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Potensi Pemanfaatan Red mud Pulau Bintan Ramdhani, Eka Putra; Permana, Dian
Jurnal Zarah Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Zarah
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

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Red mud is a solid waste residue of the digestion of bauxite ores with caustic soda for alumina production. Bintan Island as one of the bauxite mines in Indonesia has a large red mud potential that can be utilized for research utilization. Red mud has a negative impact on the environment because the condition is alkaline, and in the form of fine-grained mud, and the amount is large enough. Over the last decade, research has been conducted to increase the added value of red mud. This journal explains briefly about the potential of red mud in order to be used as reference for red mud development in Bintan Island. Keywords: Red Mud, Bintan Island, Utilization   Red mud adalah residu atau bahan buangan yang berasal dari pengolahan bauksit untuk produksi alumina. Pulau Bintan sebagai salah satu derah tambang Bauksit di Indonesia memiliki potensi red mud dalam jumlah besar yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penelitian pemanfaatannya. Red mud mud’dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan karena kondisinya bersifat basa, dan dalam bentuk lumpur berbutiran halus, serta jumlahnya cukup besar. Selama dekade terakhir, telah dilakukan berbagai penelitian untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah red mud. Jurnal ini memaparkan secara singkat mengenai potensi red mud agar dapat dijadikan bahan referensi pengembangan red mud di pulau Bintan. Kata kunci: Red Mud, Pulau Bintan, Pemanfaatan
Publisher : Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/risetgeotam2020.v30.1097


Ekstraksi nikel laterit menggunakan metode hidrometalurgi lebih efisien dari segi konsumsi energi dengan lebih sedikit gas buang dibandingkan dengan metode pirometalurgi. Hal ini menyebabkan nikel laterit berkadar rendah dapat diekstraksi lebih banyak menggunakan metode hidrometalurgi. Salah satu metode hidrometalurgi dalam mengekstraksi nikel dari bijih nikel laterit adalah Atmospheric Acid Leaching. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data persentase perolehan nikel, menentukan variabel yang paling berpengaruh dan menentukan kondisi optimum dalam proses pelindian. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan variasi pada faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam proses leaching yakni temperatur, konsentrasi asam dan waktu pelindian. Analisis kandungan nikel hasil pelindian dilakukan menggunakan Atomic Adsorbtion Spectroscopy (AAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase perolehan nikel terendah adalah 9,40% Ni dan tertinggi 75,76% Ni. Perhitungan ANOVA digunakan untuk menentukan faktor paling berpengaruh pada proses pelindian nikel laterit. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah temperatur (B), diikuti konsentrasi asam (A), waktu pelindian (C), interaksi konsentrasi-temperatur (AB), interaksi temperatur-waktu (BC), interaksi konsentrasi-waktu (AC) dan interaksi konsentrasi-temperatur-waktu (ABC). Kondisi optimum pelindian diperoleh pada kondisi temperatur 75°C, konsentrasi asam 2,9-3 Molar dalam waktu 69-70 menit dengan perolehan nikel >70%. ABSTRACT -  Leaching of Low-Grade Nickel Laterite Ore Using Atmospheric Acid Leaching Method in Hydrochloric Acid. Nickel laterite extraction using the hydrometallurgical method is more efficient in energy consumption with less exhaust gas than the pyrometallurgical method. This method causes the extraction of low-grade nickel laterite ore using hydrometallurgy could be more effective. One of the hydrometallurgical methods to extract nickel from its ore is atmospheric acid leaching. This research aims to determine the percentage of nickel recovery through the leaching process, determine the most influenced leaching factor, and determine the optimum leaching condition. The main factors that influence the leaching process are temperature, acid concentration, and leaching time. Atomic adsorption spectroscopy was chosen to analyze the leaching solution. This research showed that the lowest recovery of nickel leaching was 9,40% of Ni, and the highest was 75,76% of Ni. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the most influenced factor of leaching. The most influenced factor was the temperature (B), followed by acid concentration (A), duration (C), the interaction of acid concentration-temperature (AB), the interaction of temperature-duration (BC), the interaction of acid concentration-duration (AC), and interaction of acid concentration-temperature-duration (ABC). The optimum leaching condition is at 75°C of temperature, 2,9-3 molar of acid concentration, in 69-70 minutes of duration, which has >70% of Ni recovery.
Mechanical Behaviour and Microstructure Characteristic of Concrete by Using Freshwater and Seawater Mansyur Mansyur; Dian Permana
Civil Engineering Journal Vol 6, No 6 (2020): June
Publisher : Salehan Institute of Higher Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091540


The development of infrastructure in archipelago countries often faces difficulties and challenges due to the lack of fresh water. Hence, in some cases, the usage of seawater is favourable, in particular for concrete making. Little studies have been conducted on comparing the seawater, and freshwater concretes, especially on microstructure analysis. The objective of this study was to reveal the compressive strength, elasticity, and microstructure of concrete using seawater and freshwater as the mixing water. The methodology of this study was mix design, making test specimens, curing test specimens, and microstructure analysis. The tests of concretes were conducted for each sample with variations of 1, 3, 7, and 28 days and the mechanical behavior were tested using compressive strength and elasticity as parameters. At the same time, the microstructure was examined using an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results showed an increase in compressive strength and elasticity of seawater and freshwater concretes at all variations with insignificant differences observed between the two types of concretes. It was also discovered that the formation of Friedel's salt (3CaO.Al2O3.CaCl2.10H2O) in the seawater concrete was not in the freshwater concrete. In conclusion, the differentiation of microstructure did not significantly affect the compressive strength and elasticity between seawater and freshwater in mixing concrete.
Fabrication of Chitosan/Fe3O4 Nanocomposite as Adsorbent for Reduction Methylene Blue Contents La Harimu; Sri Wahyuni; Nasrudin Nasrudin; Muhamad Jalil Baari; Dian Permana
Indonesian Journal of Chemistry Vol 22, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijc.65430


Methylene blue (MB) is a dye in wastewater from textile industries that pollutes the water environment. Reduction of its content is necessary for protecting humans and the surrounding environment. This study fabricated chitosan/Fe3O4 nanocomposite through the mixture of chitosan from crab shell waste and magnetite (Fe3O4) from local sand iron with sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)-sulfate crosslinker as an adsorbent to reduce methylene blue content. The obtained composite was characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrophotometer and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) instrument. The contents of methylene blue before and after applying adsorbent-based nanocomposite were determined using an ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer. FTIR characterization results show that chitosan and chitosan/Fe3O4 nanocomposite had successfully synthesized based on the typical vibrational peaks. The deacetylation degree of chitosan was 69.79%. Fe3O4, and chitosan/Fe3O4 nanocomposite, were confirmed by XRD patterns. The chitosan/Fe3O4 nanocomposite adsorption capacity reached 45.37 mg/g when adsorption occurred with 20 mg adsorbent, pH 9, and contact time of 1.5 h. Hence, the chitosan/Fe3O4 nanocomposite in this study has potency and is applicable to adsorb MB effectively.
Sharing Introduction (Sosialisasi) Dengan Metode Klasikal Pengenalan Prodi Pendidikan Kimia Secara Milenial Muhammad Fath Azzajjad; Dewi Satria Ahmar; Alimuddin; Edi Ilimu; Ruslin Hadanu; Musdalifatul Adewia; Ayu Kusumawati; Dian Permana; Ayu Rahayu
Panrannuangku Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi dan Rekayasa, Yayasan Ahmar Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35877/panrannuangku790


Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka merupakan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri yang berada di Wilayah Kabupaten Kolaka Provinsi Sulawesi tenggara, sebagai Perguruan Tinggi negeri pertama di Kolaka yang berdiri sebagai kampus Negeri pada tahun 2015, sedangkan program studi pendidikan kimia berdiri mulai tahun 2017. Tantangan bagi civitas akademika adalah program studi pendidikan kimia belum dikenal oleh masyarakat di wilayah kolaka, akses informasi lewat sosial media yang terbatas mempengaruhi animo masyarakat untuk mendaftar pada penerimaan mahasiswa baru dalam 2 tahun terakhir. Strategi sharing introduction dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dengan metode klasikal. sasarannya adalah siswa kelas XII yang akan tamat pada tahun pelajaran 2021/2022. Sosialisasi dilakukan melalui metode pendekatan case study dan pelibatan HMPS untuk sosialisasi melalui media sosial.
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Bionano Hidroksiapatit (HAp) Secara Insitu Dengan Metode Hidrotermal Laode A. Kadir; Dian Permana; Thamrin Azis
Cokroaminoto Journal of Chemical Science Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

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The pokea clamshell contains high calcium content which has the potency to be used as a precursor of calcium in synthesis of hydroxyapatite (HAp). This study aimed to utilize the waste of the pokea clamshells as a precursor of CaO in synthesizing of HAp, and to carry out the characterizations. Analysis of CaO content XRF showed that pokea clamshell after calcination was 94.23% (by weight). The hydrothermal method synthesized HAp confirmed the formation of single phase of HAp as indicated by the sharpness of the phosphate (PO43-) vibration peak at 561.85; 962.01; and 1024.55 cm-1.
Optimasi Kombinasi Kulit Sukun (Activated Carbon) dengan Zeolit Alam Sebagai Adsorben Kemasan Celup dalam Mereduksi Konsentrasi Logam Besi (Fe) dan Nikel (Ni) Sampel Air Sumur Edi Ilimu; Budirman Giawa; Alimuddin Alimuddin; Dian Permana; Surya Ningsih
SAINTIFIK Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Saintifik: Jurnal Matematika, Sains, dan Pembelajarannya
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/saintifik.v9i1.410


Telah dilakukan penelitian karbon aktif kulit buah sukun yang dikombinasikan dengan zeolit alam sebagai adsorben kemasan celup untuk mereduksi konsentrasi logam besi (Fe) dan nikel (Ni) dalam air sumur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kemampuan adsorben arang aktif kulit buah sukun yang dioptimasikan dengan zeolit alam dalam mereduksi konsentrasi logam Fe dan Ni. Percobaan dilakukan dalam skala laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode variasi konsentrasi karbon aktif yang dianalisis menggunakan Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom (SSA). Pada adsorpsi logam Fe, activated carbon celup dengan konsentrasi x : y, 2x : y, 5x : y, x, y secara berturut-turut mampu mengadsorpsi logam Fe sebesar 0,5844, 0,5679, 0,6092, 0,5431, 0,5761 ppm dengan daya adsorpsi setiap 1 gram adsorben selama 60 menit secara berturut-turut 0,0974, 0,0946, 0,1015, 0,1810, 0,1929. Kondisi optimum daya serap adsorben karbon aktif celup dalam mereduksi kosentrasi Fe terjadi pada komposisi 5x:y sebesar 0,6092 ppm dan daya serap setiap 1 g adsorben dengan lama perendaman 60 menit sebesar 0,1015 mg/g. Sedangkan adsorpsi logam Ni, activated carbon celup dengan konsentrasi x : y, 2x : y, 5x : y, x, y secara berturut-turut mampu mengadsorpsi logam Ni sebesar 0,9290, 0,7070, 0,7799, 0,9290, 0,9290 ppm dengan daya adsorpsi karbon aktif celup pada komposisi 2x : y, 5x : y, yaitu 0,1178, 0,1299 ppm
Implementasi Software Hyperchem sebagai Media Praktikum Elektronik Visualisasi Struktur dan Sifat Senyawa Kimia di SMAN 1 Mawasangka Timur Muhamad Jalil Baari; L A Na’ani; Agusriyadin Agusriyadin; Megawati Megawati; Faradisa Anindita; Alfiah Alif; Salim Salim; Netty Huzniati Andas; Arif Prasetya; Sarimuddin Sarimuddin; Dian Permana
Dimasejati: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 3 (2023): Penguatan Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Percepatan Pembangunan Sumber Daya Manusi
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/dimasejati.202353.13507


Chemistry is not merely a science that only studies theory in class. Chemistry learning requires practical or experimental activities to observe and directly apply chemical concepts during face-to-face meetings in class. Meanwhile, the unavailability of laboratory facilities is one of the factors in not carrying out chemistry practice. This causes students difficulties in understanding the concept of chemistry as a whole and can potentially reduce learning motivation. This public service activity aims to implement the Hyperchem software for teachers and students of SMA Negeri 1 Mawasangka Timur as an alternative solution for chemistry labs in the form of electronic labs. The chemical topics selected and considered suitable for this type of practice were the structure and properties of chemical compounds. This activity is carried out in the form of a workshop. Workshop materials use lectures, simulations, discussions, and question-and-answer models. The activity's results showed the workshop participants' enthusiasm to use the Hyperchem software as a chemistry lab media. This is reflected in the evaluation of the workshop implementation, which is carried out by assessing the response of the workshop participants based on indicators of relevance, the ability of the presenters, ease of use, availability, and usefulness of the Hyperchem software. The evaluation results show that the workshop and the implementation of the Hyperchem software as an electronic practice media for visualizing the structure and properties of chemical compounds received a positive response from the workshop participants.
Sintesis Dan Karakterisasi Katalis CaO/K2O dari Batu Gamping untuk Produksi Biodiesel Faradisa Anindita; Dian Permana; Hasriani Said
Journal of The Indonesian Society of Integrated Chemistry Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): Journal of The Indonesian Society of Integrated Chemistry
Publisher : Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22437/jisic.v15i1.25254


Dalam penelitian ini, kami melaporkan katalis basa heterogen CaO/K2O yang disintesis dan dikarakterisasi dari batu gamping untuk transesterifikasi minyak jelantah menjadi biodiesel. Konversi batu gamping menjadi katalis CaO melalui kalsinasi pada suhu 1000°C selama 3 jam. Katalis CaO/K2O dibuat dengan metode impregnasi CaO oleh KOH. Katalis dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan instrumen X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) dan Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (SEM-EDX). Katalis CaO/K2O dibandingkan dengan katalis CaO untuk mempelajari aktivitasnya dalam proses transesterifikasi dalam kondisi yang sesuai (suhu reaksi 65ºC, pemuatan katalis 5% berat, rasio molar minyak terhadap metanol 1:2, dan waktu reaksi 2 jam). Hasil pengujian katalis menunjukkan aktivitas katalitik dengan rendemen Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) sebesar 65,2 %. Penggabungan K2O ke dalam katalis CaO meningkatkan sifat kebasaan sehingga meningkatkan aktivitas katalitik transesterifikasi.