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THE INFLUENCE OF EMPLOYEE SELECTION PROCESS ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT THE CAMMING SUGAR FACTORY Dirgahayu Lantara; Abd Mail; A. Sriani Bulqis; Anis Saleh; Nur Ihwan Saputra; Rahmaniah Malik; Nurul Chairany; Taufik Nur
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 7 No 3
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v7i3.643


Human resources are one of the resources that exist in the organization which consists of people and their activities this is the most resources compared to other resources. At the Camming Sugar Factory, human resources are the main means to achieve the desired goals of the company, especially in the production section in order to achieve maximum production results with the aim of maintaining the survival of the company and employees being able to perform optimally in the form of work productivity. To achieve this goal, qualified human resources are needed, one way is through a good and correct selection process. The performance of employees at the camming sugar factory is said to be less than good. This can be seen from the conditions that have occurred in the Camming sugar factory, namely the threat of bankruptcy with an average loss of more than Rp. 100 billion per year due to production results which are only 30 percent of the maximum potential since 2001. Based on the parameters that cause losses at the Camming Sugar Factory which is thought to be caused by weak management which is considered to be the main trigger, it is necessary to research and review what factors influenced the decline of the factory..The method used in this research is linear regression method, in which the method can determine the hypothesis and the relationship between the independent variable and the bound variable. The research results obtained from the coeficients table obtained a significance value of 0.000 0.05, so it can be concluded that the Selection variable (X) affects the Performance Variable (Y). From the statistical calculation of the t test, t count is 6,731 from t table then H1 is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that there is a significant and positive effect of the employee selection process on the performance of employees at the Camming Sugar Factory. Thus the hypothesis is proven
ANALYSIS OF QUALITY CONTROL OF T-SHIRT SCREEN PRINTING PRODUCTS WITH SIX SIGMA DMAIC METHOD ON CV. MACCA CLOTHING. Nurhayati Rauf; Ahmad Padhil; Takdir Alisyahbana; Anis Saleh; Muhammad dahlan; Rahmaniah Malik; Andi Pawennari; Nurul Chairany
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 7 No 1
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v7i1.1147


CV. Macca Clothing is a company engaged in Clothing screen printing. The resulting product is a short sleeve t-shirt screen printing. In producing the production, on average per month there are defective products of 6% types of defects, namely blurred colors, wrong colors, and wrong screen printing. Therefore, this study aims to providelevels sigma and DPMOand then analyze the factors causing disability and provide suggestions for improvements to reduce defective products at CVMacca Clothing. The data collection method used is to conduct interviews with CV.Macca Clothing. Then in analyzing the data using the method DMAIC and theapproach six sigma.From the research results, thevalue DPMO is 21,000 and the conversion result is 3.53, which means that out of a million opportunities there will be 3.53 possibilities for the production process to produce defective products. in thelevel stage  sigma CV.Macca Clothing has not yet reached thelevel Six Sigma, but it is still in the average industrial condition because in the production process there are still product defects that have not reached zero defect. The factors that cause defects in the product are the operator is not careful in doing the work, the quality of raw materials is not good, the cleanliness of the equipment is not maintained, and the production room facilities are inadequate. From the results of the analysis based on the implementation tools kaizen , the control and improvement to reduce defects that must be carried out by CV.Macca Clothing is to carry out stricter supervision or control, carry out regular machine maintenance, and provide complete facilities. 
To Optimization Of Chicken Feed Production Using Goal Programming Method At PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Unit Makassar Hanin Fitria; Dwijayanti Hasti Widyaningrum; Rahmaniah Malik; Nur Ihwan Safutra; Yan Herdianzah
Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management (Edisi March - )

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.576 KB) | DOI: 10.56882/jisem.v1i1.3


PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk is one of the largest and most integrated agri-food companies in Indonesia. The company's main business units are the manufacture of animal feed, chicken breeding, poultry processing, and agricultural cultivation. This company will automatically continue to increase its production results both in terms of quantity and in terms of quality to be able to compete in the market so that it can expand market share and offer products at affordable costs for consumers. At present, business progress is strongly influenced by fluctuations and variations in consumer demand. This also has an impact on the production of chicken feed carried out by PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk Makassar unit. With the increasing demand for chicken feed, an effort is needed so that the production process runs according to available and profitable resources. This research aims to determine the optimal amount of production to generate optimal company profits. The method used in this study is the goal programming method because it can solve problems optimally with more than one goal. The results of this research show that the product of goal programming optimization is more profitable than the companies. The results obtained from this research are the optimal number of products is 4,967,155 kg, and the minimum production cost is Rp. 1,382,685,942,075, and the sales profit is Rp. 314,569,267,925 for a period of one year.
Analysis of the Effect of Temperature, Lighting and Noise on Employee Work Productivity in the Noodle Production Section at CV. Kartika Makassar Yan Herdianzah; A Dwi Wahyuni P; Rahmaniah Malik; Muhammad Aqsan Pratama
Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Industrial System Engineering and Management (Edisi March)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56882/jisem.v2i1.17


A comfortable work environment is needed by humans to be able to carry out activities optimally and productively. Therefore the work environment must be handled and designed properly. A good temperature in the workplace will support the activities carried out by workers by meeting predetermined standards.. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out how much influence temperature / temperature, noise and lighting in the work environment have on employee work productivity in the noodle production section at CV. Kartika Makasar. This research will be conducted at CV. Kartika Makassar, which is located at Jalan Setia 1 Blok AB No. 4 Ex. Buntusu Kec. Tamalanrea Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province. In the analytical method where data processing uses the Classical Assumption Test in the form of a Linear Regression Test which is used to determine the direction and how much influence the independent variables have on the dependent variable. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it shows that in the physical work environment, namely temperature (X1) with a value of 0.560 > 0.05 and lighting (X2) 0.516 > 0.05 indicates that the hypothesis is rejected. Thus the temperature and lighting at CV Kartika Makassar are good because together they do not affect the work productivity of employees or operators. As for Noise (X3) 0.034 <0.05, indicating that the hypothesis is accepted thus it has a significant effect on the work productivity of employees or operators.
Perengkahan Katalitik Distilat Asam Lemak Minyak Sawit (DALMs) Menggunakan Katalis HCl Berpenyangga γ-Al2O3 Rismawati Rasyid; Alda Titania Dewanti; Rahmaniah Malik; Anshariah Anshariah; Ruslan Kalla
Journal of Chemical Process Engineering Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Chemical Process Engineering
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Industri - Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/jcpe.v7i2.792


Distilat asam lemak minyak sawit merupakan hasil samping dari pengolahan minyak sawit yang masih mengandung asam lemak bebas sehingga berpotensi sebagai bahan baku energi alternatif. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa ketergantungan akan bahan bakar fosil semakin hari semakin meningkat, sedangkan bahan bakar fosil tidak dapat diperbaharui. Hal inilah yang mendorong para peneliti mengembangkan riset terkait bahan baku terbarukan dan metode terbaik untuk menghasilkan bahan bakar alternatif. Salah satu metode pembuatan biofuel adalah perengkahan katalitik yang menghasilkan beberapa produk biofuel, yaitu biogasoline (C5–C11), biokerosin (C12–C15) dan biodiesel (C16–C20). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi katalis HCl/γ-Al2O3 (1, 3, 5 dan 7)% dan HCl/Ni/γ-Al2O3 (1, 3, 5 dan 7)% terhadap produk biofuel hasil perengkahan katalitik distilat asam lemak minyak sawit (DALMs). Reaksi perengkahan katalitik dioperasikan pada suhu konstan 370oC, tekanan 1 atm dan volume reaktan 50 ml. Rendemen tertinggi diperoleh sebesar 80% dengan menggunakan katalis HCl/γ-Al2O3 (1%) ; selektivitas terhadap biogasoline (C5–C11) 5,27%, biokerosin (C12–C15) 30,4%, dan biodiesel (C16–C20) 28,79%. Perolehan nilai rendemen yang sama juga diperoleh dengan menggunakan katalis HCl/Ni/γ-Al2O3 (1%) yaitu sebesar 80%; selektivitas terhadap biogasoline (C5–C11) 4,51%, biokerosin (C12–C15) 28%, dan biodiesel (C16–C20) 37,3%.