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Upaya Peningkatan IPM Dari Sisi Pendidikan Pada Masyarakat Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat Indri Arrafi Juliannisa; MB Nani Ariani; Tri Siswantini
IKRA-ITH ABDIMAS Vol 6 No 1 (2023): IKRAITH-ABDIMAS Vol 6 No 1 Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37817/ikra-ithabdimas.v6i1.2358


In a life for a person/individual to be able to live well, it cannot be separated from what is attached to himself that he has, without having to need the help of others, namely a science, creation/idea. Ability and desire, all of which will not be achieved or possessed, if we are very lacking or even do not have it at all because we cannot read, write and count which we know as illiteracy. With the current condition that everything is digital or technological progress, it is very unfortunate if there are still an area or village whose people are illiterate, so that the village can be said to have a shortage or difficulty in their lives, even the impact will eventually reduce economic growth a country. Then how can the village that is left behind, to be able to progress and develop at least for the consumption of himself and his family does not lack, it is necessary to have public awareness that has education, innovation, knowledge and ability to be able to help it. So that they can be released from continuous suffering, if there is no help from outside the area. Therefore, we, from the Lecturer team of Educational Institutions from Universitas Pembangunan Veteran Jakarta, are very moved to invite the village/regional community to want to participate and support educational institution programs in a community service activity in the context of implementing the eradication of illiteracy in early childhood in the village of Johar Baru. By conducting training in the teaching and learning process for those who cannot read, write and count, so that they can help government programs, namely improving education in the context of poverty eradication programs.
Analisis anomali perdagangan saham terhadap return saham IDX30 di bursa efek Indonesia Ahmad Pauzi; Tri Siswantini
AKUNTABEL Vol 19, No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.008 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin mengetahui (1) apakah return saham harian memiliki perbedaan selama masa perdagangan saham, (2) apakah Monday Effect terjadi pada perdagangan saham, dan (3) apakah Weekend Effect terjadi pada perdagangan saham. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 27 perusahaan yang terdaftar di IDX30 periode Januari 2020 hingga Desember 2020 dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik untuk menganalisis hipotesis yaitu uji Kruskal Wallis dan uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test dengan bantuan Microsoft Excel 2019 dan SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian memberikan bukti dimana (1) return saham harian memiliki perbedaan selama masa perdagangan saham di IDX30, (2) Monday Effect terjadi pada perdagangan saham di IDX30, dan (3) Weekend Effect terjadi pada perdagangan saham di IDX30.
Analisis capital asset pricing model dengan fama and french three factors model terhadap excess return saham perbankan di Indonesia Debora Gloria Serepina; Tri Siswantini
JURNAL MANAJEMEN Vol 14, No 2 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/jmmn.v14i2.11195


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis dan menguji model penilaian asset terhadap tingkat pengembalian berlebih pada perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2016 sampai dengan 2020. Purposive sampling merupakan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Berdasarkan dengan kriteria sampel penelitian, di dapati 40 perusahaan bank sebagai sampel penelitian. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010 serta pengujian hipotesis penelitian menggunakan SPSS versi 25.0. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menganalisis masing-masing model dalam menghitung excess return  serta menguji model dengan  uji regresi linear, uji simultan dan uji koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan  bahwa kedua model penilaian asset berpengaruh terhadap excess return saham perbankan. Model CAPM berhasil menentukan 16 saham efisien dan model FFTFM berhasil menentukan 1 portofolio efisien dengan nilai excess return  sebesar 0.39% dan 3 portofolio optimal dengan nilai excess return sebesar 3.94%, 1.27%, dan 1.56%
Jurnal Apresiasi Ekonomi Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Ilmu Sosial Khatulistiwa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.372 KB) | DOI: 10.31846/jae.v9i1.335


This research is quantitative research that aims among other things to determine the effect of liquidity, leverage and profitability of the financial distress. The sample in the consumer goods industry this research in the listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2016 - 2018. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling method. The research sample of 24 companies with a total number of observations 53. Testing the hypothesis in this study using logistic regression analysis with Eviews 9.0 program. The results of the test were obtained (1) there is a significant effect on the liquidity of financial distress, (2) there is no effect on the leverage of financial distress, (3) there is a significant effect on the profitability of financial distress
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i3.17389


Koperasi Berlian di bawah PKK yang berlokasi di Desa Pisangan Ciputat Timur, Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) ini mulai melakukan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah sejak tahun 2015. Tujuan utama kelompok usaha yang sebagian besar perempuan ini adalah menciptakan iklim ekonomi yang stabil. Perjalanan panjang mengembangkan usaha peningkatan pendapatan keluarga (UP2K) di Kecamatan Pisangan tidaklah mudah, butuh proses panjang. Berlian koperasi UP2K berlokasi di Jalan Cirendeu Indah 1 GG Mushollah RT 005/003 Setidaknya ada 6 unit usaha, antara lain pernak-pernik, kue kering, kue basah, lauk pauk, sajian, dan berbagai produk lainnya. UP2K Kelurahan Pisangan, hal ini sangat bermanfaat untuk memberikan penghasilan bagi masyarakat. Kelurahan Pisangan memiliki luas 405 hektare dengan 18 RW dan 115 RT yang terdiri dari 70 persen perumahan, sisanya adalah desa. Meskipun telah terjadi pertumbuhan kuantitas, masih banyak permasalahan dan tantangan dalam pengembangan UMKM anggota koperasi Berlian. Implementasi bisnis masih dilakukan dengan cara tradisional, tidak berdasarkan rencana, karena itu banyak pelaku UMKM yang gagal dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya. Untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan daya saing UMKM anggota Koperasi Berlian, diperlukan rencana aksi untuk menumbuhkan dan memperkuat eksistensi Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Rencana aksi tersebut merupakan dokumen perencanaan pemberdayaan UMKM anggota Koperasi Berlian dalam enam bulan ke depan. Sasaran khusus dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah (1) memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam menulis rencana aksi; (2) mitra kerja mampu melaksanakan rencana aksi dengan baik; (3) Menciptakan masyarakat yang produktif dan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan untuk mendukung perekonomian keluarga. Metode dalam kegiatan ini adalah (1) perkuliahan; (2) diskusi kelompok besar; (3) simulasi; (3) Pemantauan dan bantuan
Analisis Perilaku Keuangan Generasi Z Pada Mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jakarta di Masa Pandemi Syifa Nur Aini; Wahyudi; Tri Siswantini
JRB-Jurnal Riset Bisnis Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/jrb.v5i1.2605


Tujuan dari penelitian kuantitatif ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana dompet digital, lokus kontrol, dan gaya hidup mempengaruhi perilaku keuangan Generasi Z di kalangan mahasiswa UPN Veteran Jakarta. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan metode non-probability sampling dengan strategi kuota, dengan 210 responden diambil dari seluruh fakultas. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Google Forms untuk mengirim kuesioner. Aplikasi Smart PLS 3 digunakan untuk menguji analisis data, validitas dan reliabilitas, serta hipotesis dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Diperoleh hasil yaitu variabel penggunaan dompet digital berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku keuangan, variabel lokus kontrol berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku keuangan, dan variabel gaya hidup berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku keuangan. Kata Kunci: penggunaan dompet digital, lokus kontrol, gaya hidup
Financial Management Education in Traditional Cake Entrepreneurship Under The Share of The Diamond Cooperative in Pisangan Village, South Tangerang Tri Siswantini; Ayunita Ajengtyas Saputri; Rahmasari Fahria; Sufyati HS
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35568/abdimas.v6i4.3469


The main problem in Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), one of which is limited capital. Difficulties in obtaining loans or other external capital are partly because MSMEs do not have financial information that is accountable, transparent, has integrity, and is in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards. Apart from that, business financial management is still mixed with household finances, and the lack of knowledge regarding product cost calculations means that MSME products often have higher prices compared to imported products. Community service activities are carried out in collaboration with the Berlian Cooperative in the South Tangerang Region which is engaged in savings and loans and selling traditional Betawi cakes. The aim of this community service (PKM) is to provide education regarding business financial management and mechanisms for calculating costs and product selling prices based on cost accounting. The implementation method is in the form of lectures and simulations of calculating product costs and recording simple financial reports. The results of PKM activities show that the results of questionnaires distributed at the pre-activity stage show that this MSME group still has problems related to business bookkeeping and proper financial management so the average MSME actor in this group still does not know the exact amount of income and costs, and the profits generated from their efforts. Based on this, it is necessary to carry out further training and assistance related to financial management and literacy in banking and non-banking financial services so that MSME players can develop their businesses. Keywords: MSMEs, Financial Governance, Production Costs, Selling Prices