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Lingkar Lengan Atas dan Penambahan Berat Badan Hamil dengan Berat Badan Bayi Lahir pada masa Pandemik Covid-19 Sitti Fatimah; Musni; Ita Novianti
Jurnal Kesehatan Panrita Husada Vol 7 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37362/jkph.v7i1.774


Salah satu penyumbang terbesar AKB adalah Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah (BBLR). Prevelanci BBLR diperkirakan 15% dari seluruh kelahiran di dunia. Salah satu fator penyebab BBLR adalah status gizi ibu hamil. Status gizi ibu hamil dapat dinilai dari penambahan berat badan ibu selama kehamilan dan lingkar lengan atas ibu hamil (LILA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan LILA dan penambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil dengan berat badan bayi lahir. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional analyticdengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 33 orang ibu yang bersalin di puskesmas sibulue. Pengumpulan data yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Teknik analisis menggunakan Univariat dan bivariat. Dari ukuran lingkar lengan atas yang berisiko KEK (<23,5 cm) degas berat badan bayi lahir rendah sebanyak 2 bayi (28,57%), dan ibu yang melahirkan berat badan bayi normal tidak ada dan nilai p-value (0,005)<sig α=0,05. Sedangkan ibu dengan ukuran lingkar lengan atas normal dengan berat badan bayi lahir rendah sebanyak 5 bayi (71,43%), sedangkan ibu yang melahirkan dengan berat badan normal sebanyak 26 bayi (100%). Sedangkan responden yang memiliki pertambahan berat badan tidak normal sebanyak 9 responden dimana melahirkan 3 bayi yang berat badan normal dan melahiran 6 bayi yang berat lahir rendah. Sedangkan ibu yang kenaikan berat badanya normal sebanyak 24 responden, melahirkan bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendak sebanyak 5 bayi dan 19 bayi lahir dengan berat badan normal dan nilai p-value sebesar 0,013< 0,05. Secara statistik terdapat hubungan antara lingkar lengan atas dan penembahan berat badan selama hamil dengan berat badan bayi lahir dalam masa pandemik covid-19. Lingkar lengan atas (LILA) dan penambahan bera badan ibu selama hamil memiliki nilai yang signifikat dengan berat badan bayi lahir.Bidan diharapkan untuk melakukan pengukuran Lingkar lengan atas (LILA) dan penambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil secara rutin untuk mencegah ibu mengalami gizi buruk. Kata kunci : LILA, berat badan ibu, BBLR
Hubungan Antara Umur, Gravida dan Usia Kehamilan Terhadap Resiko Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK) pada Ibu Hamil Sitti Fatimah; A. Ulfa Fatmasanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Diagnosis Vol. 14 No. 3 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Diagnosis
Publisher : STIKES Nani Hasanuddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) jumlah ibu hamil yang mengalami kekurangan energi kronik pada tahun 2016 sebanyak (30,1%). Pada tahun 2017 jumlah ibu hamil yang mengalami kekurangan energi kronik secara global sebanyak (35-75%). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh umur, gravida, dan Usia Kehamilan terhadap Resiko kurang energy kronis (KEK) pada ibu hamil. Metode Penelitian cross-sectional ini melibatkan 153 ibu hamil yang periksa selama bulan Januari-Desember 2017 sebagai sampel. Sampel ini dipilih secara acak dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengaruh antar variabel dianalisis menggunakan uji Logistic Regression (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur kurang dari 20 tahun kemungkinan terjadinya Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) 0,118 namun pada umur diatas 35 tahun lebih besar kemungkinan terkenak Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) 0,576 kali dan faktor gravida diketahui bahwa ibu multigravida memiliki kemungkinan 1,021 kali untuk mengalami Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) dibandingkan dengan ibu primigravida, kemudian ibu grandemultigravida juga memiliki kemungkinan 3,200 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) dibandingkan dengan ibu primigravida. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh umur, primigravida terhadap kejadian Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) pada ibu hamil.
Relationship of Mother's Knowledge and Family Support with Early Initiation of Breastfeeding Implementation in Post Partum Mothers Musni Musni; Sitti Fatimah; St. Malka
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v3i1.538


In the first hour following delivery, the infant should be breastfed immediately, which is known as Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD). Breastfeeding within the first hour of life may help to minimize infant deaths from pneumonia, diarrhea, and hypothermia, among other causes. At the Watampone Health Center, the goal of this research was to discover if there was a link between maternal knowledge and family support and the implementation of early beginning of breastfeeding for postpartum moms. Research methods employed in this study include quantitative research using a cross-sectional design and a questionnaire. The sampling strategy used was purposive sampling, and a total of 45 postpartum moms were included in the study. The investigation was carried out at the Watampone Health Center. Using a paired t test, the researchers discovered that there was no relationship between maternal knowledge and the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers (P value = 0.527), but that there was a relationship between family support and the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers (P =0.047). The let-down reaction is controlled by the emotional state or sentiments of the mother, and the smoothness of the let-down reflex is determined by the smoothness of the family. Improve services by giving counseling, particularly to parents and spouses, in order to provide guidance, as well as inspiration to women about the necessity of starting breastfeeding as soon as possible.
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Volume 7,Nomor 1,Januari 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v7i1.3364


ABSTRACT EARLY PREGNANCY, ANTENATAL CARE, ESCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING AND NUTRITIONAL KNOWLEDGE TO STUNTING IN CHIDREN UNDER FIVE Background: stuntingis a major nutritional problem that will have an impact on social and economic life in society. Stunting is a problem because it is associated with an increased risk of illness and death, suboptimal brain development, resulting in delayed motor development and stunted mental growth. Bone is one of the district in south Sulawesi high prevalence of stunting compared with province and national.Purpose  To determine risk factors early pregnancy, antenatal care, esclusive breastfeeding and nutritional knowledge on stunting among children 12-59 months old.Mathods:The study used is quantitative witch a designed  case-control study. It was conducted in Kading health centre, Bajoe health centre, and Usa health centre.  with the research time May-Juli 2020. The subjects were children between 12-59 month. The sample in this study were 120 consisting of 40 stunted and 80 normal with gender matching. Subject were chosen by purposive sampling methode. The risk factor were early pregnancy, antenatal care, esclusive breastfeeding, and nutritional knowledge. Data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate with chis-quare test and odds ratio with 95% confidence interval   Results: The results showed that factors associated with stunting were early pregnancy (P = 0.003) and antenatal care with (P = 0.033), while exclusive breastfeeding (P = 0.892) and maternal nutritional knowledge (P = 0.404) were not associated with stunting in under-five. . Early pregnancy variable is the dominant variable in the occurrence of stunting in children under five. Early childhood pregnancy has a 5.00 times higher risk of stunting in children under five compared to mothers who are pregnant at adulthood, and mothers not antenatal care during pregnancy have 2.68 times the risk of stunting compared to mothers antenatal care visit during pregnancy.Conclusion: The risk factors for stunting  were early pregnancy and antenatal careSuggestion It is hoped that the government will be even more stringent on the implementation of early marriage, so that there will be no more early marriages and can prevent stunting in toddlers. Keywords: stunting, early pregnancy,  antenatal care ABSTRAK Latar belakang :Stunting adalah masalah gizi utama yang akan berdampak pada kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi dalam masyarakat.  Stunting menjadi permasalahan karena berhubungan dengan menungkatnya risiko terjadinya kesakitan dan kematian, perkembangan otak suboptimal sehingga perkembangan motoric terlambat  dan terhambatnya pertumbuhan Kabupaten Bone meruapakan salah satu kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan dengan angka stunting yang cukup signifikan melebihi prevalensi stunting provinsi dan nasional.Tujuan: untuk menganalisis factor risiko kehamilan usia dini, antenatal care, ASI eksklusif dan pengetahuan gizi ibu terhadap stunting pada balita usia 12 – 59 bulanMetode : Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Case Control Study. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga puskesmas yaitu Puskesmas Kading, Puskesmas Bajoe dan Puskesmas Usa. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juli 2020. dengan subjek adalah anak umur 12 – 59 bulan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 120 balita yang terdiri dari 40 kasus (balita stunting) dan 80 kontrol (balita normal/tidak stunting) dengan Matching jenis kelamin. Metode penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Factor risiko yang diukur adalah kehamilan usia dini, antenatal care (ANC), ASI eksklusif dan pengetahuan gizi ibu. Data dianalisis dengan chi square dan Odds Ratio (OR) 95% CI.Hasil :  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan stunting adalah kehamilan usia dini (P=0,003) dan antenatal care dengan (P=0.033), sedangkan ASI eksklusif  (P=0,892) dan pengetahuan gizi ibu (P=0,404) tidak berhubungan dengan stunting pada balita. Variabel kehamilan usia dini merupakan variable dominan terjadinya stunting pada balita. Kehamilan usia dini memiliki risiko 5,00 kali lebih tiinggi untuk mengalami stunting pada balita dibandingkan ibu yang hamil pada usia dewasa, ibu yang tidak melakukan antenatal care memiliki risiko 2,68 kali mengalami stunting dibanding ibu yang melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal care. Kesimpulan: kehamilan usia dini dan antenatal care merupakan factor risiko terjadinya stunting pada balitaSaran Diharapkan pemeritah lebih ketat lagi terhadap pelaksanaan pernikahan usia dini, agar tidak ada lagi pernikahan usia dini dan bisa mencegah terjadinya stunting pada balita Kata kunci : stunting, kehamilan Dini, antenatal care  
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 6, No 3 (2020): Volume 6 Nomor 3 Juli 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v6i3.2714


Background Maternal and child health efforts are efforts in the health sector related to the service and maintenance of pregnant women, childbirth, breastfeeding, infants, and toddlers and preschoolers. The mode of delivery is a number of methods chosen by the mother who delivered and by the health worker who handled it. Mochtar divides the type of labor according to the way labor is divided into two categories, normal (spontaneous) labor, which is the birth of the baby behind the head with the mother's own power and abnormal delivery, namely labor with the help of a tool or through the abdominal wall by caesarean surgery. Purpose to find out the factors of labor in pregnant women. Methods This type of research is analytic observational cross-sectional study of women giving birth at the Sibulue puskesmas in the period from December 2019 to February 2020 with a large sample of 67 women giving birth. Data obtained from medical records The results of this study indicate abnormal labor with actions related to the incidence of severe asphyxia (p = 0,000; CI: 1.19-2.06) and Low Birth Weight (p = 0,000; CI: 1.28-2.05). Number of Antenatal Care Examination <4 times associated with the abnormal labor process Action (p = 0.046; CI: 1.04-1.46) Conclusion in this study is the relationship between the delivery process with Antenatal Care examination on the outcome of labor with the incidence of severe asphyxia and Low Birth Weight. Abnormal deliveries with complications occur in women with Antenatal examination <4 times. Suggestions for health care workers to further increase the early detection of risk factors in pregnant women by actively monitoring women during pregnancy.  Keywords: antenatal examination, type of labor, maternal mother  ABSTRAK  Latar Belakang Upaya kesehatan ibu dan anak adalah upaya bidang kesehatan terkait pelayanan dan pemeliharaan ibu hamil, bersalin, menyusui, bayi, dan anak balita serta anak prasekolah. Cara persalinan adalah beberapa metode yang dipilih oleh ibu yang melakukan persalinan maupun oleh tenaga kesehatan yang menanganinya. Mochtar membagi jenis persalinan menurut cara persalinan berdasarkan dua kategori, persalinan normal (spontan) yaitu proses lahirnya bayi letak belakang kepala dengan tenaga ibu sendiri dan persalinan abnormal, yaitu persalinan dengan bantuan alat atau melalui dinding perut dengan cara operasi caesarea.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahu factor proses persalinan pada Ibu hamil.  Metode Jenis penelitian ini analitik observatif cross-sectional terhadap wanita yang melahirkan di puskesmas Sibulue pada periode bulan desember 2019 hingga Februari 2020 dengan besar sampel 67 wanita yang melahirkan. Data diperoleh dari catatan medis.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan persalinan abnormal dengan tindakan berhubungan dengan kejadian Asfiksia Berat (p=0,000; CI: 1.19-2.06) dan Berat  badan Lahir Rendah (p=0,000; CI: 1.28-2.05). Jumlah Pemeriksaan Antenatal care <4 Kali berhubungan dengan proses persalinan abnormal Tindakan (p=0,046; CI: 1.04-1.46).  Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adanya hubungaan proses persalinan dengan pemeriksaan Antenatal Care pada hasil persalinan dengan kejadian asfiksia berat dan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah . Persalinan abnormal dengan komplikasi terjadi pada ibu dengan pemeriksaan Antenatal <4 kali. Saran bagi petugas pelayanan kesehatan agar lebih meningkatkan deteksi dini faktor risiko pada ibu hamil dengan pemantauan secara aktif pada ibu semasa hamil.  Kata Kunci : Pemeriksaan antenatal, jenis persalinan, ibu hamil
Penyuluhan Metode Akupresure Terhadap Nyeri Haid Pada Siswi MA Al-Junaidiyah Biru : Counseling on the Acupressure Method for Menstrual Pain At MA Al-Junaidiyah Biru students musni Musni; Ita Novianti; St. Malka; Sitti Fatimah; Kiki Reski Rahmadani; Mutmainnah Mutmainnah; A.Ulfa Fatmasanti; Asrianti Safitri Muchtar
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Februari : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/nusantara.v3i1.744


Period teenager is period of the reproductive system already experience maturity for reproduce so that on period teenager also already experience menstruation. wrong a common syndrome happen in the menstrual process is painful period. this syndrome the symptoms different different each individual wrong only one is dizziness,nausea,abdominal pain, constipation until faint so that could disturbing activity. For resolve problem the can do  treatment in a manner pharmacology with consume drugs and can also use remote method  more safe from on consuming medicine is method therapy acupressure. Purpose devotion this give education about acupressure therapy as alternative method for treat painful period. live use method belended learning (lectures, QandA, and practicum) was carried out for 33 female students to make it easy understand what is conveyed and capable apply it in life everyday.Results activity counseling this is happen enhancement significant to knowledge female student about acupressure method for treat dysmenorrhea
Antenatal Compliance Relationship Care with Anxiety of Pregnant Women in Time Pandemic Covid-19 Sitti Fatimah; Musni Musni; A. Ulfa Fatmasanti; Kiki Reski Rahmadani
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 3 No. 6 (2022): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v3i6.758


Pregnant women, who are at a higher risk of getting the coronavirus than other populations, have felt the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Avoiding antenatal care (ANC) appointments due to anxiety puts the mother and fetus at risk for complications like undiagnosed bleeding at any point in the pregnancy. The purpose of this study is to examine whether or not pregnant women's fear about the Covid 19 epidemic affects their likelihood of keeping up with their scheduled ANC checkups. Analytical approaches based on cross-sectional studies. During April and May of 2021, investigators visited the Sibulue Health Center in Bone Regency. The demographic requirements are met by the responses of 48 pregnant women in their second and third trimesters who are able to explain their sentiments and anxieties. Twenty-eight pregnant women (58.3%) and nine pregnant women (18.0%) who did not suffer anxiety made frequent ANC visits to healthcare facilities throughout the Covid-19 epidemic. Among pregnant women, 18 (37.5%) had anxiety and were not attending ANC on a regular basis. Nine pregnant women (n = 9) did not report experiencing any anxiety, however two of them did not obtain consistent ANC. Using a chi-square test, we found a significance level of 0.001. (p 0.05). Women's worry during pregnancy was associated with their use of prenatal care services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Postpartum Gymnastics with the Process of Uterine Involution in the Regional General Hospital of Central Sulawesi Zumrotul Ula; Wahidah Munir; Eka Sarofah Ningsih; Lumastari Ajeng Wijayanti; Yenny Sima; Sitti Fatimah
International Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): International Journal of Health Sciences
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.406 KB) | DOI: 10.59585/ijhs.v1i1.54


Many factors can affect the involution process including postpartum exercises, breastfeeding, early mobilization, nutritional status, parity and age. One of the factors that influence uterine involution is postpartum exercise and parity. Mothers who do not do puerperal exercises have a slower involution process and high parity involution process becomes slower, because the more often pregnant, the uterus will often experience strain. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between postpartum exercises and parity with the process of uterine involution at the Regional General Hospital of Central Sulawesi Province. The design of this study used the Surveyanalytic method with a Cross Sectional approach. Cross Sectional is a research design by measuring and observing the independent and related variables only once at the same time and at the time of the study. This research was conducted at Central Sulawesi Provincial Hospital. The results of the analysis show that the results of the statistical analysis test using the Chi-square test obtained a value of ρvalue = 0.000 (ρ < 0.05), where Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means there is a significant relationship between parity and the process of involutionouteri. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between postpartum exercises, parity with the involution process at the Central Sulawesi Provincial General Hospital. This is because postpartum exercises help heal the uterus, abdomen, and hip muscles that have been traumatized and accelerate the return of these parts to normal form while parity, due to the state of the uterus which is increasingly pregnant uterus is also often stretched.
Penyuluhan Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja Putri Di SMP Negeri 2 Sibulue Desa Sumpang Minangae Kabupaten Bone Asrianti Safitri Muchtar; Ita Novianti; Sitti Fatimah; Desi Heriyana
Natural: Jurnal Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Bergerak bersama Masyarakat. Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Februari : Natural: Jurnal Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Bergerak bersama Masyarakat
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Kesehatan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/natural.v2i1.275


Adolescent reproductive health is a healthy condition originating from the systems, functions and processes of the reproductive organs of adolescents, namely men and women aged 10-19 years and who are not yet married. Teenagers' lack of knowledge about reproductive health will certainly have an impact on attitudes that don't care about their reproductive health. Adolescents experience various problems related to reproductive health such as unwanted pregnancies (KTD), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, this is due, in part, to a lack of knowledge and caring attitude towards their reproductive health. The aim of this community service is to provide counseling related to reproductive health to adolescents and then evaluate their level of knowledge before and after the counseling is carried out. The stages are in the form of a pre-test, followed by a presentation of counseling material using the lecture method, followed by a question and answer session and discussion then ending with a participant post-test. The results showed that there was an increase in the level of knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health after the counseling was carried out.