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Pengukuran Dasar Telaga menggunakan Alat Perum Gema Untuk Menghasilkan Peta Batimetri di Telaga Winong Yogyakarta Erik Febriarta; Septian Vienastra; Agus Suyanto; Ajeng Larasati
Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian Vol 18, No 1 (2020): Geo Media: Majalah Ilmiah dan Informasi Kegeografian
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (810.985 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/gm.v18i1.31117


Lake Winong is one lake that is not dried on dry season. This lake is located in the Village Kepek, District Saptosari, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region Province Yogyakarta. This study was designed to determine the depth or bottom topography of Lake Winong to produce bathymetry maps. Firstly, a survey was conducted to measure the depth with an echosounder instrument. Principally, an echosounder records the time interval required by the emitted sound wave to propagate to the bottom and return, from which the distance or depth (m) can be computed. Secondly, the depth data were interpolated by initially cross-validating the smallest Root Mean Squared Errors (RMSE) of the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), kriging, and natural neighbor methods. Each was run with the power values (weight factors) of 0.5, 1, 2, and 3. The results showed that kriging interpolation with a power value of 3 yielded the smallest RMSE, namely 0.005, and the lake observed was -0.2 to -1.8 m deep, with the deepest location found in the middle of the lake.
Social Media “Bali Clarify” as an Antidote to Hoaxes in Pandemic of Covid-19 Agus Ari Iswara; Ajeng Larasati
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30818/jpkm.2021.2060108


The pandemic of the Covid-19 Virus was used by hoax producers as momentum to spread false information. It has also happened in Bali Province. All parties must cooperate to stop the spread of hoaxes and additional media were needed to verify the correctness of the information and convey facts to the public. This research examined the category of hoaxes related to Covid-19 and the use of the “Bali Carify” social media account as a medium for publishing fact-checking results as well as educating the public about the 7 categories of hoaxes. This research used two data sources: reports were released by Bali Province Office of Communication, Information, and Statistic (Diskominfos) and social media monitoring results. Data collection techniques use secondary data in the form of journals, books, and mass media that were relevant to the problems in the study. The object of this research was hoaxes related to Covid-19. This research applied the theory of classification hoaxes into seven categories and theory to verify the correctness of the information. Data analysis was performed inductively.  The data period was limited to only from January to June 2020 (six months). From 14 samples of hoax data that content was related to the Covid-19 phenomenon in Bali, one data was taken that can represent the hoax in the specified category. The results found that there were six categories of hoaxes circulating in Bali, namely parody, misleading content, fake content, fake content, false context, and manipulated content.
Penyuluhan Tentang Pentingnya Pengetahuan Penggunaan Masker Dengan Baik Dan Benar Pada Anak-Anak Ni Putu Sudiadnyani; Ajeng Larasati; Dwi Robbiardy Eksa; Festy Ladyani Mustofa; Ika Artini; Arti Febriyani Hutasuhut
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v4i3.3681


ABSTRAK Masker adalah alat pelindung diri yang dirancang untuk melindungi pengguna dari menghirup partikel udara dan melindungi kesehatan saluran pernafasan. Penggunaan masker mengurangi infeksi influenza dan corona virus pada manusia dengan mencegah penyebaran percikan yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi dari orang yang terinfeksi ke orang lain dan kemungkinan kontaminasi lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap anak-anak di Pondok Pesantren AN-NAHL Susunan Baru  tentang pentingnya pencegahan infeksi saluran pernafasan melalui penggunaan masker. Adapun metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan cara penyuluhan dan sosialisasi kepada sasaran yaitu anak-anak. Adapun lokasi yang dilakukan adalah di pondok pesantren AN-NAHL. Penyuluhan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Desember 2020 yang bertempat di Pondok Pesantren AN-NAHL. Adapun hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat adalah anak –anak sangat antusias dan respon , hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya peserta yang bertanya dan menjawab pada saat penyuluhan. Penyuluhan ini dihadiri langsung oleh Ibu Kepala Puskesmas Susunan Baru sekaligus beliau memberi kata sambutan. Sedangkan anak-anak yang hadir lebih kurang 16 Orang. Diharapkan dengan melakukan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi ini anak-anak semakin sadar dan peduli akan pememakaian masker. Selain itu semua anak-anak  apabila keluar rumah memakai masker. Kata Kunci: Penggunaan Masker, Anak-anak, Pelindungan Diri  ABSTRACT Masks are personal protective equipment designed to protect the wearer from inhaling air particles and protect the health of the respiratory tract. The use of masks reduces influenza and corona virus infections in humans by preventing the spread of splashes that can cause infection from an infected person to another and possibly environmental contamination. The research objective was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of children at the Pondok Pesantren AN-NAHL Susunan Baru about the importance of preventing respiratory infections through the use of masks. The method used is by means of counseling and socialization to the target, namely children. The location is at the AN-NAHL Islamic boarding school. The counseling was held on December 22, 2020 at the AN-NAHL Islamic Boarding School. The result of community service is that the children are very enthusiastic and respond, this can be seen from the number of participants who asked and answered during counseling. This counseling was attended by the Head of the Puskesmas Susunan Baru and at the same time he gave a greeting. While the children who attended were approximately 16 people. It is hoped that by conducting this counseling and socialization the children will be more aware and concerned about wearing masks. In addition, all children when leaving the house wear masks. Keywords: Use Mask, Children,  Personal Protective
Social Media “Bali Clarify” as an Antidote to Hoaxes in Pandemic of Covid-19 Agus Ari Iswara; Ajeng Larasati
Jurnal Pekommas Vol 6 No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media “MMTC” Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56873/jpkm.v6i1.3720


The pandemic of the Covid-19 Virus was used by hoax producers as momentum to spread false information. It has also happened in Bali Province. All parties must cooperate to stop the spread of hoaxes and additional media were needed to verify the correctness of the information and convey facts to the public. This research examined the category of hoaxes related to Covid-19 and the use of the “Bali Carify” social media account as a medium for publishing fact-checking results as well as educating the public about the 7 categories of hoaxes. This research used two data sources: reports were released by Bali Province Office of Communication, Information, and Statistic (Diskominfos) and social media monitoring results. Data collection techniques use secondary data in the form of journals, books, and mass media that were relevant to the problems in the study. The object of this research was hoaxes related to Covid-19. This research applied the theory of classification hoaxes into seven categories and theory to verify the correctness of the information. Data analysis was performed inductively.  The data period was limited to only from January to June 2020 (six months). From 14 samples of hoax data that content was related to the Covid-19 phenomenon in Bali, one data was taken that can represent the hoax in the specified category. The results found that there were six categories of hoaxes circulating in Bali, namely parody, misleading content, fake content, fake content, false context, and manipulated content.