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Tampilan Estrus dan Angka Kebuntingan Sapi Bali Pascapemberian Ekstrak Pituitari Wilmientje Marlene Nalley; Petrus Kune; Thomas Mata Hine
Acta VETERINARIA Indonesiana Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): Juli 2017
Publisher : IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.818 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/avi.5.2.74-80


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji potensi ekstrak pituitari sebagai sumber hormon alami yang murah dan aplikatif untuk meningkatkan produktivitas induk sapi bali. Kegiatan penelitian diawali dengan koleksi kelenjar pituitari dari rumah potong hewan dan diawetkan menggunakan aseton konsentrasi dengan bertingkat. Kelenjar pituitari kemudian dilarutkan dengan aquabidest menggunakan mortar  hingga  larut, larutan kelenjar pituitari disentrifugasi, dan supernatan disimpan sebagai ekstrak pituitari (EP). Dua belas ekor sapi bali dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok. Kelompok I dosis 0 ml (P0, kontrol), kelompok II 10 mg/kg berat badan (BB) (P1), Kelompok III 20 mg/kg BB (P2), dan kelompok IV 30 mg/kg BB (P3).  Variabel penelitian adalah tampilan estrus, tingkat ovulasi, angka kebuntingan dan service per conception. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian  20 mg/kg BB EP pada induk sapi bali mampu memperpendek siklus estrus (P<0,05) yaitu 11,67 hari dibandingkan dengan kontrol 27 hari; meningkatkan angka kebuntingan hingga 100% vs 0%, dan menurunkan service per conception yaitu 1,00 vs 3,33. Tidak terdapat perbedaan dalam ovulatiton rate dalam  intensitas estrus antar perlakuan (P>0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah  esktrak pituitari dapat meningkatkan produktivitas induksi sapi bali, dengan dosis terbaik yaitu 20 mg/kg BB. 
Efektivitas Air Buah Lontar dalam Mempertahankan Motilitas, Viabilitas dan Daya Tahan Hidup Spermatozoa Sapi Bali Thomas MataHine; Burhanuddin .; Aloysius Marawali
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 15 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

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The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of palmyra juice in maintaining motility,viability, and longevity of bali cattle sperm during in vitro storage. Semen collected from a four year oldbali bull had been trained to serve an artificial vagina. Good quality semen divided into four tubes to betreated with: without extender (negative control), citrate-egg yolk (citrate-EY) and coconut water-egg yolk(CW-EY) as positive control; and palmyra juice-egg yolk (PJ-EY), and then stored in a refrigerator attemperature 3 - 8oC. Each treatment was repeated five times to form 20 experimental units. The resultsshowed that up to the fourth day of storage, sperm preserved in PJ-EY had motility 44%, higher (P<0.05)than citrate-EY, CW-EY, and without extender, i.e 30%, 18%, and 0%, respectively. PJ-EY extender alsoyield sperm viability 60%, higher (P<0.05) than citrate-EY, CW-EY, and without extender i.e 50%, 32% and0%, respectively. Sperm livability achieve 11.20 days in PJ-EY, longer (P <0.05) than citrate-EY, CW-EYand without extender, i.e 9.60 days, 7.60 days , and 1.31 days, respectively. In conclusion that palmyrajuice-egg yolk extender effective to maintain motility, viability, and longevity of bali cattle sperm duringin vitro preservation.
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 9 No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

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The objective of the research is determining the ICM isolation method to produce ESC. Blastocyst stage of DDy mice embryos were used in this study. Zona pellucida of blastocysts were removed by 0.25% pronase, the ICM isolation were done by enzimatic or immunosurgery method, and then they were cultured in DMEM-high glucose supplemented with mercaptoethanol, gentamycin, fetal bovine serum, and cumulus cells as feeder layer. The result of the research indicated that immunosurgery method yielding attachment rate and number ESC colony 93.85% and 43.08%, respectively, higher (P<0.05) than enzimatic method that weree 79.63% and 18.52%, respectively, but the viability of ICM cells were equal (P >0.05) that are 93.59% in enzymatic method and 98.56% in immunosurgery method. This research concluded that immunosurgery more effective method for isolation of ICM and ESC production than enzymatic method.
Penyuntikan Tiga Kali Ekstrak Pituitari Selama Induk Sapi Bali Bunting Meningkatkan Bobot Lahir dan Produksi Air Susu Wilmientje Marlene Nalley; Thomas Mata Hine; Petrus Kune
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 22 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.27 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2021.22.2.271


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efek pemberian ekstrak pituitari (EP) terhadap produktivitas induk sapi bali bunting. Sebanyak 12 ekor sapi bali bunting 2,5 bulan dibagi ke dalam empat perlakuan yaitu: tanpa injeksi EP (P0, kontrol), injeksi EP satu kali pada umur kebuntingan 2,5 bulan (P1), injeksi EP dua kali pada umur kebuntingan 2,5 dan 5,0 bulan (P2), dan injeksi EP tiga kali pada umur kebuntingan 2,5, 5,0 dan 7,5 bulan (P3). Dosis EP yang diberikan adalah 20 mg/kg bobot badan. Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah dan morfologi corpus luteum (CL), bobot lahir anak, dan produksi susu induk. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa injeksi EP tidak memengaruhi (P>0,05) jumlah dan morfologi CL. Bobot lahir anak (19,87 kg) dan produksi susu induk harian (1.707,18 mL) tertinggi (P<0,05) dihasilkan oleh sapi bali yang diinjeksi EP tiga kali. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penyuntikan EP tiga kali efektif meningkatkan bobot lahir anak dan produksi susu induk sapi bali.
Kualitas Sperma Beku Sapi Bali dalam Pengencer Air Kelapa Modifikasi dengan Berbagai Aras Dimethyl Sulfoxide (FROZEN SPERM QUALITY OF BALI BULLS IN MODIFIED COCONUT WATER EXTENDER WITH DIFFERENT DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE CONCENTRATION) Thomas Mata Hine; Kirenius Uly; Wilmientje Marlene Nalley; Heri Armadianto
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 20 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.838 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2019.20.1.93


Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is one type of cryoprotectant which has a low molecular weight so that it is easier to enter cells when cryopreservation. The purpose of this study was to explore the optimal concentration of DMSO in modified coconut water (mCW) extender that were able to maintain frozen sperm quality of bali bulls. Semen was collected from two four-year old bali bulls by artificial vagina. Good quality semen diluted with mCW (young coconut water + 20% egg yolk + 7.5 % moringa leaf extract) and supplemented by 3, 5, or 7% DMSO. Semen was filled into 0.25 ml ministraw, and was incubated in a refrigerator at 5°C for four hours, frozen on the surface of liquid nitrogen for 10 minutes and then dipped into liquid nitrogen. The quality of post thawing sperm was measured 24 hours later by placing the ministraw of frozen semen into water at 37oC for 30 seconds. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and continued with Duncan test. Postthawing observations showed that bali bulls sperm cryopreserved at 3% DMSO yielded higher motility and viability (p<0.05) i.e. 36 and 44.15%, than DMSO 5% i.e. 18 and 23.65%, and DMSO 7% i.e. 7 and 12.62%. The recovery rate of sperm cryopreserved at 3% DMSO was also higher (p<0.05) than DMSO 5 and 7%, successively 45.65, 23.06, and 8.86%. The results of this study concluded that the optimal concentration of DMSO in mCW diluent to maintain frozen sperm quality of bali bulls was 3%.
Aktivasi dan Tingkat Perkembangan Embrio Partenogenetik Mencit Setelah Dipapar Calcimycin dan Ionomicyn (ACTIVATION AND DEVELOPMENT RATE OF MICE PARTHENOGENETIC EMBRYOS EXPOSURED IN CALCIMYCIN AND IONOMICYN) Wilmientje Marlene Nalley; Thomas Mata Hine
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 16 No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

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The aim of study was to find out the best concentration and exposure time of calcimycin andionomycin in order to produce parthenogenetic embryos. Female Swiss Webster mice were fisrtlyprimed with Pregnant Mare’s Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)with an interval of 48 hours. Sixteen hours after injection of hCG oocyte was collected by Dulbecco’sPhosphate Buffer Saline (dPBS) as a flushing medium. To separate the eggs from cumulus cells wereused hyaluronidase enzyme. The good quality oocytes were incubated in activation medium that isionomycin or calcimycin with a concentration of 3, 6, or 9 ìM and exposure time 1, 4, or 7 minutes. Toyield diploid embryos were used 5 ?g/ml cytochlasin B for four hours at 37°C, 5% CO2. Activatedoocytes characterized by the formation of pronuclei washed three times in Potassium SimplexOptimization Medium (KSOM) and subsequently cultured in the same medium until blastocyst stage.The results showed that oocytes activated at calcimycin, the best results was presented at concentration6 ?M and exposure time four minutes, i.e. activation rate reached 96%, cleavage rate 82% and blastocystrate 28%. On the other hand, oocytes activated in ionomycin, the best results was presented atconcentration 3 ?M and exposure time four minutes, i.e. activation rate reached 82%, cleavage rate64% and blastocyst rate of 4%. It was concluded that the best concentration and exposure timecalcimycin on mice oocytes were 6 ?M for four minutes, whereas ionomycin were 3 ?M for four minutes.
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Hipofisis Sapi untuk Memperbaiki Performans Reproduksi Induk Babi Post Partum (UTILIZATION OF CATTLE HYPOPHYSIS EXTRACT TO IMPROVE REPRODUCTIVE OF POST PARTUM SOWS) Tree May Thiessen Outang; Wilmientje Marlene Nalley; Thomas Mata Hine
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 18 No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.637 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2017.18.3.383


This study aimed to evaluate study the influence of cattle hypophysis extract (HE) on the reproductive performance of post partum sows. Twenty landrace sows, 45 days after partum were divided into four groups, five sows each. All were injected with HE intramuscularly. Group I (P0) was injected with 3 ml of saline solution, Group II (P1) was injected with 3 ml contain of 10 mg/EH/Kg body weight (BW), Group III (P2) was injected with 3 ml contain of 20 mg/EH/Kg BW, Group IV (P3) was injected with 3 ml contain of 40 mg/EH/Kg BW. Every sows that showed the estrus symptom were inseminated artificially on the second days, twice each in the morning and evening. The intensity of estrus, length of estrus, number of service preconception (S/C), conception rate (CR), litter size, weight of piglet and milk production were recorded. The result showed that the score of estrus intensity in Group I, II, III and IV were 1.40; 2.40; 2.80 and 2.80 respectively with the length of estrus in each group were 4.40; 5.00; 5.00; 5.60 days respectively. The number of service in Group I, II, III and IV of each pregnancy were 4.40; 1.40; 1.00 and 1.20 with the CR were 0; 60; 100; and 80% respectively. The litter size produced of Group I, II, III and IV were 4.00; 6.00; 10.60; 8.40 respectively. The average of piglet body weight of Group I, II, III and IV were 1.20; 1.36; 1.56 and 1.35 kg respectively. The milk production of each sows of Group I, II, III and IV were 13; 41; 93; 88 g respectively. It can be concluded that cattle hypophysis extract improves the performance of post partum sows with the best level was 20 mg EH/kg of body weight. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh pemberian ekstrak hipofisis terhadap performans reproduksi induk babi betina post partum. Penelitian ini menggunakan 20 ekor induk babi betina jenis landrace, dibagi kedalam empat kelompok perlakuan masing-masing terdiri atas lima ekor induk babi. Babi betina yang baru 45 hari menyapih anaknya diinjeksi dengan ekstrak hipofisis (EH) secara intramuskuler. Kelompok I (P0) diinjeksi dengan 3 mL NaCl fisiologis; Kelompok II (P1) diinjeksi dengan 3 mL NaCL mengandung 10 mg EH/kg bobot badan (BB); Kelompok III (P2) diinjeksi dengan 3 mL NaCl mengandung 20 mg EH/kg BB: Kelompok IV (P3) diinjeksi dengan 3 mL NaCl mengandung 20 mg EH/kg BB. Setiap induk babi yang menunjukkan gejala estrus diinseminasi pada hari kedua dengan interval dua kali, pagi dan sore. Peubah yang diamati adalah intensitas estrus, lama estrus, jumlah perkawinan per kebuntingan (S/C), angka konsepsi (conception rate/CR), litter size, bobot lahir anak, dan produksi susu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor intensitas estrus kelompok I, II, III, dan IV masing-masing 1,40; 2,40; 2,80; 2,80 dengan lama estrus masing-masing kelompok secara berturut-turut 4,40; 5,00; 5,00; 5,60 hari. Nilai S/C masing-masing adalah 4,40; 1,40; 1,00; 1,20 dengan CR masing-masing 0; 60; 100; dan 80%. Total jumlah anak yang dihasilkan kelompok I, II, III, dan IV masing-masing adalah 4,00; 6,00; 10,60; dan 8,40 ekor. Rataan bobot lahir anak per ekor pada kelompok I; II; III; dan IV masing-masing adalah 1,20; 1,36; 1,56; dan 1,35 kg. Produksi susu per induk pada kelompok I, II, III, dan IV masingmasing adalah 13; 41; 93, dan 88 g. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ekstrak hipofisis dapat meningkatkan performans induk babi post partum. Dosis terbaik adalah 20 mg EH/kg BB.
Effect of Aloe vera Gel Administrated on Reproductive Performance of Female Rats Gunawan G; Enny T Setiatin; Bayu Rosadi; Thomas Mata Hine; A. Parakkasi
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan Vol 1, No 1 (2007): March
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.922 KB) | DOI: 10.21157/j.ked.hewan.v1i1.3101


The research was conducted to find out the effect of Aloe vera gel administrated orally onreproductive performance of female rats. Fifteen two months old female rats were alloted to fivetreatments of per oral Aloe vera gel administration: P0 (control), P1(1 mg /g body weight), P2 (2 mg/gbody weight, P3 (3 mg/g body weight), and P4 ( 4 mg/g body weight). The gel were administrated everyday for four weeks. The body weight were measured on the same day as last treatment. The animal thenmated to proven male on 1:1 rasio. Positively mated animals were sacrificed on D-10 after mating tocollect uterus and ovary so the number of fetus, corpus luteum, and ovary weight can be determined. Thetreatments significantly decreased (P0.05) the average body weight gain. The P0 (4.1 g/head/day) wasdifferent to P1 (2.69 g/head/day), P2 (2.87 g/head/day, and P4 (2.68 g/head/day), but was not different toP3 (3.39 g/head/day). The ovarium weight were not different (P0.05) among the treatments, so did thenumber of corpus luteum (CL), the number of fetuses and the CL: fetus rasio.Keywords: Aloe vera, rats, reproductive performance .
Effect of Aloe vera Gel Administrated on Reproductive Performance of Female Rats Gunawan G; Enny T Setiatin; Bayu Rosadi; Thomas Mata Hine; A. Parakkasi
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan Vol 1, No 1 (2007): March
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21157/j.ked.hewan.v1i1.3101


The research was conducted to find out the effect of Aloe vera gel administrated orally onreproductive performance of female rats. Fifteen two months old female rats were alloted to fivetreatments of per oral Aloe vera gel administration: P0 (control), P1(1 mg /g body weight), P2 (2 mg/gbody weight, P3 (3 mg/g body weight), and P4 ( 4 mg/g body weight). The gel were administrated everyday for four weeks. The body weight were measured on the same day as last treatment. The animal thenmated to proven male on 1:1 rasio. Positively mated animals were sacrificed on D-10 after mating tocollect uterus and ovary so the number of fetus, corpus luteum, and ovary weight can be determined. Thetreatments significantly decreased (P0.05) the average body weight gain. The P0 (4.1 g/head/day) wasdifferent to P1 (2.69 g/head/day), P2 (2.87 g/head/day, and P4 (2.68 g/head/day), but was not different toP3 (3.39 g/head/day). The ovarium weight were not different (P0.05) among the treatments, so did thenumber of corpus luteum (CL), the number of fetuses and the CL: fetus rasio.Keywords: Aloe vera, rats, reproductive performance .