Abdul Wahid
Department Of History Faculty Of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Kartini’s Views on Opium Problems in Java at the End of the 19th Century Abdul Wahid
Humaniora Vol 33, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jh.66466


In the 1890s, the discourse on the negative effects of opium consumption among Native people turned into a political movement, which demanded that the Dutch colonial government reform its policies on opium. In the same period, Raden Ajeng Kartini, a priyayi (noble) woman from Jepara, developed her intellectual capabilities and thinking. Her letters, it was later discovered, contained critical ideas concerning the disadvantaged position of Javanese women. In addition to this, as an issue attracting greater public scrutiny, the opium problem also drew Kartini’s attention, as evinced in at least two letters to Stella Zeehadnelaar and Mrs. Abendanon-Madri. Curiously, Kartini’s views on the opium problem have been given little scholarly attention in the rich literature on her life, with most scholarly work focusing on her “feminist” thoughts and ideas. For that reason, this article offers an analysis on this very specific aspect of Kartini’s thoughts, delving further into its historical context and what it means in terms of her existing historical persona.
Jurnal Kajian Wilayah Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Kajian Wilayah
Publisher : Research Center for Regional Resources-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2SDR-LIPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4752.613 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jkw.v6i1.66


In order to extend its trading network and engagement in the intra-Asian trading network, the VOC sought to gain contact with Japan, which was known for its luxurious products as copper and silk. At that time, Tokugawa Ieyasu just emerged as the new Japanese ruler, whose regime introduced a controversial policy known as Sakoku to cut Japan completely off from the international relations to strengthen internal politics. As a result, Japan lost its diplomatic and economic relationship with other nations. The Dutch (represented by the VOC) together with China and Korea - were the only exception as the Tokugawa regime granted them trading license and used them as window to see the outer worlds development. The VOCs offiers had to pay costly this privilege, however, since they should follow Tokugawas strict rules and control. They were allowed to settle and live only on a virtual island called Deshima, which was located on the bay of Nagasaki. Tokugawa regime provided all their needs, but restricted their movements and activities especially in accessing land and making contact with local inhabitants. Perusing the available printed historical sources to be combined with the recent literature, this paper describes the daily life of those VOCs Dutch offiers living on the island, and seeks to analyze the importance of this odd relations for political and economic relations of the two nations.Keywords: the VOC, Dutch, Tokugawa Japan, Deshima
Patra Widya: Seri Penerbitan Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya. Vol. 19 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.062 KB) | DOI: 10.52829/pw.92


Sebagai sebuah negara kepulauan, Indonesia memiliki sejarah panjang dan peradaban maritim yang kaya. Lautan dan pantai telah menjadi faktor penting yang membentuk kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, dan identitas kultural negeri ini, yang semuanya diwariskan secara historis dari ganerasi ke generasi. Sayangnya, warisan sejarah maritim ini, baik yang bersifat bendawi maupun non-bendawi, kini secara perlahan mulai memudar dan bahkan terancam punah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh gabungan beberapa faktor diantaranya kurangnya kesadaran publik tentang keberadaannya, absennya upaya dari pemangku kepentingan untuk memliharanya, dan eksploitasi destruktif sumberdaya laut dan pantai. Makalah ini menyajikan sebuah ulasan tentang kekayaan warisan sejarah maritim Indonesia, baik yang bersifat bendawi maupun non-bendawi, kondisi terkini mereka termasuk tantangan dan ancaman yang dihadapinya, dan strategi-strategi yang bisa diterapkan untuk melindunginya. Melalui diskusi tersebut, makalah ini bermaksud memberikan kontribusi pada upaya-upaya yeng terus dilakukan di Indonesia dan di negara-negara lainnya untuk mempromosikan makna penting warisan sejarah maritim, dan untuk membangun kesadaran akan pentingnya melakukan aksi-kolektif untuk menginventarisir, mengkaji, melindungi dan menyelamatkan mereka dari kepunahan.____________________________________________________________As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a rich and long maritime history and civilization. Marine and coastal resources have been an essential factor in shaping the social, economy, and cultural identity of the nation, which was transferred historically from generation to generation. Unfortunately, these rich maritime historical heritages, both tangible and intangible, are slowly fading away and even at risk of extinction. This is resulted from a combination of several factors, namely the lack of public awareness about their existence, the absence of initiatives from stakeholders to preserve them and the destructive exploitation of marine and coastal resources. This paper provides a survey on the richness of Indonesian maritime heritages, tangible as well as intangible ones, their current situations, including the threathening challenges, and the strategis that may be applied to preserve and protect their existence. In so doing, the papers seeks to contribute to the ongoing efforts in Indonesia and elsewhere in promoting the important of maritime heritages and the need to initiate a collective-action to inventorize, study, preserve, and hence save them from the risk of extinction.
Pendampingan Pendokumentasian dan Penulisan Sejarah Keluarga di Desa Beji, Ngawen, Gunung Kidul Mutiah Amini; Uji Nugroho Winardi; Wildan Sena Utama; Bambang Purwanto; Abdul Wahid; Arif Akhyat; Farabi Fakih
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.449 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/bb.55500


AbstractThe Department of History conducted a community service (PkM) on the topic of documenting and writing family history in Beji Village, Ngawen, Gunung Kidul. The PkM activities are conducted by lecturers and students of History in six months in 2019. Writing and documenting family history is carried out in a participatory method by a coloboration with village residents. The PkM activities were carried out in three stages. First, on May 4, 2019 a dialogue was held between the PkM team and the village stakeholders regarding the plan to write and document the family history of Beji Village. Secondly, on July 15, 2019 the PkM team observed the Nyadran process held by the Beji Village community. Third, the PkM team provides assistance in writing family history and documenting important figures who intersect with culture and art, cultural traditions, and multicultural identities in Beji Village. At the end of this PkM activity, a family history of the village leader has produced, namely the family history of Mbah Yatmo, a prayer reader at the Sadranan ceremony in Beji Village.----------AbstrakDepartemen Sejarah melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) dengan topik pendokumentasian dan penulisan sejarah keluarga di Desa Beji, Ngawen, Gunung Kidul. Seluruh kegiatan PkM dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa Ilmu Sejarah dalam waktu enam bulan pada tahun 2019. Penulisan serta pendokumentasian sejarah keluarga yang dilakukan secara partisipatif bersama warga. Kegiatan PkM tersebut dilaksanakan dalam tiga tahapan kegiatan. Pertama, pada 4 Mei 2019 diadakan dialog antara tim PkM dan pemangku desa mengenai rencana penulisan dan pendokumentasian sejarah keluarga Desa Beji. Kedua, pada 15 Juli 2019 tim PkM melakukan observasi proses Nyadran yang diselenggarakan oleh masyarakat Desa Beji. Ketiga, tim PkM melaksanakan pendampingan penulisan sejarah keluarga dan pendokumentasian tokoh penting yang bersinggungan dengan kebudayaan dan kesenian, tradisi kultural, dan identitas multikultural di Desa Beji. Pada akhir kegiatan PkM ini dihasilkan contoh penulisan sejarah keluarga tokoh desa, yaitu sejarah keluarga Mbah Yatmo, seorang pembaca doa dalam upacara Sadranan di Desa Beji.
Santri, Cigarettes, and Power Relation: Soft Constructivism of Smoking Habit at Pesantren Lirboyo Agus Setyawan; Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono; Abdul Wahid
MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Vol 4 No 01 (2021): Muharrik: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/muharrik.v4i01.797


This article aims to directly investigate the phenomenon of smoking in the small santri community within the scope of the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School in order to get a specific portrait of the santri smoking behavior with the underlying factors. This study was conducted using participant observation techniques to reconstruct the meaning behind the smoking habits of students at the Lirboyo. The relationship pattern between Lirboyo Islamic boarding school and Gudang Garam cigarette company experienced a faint polarization in terms of smoking habit. Tug of the dominance in the social field about the existence of its Islamic unwelcome law against cigarettes running slowly but surely toward the conditions according to the timely demands. The adaptation process regarding the anti-tobacco healthy life outlook was adopted by Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School without reducing the pattern of relations with cigarette producers and consumers. This pattern is called soft-constructivism towards Lirboyo according to the relevant circumstances.
Kolaborasi dan Intervensi: Pengembangan dan Operasional Maskapai Penerbangan Komersial Hindia Belanda, 1928–1940-an Dwi Adi Wicaksono; Abdul Wahid
Lembaran Sejarah Vol 17, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/lembaran-sejarah.61810


Civil aviation in the Dutch East Indies developed after the presence of Koninklijke Nederlandsch-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschappij (KNILM) as the only commercial airline. Even though KNILM was founded and owned entirely by the private sector and operated commercially, this company received subsidies and various other support from the colonial government. This raises the question of how the two parties manage this airline?This article uses a political and business approach to explain these issues as well as sources in the form of official printed documents, newspapers and others.The author's research shows that the formation and management of the KNILM company was a combination of private interests and colonial government politics. This cooperation was carried out to overcome the shortcomings of each party that requires civil aviation to strengthen their agenda. The private sector has the advantage of being able to utilize aviation technology directly with better economic value but required an injection of funds for its operations. On the other hand, the colonial government did not want to invest heavily in aviation technology but needed it, so it provided subsidies and other support to KNILM.
Pengantar Editor Abdul Wahid; Yulianti Yulianti
Lembaran Sejarah Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Special Edition: Revolusi Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/lembaran-sejarah.80445


Satmata: Journal of Historical Education Studies Vol .1 No. 2: October 2023
Publisher : CV. Fahr Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61677/satmata.v1i2.57


This article analyzes the role of the Kamer van Koophandel en Nijverheid te Padang (Chamber of The limited transportation infrastructure along the North Coast of Java, stretching from Semarang to Cirebon, led to the emergence of transportation modernization in the form of a railway system. The introduction of railways was followes by various entities opening concessions for railroads in several areas of the Ducth East Indies. This will focus on NV.SCS as a private steam tram company that established its concession in the North Coast of Java region from Semarang to Cirebon, with a spesific emphasis on the network distributin created by this company. The research methodology employed in this study is a historical research method related to systematic procedures, processes, and techniques in descriptive analysis to obtain the subject under investigation. As a result, the network established by NV.SCS in divided into several areas, including the    Central North Coast of Java, the North Coast of Cirebon, and connectivity to the post. The rail lines constructed by NV.SCS were not limited to the main Semarang-Cirebon route but also extended into its branches into the surrounding inliand areas.
Taming the Zoonosis in Tropic: Rise of Rabies (hondsdolheid) as an Endemic Disease and Its Containment in Colonial Indonesia, 1870s-1930s Abdul Wahid
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 34, No 2 (2024): Disaster and Disease in History
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v34i2.47926


Abstract: Rabies, or canine madness, is one of the most frequent zoonotic diseases, mainly through the bite of a dog. The disease presumably had been in existence long before the coming of Europeans, as raising a dog and other rabid animals had been a strong tradition among indigenous people. Yet, it was only in the mid19th Century, with the establishment of colonial administration, that rabies began to be recorded, and then only at the end of the Century did the colonial government perceive it as a dangerous disease, especially in Java. This study seeks to investigate why rabies became a public health issue only later at the end of the 19th Century. What factors influenced the rise of this disease, how did local people perceive it, and what was the colonial government's response to this disease? This paper argues that rabies was an endemic disease before the colonial authorities acknowledged it and that it continued until the end of the colonial period, based on colonial publications and other pertinent sources, mainly newspapers. The limited records and belated development and introduction of medical science became contributing factors to the tardiness of government responses in resolving this endemic disease. Rabies remained a threatening public issue after Indonesia became independent. Abstrak: Rabies, atau penyakit anjing gila, merupakan salah satu penyakit zoonosis yang paling sering terjadi, terutama melalui gigitan anjing. Penyakit ini mungkin sudah ada jauh sebelum kedatangan bangsa Eropa, karena memelihara anjing dan hewan lain yang terkena rabies merupakan tradisi yang kuat di kalangan penduduk asli. Namun, baru pada pertengahan abad ke-19, dengan berdirinya pemerintahan kolonial, rabies mulai tercatat, dan baru pada akhir abad tersebut pemerintah kolonial menganggapnya sebagai penyakit berbahaya, terutama di Jawa. Penelitian ini berupaya menyelidiki mengapa rabies baru menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat pada akhir abad ke-19. Faktor-faktor apa yang memengaruhi munculnya penyakit ini, bagaimana masyarakat setempat melihatnya, dan apa tanggapan pemerintah kolonial terhadap penyakit ini? Tulisan ini berpendapat bahwa rabies merupakan penyakit endemik sebelum pemerintah kolonial mengakuinya dan penyakit ini terus berlanjut hingga akhir masa kolonial, berdasarkan publikasi kolonial dan sumber-sumber terkait lainnya, terutama surat kabar. Keterbatasan data dan keterlambatan pengembangan serta pengenalan ilmu kedokteran menjadi faktor yang menyebabkan lambatnya respons pemerintah dalam mengatasi penyakit endemik ini. Rabies tetap menjadi masalah publik yang mengancam setelah Indonesia merdeka.