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Edunomic : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Pendidikan dan Sains Vol 10, No 1 (2022): EDISI MARET
Publisher : FKIP Unswagati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33603/ejpe.v10i1.6222


AbstractThe prolonged Covid-19 pandemic has weakened the economy in Indonesia. One of the biggest impacts was also felt in the tourism sector where all destination areas were closed due to this disaster which had an impact on the development of the creative economy in the destination area. The aim of this study is local wisdom, quality of human resources managers and destination attractions for village destination sustainability in the midst of pandemic Covid-19. This study is a quantitative approach using questionnaires as a method of data collection, where the number of samples used as many as 140 people with accidental sampling techniques, the analysis method in this study using the model of structural equations with the application of Amos. The findings of this study show that local wisdom on the attractiveness of destinations has a positive and significant influence, the quality of human resources has a positive and significant influence on tourist attraction, tourist attraction has a positive and significant influence in influencing the sustainability of destinations, local wisdom has an insignificant influence in encouraging destination sustainability, The quality of human resources to the sustainability of the destination shows a positive and significant direction, and indirectly shows the attractiveness of tourism has an insignificant effect as a mediation variable for local wisdom on the sustainability of the destination. This study suggests the need to improve the quality of human resources who are able to see tourism development trends and use local wisdom with several new innovations so that they can attract tourists. Keywords: local wisdom, quality of human resources, destination attractions, sustainability of the destination
Developing homestay to support community-based tourism Ilham Junaid; Nur Salam; Muh. Arfin M. Salim
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Vol. 32 No. 4 (2019): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (775.463 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mkp.V32I42019.390-398


Wakatobi regency has been chosen as a ten-top priority tourism destination in Indonesia. It provides the opportunity for the local community to obtain benefits through tourism. The aims of this research are 1) to study the expectation of the community related to the management of homestay as accommodation business; 2) to analyse challenges and provide recommendations concerning how to implement community-based tourism on the perspective of community as the organiser of the homestay. Qualitative research conducted in March 2018 by visiting Wakatobi for participant observation and interviews three community members or homestay managers, two tour guides and two people from the tourism industry (accommodation). The research indicates that tourism has encouraged the local community to manage homestay, although there are members of the community require motivation and support to understand the significances of managing homestay and tourism. The management of homestay by the local community links to the implementation of community-based tourism and to optimise the management of homestay; it is necessary to provide sustainable training for the local community as well as to empower people through local tourism organisation. Key attractors such as activities and alternative attractions for the visitors are essential for the management of homestay. Limited numbers of tourists who choose homestay to become the challenge for homestay management, thus, the local community expects that the increasing number of tourists as well as a willingness by tourists to choose homestay as their accommodation. 
Pengelolaan Kampung Nelayan Sebagai Desa Wisata di Kabupaten Majene, Sulawesi Barat Ilham Junaid; Maryam Yusuf; Nur Salam; Muh. Arfin M. Salim; Andi Nur Fauziah
Pusaka: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event Vol 2 No 1: Februari – Juli 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.667 KB) | DOI: 10.33649/pusaka.v2i1.43


This research aims at 1) analyzing the tourism potential of Kampung Nelayan (Majene Regency) as tourism village; 2) recommending steps or mechanisms to implement Kampung Nelayan as tourism village. This paper employs a qualitative approach to answer research questions through research visit in July and September 2019. The authors collected research data through in-depth interviews and direct observation. The research reveals that Kampung Nelayan has the potential for tourism village based on community empowerment principles. Kampung Nelayan has potential of marine tourism and cultural tourism. The steps to implement Kampung Nelayan as tourism village including 1) identification of members of community under the categories of internal and external community groups; 2) involving the community members in tourism programs and 3) follow up of community collaboration by the internal and external groups of community.
Tourism Governance with Culinary Cognitive Images Base in the City of Pare-Pare Nur Salam
Publik : (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi) Vol 10, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31314/pjia.10.2.429-439.2021


Culinary tourism is a new thing in the repertoire of interesting and distinctive dishes and tourism. The food is in the form of food that is usually eaten and processed by local residents, and is not consumed outside the area. The purpose of this Reseach to know the tourism governance with culinary cognitive images based in the City of Pare-Pare. The population in this study is tourists Parepare City Destination.  The sample was taken as many as 100 respondents from tourist Parepare City Destination.  The analytical tool in this research is Descriptive Analysis, Instrument Test, Multiple Regression  Analysis,  Significance  Test  (t  test),  and Model Accuracy Test.  The results showed that cognitive  Culinary   image  has  a  significant  positive effect on the interest of tourists visit Parepare City Destination,  and affective Culinary image have  a  significant  positive  effect  on  the  interest  of  tourist visit Parepare City Destination. Both variables are also influential together on the interest of tourists visit Parepare City Destination. Based on the result of this research,  the  management  of  Parepare City Destination can  increase  the  interest  of  tourist  visit  by  increasing  the cognitive Culinary  image variable and the affective Culinary  image variable, because the increasing of both variables is increasing the tourist visit.
Digitization of the Makassar City Creative Economy Sub-Sector Based on GIS Darmayasa Darmayasa; Margaretha Wadid Rante; Nursalam Nursalam; Masri Ridwan; Aris Burhanuddin
Jurnal Ad'ministrare Volume 9, Issue 2, July-December 2022
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/ja.v9i2.43200


This research was conducted to compile a mapping of the creative economy sub-sector in Makassar City. Research approach with qualitative-descriptive methods. The spatial data obtained were analyzed using the ArcGIS 10.5 application and produced spatial and non-spatial data. There are 261 business actors in 15 sub-districts in Makassar City who have spatial and non-spatial data. This study concludes that parekraf sub-sector activities are spread evenly in the Makassar City area and there are 3 (three) leading sub-sectors including culinary business as much as 31%, fashion as much as 17% and crafts as much as 10% . The results of this research are expected to facilitate the government in making policies related to the development of the creative economy in realizing Makassar as a world city. Apart from that, it is easy for the community to search for the Makassar City parekraf through and know the location of the location because it is supported by the display of the Makassar City parekraf distribution map. Future research is expected to be able to develop modeling of the Makassar City Parekraf subsector with a webgis platform that is connected to the hotel industry, restaurants and tourist villages in the Maminasata Region as the main requirement for a metropolitan city.
Inovasi Pariwisata melalui Kolaborasi Antara Perguruan Tinggi dan Subsektor Parekraf Darmayasa Darmayasa; Margaretha Wadid Rante; Nursalam Nursalam; Masri Ridwan
Jambura Journal of Educational Management VOLUME 4 NOMOR 1 MARET 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37411/jjem.v4i1.2181


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap inovasi yang dapat dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi sesuai dengan kondisi pelaku subsektor pasca pandemi. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel di DIY Yogyakarta sebagai kota kreatif. Hasil wawancara dan observasi yang dilakukan terdapat terdapat 3 kategori pelaku usaha diantaranya Pelaku Sub Sektor Parekraf oportunis, memiliki optimisme dan merasa kewalahan. Bentuk kolaborasi antara Perguruan tinggi pariwisata dan pelaku usaha diantaranya Ketersediaan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dasar berupa Kompetensi dasar adalah programing, aplikasi, mobile, finance, design, dan legal pendampingan dalam pengajuan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual untuk hasil karya pelaku ekraf; Membuka Program Studi/ Mata Kuliah yang kosentrasi pada Digital Innovation Lounge (DILo) yang bertujuan untuk mencetak dan menumbuhkan sistem digital planer. Rekomendasi penelitian ini bahwa pemerintah Pusat; Provinsi; Dearah meningkatkan fasilitasi kemitraan melalui inisiasi matchmaking pemerintah daerah dengan Perguruan Tinggi.