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Efektivitas Strategi Promosi Produk Kopi Lokal di Rumah Kopi Ranin Muhammad Arismal Rezki; Dwi Retno Hapsari
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 17 No. 1 (2019): Februari 2019
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.762 KB) | DOI: 10.46937/17201926589


Ranin Coffee House is a small scale business that is engaged in selling local coffee products. This business conducts promotional activities to increase sales of its products. The purpose of this study is to identify the form of promotional strategies, analyze the effectiveness of promotional strategies, and identify the relationship between respondent characteristics and the effectiveness of promotional strategies on the dimensions of empathy, persuasion, impact, and communication. This research was used a quantitative approach in a survey of 40 respondents who were supported by qualitative data with in-depth interviews with selected respondents who mastered the research problem. The results show that brand and packaging promotion strategies, Instagram media, and personal selling are counted effective in increasing empathy, persuasion, positive impact, and communication (EPIC dimension), and not all respondent characteristics are related to the effectiveness of promotional strategies carried out by Ranin Coffee House.
KOMPAS.COM DECONSTRUCTION ON RESHUFFLE STATEMENTS AS A POLITICAL POLICY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Joshua Fernando; Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo; Dwi Retno Hapsari; Matahari Irandiputri; Ratih Kurnia Hidayati
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Accredited by Kemenristekdikti RI SK No. 36/E/KPT/2019
Publisher : Universitas Bunda Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30813/bricolage.v7i2.2681


The COVID-19 pandemic seems to be a challenge for every country in determining its political-strategic direction. The political policies taken are determining the sustainability of the lives of hundreds of millions of Indonesians. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the reshuffle issue continued to surface and made media coverage very important. is present as a major media that continues to record the development of the reshuffle issue amid the pandemic. This study aims to look at the framing of three reports of in different time frames, regarding the reshuffle issue during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative research method with  theory of deconstruction of perspective Jacques Derrida and was sorted using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis. The results of this study found that tried to construct public thinking by making opinion articles as an emphasis on news discourse reshuffles which made a shift of people's views to the possibility that resulted in a reshuffle that became a reality.
Pemulihan Ekonomi Keluarga UMKM Lokal melalui Pelatihan Desain Kemasan Produk dan Pemasaran Online di Desa Pekandangan Jaya, Kabupaten Indramayu Ade Taryudi; Dzieky Maulana; Hafifah Hafifah; Junah Kistia; Nur Hanifah; Dwi Retno Hapsari
Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4197.554 KB)


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are trading businesses managed by business entities or individuals. MSMEs in Pekandangan Jaya Village have difficulty in marketing products, looking for raw materials so that productivity is low. In overcoming these constraints, the objectives of the IPB Goes to Field (IGTF) 2020 program organized by the Institute for Development and Research to the Community (LPPM) of Bogor Agricultural University provide an opportunity to be able to help MSMEs solve the problem. SMART MSME program, which is implemented by empowering MSMEs and youth cadets through subprograms, namely the formation of UMKM Berkah Bersama group, Online Marketing Class, Product Packaging Graphic Design Training for MSMEs, and simple sales bookkeeping. In addition, the results of the SMART MSME program, namely the establishment of online marketing platforms (tokopedia and instagram), partners understand about design using graphic design applications, and packaging on partners successfully updated into products of higher selling value. Keywords: raw materials, digital marketing, training, micro small and medium enterprises.
Optimalisasi Potensi Home Industry melalui Digitalisasi Marketing (Kasus: Produksi Emping Rumahan Kampung Pagutan, Desa Sukakerta, Cianjur) Muhammad As’ary; Parhan Mugini; Muhammad Fikri Fakhrurozi; Sugiarti Sugiarti; Garnieta Febrianty Utami; Dwi Retno Hapsari
Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4197.582 KB)


Emping is a kind of Indonesian snack or snack in the form of chips made from melinjo seeds. The abundance of these chips is an opportunity to become a business. However, the pandemic has hampered the marketing of the chips. IPB Goes To Field is present as a program that facilitates students to be able to directly help the community in answering the problems it faces. Data collected through interview methods and direct observation to related partners to determine the natural conditions and conditions of the community around the partner's residence. Research shows that the increase in online media marketing is a great opportunity to develop the chip selling market. In addition, the taste innovation in chips is also enjoyed by various groups. The optimization is in the form of canvas model business training, digital marketing and procurement of media and business support equipment. Keywords: business, digitalization, emping
Literasi Informasi Media Digital pada Komunitas Adat di Era Internet of Things (IOT): Studi Kasus Masyarakat Adat Baduy Luar di Desa Kanekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak, Provinsi Banten Galung Triko; Dwi Retno Hapsari; Krishnarini Matindas
Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan Vol. 20 No. 02 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46937/20202241086


Masyarakat Baduy Luar (Outer Baduy) secara umum telah mengalami perubahan lingkungan sosial pada penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Berbeda dengan masyarakat Baduy Dalam (Inner Baduy) yang masih konsisten menolak pengaruh globalisasi demi menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan keberlangsungan budaya. Bagi masyarakat Baduy Luar penggunaan media digital handphone dan alat modern sebenarnya adalah larangan adat, tetapi mereka tetap memaksakan menggunakannya karena kebutuhan dan kelonggaran dari pemuka adat (Kokolot). Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perilaku komunikasi dan kemampuan literasi informasi media digital masyarakat Baduy Luar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi literatur untuk data sekunder. Tahapan analisis melalui reduksi data dengan tiga pengodean utama yaitu open coding, axial coding, dan selective coding. Penyajian data secara naratif dengan pengujian keabsahan data menggunakan analisis triangulasi, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sebagai kesimpulan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor adat istiadat memiliki implikasi yang sangat kuat terhadap kemampuan literasi informasi media digital, hambatan komunikasi yang terjadi, dan perilaku komunikasi bermedia digital masyarakat Baduy Luar di era Internet of Things (IoT).
Jurnal Neo Societal Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.345 KB) | DOI: 10.52423/jns.v7i1.22974


Peranan perangkat digital saat kini turut memasuki pada upaya mengurangi risiko atau mitigasi di kala bencana. Hal tersebut tergambarkan pada sistem peringatan dini yang manfaatnya telah dapat dirasakan sampai level individu sebagai pengguna perangkat digital. Pengawasan di dalamnya pun harus diberikan penjelasan agar individu pemantau aktivitas alam menyadari penggunaan sistem yang ada. Apabila tidak turut menghadirkan makna pengawasan yang dialamatkan pada sistem peringatan dini, maka pengabaian di dalamnya terhadap proses sistem peringatan dini akan mengundang kerugian sebagaimana dampak bencana alam. Analisis ini ditulis melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskripsi serta teknik studi literatur yang berhubungan dengan konseptual pengawasan. Hasilnya, tak hanya melekat pada sistem peringatan dini saja, pengawasan yang ada pada perangkat itu membuat makna di dalamnya turut mengubah konsep pengawasan yang selama ini ada. Dari sisi struktur, kemudahan, waktu, dan fungsionalitasnya hal tersebut telah mengalami transformasi. Walaupun demikian, tak serta merta adanya pengawasan langsung membuat sistem peringatan dini berjalan optimal, melainkan masih terdapat catatan tantangan yang harus disikapi jika ingin dimasifkan peranannya di luar kebencanaan.
Pemanfaatan Komunikasi Inovasi Digital Pertanian Perkotaan di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Leonard Dharmawan; Pudji Muljono; Dwi Retno Hapsari; Bagus Priyo Purwanto
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 19 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluhan Pembangunan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25015/19202340647


Communication of innovation in agriculture is a way for farmers not only to seek information about agriculture in an innovative way but also how to explore and share information with fellow farmers in an innovative way to increase their agricultural productivity. During the pandemic, due to restrictions on gatherings, counseling is carried out in an innovative way, namely digital. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of extension workers and supporting facilities for digital agriculture and extension, to determine the factors that influence the level of empowerment of farmers in the city of Bogor. This study uses quantitative research methods which are strengthened by qualitative data. The location of the research was determined deliberately in the city of Bogor, which has good urban agriculture. The results show that extension workers are ready to face digital counseling and the communication support facilities for digital innovation in the city of Bogor are good for digital counseling. the level of empowerment of farmers directly affects the productivity of farmers and indirectly positively influenced by; environmental support, farmer innovation activities, and individual characteristics of farmers.
Dinamika Kelompok dan Kemitraan Konservasi Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan Konservasi dalam Taman Nasional Meru Betiri: Dynamics Group and Conservation Partnership of Conservation Forest Village Community Institution in the National Park Meru Betiri Hanikka Wedya Prasetia; Dwi Sadono; Dwi Retno Hapsari
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 19 No. 02 (2023): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluhan Pembangunan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25015/19202345323


Dinamika kelompok lembaga masyarakat desa hutan konservasi menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan melalui program kemitraan konservasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika kelompok, karakteristik individu, pendamping program kemitraan konservasi dan kohesivitas kelompok di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner kepada 30 orang responden di empat blok pengelolaan pada bulan April-Juni 2022. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode cluster sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 23. Komunikasi dalam kelompok LMDHK diharapkan memiliki kesamaan makna dan tujuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelompok LMDHK cukup dinamis dalam penerapan kemitraan konservasi. Karakteristik individu meliputi umur, intensitas kehadiran dan kepemilikan media memiliki hubungan nyata dengan penerapan kemitraan konservasi, sementara pendamping kemitraan dan dinamika kelompok tidak berhubungan nyata dengan penerapan kemitraan konservasi. Kepemilikan media komunikasi anggota kelompok dapat memudahkan penerimaan pesan. Pendamping kemitraan konservasi kurang mengoptimalkan penggunaan media komunikasi dalam menyampaikan informasi program kemitraan konservasi kepada kelompok.
Jurnal Sosial Humaniora Vol. 14 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30997/jsh.v14i1.8475


The Benoa Bay reclamation idea is an interesting isssue due to presidential regulation 51 of 2014 has not been revised. This condition effects in the struggle of indigenous peoples be going to start continuesly from the difference of interests between indigenous peoples and the government which ultimately produced a social movements. The social movement has occured in a long period of time since 2012 to 2019. The influence of traditional power can contribute to delaying the progress of the reclamation project. This research aims to examine the communication patterns exhibited by the local community and Balinese customs in their opposition to the Benoa Bay reclamation project. The study adopts an ethnographic approach using qualitative techniques as the research methodology. Data collection involves gathering primary and secondary data through interviews and literature review. The research is conducted in Kedonganan Adat Village, located in Kuta District, Badung Regency. The findings reveal that the Kedonganan indigenous people express their rejection of the Benoa Bay reclamation project through meaningful messages conveyed both verbally and nonverbally. The communication primarily occurs through interpersonal interactions to ensure better comprehension of the messages. These messages carry symbolic significance and have given rise to a subtle social movement, believed to provide protection by the Kedonganan community. Consequently, the Kedonganan indigenous people have successfully secured their victory in the opposition against the Benoa Bay reclamation project through the utilization of customary power and cultural strength.