Asep Iwan Setiawan
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Budaya Organisasi dalam Lembaga Islam Asep Iwan Setiawan
Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah) Vol 14, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/anida.v14i2.844


Every organization has a culture that aims to make every member can have a handle in the pursuit of goals. Organizational climate will become less favorable, the relationship between the employee will only be limited to normal relations without guided by the spirit of togetherness that is bound by the same values. Therefore every individual of a very important part of the organization upholding cultural values developed from year to year, which is rooted in strong values that will give birth to the employees believed a strong commitment. If this is ignored it will produce less karayawan commitment, motivation and performance levels of employees who are not satisfactory, which in turn will damage the company itself.
Islamic Counseling Communication of Nurses on Cancer Patients in Islamic Hospital Siti Sumijati; Dyah Rahmi Astuti; Asep Iwan Setiawan
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies Vol 14, No 2 (2020): Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies
Publisher : Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/idajhs.v14i1.8821


This study aims to determine the therapeutic communication of Islamic perspectives conducted by nurses in cancer patients in Islamic Hospitals. The research was conducted through a qualitative approach with the study of symbolic interactionism. The results showed that the communication management carried out by RSI nurses in chemotherapy patients was carried out with an interpersonal approach, the use of persuasive sentences, empathic communication of patients' families, and trancedental communication. The meaning of verbal communication is done when providing relevant information to patients and collecting patient data. The meaning of non-verbal communication is done to read the patient's emotions through facial expressions and intonation. The symbolic interaction process can be seen when nurses treating chemotherapy patients have fear or worry when interacting with their patients.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komunikasi terapeutik perspektif Islam yang dilakukan oleh perawat pada pasien kanker di Rumah Sakit Islam. Penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi interaksionisme simbolik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan komunikasi yang dilakukan para perawat RSI pada pasien kemoterapi dilakukan dengan pendekatan interpersonal, penggunaan kalimat persuasif, komunikasi empatik keluarga pasien dan komunikasi transedental. Makna komunikasi verbal dilakukan pada saat memberikan informasi penting kepada pasien dan mengumpulkan data pasien. Makna komunikasi non verbal dilakukan untuk membaca emosi pasien baik melalui ekspresi wajah maupun intonasi. Proses interaksi simbolik dapat dilihat pada saat perawat merawat pasien kemoterapi memiliki rasa takut atau khawatir pada saat berinteraksi dengan pasiennya.
Implementation of Da'wah Training Management in Improving the Competence of Da'i Nagari West Sumatra Asep Iwan Setiawan; Vici Ramadini Yunus; Ahmad Sarbini
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies Vol 15, No 1 (2021): Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies
Publisher : Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/idajhs.v15i1.13006


This study aims to analyze the process of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising da'wah training in the Da'i Nagari program under the guidance of BAZNAS, Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra. The research uses a qualitative approach through a descriptive study. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. The study results concluded that there was an implementation of the management function in the Da'i Nagari program. This can be reviewed in the planning aspect through the analysis process of the analysis of the training objectives, training participants, the budget allocated for running the program, training facilities and infrastructure, as well as the time and schedule of training activities; the organizing aspect is carried out through a small team as the person in charge consisting of three people; implementation aspects concerning the planning of training programs; and aspects of supervision by involving parties who act as supervisors of training activities. This research has implications for an increase in the competence of preachers both in intellectual, social, and spiritual aspects.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan pelatihan dakwah pada program Da’i Nagari binaan BAZNAS Kabupaten Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat implementasi fungsi manajemen pada program Da’i Nagari. Hal ini dapat ditinjau pada aspek perencanaan melalui proses analisis analisis tujuan pelatihan, peserta pelatihan, anggaran biaya yang diperuntukan untuk menjalankan program, sarana dan prasarana pelatihan, serta waktu dan jadwal kegiatan pelatihan; aspek pengorganisasian yang dilakukan melalui tim kecil sebagai penanggungjawab yang terdiri dari tiga orang; aspek pelaksanaan dengan merujuk pada perencanaan program pelatihan; dan aspek pengawasan dengan melibatkan pihak yang berperan sebagai pengawas kegiatan pelatihan. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada adanya peningkatan kompetensi da’i baik pada aspek intelektual, sosial, dan spiritual.
Personal Branding Model of Conventional Kiai in Broadcasting Islamic Religion in Islamic Boarding Schools Asep Iwan Setiawan; Siti Sumijaty; Dyah Rahmi Astuti
Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies Vol 16, No 2 (2022): Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies
Publisher : Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/idajhs.v16i2.21520


This study aims to describe the process of establishing the personal branding of conventional kiai at Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, starting from the stage of determining unique personal branding competencies, the stage of building connections and relationships, the stage of creating creativity to the controlling stage. The model used in this study is the personal branding circle-p model (competency, connectivity, creation, compliance, contribution). The paradigm used is a constructivist paradigm with an interpretive approach and descriptive method. Research data were collected through in-depth interviews and passive participatory observation. The study results show that the formation of personal branding is carried out through the stages of determining unique competencies, establishing relationships, creating creativity, and controlling that is carried out in a flowing manner seen from changes in attitudes and responses of students and other congregations from each meeting.
The Strategies of Ajengans in Mediating Islam and Local Traditions in Rural West Bandung Regency Mohammad Taufiq Rahman; Paelani Setia; Asep Iwan Setiawan
Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas Vol 3, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jis.v3i1.24108


Islam is not present in a society empty of culture but is here to find local traditions that develop and run amid a pluralistic society so that local traditions are maintained and packaged with Islamic values. Among the local traditions still growing in the community is "incense-burning", a routine Friday night ceremony and a part of the agricultural process in Lembur Sawah Hamlet, West Bandung Regency. Using interview and observation techniques, this qualitative research described local religious leaders (ajengan) as cultural intermediaries between Islam as a world religion and local beliefs.The figures Ajengans referred to in this article are the Kiais (Islamic scholars) of Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) who influenced society; they had merged into Nahdlatul Ulama, culturally and structurally. The results showed that the community understood local traditions as shari'a that must be followed. Therefore, they represented the "sunnah of their ancestors," even though they did not understand the symbolic meaning of the tradition. Here, the religious scholars of Islam played a role in straightening existing traditions combined with traditions with Islamic nuances, namely, incense-burning activities in tahlilan, Yasinan, khotmil Qur'an, shahriahan, and manakiban events. Also, the ajengans played a role as role models. Finally, the primary function of ajengans was to preserve existing traditions as part of a willing attitude toward local culture. Here, they modified deviant local traditions with Islamic nuances that did not violate the Islamic creed.