Izwerni Izwerni
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Journal : E-Journal Home Economic and Tourism

Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 1, No 1 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study originated from the fact that occurred in SMK Negeri 1 IV Angkek Agam District, where many students are not able to make the patterns correctly. This study aims to find out how big the obstacles faced by students in taking body size and pattern making on subjects making patterns with construction techniques.Population and samples in this study were students of class XI dressmaking subjects totaling 24 people. Data collection in this study conducted by distributing questionnaires or questionnaires totaled 50 item. Data analysis technique used is the percentage of technique and performance levels. The results show that constraints on the subjects students create patterns with construction techniques in SMKN 1 Agam District IV Angkek still pretty. This is evident from the level of achievement of the measure gain of 76.77% and 78.84% for pattern making, this means that students still find obstacles in subjects making patterns. Expected results of this study for teachers and students.
MINATBERWIRAUSAHA MAHASISWA D3 TATA BUSANA FT-UNP Sari, Ilva Ananta; Ernawati, Ernawati; Izwerni, Izwerni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 4, No 3 (2013): Periode September 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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Operationally, the aim of this research is to reveal the description of entrepreneurship desire among D3 fashion department students FT UNP Padang, from 3 indicators which are (1) internal support (2) social motive, (3) emotional factor. This research is quantitative descriptive that show and describe the subject that researched. The population of this research is all D3 fashion department students who has been registered on January – June 2013. And the sample is all population using total sampling. The data consist of primary and secondary data that get by using questionnaire. The data processed by using percentage method. The result shows that 75.35% respondents have middle internal support. 87.16% respondents have high social motive. 88.18% respondents have high emotional factors. Generally, 82.20% respondents have high factors that affect entrepreneur desire.   Kata kunci: Minat, Berwirausaha, Mahasiswa Tata Busana
Kesiapan Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) Negeri 3 Sungai Penuh Dalam Melaksanakan Praktek Kerja Industri Didunia Industri marpeni, meri; rahmiati, rahmiati; izwerni, izwerni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research is descriptive quantitative research, the mainobjective of this study was to reveal about the readiness of studentsof SMK Negeri 3 Full River in implementing the Industrial Practiceindustrialized world. The population in this study amounted to 36people. Samples for the study were taken from the entire population(sampling saturated), all second grade students who are dressmakingindustry practices in the world industry. The data of this studyconsisted of primary data collected directly from respondents withinstruments such as questionnaires (measuring readiness Affectiveand Psychomotor) in the form of questions and tests (cognitivereadiness). From the research shows that the readiness of knowledge(cognitive) are at high category (79.9%), readiness attitudes(affective) that are in the category of very high (88.8%), andreadiness skills (psychomotor) are at high category (79 , 3%). Basedon the descriptive analysis and the results of data classification,grade II readiness fashion SMK 3 full river in implementing theindustrial world pratek industries classified as very high (85.5%)Kata kunci: Kesiapan Pengetahuan (Kognitif), Sikap (Afektif) danKeterampilan  (Psikmotor)
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research to exspress about student learning habbit in Kria Tekstillearning with bordir technic at  vocational high school 8 of  padang State, includlearning habit, faithful learning, reading the book, and follow the axams. Thisresearch is kuantitative research to description and interprestation about  thestudent learning habbit. The sample is the student at X class, questioner with likertused to get data with percentase technic and the great level of responden. Theresult of the research indicate that learning habbit of student in  Kria tekstillearning use Bordir technic at vocasional high school  8 of Padang state at goodchategory. Key Word: Learning Habbit, Faithful Learning, Reading The Book, and FollowThe Exams.
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 4, No 3 (2013): Periode September 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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The focuses of the research are : 1) various kind of embroidery in Koto  Baru Simalanggang; 2) the shape of design in Koto  Baru Simalanggang; 3) the technique of embroidery in Koto Baru Simalanggang. The research is aimed to describe : 1) various kind of embroidery in Koto Baru Simalanggang; 2) the shape of design in Koto  Baru Simalanggang; 3) the technique of embroidery in Koto  Baru Simalanggang.   The type of the research is qualitative research. The informan of this research are the entrepreneurs of embroidery in Nagari Koto  Baru Simalanggang. The tecnigue of collecting data is gained through : 1) observation; 2) interview; 3) documentation.   The result of this research is based on the observation and the interview with the embroidery entrepreneurs in Koto Baru Simalanggang. The type of embroidery in Koto Baru Simalanggang such as : needlepoint liquid suji, flat embroidery, embroidered fantasi, emboroidered shadow, embroidered arise, ribbon embroidery, attaching lace, attaching sequin, attaching rose, attaching tulips, and attacing the stars. The design in Koto Baru Simalanggang are generally from the nature like ; stalk, leaf, grass, jasmine, rose, orchid, sunflower, tulips, ylang flowers, lotus, trumpet flower, daisies, grape and the other design like animal such as : butterfly. The decorative pattern in Koto Baru Simalanggang : sprinkle pattern, the placement of the design : table cover, curtain, bedcover, cloth, etc, the pattern of filling the shape of triangle, the placement of the design : table cover, pocket, sleeve tops, etc, the pattern of filling square area, the placement of the design : table cover, filling the edge, front center and free pattern , the placement of the design : free as longus it doesnot bother the sewing of the structure of the thing. The embroidery technique based on the embroidery technique at Koto Baru Simalanggang are : hand embroidery, such as : needlepoint liquid suji, flat embroidery, embroidered fantasi, emboroidered shadow, embroidered arise, ribbon embroidery, attaching lace, attaching sequin, attaching rose, attaching tulips, attacing the stars and machine embroidery sush as : needlepoint liquid suji, and satin embroidery. Based on the technique of the group of the embroidery in Koto Baru Simalanggang are : the decorative embroidery technique sush as : needlepoint liquid suji, flat embroidery, embroidered fantasi, emboroidered shadow, embroidered arise, ribbon embroidery and atfachment embroidery techniques  such as : attaching lace, attaching sequin, attaching rose, attaching tulips, and attacing the stars.   Kata kunci: sulaman, Koto Baru Simalanggang
Hubungan Fasilitas Belajar Dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Membuat Busana Wanita Kelas XI Jurusan Tata Busana Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri 3 Sungai Penuh Fitri, Lailatul; adriani, adriani; izwerni, izwerni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This research is a quantitative descriptive correlational nature that aims to revealthe relationship of a variable bebes (faslitas learning) with the dependent variable(students' classroom subjects Making On Women's Clothing at SMK Negeri 3Full River). Population in peinelitian numbering 30 people. Samples for the studywere taken from the entire population (sampling saturated), according to all classXI students who have taken courses Creating Clothing Women who were 30students. The data of this study consisted of primary data collected directly fromrespondents with instruments such as questionnaires about student learningfacility on the subjects Creating Women's Clothing, and secondary data obtainedfrom the documentation subject teachers Make Women's Clothing. From theresearch shows that the variable Learning Facility middle category (43.3%) andfor variable Learning Outcomes are mostly located in katerori not pass (60%).Can be seen in the calculation of t count (2.390)> from t table (2.048) so thehypothesis is put forward that is acceptable to the coefficient of determination (r2)= 0.169. Meaningful relationship with the learning outcomes of all studentsstudying in class XI course makes women's clothing 16.9%. So the better thelearning facilities then the higher the student learning outcomes. Kata kunci: Fasilitas belajar, Hasil belajar, mata Pelajaran Membuat BusanaWanita
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Periode Juni 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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The background of this research are (1) the lack motivation of the students in doing basic competence making the party dress (2) there are some students have the score under minimum achievement criteria. This research aimed to (1)describe how high the motivation of the students in making party dress for the persevering, (2) describe how high the motivation of the students in making party dress for the ductile, (3) describe how high the motivation of the students in making party dress for not getting bored quickly. The kind of this research is quantitative descriptive. The population is all students of XII degree of fashion SMK N 1 Tebo which are 24 students. All population is the sample. Data analysis did by determining presentation, chategorize and respondents total achievement. The result shows that 54% students of XII degree SMK N 1 Tebo have the middle persevering, 46% students of XII degree SMK N 1 Tebo have the middle ductile, and 50% students of XII degree SMK N 1 Tebo have the low attitude for not getting bored quickly, generally, 42% students of XII degree SMK N 1 Tebo have the middle learning motivation.Keywords: Motivation, Competence, Fashion PartyA. PENDAHULUAN
Motivasi Berprestasi Siswa Kelas 3 Jurusan Tata Busana Di SMK Negeri 3 Sungai Penuh MUSTIKA, SRI DEFI; k, yusmar emmy; izwerni, izwerni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aimed to determine the student achievement motivation  majoring infashion at SMK N 3 Sungai Penuh, achievement motivation can be seen from thestudents' expectations of success, the need for knowledge and skills of fashion. Thisresearch is included descriptive research, the student population in this study majoring infashion class 3 subjects SMK N 3 Sungai Penuh  where the entire study populationsampled  amounting to 35 people. The data collection technique using a questionnaire inthe form of statements to measure students' achievement motivation and views ofexpectations for student success and the need for knowledge and skills of students. Theresults showed that the scores of students majoring in fashion class 3  classified asexpectations for success were (34.3%), and the need for knowledge and skills of studentsmajoring in fashion class 3  classified as moderate fashion (45.7%). Of both indicatorsobtained a description for Achievement motivationn of students majoring in fashion class3 is being considered as a whole (34.3%). Keywords:  Achievement Motivation, expectations, Skill and kknowledge
Hubungan Minat Belajar Dengan Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Tata Busana Di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang. WASTI, SRIANA; rahmiati, rahmiati; izwerni, izwerni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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Abstract This study aims to reveal the picture of interest in learning, learningoutcomes lesson reveals the relationship of fashion and interest in learning thesubjects learning outcomes fashion at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang. Thisresearch is descriptive quantitative research that look, review and describewhat the subject under study in order to obtain an answer to the question of theproblems studied. The population in this study were grade 2 IPS as 158 people.The technique of determining the sample is simple random sampling with 40people grade 2 IPS. The data of this study consisted of primary data in the formof questionnaires and secondary data from the original value of students(Legar) semester exam results in the school year 2012/2013. The results of theanalysis of the data showed that the variables of interest in student learning dressmaking courses at MAN 2 Padang is in the category quite well. From 40respondents 8 persons (20%) were studied with both categories, while 32people (80%) showed a remedial learning outcomes unfavorable category.Based on data analysis, Interest in learning the subjects learning outcomesdressmaking at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padang has a correlation coefficient(rxy) is equal to 0.552 with the direction of a positive (+). That is, the better theinterest in learning (X), the higher the student learning outcomes (Y). T value(4.078)> from t table (1.686), which means there is a significant effect ofinterest on learning outcomes of students studying subjects in fashion MAN 2Padang.Kata Kunci : Minat Belajar, Hasil Belajar, Mata Pelajaran Tata Busana
Motivasi Mahasiswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Studi Di Jurusan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang YULIANI, YULIANI; ernawati, ernawati; izwerni, izwerni
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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This study aim to determine the motivation in completing the study  in the Department of Family Welfare. The type of thisresearch is descriptive quantitative to explain and interpret the data.The samples in this study were all student dressmaking class from2005-207. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires. Theresult to analysis of data and level of achievement of the respondentsused the percentage rate technique. The result of study indicate thatstudent motivation in completing the study in the Department ofFamily Welfare at high enough category Keywords: motivation