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The Development of Discovery Learning-based Module to Improve Students’ Scientific Literacy Indah Slamet Budiarti; Triwiyono Triwiyono; Florentina Maria Panda
Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika
Publisher : Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika

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In learning science, it is necessary to have a learning model that can integrate scientific literacy skills. This study aimed to develop discovery learning-based module to improve students’ scientific literacy. We used R & D research that adapts the 4-D model device development procedure, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. Product assessment was carried out after revision stage I by 3 media experts, 3 material experts, and 1 SMA YPPK Taruna Bakti teacher. To determine student responses, the product was tested for feasibility and readability on 5 X grade students of SMA YPPK Taruna Bakti through a limited trial. The product was revised and tested again through a broad trial on 16 students. The revision through experts’ comments and students’ initial responses has affected the readability, feasibility, and usability of the developed Newton’s Law module. There were no students who have high scientific literacy. Students who have low scientific literacy were 13 and students who have moderate scientific literacy were 3. It can be said that the module cannot significantly improve students’ scientific literacy because of the online learning environment.Keywords: Discovery learning, Modul, Newton’s Law, Scientific literacyDOI:
Digital Literacy Overview: Challenges in Online Physics Learning at New Normal Era Anastasia Novianti Manalu; Yunita Arifatul Wanda; Hilda V. N Worumboy; Indah Slamet Budiarti
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/bipf.v9i1.9367


This study aimed to determine the extent of the digital literacy contribution to physics learning carried out by students at a university in Jayapura city in Physics Education Study Program at new normal era. The descriptive research approach was used in this study. This study’s population were all students of the Physics Education Study Program divided into 4 groups totaling 96 people. Based on the sampling process from 4 existing groups, purposive sampling was carried out so that the selected ones were students from academic year 2017 with a sample size of 18 people. This research was conducted at a university in Jayapura city in Physics Education Study Program, in September 2020. In this study, data collection techniques were used in the form of a closed questionnaire (structured questionnaire) and interviews to carry data triangulation. The results showed that every aspect of digital literacy has a variation in scores and different interpretations. The three aspects are Use Skill (medium), Critical Understanding (medium), and Communicative Abilities (basic). Students have not been able to communicate and participate actively in online learning during physics classroom because they were only at the stage of uploading content. It concluded that online learning deserves of particular attention when it lasts for the long term. The efforts to elevate the process is urgently needed.
Vidya Karya Vol 36, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.548 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v36i1.10313


This study aimed to analyze the planning, implementation, and feedback stages of clinical supervision of principals in learning at SD Negeri Coa Kaimana. This study used a descriptive method with a qualitative analysis approach. The subject of the research were the principal, teachers, and school staff, about 16 people. This study indicated that the principal of SD Negeri Coa Kaimana had implemented a clinical supervision program in learning with three stages. Before implementing the clinical supervision program, the principal by involving the vice principal, the curriculum section, senior teachers and classroom teachers to plan what they wanted to be supervised according to the needs and needs of the teacher, such as compiling a schedule of supervision, goals, objectives, steps, and time. The principal supervised the implementation of clinical supervision such as coming to the classroom to see classroom learning activities, preparing learning equipment such as lesson plans, syllabus, Prota, Prosem, assessment, teaching aids, handbooks, and learning media. Based on research, it was known that the principal's clinical supervision research in learning was clinical supervision feedback such as calling the supervised teacher to be fostered and followed up. However, some were a little difficult to foster. The teachers also increasingly understood their duties as educators.Keywords: Clinical Supervision; Learning; PrincipalPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan umpan balik supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dalam pembelajaran di SD Negeri Coa Kaimana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Subjek penelitian supervisi ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru, dan tenaga kependidikan sebanyak 16 orang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepala SD Negeri Coa Kaimana telah melaksanakan program supervisi klinis dalam pembelajaran dengan tiga tahapan. Sebelum melaksanakan program supervisi klinis, kepala sekolah dengan melibatkan wakil kepala sekolah, bagian kurikulum, guru senior, dan guru kelas untuk merencanakan parameter yang hendak disupervisi berdasarkan kebutuhan guru seperti menyusun jadwal dan tujuan supervisi. Kepala sekolah melakukan supervisi pelaksanaan supervisi klinis, seperti visitasi ruang kelas untuk melihat kegiatan pembelajaran, aktualisasi RPP, silabus, Prota, Prosem, penilaian, alat alat peraga, buku pegangan, dan media pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa supervis klinis kepala sekolah dalam pembelajaran adalah umpan balik supervisi klinis seperti memanggil guru yang disupervisi untuk dibina dan ditindaklanjuti. Kendati demikian, ada sebagian guru yang sedikit sulit untuk dibina. Mereka juga perlahan memahami tugas sebagai pendidik.Kata Kunci: Supervisi Klinis; Pembelajaran; Kepala Sekolah 
Vidya Karya Vol 36, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : FKIP ULM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.66 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jvk.v36i1.10314


This study aimed to analyze the implementation of classroom visit supervision to improve teacher performance at SD Negeri Krooy, Kaimana Regency, West Papua Province. This research is qualitative research using the descriptive method. The informants are the principal, teacher supervisor. To obtain data, in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and documentation studies were conducted. The research instrument used was an observation interview guide and a documentation checklist. The results of this study are: 1) The principal prepares the program, and determines the schedule for the implementation of supervision through class visits by informing, the principal prepares administration, and prepares mastery materials; 2) Supervision of class visits without prior notification, supervisors suddenly come to class and check the lesson plans, and syllabus; 3) Implementation of class visit supervision at the invitation of the teacher, the principal fulfills the invitation of the teacher supervision teacher by checking the lesson plans, and syllabus; 4) Implementation of the supervision of the principal's class visits to overcome the obstacles of lack of confidence, lack of scientific spirit, weak creativity, and lack of facilities; and 5) The impact can improve the quality of teacher performance, increase the effectiveness of the curriculum, increase the effectiveness and efficiency of facilities and infrastructure, improve the quality of school management.Keywords: Classroom Visit Supervision; Principal; Teacher PerformanceTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan supervisi kunjungan kelas dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja guru di SD Negeri Krooy Kabupaten Kaimana, Provinsi Papua Barat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Informannya adalah kepala sekolah, pengawas guru. Untuk memperoleh data dilakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, dan studi dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan ialah pedoman wawancara observasi dan checklist dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Kepala sekolah menyusun program, dan menentukan jadwal pelaksanaan supervisi melalui kunjungan kelas dengan memberitahukan, kepala sekolah menyiapkan administrasi, dan menyusun materi penguasaan; 2) Pelaksanaan supervisi kunjungan kelas tanpa adanya pemberitahuan awal, pengawas tiba-tiba datang ke kelas dan mengecek RPP, dan silabus; 3) Pelaksanaan supervisi kunjungan kelas atas undangan guru, kepala sekolah memenuhi undangan guru supervisi guru dengan memeriksa RPP, dan silabus; 4) Pelaksanaan supervisi kunjungan kelas kepala sekolah mengatasi kendala kurang percaya diri, kurang semangat keilmuan, lemah kreativitas, dan minim fasilitas; dan 5) Dampaknya dapat meningkatkan kualitas kinerja guru, meningkatkan efektivitas kurikulum, meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi sarana dan prasarana, meningkatkan kualitas manajemen sekolah.Kata Kunci: Supervisi Kunjungan Kelas; Kepala Sekolah; Kinerja Guru
Papua Journal of Physics Education Vol 1, No 1 (2020): PAPUA JOURNAL OF PHYSICS EDUCATION (PJPE)
Publisher : Papua Journal of Physics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.27 KB) | DOI: 10.31957/pjpe.v1i1.1276


The purpose of this research is to determine the improvement of learning outcomes and the difference of students’ science process skill between the experimental class taught by Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) as learning model with the control class taught by conventional learning model on the subject of temperature and heat. This research used quantitative method with quasi experimental design. The sample in this research is class X IPA 1 and X IPA 2 of SMA Pembangunan V Yapis Waena. Samples were taken from purposive sampling technique. Improvement on learning outcomes can be seen from the n-gain value of all concepts taught by using STAD as cooperative learning model. The n-gain score was 0.61 so that the learning outcomes were classified as moderate. There are significant differences in science process skills between learners who were thaught using STAD as cooperative learning model and conventional learning model for the whole concept of temperature and heat. The findings indicated signification value of  0,05 which is 0,000. The findings were found in the whole concept of temperature and heat concept, concept of expansion and heat transfer concept.Keywords: Model of cooperative learning, type Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD), science process skills, learning outcomes, temperature and heat.
Description of the Learning Difficulties on Chapter Parabolic Motion and the Factors Affecting in Physics Pre-Service Teacher Yunita Arifatul Wanda; Indah Slamet Budiarti; Florentina Maria Panda
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/thabiea.v4i2.11628


The problem of student learning difficulties and the factors causing it are very important to know. The first step that can be taken is to use a diagnostic test as a reference indicator in identifying student learning difficulties. The purpose of this study was to determine the difficulties in learning parabolic motion and its causal factors experienced by students of the 2018 Physics Education Department. This type of research is descriptive. The subjects of this study were 19 students of the 2018 Cenderawasih University in the Physics Education Department. Data collection techniques used are test, interview, and documentation. The results of the overall assessment of the diagnostic test showed that 19 students had not yet completed achieving the learning objectives in understanding the parabolic motion sub-material because the highest score obtained by one of the students was 53, while the minimum completeness reached a score of 56. These difficulties are influenced by internal factors, namely body defects, fatigue, attention, readiness, habits, how to receive lessons, boredom; and external factors, namely the lecturer’s teaching methods, discipline, building conditions, forms of community life, and weather conditions.
Profile of Students’ Scientific Literacy Abilities in Higher Education on Chapter Heat and Temperature Indah Slamet Budiarti; Rosmina Beno; Albert Lumbu; Viyanti Viyanti
IJIS Edu : Indonesian Journal of Integrated Science Education Vol 3, No 1 (2021): January 2021
Publisher : UIN Fatmawati Sukarno Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ijisedu.v3i1.4178


Students’ scientific literacy is very important to determine the extent to which students are literate about the scientific concepts that have been learned. Therefore, prospective physics teacher students must master scientific literacy to solve various problems from the real world as individuals and must interact in society and the environment as social beings. The purpose of this study was to analyze the scientific literacy skills of students of the 2019 class of physics education study program on chapter heat and temperature. This type of research used to achieve these objectives is descriptive qualitative with qualitative analysis. The subjects in this study were Lecturers in the basic physics course I and students of the 2019 class of physics education study program at Universitas Cenderawasih. Data collection techniques used in this study were tests, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research from the test instrument showed that the scientific literacy skills of physics education students class 2019 were still low. The results of the interviews strengthen the findings that there are still many physics education students of 2019 who do not have scientific literacy skills of concepts on chapter heat and temperature.
Students’ Scientific Problem Solving Skills in 3T Region: Using PhET Simulation to Enhance the Matter Indah Slamet Budiarti; Bonefasius Yanwar Boy; Albert Lumbu
Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika dan Keilmuan (JPFK) Vol 7, No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/jpfk.v7i2.10783


Contextual problems in daily life are related closely with scientific problem solving skills. It is necessary to prepared when students study science comprehensively. The aim of this study was analyzing students’ scientific problem solving skills during the learning process bysimulation of PhET located in 3T region. The outermost area in the territory of Indonesia is referred as 3T region. There are three conditional aspects of 3T region; terdepan (frontier), terpencil (remote), and tertinggal (disadvantaged). A number of 122 regions in Indonesia are included in the 3T region, one of which is Nimboran, Papua. SMAN 1 Nimboran, Papua  Indonesia, was chosen as research subject. We comprehended the analysis by using descriptive qualitative method. Participants were 51 students chosen from purposive random sampling technique above all students in XI-IPA grade of SMAN 1 Nimboran. Data collecting was done through triangulation using interview, observation, and documentation (test). The research was conducted during the second term. The obtained results were as follows: students can define the problem (10.20%), students can explore the problem (3.27%), students can plan the solution (10.98%), students can implement the plan (6.54%), students can check the solution (1.70%), and students can evaluate the data (4.44%). The mean result was 38.46. It was interpreted that showed students’ scientific problem solving skills in SMAN 1 Nimboran was low. Thus, the need to improve the skills is demanded.
Utilization of VBA Excel-Based Virtual Laboratories in Kinematics and Dynamics Learning Muhammad Akbar; Indah Slamet Budiarti
JATI EMAS (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jati Emas (Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik dan Pengabdian Masyarakat)
Publisher : Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Perkumpulan Dosen Indonesia Semesta (DIS) Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36339/je.v7i1.733


The purpose of this community service activity is to mentor students and teachers in schools in using virtual laboratories. In this case the Excel VBA application is used in its application to kinematics and dynamics material. This activity was carried out at SMAN 1 Kemtuk Gresi, Jayapura Regency. Submission of material is equipped with a practicum module based on LKPD to make it easier for students and teachers during implementation. In carrying out this community service activity, the enthusiasm of students and teachers was very good. This is because the implementation of virtual and real practicum can add insight in learning physics. Students also just realized that MS Excel can be utilized in physics simulations because their perception so far is that MS Excel is only a program that is used only to input data in tables. The teacher also gave a positive response to the community service activities that had been carried out because it helped in making a VBA Excel-based virtual laboratory and making LKPD.
Pelatihan Praktikum IPA Berbasis Saintifik pada Materi Gerak Makhluk Hidup dan Benda di Sekitarnya di SMPN 3 Nimboran Indah Slamet Budiarti; Maikel Simbiak; Albert Lumbu; Bonefasius Yanwar Boy; Kristin Wayoi; Tunggul Gultom
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v5i3.7933


Materi pembelajaran IPA sulit dipahami oleh peserta didik. Beberapa faktor penyebabnya yaitu keterbatasan peralatan praktikum yang tersedia di sekolah dan peserta didik tidak dilatih dan dibiasakan untuk belajar secara kontekstual. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini yaitu 1) Memberi pelatihan kepada guru IPA dan peserta didik untuk melakukan praktikum berbasis saintifik pada pembelajaran gerak makhluk hidup dan benda di sekitarnya, 2) Menstimulus aktivitas kognitif dan kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik pada pembelajaran gerak makhluk hidup dan benda di sekitarnya, 3) Menstimulus kemampuan literasi sains guru melalui pelatihan praktikum pada pembelajaran gerak makhluk hidup dan benda di sekitarnya. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan pengabdian yaitu berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan praktikum pada pembelajaran IPA terpadu materi gerak makhluk hidup dan benda di sekitarnya dengan menggunakan lembar kerja peserta didik materi terkait dan observasi lingkungan. Pengabdian dilakukan selama dua bulan yang diikuti oleh guru IPA dan peserta didik di kelas VIII SMPN 3 Nimboran Kabupaten Jayapura. Dari hasil kegiatan pengabdian diperoleh bahwa 1) Sebanyak 60 peserta didik kelas delapan yang mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan sangat antusias dalam melakukan pelatihan praktikum ilmu pengetahuan alam berbasis saintifik, 2) Kegiatan pelatihan ini mampu menstimulus aktivitas kognitif dan kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik pada pembelajaran gerak makhluk hidup dan benda di sekitarnya, serta 3) Mampu menstimulus kemampuan literasi sains guru melalui praktikum praktikum pada pembelajaran gerak makhluk hidup dan benda di sekitarnya. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu, peserta didik kelas VIII sangat antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan praktikum IPA berbasis saintifik. Kegiatan ini juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif bagi peserta didik. Selain itu, kegiatan pelatihan ini mampu menstimulus keterampilan literasi sains bagi guru dan peserta didik.Science learning material is difficult to understand by pupils. Some factors are the limited practical equipment available in schools, and the students are not trained and used to learning contextually. The purpose of this dedication is to 1) train IPA teachers and pupils to conduct scientific-based practices on learning the movement of living creatures and objects around them, 2) stimulate cognitive activity and science literacy skills of pupils in learning the motion of living beings and things around it, 3) stimulate the literacy of science skills of teachers through practical training on the learning of the movements of living things and things surrounding them. The methods used in dedication activities are training and practical support for science learning to integrate the material movement of living creatures and objects around them using worksheets of students-related materials and environmental observations. The dedication was done for two months, followed by the science teacher and pupils in the 8th grade of SMPN 3 Nimboran district of Jayapura. From the results of dedication activities obtained that 1) A total of 60 pupils of eighth grade who followed the training activities were very enthusiastic about conducting practicum training in natural sciences based on science, 2) this training activity was able to stimulate cognitive activity and literacy skills of science students on learning the movement of living creatures and objects around them, as well as 3) Being capable of stimulating the literacy ability of science teachers through practicum practicum on learning movements of living beings and things around them. This dedication activity concludes that the students of the eighth grade are very enthusiastic about following a scientific-based IPA practice training. These activities can also enhance the cognitive abilities of the pupils. In addition, these training activities can stimulate science literacy skills for teachers and pupils.