangan dengan menggunakan double ring infiltrometer dalam mengukur laju infiltrasi. Analisis data meliputi laju infiltrasi aktual, kapasitas infiltrasi dan infiltrasi kumulatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lahan tegalan dengan olah tanah minimum (Tg-Otm) memiliki kapasitas infiltrasi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan lahan tegalan tanpa olah tanah (Tg-Tot) dan lahan tegalan dengan olah tanah intensif (Tg-Oti), demikian juga dengan infiltrasi kumulatifnya. Kondisi tersebut terjadi karena lahan tegalan dengan olah tanah minimum (Tg-Otm) memiliki tekstur tanah agak halus, bahan organik tanah rendah, berat volume tanah lebih tinggi, berat jenis partikel lebih rendah, porositas tanah sedang, kadar air tanah lebih tinggi dan permeabilitas tanah agak lambat.
Study Content Nutrient Waste Plant Seeds Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum Linn) after Made as Biofuel Tri Mulya Hartati
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika Vol 2, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (56.756 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/plt.v2i1.1959


Determination revoke government fuel subsidies in 2008, with all its consequences have begun to be realized by finding various solutions techno-socio-economic development. Among the various solutions that are developing alternative fuel made from vegetable oils or biofuels. This is demonstrated by the issuance of Presidential Regulation No. 5/2006 on National Energy Policy and Presidential Instruction No. 1/2006 on the Provision and Use of Biofuels (Biofuel) as an alternative fuel on January 25, 2006. Biofuel Excess addition can also be environmentally friendly renewable, biodegradable, able to eliminate the greenhouse effect, and continuity is assured raw material. Bioenergy can be obtained with a fairly simple way is through the cultivation of biofuel crops, have recently discovered a new source of biofuel that is nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum Linn). Nyamplung is a plant that grows in coastal forests. As with other agricultural residual waste, waste from the process of making biofuels from plants also contain nutrients that can be used as a soil or as a source of fertilizer for plants. This study aims to assess the nutrient content of the waste content of seeds nyamplung (Calopphyllum inophyllum Linn) after it is created as a Biofuel. The results showed that the biofuel seed crop nyamplung (Calopphyllum inophyllum Linn) have oil content of 46.57%, and biofuels from waste plant seeds contain nutrients: total N 1.43% (very high), 47.99% Organic C ( very high), total P 0.35% (very low), 1.30% total K (very low), C / N 33.78 (very high), and 17.93 KPK to 100 g-1 (medium). Key words: oil nyamplung, nutrient waste plant seeds nyamplung