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Journal : The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery

HAMBATAN DETEKSI DINI HIV/AIDS PADA IBU HAMIL Studi pada salah satu puskesmas di wilayah Sumatra Barat Sumitri, Sumitri; Darmayanti, Darmayanti
The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery Vol 3 No 1 (2017): The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia

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ABSTRAK  Resiko penularan HIV dari ibu ke bayi masih cukup tinggi, namun kesadaran melakukan deteksi dini rendah (0,85 %). Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis hambatan deteksi dini HIV/AIDS dari pihak responden, keluarga dan konselor, serta model konseling. Penelitin ini adalah penelitian deskritip dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuatitatif dan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dari 49 ibu hamil dan 2 orang konselor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan tentang deteksi dini HIV cukup tinggi 61,2%, sikap positif terhadap deteksi dini HIV berjumlah 49 %, dukungan positif keluarga untuk deteksi dini HIV sebanyak 63,7%. Deteksi dini konseling individual sebanyak 18,4% kemudian dilakukan konseling ulang dengan model terintegrasi dengan kegiatan  kelas ibu didapatkan hasil sebanyak  90 % responden melakukan deteksi dini  HIV. Hambatan yang ditemukan pihak konselor dalam penelitian ini adalah keterbatasan waktu dan fasilitas ruangan untuk konseling belum memadai. Hambatan dari responden adalah adanya stigma tentang penyakit HIV, perasaan  terintimidasi, takut diambil darah, takut dengan jarum suntik, dan takut mengetahui  hasilnya.  Kesimpulan  terdapat  hambatan   pelaksanaan  deteksi  dini HIV/AIDS pada ibu hamil pada aspek responden dan kesiapan pelayanan kesehatan.   Kata Kunci: Deteksi dini HIV, Ibu hamil, Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dukungan Keluarga dan konselor     ABSTRACT  Risk of HIV transmission from mother to fetus is very high, however the awareness to  did the early detection are still very low (0.85%). The purpose of the study to analyze the barriers to early detection of HIV/AIDS from the respondent, family and counselors, as well as models of counseling. This research is descriptive research using quantitative and qualitative approach. Data were collected from 49 pregnant women and 2 counselors. The results showed knowledge about early detection of HIV is high enough 61.2%, a positive attitude towards early detection HIV amounted to 49%, positive family support for early detection of HIV as much as 63.7%. Early detection of individual counseling as much as 18.4% and then re-counseled with integrated model with maternal class activities obtained results as much as 90% of respondents conducted early detection of HIV. The barriers from the counselor in this study is the limited time and room facilities for counseling is not adequate. The barriers from respondents are the existence of a stigma about HIV disease, feeling intimidated, afraid of blood taken, fear with a syringe, and fear of knowing the results. Conclusion there are barriers to the implementation of early detection of HIV/AIDS on pregnant women on the respondent and the readiness of the health service.  Key words: Early detection of HIV, pregnant women, the knowledge, attitudes, and Family Support counselor