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Pengendalian Persediaan di Distributor Hasil Daniel Kurniawan; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 1, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Hasil distributor runs a building equipment product. The service of this company is dealing with retailer's demand using make to order system. There are some sales difficulties issues in Hasil distributor, therefore in some occasion there will be an unfullfilled demand conditions. Based on issues faced by the Hasil distributor, we do the analysis to control inventory. The analysis is using forecasting method, in order to predict retailer's demand to Hasil distributor in the future. Forecasting method that are used to support the analysis are time series with moving average method, single ex smoothing, double ex smoothing, and winter method. The calculation of EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) multi item will be based on the forecasting result which will be useful for supply control in Hasil distributor and for minimizing the supply cost.The analysis is using the comparison between company method and EOQ multi item method for period of three months. Company method shows 28% fullfilled demand and 72% unfullfilled demand with lost sale IDR. 14,593,936,- while the result from EOQ multi items is 56% fullfilled demand and 44% unfullfilled demand with holding cost IDR. 56.507,-. Based on the above result, EOQ multi item method gives better result than the company method.
Upaya Peningkatan Output Produksi Pada Fasilitas Kerja Departemen Preparation Di PT. Integra Indocabinet Lim Robby Jayadi; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. Integra Indocabinet is a company which produces indoor furniture that is make to order. Problems were discovered on the production floor of Preparation Department, they are in the process of jumping saw and the rotary press. Problem that occurred in the process of jumping saw was inefficient of unloading activities then resulting in the accumulation of wood. On the other hand, problem that occurred in the process of rotary press was overtime process. Regarding of those problems, proposed improvement was given to jumping saw process by redesign its table in order to be more efficient then can speed up the unloading time. While for the rotary press process, it was proposed to add glue spreader roll on each rotary machine so that the clamping process would approach the ideal processing time. Trial of improved jumping saw process has been done and has proven to increase production capacity by 34%, but for the rotary press has not been done yet due to unavailability of spreader roll and unfinished of re-layout process.
Peningkatan Production Flexibility pada Etios di PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Andrieas Sugiono; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Currently, the system of car order at PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (PT TMMIN) is not flexible. The orders must be fixed 2 months before their production month (firm order). PT TMMIN gives customer a privilege for changing their grade after firm order or Weekly Order Change (WOC). In this paper, WOC is applied for product Etios. The application of WOC is done in Global Production Planning System (GPPS) by changing the system. It is used to make the orders more flexible after firm order. This application impacts on unique import part as well and requires 10 percent additional safety stock allocation. Additional safety stock needs additional inventory cost as much as Rp 6XX million rupiahs.
Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi pada PT. Adicitra Bhirawa Karine Santoso Putri; I Gede Agus Widyadana; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Currently, PT. Adicitra Bhirawa wants to increase their production capacity from 120 truck boxes per month into 250 truck boxes per month. The increasing of production capacity is applied by changing their production system from the piecework production system into line production system. The line production system is more efficient than the piecework production system in terms of the worker productivity. Line production system is designed using two heuristic methods of line balancing, Kilbridge-Wester and Helgeson-Birnie. The result shows Kilbridge-Wester gives the better result with 15 workstations. The proposed line production system can achieve the production target and increase the monthly worker productivity from 5.7 truck boxes/worker to 11.9 truck boxes/worker. A proposed plant layout is applied in order to support the new line production system.
Pengembangan Model Rantai Pasok Pisang Mas di Lumajang dan Malang Gerry Anggian Gunawan; I Gede Agus Widyadana; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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Pisang Mas (Musa acuminata colla) is one of important commodities in East Java. Previous study showed that there are two different supply chain models at Lumajang and at Malang. In these paper, we combine different supply chain models and considers the effect of price on customer demand. This model is simulated using Vensim PLE software. The result shows that demand is affected by price change. This model is sensitive to price with percentage of 12,4% in retail and 13,04% in traditional market.
The The Effect of Document Holder’s Degree of Tilt on Working Speed and Fatigue Herry Christian Palit; Debora Anne Yang Aysia
Jurnal Ergonomi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Ergonomic) Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Volume 7 No 2 December 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Ergonomi Fisiologi Kerja Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana Denpasar Bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEI.2021.v07.i02.p07


The prolonged use of computers, followed by incorrect posture, could cause neck pain and excessive eye refocusing. Document holder was one of office ergonomics’ tools that could reduce neck pain and eye refocusing problems. The research aims to find out the optimum document holders’ degree of tilt. Twenty female respondents from Faculty of Industrial Technology conducted typing activity using a document holder. There were three document holder’s tilt angle levels: 15°, 30°, and 45°. The responses of this study were working speed and fatigue’s level that have lower the better characteristics. Indicators of fatigue’s level that were being used were reaction time’s difference and eyes fatigue level. Working speed and reaction time difference were analyzed by using Pearson Correlation test and Multivariate Analysis of Variance. Eye fatigue level was analyzed by using Kruskal-Wallis. The results show that the optimal document holder’s degree of tilt is 45°.
Jurnal RESTIKOM : Riset Teknik Informatika dan Komputer Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/restikom.v3i2.83


Penyebaran virus COVID-19 yang telah ditetapkan sebagai pandemi oleh World Health Organization sedang menjadi permasalahan global yang harus dihadapi oleh berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Salah satu upaya untuk pemutusan rantai penyebaran COVID-19 yaitu penerapan physical distancing. Kebijakan ini mengharuskan tenaga pendidik dan peserta didik melangsungkan kegiatan pembelajaran secara daring. Akibatnya, penggunaan gadget/komputer meningkat dan risiko kesehatan seperti musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) meningkat pula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh computer workplace ergonomics design terhadap keluhan musculoskeletal disorder selama pembelajaran daring. Terdapat 258 responden mahasiswa yang berdomisili di Jawa Timur dan merupakan mahasiswa angkatan 2017 hingga 2020. Pengukuran desain ergonomis tempat kerja komputer dilakukan dengan memberikan beberapa pernyataan yang berhubungan dengan kriteria evaluasi desain ergonomis tempat kerja komputer, sedangkan pengukuran MSD menggunakan Nordic Body Map. Kuesioner disebarkan menggunakan Google Form dan dilakukan secara daring. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney, uji Kruskal Wallis, uji korelasi Rank Spearman, dan uji regresi ordinal logistik dengan bantuan software IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 163 responden memiliki hasil skor yang tergolong ke dalam kategori baik. Hasil uji beda menyatakan bahwa tingkat MSD pria lebih rendah dibandingkan wanita. Hal ini dikarenakan kemampuan otot wanita lebih rendah dibandingkan pria. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa model sudah fit dengan data dan desain ergonomis tempat kerja komputer memiliki pengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap MSD.
Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Daring pada Virtual Learning Environment UK Petra Melalui Integrasi Metode Kansei Engineering dan QFD Natalia Ratna Dewi Lesmono; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Titra 11(1) Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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The implementation of online learning at UK Petra since 1st Semester 2019/2020 has drawn criticism and suggestions from lecturers and students which are channeled through ELTC. Complaints about the implementation of online learning occur in e-learning material/content, e-learning interactive media, and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The complaint relates to the e-learning tools used. This research was carried out to select each e-learning tool that was by Kansei words. In 2nd Semester 2020/2021 academic year, the assessment of the learning aspect with the lowest score of 1.95-2.00 was VLE UK Petra (Lentera). Various complaints about the use of the Lentera, such as information that is too crowded, the location of the features is not clear then causing the failure, and the presentation of information that is not clear. Evaluation of the implementation of online learning at Lentera and Google Classroom also needs to be done. The evaluation process is carried out by integrating the Kansei Engineering and Quality Function Deployment methods. Using the average assessment results with semantic differential scale, Google Classroom is a good e-learning tool for every Kansei words. There are 11 proposed improvements that can be applied in Lentera
Perancangan Sistem Manajemen Pergudangan di PT. Intidaya Dinamika Sejati Daniel Wahyuning Laksono; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Titra 11(1) Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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PT. Intidaya Dinamika Sejati is a workshop company as well as the official holder for importers of blowers and vacuums in Indonesia with Pedro Gil and Becker as its brands. As a company that has a vision and mission to become a public company, it is appropriate to need a stable system that has a concept of continuous improvement to support success. This research began with the purchase of goods which are always processed even though the availability of goods was adequate, the cause of this incident was the difference in the physical stock in the warehouse with the stock recorded in the system. The purpose of this research was none other than to find out the root cause of the problem from the incompatibility of recording and storage data. The research was conducted by observation method. The results of the study stated that the discrepancy was caused by logistics management and warehouse management that lacked discipline both from the operational and warehouse management side, which resulted in discrepancies in the recording results. Through the results of the analysis, it is found a suggestion in the form of using the bar code method which includes rearranging the storage system, updated operating standards, and an organized recording method. From the result, it is expected to provide a concept that can be implemented and as a support in the company development process.
Upaya Penurunan Kecacatan Produk dan Perancangan Monitoring Proses Produksi di CV Jamatex Raoulian Witarto Tjandra; Herry Christian Palit
Jurnal Titra Vol 11, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Titra 11(1) Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurnal Titra

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CV Jamatex is a company engaged in the textile industry. One of the products produced by CV Jamatex is a patterned rayon fabric. The high level of defects and the absence of monitoring of the production process are the two biggest obstacles experienced by CV Jamatex. In the analysis of the problem for a high level of defects in this report, there are four types of defects, namely the types of defects in the rayon fabric which are stained, faded, torn and dirty. To analyze the level of disability is done using the five whys analysis method. For these four types of defects, improvement plans have been made, in the form of form printing worksheets, machine maintenance worksheets, work instructions, and prototype stenter machine aids. Whereas for problem analysis there is no monitoring of the production process, this is because monitoring at CV Jamatex is still quite simple. The design of the improvements made is to monitor the production process through the Microsoft Excel platform. The design of improvements in this final project report aims to overcome two problems that occur at CV Jamatex. The company has validated the proposed improvements.