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Analisis Model Peningkatan Hidup Islami Melalui Prinsip Good Corporate Governance : Telaah Al-Qur’an Dan Al-Hadist Ainaya Anjani; Yuliati Ningsih; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.273


This study aims to analyze how to apply the concept of good corporate governance (GCG) as a model in improving Islamic life. The majority of the population in Indonesia are Muslims, of course they must know and also understand the Islamic principles of good corporate governance in doing business. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method, which focuses on the author's understanding, thoughts, and perceptions about the application of the principles of Islamic good corporate governance using Al-Qur'an and Hadith studies
Penerapan Prinsip Transparansi Pada Kegiatan Perdagangan Ditinjau Dari Sifat Amanah Nabi Muhammad Aprilia; Dwi Gita Nathalia; Rheni Anggraini; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.299


In this modern era, there are many people who trade, both traders and business actors, so that there is more and more competition in trading activities. This makes many people need knowledge and strategies in order to survive in trade competition. This article was written with the aim of disclosing that the actual application of the principle of transparency to trading activities from an Islamic point of view includes applying the trustworthiness of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This article uses qualitative methods as a research method. The principle of transparency has a relationship with the quality of information presented by business actors. Service quality is very important to note for traders and business actors. With superior service quality, it is able to support the sustainability of its business and survive in tight trade competition. The trustworthy nature of the Prophet Muhammad SAW means being trustworthy in taking care of responsibilities, that's why many people like to transact with him. The secret of the Prophet Muhammad's success in trading was the quality of service and the quality of the trade goods which he paid great attention to.
Analisis Hubungan Perilaku Korupsi Dengan Ketaatan Beragama Islam Di Indonesia Mezalina Wahyuning Aji; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.300


This rcligion claims that thc cradication of corruption in Indoncsia has failcd bccausc it is only sccn from a lcgal pcrspcctivc. Mcanwhilc, corruption is rclatcd to various factors such as social, cconomic, political, cultural and cvcn rcligious. This happcns not bccausc of thc tcachings of thcir rcligion, but bccausc of pcoplc who do not practicc thc tcachings of thc rcligion itsclf, bccausc rcligion prohibits corrupt practiccs and acts that violatc rcligious cthics. This rcvicw focuscs on thc rclationship bctwccn corruption and rcligious obscrvancc bascd on prcvious studics. In this proccss, rcscarchcrs uscd dcscriptivc qualitativc mcthods along with analytical mcthods from thc litcraturc rcvicw. Corruption in Indoncsia from thc point of vicw of Islamic law can bc classificd into khiyānah or ghulūl (trcason), al-ghasy (fraud) and risywah (corruption). Khiyanah ctymologically mcans a changc in circumstanccs for thc worsc (syar). Rcligion as a moral and spiritual organization that is rcsponsiblc for shaping human morality, both good and bad human morality, is strongly influcnccd by thc cxtcnt to which rcligious organizations tcach thc moral valucs ​​of thcir rcligion to thcir rcspcctivc adhcrcnts. Rcligious valucs ​​arc vcry cffcctivc in cradicating incrcasingly unstoppablc acts of corruption, thc rolc of lcgislation passcd by thc Corruption Cradication Commission (KPK), thc rolc of rcligion in cfforts to shapc anti-corruption practiccs, mosqucs and praycr rooms as focal point institutions in thc promotion of rcligious valucs, through thc promotion of faith , morality and rcligious cducation, as accumulatcd to dcfcat thc discasc in this country.
Pengaruh Independensi Dan Profesionalisme Terhadap Hasil Audit Puput Purnamasari; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.301


ABSTRACT This study aims to determine whether the independence and professionalism of an auditor has a positive effect on the quality of the auditor's audit results. The quality of good audit results usually also reflects the high quality of the auditor. At this time it is undeniable that audit quality is declining. This may occur due to several factors such as gratuities, bribes, and so forth. The research method used is a qualitative method by taking the technique of literature study or literature study. The source of this research is taken from the results of previous studies. This study resulted in the result that independence and professionalism have a positive influence on the quality of the auditor's audit results.
Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Whistleblowing System Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Academic Fraud Nia Dewi Kurniawati; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.306


The study has served to identify the student's perceptions of the whistleblowing system as an effort to prevent academic fraud, to explain frequent academic cheating among university students to reduce the level of academic fraud, and to illustrate the system's working process. The study involves a qualitative approach. The respondents used in this study are students of a moderate or former core study program of student activities and charitable organizations in the STIE PGRI Dewantara Jombang ward. The result of this study is that academic fraud can be prevented, reduced, and detected by this system. It can be caused by pressure, threats, and insecurity that can have a real deterrent to both the perpetrator and the potential academic fraud by applying the system. For the whistle to run optimally, it should be supported by the entire academic facility. So it can create a conducive environment in a college environment that can enhance both the quality of education and its graduates.
Perspektif Mahasiswa Akuntansi Pada Diamond Fraud Theory Friska Cahya Wulandari; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.307


The purpose of this study is to analyze and know the perspective of accounting students about Diamond Fraud theory in the prevention of Fraud. The data collection technique used in this research is to conduct interviews. The analytical technique used is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the three students from different universities said that the Diamond Fraud Theory is very helpful in preventing the occurrence of fraud and for accounting students it is very necessary to study this in order to become professional accountants and with integrity.
Keterkaitan Antara Transparansi Dengan Sifat Tablig Dalam Penerapan Prinsip GCG Valiyan Rahmad Illabillah; Yahya Wahyu Zacky Zakaria; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.327


Corporate Governance are known principles to protect business trust. The problem of developing good corporate governance practices coincided with the occurrence of financial cases involving several large companies such as Enron and WorldCom. Indonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim, must understand the principles of good corporate governance according to sharia in running its business. The purpose of making this research is to introduce how to apply good and correct GCG principles to ensure the sustainability of company operations with the characteristics of Islamic Corporate Governance so that the company's operations are carried out according to the objectives of this research. This research refers to research from various sources, using descriptive analysis.
Implementasi Prinsip Transparansi Dalam Kaidah Islam Dwi Novita Sari; Kavita Sapna Previdayana; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.343


Proper corporate governance is a common principle throughout the world which is to maintain organizational integrity. The problem of developing good corporate governance has grown with the financial problems of several large corporations, including Enron and WorldCom. Indonesia, the majority of which are Muslim citizens, need to understand the principles of Islamic good corporate governance in conducting business. The development of sharia entities requires operational employees to implement GCG in accordance with sharia principles. The purpose of this study is to find out how the application of the principle of openness in relation to the verses of the Qur'an is in accordance with Islamic principles. This research is a literature study using descriptive analysis.
Implementasi Good Corporate Governance Pada Bidang Perindustrian Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Islam Mia Ade Asvianty; Mukhammad Kharis Wildan Laksono; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.351


Lately, good corporate governance is often discussed by the public and has become a hot topic among the business world. In general, Good Corporate Governance has 5 basic principles that must be carried out according to applicable standards. From these principles, if implemented properly, it can increase added value for shareholders and for the company to get a good and positive image in society and the public. The purpose of this research is to explain and describe or describe broadly the implementation of good corporate governance based on studies from an Islamic perspective based on several values that must be carried out in companies. The subject of this research is a company engaged in the furniture industry with a 100% percentage of shares owned by the founding family because this company is a family furniture industry company that is run or managed by the family members themselves.
Analisis Transparency Berdasarkan Perspektif Islam HR. Bukhari : 1928 Sukma Restina Pradipta; Sekar Langit Putri Waluyo; Mohamad Djasuli
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomika dan Bisnis (JEBS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47233/jebs.v2i3.352


Quote meaning HR.Bukhari: 1928 is a leader must be transparent in governing. Transparency is one of the important principles in realizing Good Corporate Governance. Transparency in service has an important role in realizing Good Corporate Governance. By implementing good corporate governance, it is believed that the company is able to strengthen its competitive position in a sustainable manner, besides that the company can manage resources and risks that will be faced more efficiently and effectively. With the implementation of each of the principles of good corporate governance by the company, this is the beginning of the company forming a system, structure and culture within the company that is more adaptive to the changes that will occur in the company's environment. Islam itself, of course, also has a much more complete concept and always upholds good morals and piety to Allah SWT, which is certainly a wall not to fall into things that are not honest in accepting trust. With the principles of Islamic Good Corporate Governance, it is hoped that the principles of Good Corporate Governance in general can coexist with an Islamic perspective.
Co-Authors Ach. Fawaid As'ad Achmad Zamroni Adinda Ayu Nawangsari Ageng Triganda Ainaya Anjani Akhmad Kamaludin Alfiani Nila Erlita Alvin Kurniawan Alvisa Cutyanti Andilla Dwi Maharani Anggi Dwi Amanda Anggi Safrina Putri Anggi Sri Wahyuni Anggita putri parasmono Ani Lailatul Rosidah Anindhita Fadia Haya Anis Lailatul Fitri Aprilia Aprillia Nabilla Ayu Rosadi Arida Dwi Machfudyah Asmaul Husna Atisa Pangesti Aulia Nur Azizah Ayu Maghfuriyah Bella Khoirun Nisa Bismo Prayoga Brilian Nanda Arifian Chlaudya Agus Yanita Choirotin Ainia Ainia Chusnul Khotimah Citra Lutfia Corrina Dian Anita Sari Devi Nur Alfiah Dewi Tri Darinda Dimas Arya Putra Salam Dinda Harum Fisari Dwi Gita Nathalia Dwi Novita Sari Eliana novita sari Elin Nurlina Sari Erika Dwi Agnik Fadia Ayu Silfia Fais Sholafudin Faizatur Rosydah Feri Nanda Fieri Hendrawan Fifin Nur Halizah Fitri Nurwulandari Fredy Wijaya Ciputra Friska Cahya Wulandari Gita Arasy Harwida Hani Ayu Lestari Haryono Haryono Hesti Eka Tri Nur’Aini Hidayatul Farikhah Hilda Septia S Imada Nur Musawamah Indah Ismawati Irma Ika Febryani Karina Indah Permatasari Kavita Sapna Previdayana Kharisma Ayu Febriani Khoirun Nisa' Laelly Wahyu Hidayati Lailia Rofidah LISA AYUNI Lukman Hakim Luluk Indah Kholifatin M. Athif Ar Rohman Manisha laisya chorella Mas Ayu Desvinta N Maulinda Safitri Maya Amanda Putri Menik Puji Rahayu Mezalina Wahyuning Aji Mia Ade Asvianty Miftahul Yulandari Mochammad Vanny Febrianto Mohammad Rifqy Tiyantono Muhamad Nurcholis Muhamad Ridho Mukhammad Kharis Wildan Laksono Nabila Anugrah Putri Permatasari Nabilah Wahyu Ningtiyas Nabilla Rivanti Nadia Adisti Bernika Juniardi Naila Tsawaba Nanda Iga Febrianti NAZULA NUUR AZIZAH Nia Dewi Kurniawati Nikken Eva Ayu Anggraeni Norapuspita Norapuspita Nur Aini Nur Azizatul Aliefah Nura Afifah Nurjanah Khofifah Nurul Syarifatul Laili Puput Purnamasari Putri Salsadila Qurrota A’yunina RA Nurur Rohmah Aidatul Fitriyah Rafianamaghfurin Rafianamaghfurin Rahayu Wilujeng Rahmat Danang Anggartawan Revina Anyndita Rheni Anggraini Ridaniar Kharisma Rijal Fahmi Rikha Amelia Risa Mareta Harviana Santi Indrawati Sekar Langit Putri Waluyo Serlina Nur Afdiyah Shaennon Agustina Silvia Vasaura Sinta Putri Dharmayanti Sintia Dwi Puspita Sari Siti Nurhalizah Fitriani Sukma Restina Pradipta Suqa Annisa Filail Syaifur Rijal Tanty Putri Pravitasari Ufik Novi Maslakah Ummi Hani Ummu Hani Valiyan Rahmad Illabillah Vega Septian Fikri D Wandha Dani Sarnisa Widi Wardani Wulandari Wulandari Yahya Wahyu Zacky Zakaria Yohana Ayu Nirawati Yuliati Ningsih Yunita Dwi Anggraini