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Pendidikan Matematika Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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ABSTRACTThis research was carried out for the students’ low activities and ability in mathematics concept. The aim of the research was to reveal the students’ activities by using The Learning Cell active learning strategy and to see whether the mathematics conceptual understanding of the students taught by using The Learning Cell active learning strategy was better than that of students taught by using conventional learning in class VII I of SMPN 17 Padang. This was an experimental research. Based on the result data analysis it was found that, in general, the students’ activity improved in each meeting. The result of hypothesis test showed that the value of tcalculated (2,01) was higher than ttable (1,645) indicating that the hypothesis was accepted. This result signified that the mathematics conceptual understanding of the students taught by using The Learning Cell active learning strategy was better than that of students taught by using conventional learning in class VII I of SMPN 17 Padang registered in academic year 2013/2014. 
The Quantity and Quality of Brahman Cross Cattle Embryo After Injected FSH and PMSG Adriani, Adriani; Rosadi, B; Depison, Depison
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 11, No 2 (2009): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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Twenty cattles were used in this experiment to determine the  quantity and  quality of embryo after injected FSH (follicle stimulating hormone ) and  PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin) in Brahman Cross Cattle. The experiment was assigned into Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were T1 = 4 mg of FSH twice a day intra-ovary decreased doses, T2 = 8 mg of FSH twice a day intra-ovary decreased doses, T3 = 300 IU of PMSG single dose intra-ovary, T4 = 600 IU of PMSG single dose intra-ovary, T5 = 40 mg of FSH twice a day intramuscular decreased doses. Trial cattle were oestrus synchronized using 15 mg of PGF2α that gave twice at 11-daily intervals. One day after giving FSH and PMSG was detected the cattle’s oestrus. Washing uterus  was done at day 7 after AI using mixture of PBS, FCS and streptomicyn. Data observed were cow performances, embryo quantity and embryo quality. Results of experiment showed that 19 cattle (95%) responded oestrus synchronized treatment and super ovulation, whereas 1 cattle (5%) did not respond oestrus synchronized treatment and super ovulation. Generally, cattle showed oestrus at 2 – 3 days after giving PGF2α. Eleven cattle (57,90%)  showed oestrus at 2 days after giving PGF2α whereas the others (8 cattle, 42,10%) showed oestrus 3 days giving PGF2α. The treatment of giving FSH and PMSG could increase (P<0,05) embryo. T5 was highest  compared the others ( T1, T2, T3 and T4), while T2 and T4 were higher than T1 and T3. Produced total embryo was 82 with average 4,3 ± 5,67 using FSH and PMSG. 8 embryo (9,76%), 9 embryos (10,90), 20  embryo (24,40%), 16 embryo (19,50%) and  29 embryos (35,40%) were grade A, B, C, D and E respectively. It is concluded that giving of 40 mg  FSH  intramusculer produce the best embryo donor whereas  and giving  of FSH 8 mg intraovari was the best effeciency. (Animal Production 11(2): 96-102 (2009) Key Words : Brahman Cross Cattle, embryo, PGF2α PMSG, FSH
The Effects of Super Ovulation on the Number of Corpus Luteum of Coastal Sumatera Cows (Bos sumatranensis) Depison, Depison; Adriani, Adriani; Rosadi, B
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 13, No 1 (2011): January
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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The objective of this study was to observe the effects of super ovulation treatments on the number of ovulated corpus luteum. Metode   yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode eksperimen. The method used in this study was experimental. Sapi-sapi diprogram untuk sinkronisasi estrus menggunakan PGF2ά. The cows were programmed to experience estrous at relatively the same time (estrous synchronization) using PGF2ά. Sapi-sapi tersebut kemudian dibagi secara acak menjadi empat perlakuan, masing-masing terdiri dari empat ekor sebagai ulangan. Data yang dihimpun dalam penelitian ini adalah jumlah corpus luteum, dan jumlah folikel tetap. Cows were divided randomly into four treatments, each of which consisting of four heads. The number of corpus luteum and the settled follicles was collected during the study. Data dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Bujur Sangkar Latin, jika perlakuan berpengaruh nyata maka dilajutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan. Data were analyzed using a Latin Square design. In case there was a significant difference, Duncan test was used thereafter. Result showed that Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan PGF2ά dalam pelaksanaan sinkronisasi estrus berjalan cukup baik.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan superovulasi berpangaruh nyata terhadap Corpus Luteum dan folikel menetap.super ovulation had a significant effect on corpus luteum and settled follicles. Kesimpulan penelitian ini  protokol terbaik superovulasi tahun pertama adalah T-3 karena menghasilkan Corpus luteum dan Embrio yang lebih banyak.In conclusion, the best super ovulation protocol in the first year was the combination of 4 day daily injection of 40 mg of FSH in decreasing dose plus 250 µg of GnRH given at the time of estrous, because it was able to yield greater number of corpus luteum and embryos. (Animal Production 13 (1):52-56 (2011)Key Words: corpus luteum, follicle, super ovulation, Coastal Sumatera Cow
The Effects of Superovulation Prior to Mating and Zinc Supplementation on Milk Yields in Etawah-Grade Does Adriani, Adriani; Sutama, IK; Sudono, A; Sutardi, T; Manalu, W
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 6, No 2 (2004): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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Thirty six Etawah-grade does (BW ranged from 20.4 to 44.2 kg and age ranged from 2.5 to 7 years) were used to study the effects of superovulation prior to mating and zinc supplementation on milk yields. The experimental does were assigned into a randomized block design with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. The first factor was PMSG (pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin) injection with 2 levels (0 IU/kg BW [nonsuperovulation–NSO] and 15 IU/kg BW [Superovulation–SO]). The second factor was zinc concentration in the diet with 3 levels (40 mg/kg DM [Z-40], 60 mg/kg DM [Z-60], and 80 mg/kg DM [Z-80]). Intravaginal sponge (60 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate) was applied for 14 days to synchronize estrus cycle. Twenty four  hours prior to sponge removal, PMSG was injected  to  stimulate superovulation. After  sponge removal,  5 experimental does  were mixed with 1 buck for natural mating. During  pregnancy  the experimental does were fed and  raised in   individual stables. Udder volume  was measured every other week from weeks 12 to 21 of  pregnancy.  During lactation  (one week to  5 months post partum) kids were separated from the does, and   milk was harvested by hand milking. Milk samples were taken every other week for determination of milk quality. The results  indicated that  superovulation increased udder differential growth  by 80% (822.85 vs 1481.25 cm3/head), milk yield by  32% (567.14 vs 746.52 g/head/day).  Zinc concentration  increased udder differential growth and milk yield. Milk productions for does receiving 40, 60 and 80 mg/kg DM were 565.68, 737.88 and 666.92 g/day, respectively.It was concluded that  superovulation and zinc supplementation  increased milk  yield in Etawah Grade does. (Animal Production 6(2): 86-94 (2004) Key Words:  Superovulation, Zinc, Milk  Yield, Etawah-Grade
Determinan Kejadian Ca Mammae Di Poli Rawat Jalan Bedah Rsud Dr. Achmad Mochtar Sulung, Neila; Yananda, Rizki; Adriani, Adriani
Jurnal Endurance Vol 3, No 3 (2018): Jurnal Endurance: Kajian Ilmiah Problema Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi (LLDIKTI) Wilayah X

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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In Indonesia every year 1: 3 women per 1000 population are affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer is a cancer that attacks most women. The incidence of breast cancer is currently estimated at 39 per 100,000 population in 2008. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the risk of female breast cancer in surgical outpatient poly patients at Dr. Achmad Mochtar, Bukittinggi City. This study uses descriptive analytic method with a case control approach. The sampling technique in this study was accidental sampling. The sample in this study were all women diagnosed with breast cancer, amounting to 50 cases and 50 controls with data processing through computerization. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using Chi-Square test (α = 0.05). The results showed that the factors associated with the incidence of breast cancer were genetic (p = 0.009), menarche (p = 0.014), menopause (p = 0.016), hormonal contraception (p = 0,045), obesity (p = 0,043), and high food fat (p = 0.028).  Conclusions of the study are factors related to the risk of breast cancer incidence are genetic, menarche, menopause, hormonal contraception, obesity and high-fat foods. Penyakit kanker merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia setiap tahun 1:3 wanita per 1000 penduduk terserang kanker payudara. Kanker payudara merupakan kanker yang paling banyak menyerang perempuan. Angka kejadian kanker payudara saat ini diperkirakan 39 per 100.000 penduduk pada tahun 2008. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko kanker payudara wanita pada pasien poli rawat jalan bedah di RSUD Dr. Achmad Mochtar Kota Bukittinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan case control. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah accidental sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah semua wanita yang terdiagnosis kanker payudara, berjumlah 50 kasus dan 50 kontrol dengan pengolahan data melalui komputerisasi. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar kuisioner. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji Chi-Square (α=0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian kanker payudara adalah genetik (p=0,009), menarche (p=0,014;), menopause (p=0,016), kontrasepsi hormonal (p=0,045), obesitas (p=0,043), dan makanan tinggi lemak (p=0,028). Simpulan penelitian adalah faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko kejadian kanker payudara adalah genetik, menarche, menopause, kontrasepsi hormonal, obesitas dan makanan tinggi lemak.
Kajian Formulasi Berbasis Tepung Tempe Dan Tepung Sagu (Metroxylon Sp) Terhadap Karakteristik Organoleptik dan Kandungan Gizi Roti Burger Adriani, Adriani; ansharullah, ansharullah; Baco, Abdu Rahman
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Pangan Vol 4, No 5 (2019): JURNAL SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGAN

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ABSTRACT This study aimed to study the effect of tempeh and sago flours (metroxylon sp) substitution on the organoleptic characteristics and nutritional content of burger bread products. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of four treatments, namely formulation of wheat, tempeh, and sago flours of U0 (100%: 0%: 0%), U1 (90%: 5%: 5%), U2 (80%: 10%: 10%), and U3 (70%: 10%: 20%). Observed variables in this study included organoleptic tests (color, aroma, texture, and taste) as well as proximate analysis (water, ash, protein, and fat contents). The results show that the most preferred treatment was U3 (70%: 10%: 20%) with average preference scores of color, aroma, taste, and texture reached 4.02 (like), 3.67 (like), 4.35 (like), and 3.69 (like). Proximate values of the U3 (70%: 10%: 20%) product show the water, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrate contents of 17.97%, 1.29%, 5.08%, 13.68%, and 61.98%, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that the burger bread product was accepted and preferred by panelists but did not meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-0222-1995) . Keywords: burger bread, tempeh flour, sago flour, flour . ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh substitusi tepung tempe dan tepung sagu (metroxylon sp) terhadap karakteristik organoleptik dan kandungan nutrisi gizi produk roti burger. Peneltian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan yaitu formulasi tepung terigu, tepung tempe dan tepung sagu U0 (100% : 0% : 0%), U1 (90 % : 5 % : 5 %), U2 (80 % : 10 % : 10 %), dan U3 (70 % : 10 % : 20 %). Variabel pengamatan pada penelitian ini meliputi uji organoleptik (warna, aroma, tekstur dan rasa), analisis proksimat (kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein dan kadar lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan perbandingan tepung terigu tepung tempe dan tepung sagu. Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan uji organoleptik roti burger perlakuan U3 (70 % : 10 % : 20 %) dengan skor penilaian kesukaan terhadap warna 4.02 (suka), aroma 3.67 (suka), rasa 4.35 (suka), dan tekstur 3.69 (suka). Nilai proksimat produk roti burger terpilih U3 (70 % : 10 % : 20 %) yang meliputi kadar air (17.97 %), kadar abu (1.29 %), kadar lemak (5.08 %), kadar protein (13.68 %) dan kadar karbohidrat (61.98 %). Hasil penelitan roti burger ini dapat diterima dan disukai panelis tetapi belum sesuai dengan standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 01-0222-1995). Kata kunci: roti burger, tepung tempe, tepung sagu, tepung terigu. J. Sains dan Teknologi Pangan Vol. x, No.x, P. X-X, Th. 2019 2 J. Sains dan Teknologi Pangan (JSTP) 2019 PENDAHULUA
STUDI TENTANG BUSANA TRADISIONAL PASUMANDAN PADANG Ramadani, Emilia April; Ernawati, Ernawati; Adriani, Adriani
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 10, No 3 (2015): Priode September 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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Traditional Clothing Pasumandan is one of the traditional dress at the wedding ceremony. This study aimed to describe Traditional Clothing Design Pasumandan Padang that in terms of models, materials, colors, embellishments and philosophical meaning contained in Traditional Clothing Pasumandan Padang. This research uses qualitative descriptive method. Collecting data in this study is by observation, interview and documentation. analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. To get the data by performing an extension observation, triangulation of data and auditing. Traditional Clothing Pasumandan research results Padang consists of kuruang bajaik basiba, made of red velvet, ornate gold thread and stab pinhead, philosophy contained in the model symbolizes covered genitalia, decorative motifs used kaluak paku symbolizing the close kinship , daunbodi symbolizes a woman there must be stored, which symbolizes broad-mindedness siba Minang people. Holsters / songket using cotton, macau and gold thread, red hearts, meaning the philosophy contained is the value manners that are owned by women Minang, salendang bajaik made of red satin, wearing ornate gold thread embroidery and puncture pinhead, salendang bajaik symbolizes child support, that the Minang women are responsible for their offspring. Suntiang ketek pan made of golden yellow, motif used motifs of flora and fauna, edit symbolizes kinship values upheld by the Minang community. Jewelry is a necklace worn girder pnyiaram armpit / girder ula, made of a material pan golden yellow and silver, where the necklace symbolizes that women are always in a circle of truth, has a solid foundation, bracelets symbolize sustenance that obtained more than desired. Tarompa Tatutuik red, wearing ornate velvet embroidered with gold thread and stab pinhead. Meaning contained in sandals, that person should have the properties Minang closed and not easily open, also a customary courtesy.Keywords : baju kuruang bajaik basiba, kaluak paku ,daunbodi,Sarung/songket ,salendang bajaik ,Suntiang ketek ,kalung pnyiaram galang ketek/galang ula,Tarompa tatutuik
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 1, No 1 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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Kain Pelangi (Jumputan) is heritage of the ancestor that need to be kept, so the people in Palembang don’t loose their culture. The proplem is, Kain Pelangi in Palembang has no developments. The aim of this research is to describe Kain Pelangi that consist od tools, material that use in the production, motive, motive binding technic and colouring in Kain Pelangi Salsabillah Collection Industri Palembang.The method is decriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection did by interview, observation and documentation. Then the data studied and analyzed by: data reduction, data presentation, resume taken. The validation did by renew participation, survey determination, triangulation and auditing. The result shows that : 1) the material are cotton, silk, and ATBM silk, Naphtol pigment, Direk, Erionil and pigmen pigment. The tools that is mal, plastic rope, scissors, bailer, flower spray, gloves, plastic glasses and cloth clamp, stove, pot, and mixer spoon, plywoods, and thumbtack. The brush is used to “colet” the pigment. 2) The motive o such as flower motive, geometric motive, diamond and little dot, seven dot, mushrooms, five dot, nine dot, cucung or sumping. 3) motive binding was done and the specification is binding and basting according to the motive pattern. 4) colouring of Kain Pelangi, which are dyeing technic and spraying technic and the last stage using “pencoletan” for colouring little motive.
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 2, No 1 (2013): periode maret 2013
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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The purpose of this study is: to reveal the effect of the use of coconut water mordantthe color / hue, bright dark color / value, and the flatness of color produced in cottondyeing using ginger root extract (Curcuma Roxb Xanthorriza). This type of research isexperimental research. Variable X is a root of ginger (Curcuma Roxb Xanthorriza) aredyed with cotton. Variable X1 is mordant dyeing without the use of coconut water, X2is Mordant dyeing using coconut water. As well as the Y variable dye differences inresults include: Y1 different color / hue dye yield, Y2 differences bright dark color /value, and Y3 is the flatness of the color difference. Types of data used are primarydata. Sources of data in this study is 15 respondents. Mechanical analysis of dataprocessed and compiled, then analyzed using a ratio of 2 independent variables (t test).Then processed using SPSS 15. From the analysis of data on the color (hue) colorsobtained without the use of gold for dyeing mordant and mordant yellow for dyeingusing coconut water.Kata kunci: pengaruh mordan air kelapa, pencelupan bahan katun, ekstrak umbi temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb)
Journal of Home Economics and Tourism Vol 1, No 1 (2012): September 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality - Universitas Negeri Padang

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The purpose of this study to reveal the resulting color dyeing silk using mahogany bark extract using a ratio much salt 10 grams, 30 grams and 60 grams, and the difference in outcomes dyeing (color, value, color and flatness). This type of research is experimental research. The variables of this study is the variable X as a control, the independent variables are X1, and Y variables dyeing color difference results (value and flatness of color). Types of data used are primary data. Sources of data in this study was a faculty department UNP KK FT 5 people and students by 5 people. Mechanical analysis of data processed and compiled, and analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. Processed using SPSS version 12.0. Based on the analysis of variance of data on the color (hue) colors obtained landing leads to Yellowish brown (peru), with the addition of 10 grams of salt leads to a brown color (Chocolate), 30 grams of salt leads to a young brown color (Sienna), and 60 grams of salt leads to a young brown color (Sienna).
Co-Authors A Sudono, A Abd Hafid ABDU RAHMAN BACO, ABDU RAHMAN Adella, Donna Canceri ADI SUDONO Afria, Reni Agusti Efi Alvina Alvina AMELIA, ELSA Andi Mawardi Fajar Andriani, Rika Anisa Anggraeni, Anisa Ansharullah Ansharullah Ardeni, Nofi ASMEN MANALU Bakri Bakri Baso Sardjan Bayu Rosadi Darlis Darlis Darlisa Muhamad Depison Depison Derisa Derisa Dewi, Liyan Puspita Ernawati Ernawati Fitriani Fitriani Geby Meyliona Hadaf, Alifa Halimul Bahri Halmawati, Halmawati Hardanti, Elvi Hardianti, Witria Hasriawati, Leli Hervilas, Vivi Hutwan Syarifuddin I Ketut Sutama IK Sutama, IK Imranisa Maryami Izwerni Izwerni Jul Andayani Juwita, Syahrida KH, YUSNIMAR Lailatul Fitri Liffia Oka Lydia Lisa Wahyuni Marfianda, Wiwi Misnawati, Tri Muh. Sofian Assaury Yahya Mulia Suryani Mulyana, Annisa Neila Sulung Neila Sulung, Neila Nella Kusuma Nicky Wulan Sari nora almi Novrita, Sri Zulfia Oktaviani, Vina PERTIWI, INTAN Purnamawati, Sischa Putri, Lolita Aida R. Sapto Hendri Boedi Soesatyo Rahmania Rahmania Ramadani, Emilia April Ramainas Ramainas Ramelawati, Ramelawati Randy Nugraha Resky Aksar Revoldai Agusta Rika Syafitri Rina Susanti Rukmini Rukmini Saputri, Rien Ana SARI, DINA HERLINA sari, Mutia SELVI MARTALINDA Sisi Oktavia Siti Hafsah Sri Novianti Sri Novianti Sulityowati, Dwi Oktarina Susanti, Ria Ana Susrina Hud Syamsul Syamsul T Sutardi TATI NURHAYATI TOHA SUTARDI Udin Udin W Manalu Weni Nelmira WIDIASARI, YOSI Wildati Zahri Wiwit Febrina Yananda, Rizki Yasnidawati Yasnidawati Yenni Idrus Yuafni Yuafni Yurleni Yurleni Zulfaneti Zulfaneti Zulmi, Yuliya