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Sainstek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : IAIN Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (146.314 KB) | DOI: 10.31958/js.v9i1.595


Palm oil-based cooking oil is the most widely used cooking oil. Palm oil circulating in the market is often mixed with animal oil by culinary entrepreneurs with a view to produce a more tasty taste so it needs to be examined purity. Research on the content of saturated fatty acids using gas chromatography mass spectrophotometer (GCMS) requires quite expensive cost so that an alternative method is needed to determine the quality of cooking oil; especially its purity is by using polarization both naturally and by electrooptic method. This research uses incandescent lamp as light source. Samples flanked by parallel metal plates are placed between polarizers and analyzers. Samples of a mixture of palm oil with each animal oil (chicken oil, pork oil, cow oil). The samples of each oil are tested byu using natural polarization (active polarization) and electro-polarization polarization (impact polarization). The results showed that the polarization angle change in the oil of the mixture was greater than that of pure palm oil with the greatest angular change produced by a mixture of palm oil and cow oil (1.5 for natural polarization and 3 for electro-polarization). This result was in accordance with the result of the titration test shows that mixed oils have free fatty acids and PV peroxide numbers higher than pure palm oil. The cow's oil mix is the greatest change compared to pigs and chickens. This result shows that cow's oil has the highest saturated fatty acid content. Electrooptical polarization angle larger than natural polarization. This is due to the interaction of the electric field of the light source with the electric field of the molecule induced by the electric field of the power supply. The polarization method successfully distinguishes the type of pure and mixed cooking oil.
BERKALA FISIKA 2014: Berkala Fisika Vol. 17 No. 3 Tahun 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (189.79 KB)


The use of animal oil for various purposes by the people has inspired this study. The purpose of the study was to distinguish the mixture of cooking oil palm and variety of animal oil (chicken oil, beef oil, and pork oil). The composition of the mixture of palm oil and animal oil is 3:1 mL, respectively. The light source used were He-Ne laser of 1 mW (λ = 633 nm) and IR lamp of 250 watt (λ = 750-800 nm). Measurements were made based on changes in the natural polarization angle (0 kV) and electrooptics (6 kV). The result showed that the natural polarization angle changes and electrooptics of  mixture of palm oil and animal oil greater than pure palm oil, both at He-Ne laser and IR light. This is consistent with the results of the titration test, peroxide value and free fatty acids (FFA) oil mixture was greater than pure palm oil. Change in the polarization angle represents the presence of saturated fatty acids. Animal oils have saturated fatty acid content greater than palm oil, so the polarization angle changes of oil mixture is greater than polarization angle changes of pure palm oil. Keywords: animal frying oil, palm oil, polarization angle
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pemanfaatan Teknologi Tepat Guna dalam Pengolahan Potensi Lokal di Nagari Tanjung Bonai Aur Aidhya Irhash Putra; Najmiatul Fajar; Roza Helmita; Venny Haris; Hadiyati Idrus; Maya Sari
Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/saintek.v1i2.229


Melimpahnya hasil hutan berupa pinang dan hasil kebun berupa jeruk nipis di Kecamatan sumpur kudus merupakan potensi lokal setempat yang perlu diolah untuk mencegah terjadinya penurunan harga dan mempertahankan mutu bahan. Adapun tujuan dari pemberdayaan ini adalah untuk memberi informasi dan pelatihan tentang bagaimana mengolah hasil hutan (pinang) dan hasil kebun(jeruk nipis dan ubi kayu) menjadi makanan dan minuman yang bermutu baik. Peserta dari kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat nagari Tanjung Bonai Aur, kecamatan sumpur kudus Kabupaten Sijunjung, maksimal berjumlah 30 (tiga puluh) orang. Tahapan Pelaksanan Workshop dilakukan sebagai berikut: Teknik membuat Sirup dari jeruk nipis, Teknik mengolah Pinang muda menjadi minuman kesehatan. Metode ceramah dan tanya jawab dipilih untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang bagaimana cara membuat sirup, mengolah pinang dan ubi kayu. Metode praktek ini diberikan kepada para peserta pelatihan untuk memberikan kesempatan mempraktekan materi pelatihan yang diperoleh. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan selama proses dan akhir pelatihan, pada aspek pencapaian tujuan pelatihan dan juga penyelenggaraan pelatihan. Hasil dari pemberdayaan dapat terlihat bahwa antusiasme masyarakat sangat tinggi selama pemberdayaan berlangsung.
Development of an Integrated Physics Learning Module Using Augmented Reality (AR) with Al-Qur'an on Fluid Material for Senior High School Enni Yusnita Firdaus; Sri Maiyena; Hadiyati Idrus; Venny Haris
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jipf.v7i2.8720


Teachers' Teaching materials are still limited, such as simple worksheets or textbooks. The available teaching materials are not yet integrated with the verses of the Qur'an and are not technology-based. One of the technologies currently being developed is Augmented Reality (AR) which can convert 2D images into 3D ones. AR is an innovation used to reduce the weaknesses of books and e-learning and can assist in visualizing things. Therefore, developing an integrated physics learning module using Augmented Reality with Al-Qur'an verses on fluid material is necessary. The type of development research used was the 4-D model, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination. However, this study is only in the development stage with limited trials. This study aims to produce an integrated physics learning module using AR based on Al-Qur'an on fluid material for senior high school that is valid and practical. Validation was obtained from some aspects, which are contents, media, and Al-Qur'an interpretation. The results showed that this module is very valid based on these three aspects (92% for contents, 83% for media, and 92% for Al-Qur'an interpretation). Practicality was obtained by a limited trial with students and physics teachers of MAN 2 Payakumbuh. The results obtained in this study are 89% for students and 91% for teachers. It means that this module is very practical. So, this module is very valid and practical for use in learning by teachers and students. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the integrated physics learning module uses Augmented Reality with verses of the Qur'an in fluid material that meets the requirements with very good quality and is very suitable for use as a supporting teaching material in learning. The implications of this research will positively impact the development of Physics learning media in the future; using media learning based on augmented reality (AR) can provide information for educators on how to use appropriate learning media in the learning process.
Pengembangan Web Google Sites Dengan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Phet Pada Materi Fluida Statis Kelas XI SMA/MA Sri Utami Dewi; Hadiyati Idrus; Artha Nesa Chandra; Venny Haris
Edusainstika: Jurnal Pembelajaran MIPA Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/je.v2i2.6796


Factors that affect the learning process in schools are the availability of teaching materials and learning media used. This causes the ability to understand concepts independently has not been achieved. Based on these problems, a research was conducted that aims to develop a web-based learning media google sites with the use of the PhET application in the learning of static fluid physics material that is valid and practical. This type of research is development research and research with the ADDIE research model (Analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). In this study, the researcher used a validation instrument in the form of media validation which consisted of 3 validators, namely 2 lecturers and 1 teacher. Practical instrument in the form of a questionnaire response of educators and students who were tested on 27 students and 4 teachers. The results of the product validity have met the very valid criteria with a percentage of 86,61%. At the practical stage, the results of the teacher and student response questionnaires obtained a percentage of 97,67% and 84,00% with a very practical category. So the google sites web-based physics learning media with the use of PhET applications on static fluid meters can be said to be valid and practical to use.
Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Fisika Pada Materi Sistem Tata Surya Berbasis Virtual Reality Video 3600 dengan Software Blender Pada Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Febri Iskandar; Hadiyati Idrus
Edusainstika: Jurnal Pembelajaran MIPA Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/je.v2i1.6677


This research aims to develop a physics learning video on the solar system material based on virtual reality video 3600 with blender software for class VIII SMP/MTs, as an effort to increase student's interest and passion in learning. The research method used is Research and Development with a 4D model (define, design, develop, and disseminate). This research is only carried out until the development stage. The problem to be studied is obtained at the definition stage. Then, the virtual reality-based 3600 learning video is designed in such a way in the design stage. At the development stage, validation was carried out by 3 validators, namely 2 physics lecturers, and 1 physics teacher. After the product is declared valid, it is continued with trials on students and educators to find out its practicality. The validation of the virtual reality-based 3600 learning video that was developed obtained a percentage of 84.37%. These results show that this video is very valid. Tests on 3600 virtual reality-based learning video students showed that this product was very practical with a percentage of 83.33% by students and 82.5% by educators. So, this learning video can be used as a medium for learning Physics, especially the material for the solar system.
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environments) Pada Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi Berbantuan Aplikasi Microsoft Teams Sukma Roviani; Hadiyati Idrus; Marjoni Imamora Ali Umar; Artha Nesa Chandra
Edusainstika: Jurnal Pembelajaran MIPA Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/je.v3i1.9541


This study aimed to determine whether students who used the Self Organized Learning Environments (SOLE) learning model using the Microsoft Teams application had better learning outcomes than students who used the face-to-face learning model. The post-trial-only control group design is a study design used in quasi-experimental studies. The population of this study was XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi. Two classes are sampled, that is, experimental class XI IPA 7 and control class XI IPA 6, which are sampled through normality test, homogeneity test and population mean similarity test. The sampling method uses simple random sampling where the results of the analysis found that both classes of samples are normally distributed, have homogeneous variants and the average population class is the same. The 20-question final exam is a tested and analyzed research tool. The experimental class achieved an average overall score of 80.13 for the cognitive domain, while the control class got an average final test score of 77.28. For the affective domain, the average value of the experimental class was 73.19, while the average value of the control class was 71.61. For the psychomotor domain, the average value of the experimental class was 73.51, while the average value of the control class was 70.04. The research hypothesis explains that "the learning outcomes of students who apply the SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environments) learning model assisted by the Microsoft Teams application are better than the learning outcomes of students who apply the direct learning model" formulated based on research results.
Validasi Modul Tata Surya Model PBL Terintegrasi Al-Qur’an Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) untuk Siswa Kelas VII SMP/MTs Pera Agustia Putri; Artha Nesa Chandra; Hadiyati Idrus; Pipi Deswita; Megasyani Anaperta
Edusainstika: Jurnal Pembelajaran MIPA Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31958/je.v3i1.10134


The teaching materials used by teachers are still simple and limited methods, such as only using power points and printed books. The available teaching materials are not integrated with the Qur’an and are technology-based. One of the current technologies being developed is Augmented Reality (AR) which can transform images into 3 dimensions. AR can help visualize Solar System material so that it can attract students' attention. Therefore it is necessary to develop a Solar System module with an Augmented Problem-Based Learning Model. Reality (AR) integrated Qur’an. The type of development research used is the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The data collection technique used is quantitative data collection and quantitative data analysis techniques come from validation instruments. The module was validated in terms of media validation, material, and interpretation. The population of this study is class VII at MTsN 2 Kota Sawahlunto while the sample used is class VIIA. The sampling technique used is Probability Sampling. The results show that the validation of material experts is 83.01% (category is very valid), media validation is 87,5%, (category is very valid), and interpretation validation is 94.4% (category is very valid). Overall, all aspect of validation shows a very valid. So this module was also very valid.