Rohali .
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY)

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Diksi Vol 10, No 4: DIKSI MEI 1996
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v10i4.7084


THE STYLES’ VARIATION CONTAINED IN FRENCH MEDIA Tobing, Roswita Lumban; Rahayu, Siti Perdi; Rohali, Rohali; Utami, Nastiti
LITERA Vol 19, No 1: LITERA MARET 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/ltr.v19i1.30515


The use of language styles has a widely varied purpose to convey information that is not explicitly expressed by the speaker. This study is aimed at describing the form and function of the styles contained in the French media. The subjects of this research are phrases and sentences contained in the CDP Lyrics in the Blonde albums, alcoholic beverages and advertisement aplle in French-language magazines, and in the speech by François Hollande in ‘Le Figaro’ newspaper. Data collection is done by observation and recording techniques using data tables. Data analysis uses the agih method. The analysis of the language style functions is done by using the speech components of SPEAKING. The validity is obtained through semantic validity and reliability through intra-rater reliability.  The results of the study show that the style of language in the media is necessary for speech so that the content of communication is more beautiful and attractive. Language style functions depend on the context and purpose of the speech. The most dominant function in the lyrics of the song is the poetic, which prioritizes beauty. In Alcoholic Beverage Ads, the expressive function becomes dominant to make the advertisement more alive. In the Apple Product Advertising on the Internet, the language function is referential for emphasizing the topics described.Keywords: language style, form and function  VARIASI GAYA BAHASA DALAM MEDIA PERANCIS AbstrakPenggunaan gaya bahasa mempunyai tujuan yang sangat bervariasi untuk menyampaikan informasi yang tidak akan dinyatakan secara eksplisit oleh si penutur.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk dan fungsi gaya bahasa pada media komunikasi yang berupa lagu, iklan, dan Surat Kabar berbahasa Prancis. Subjek penelitian ini adalah frasa dan kalimat yang terdapat dalam Lagu CDP pada album Blonde, iklan minuman beralkohol, iklan aplle dalam majalah berbahasa Prancis, dan Pidato François Hollande dalam Surat Kabar Le Figaro. Pengumpulan data dengan metode simak dan teknik catat dengan tabel data. Analisis data menggunakan metode agih. Penentuan fungsi gaya bahasa menggunakan metode padan referensial. Fungsi penggunaan gaya bahasa dianalisis  dengan komponen tutur SPEAKING. Keabsahan data melalui validitas semantis, reliabilitas dengan intra-rater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahasa gaya bahasa yang paling menonjol pada lagu adalah asonansi dan hiperbola, pada iklan minuman beralkohol adalah aliterasi dan hiperbola, pada pidato François Hollande adalah repetisi dan hiperbola, pada iklan apple adalah asonansi dan aliterasi. Fungsi bahasa yang sering muncul adalah referensial kecuali pada iklan minuman beralkohol, yang dominan adalah fungsi emotif.  Fungsi gaya bahasa tergantung pada konteks dan tujuan. Gaya bahasa di media diperlukan agar konten indah dan menarik. Kata kunci : Gaya Bahasa, Bahasa Prancis, Bentuk dan Fungsi
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter Vol. 4, No. 3 (2013)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.951 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpk.v0i3.2754


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pendidikan karakter untuk mendorong siswa sekolah dasar menjadi generasi bermoral, bertanggung jawab, dan mampu menunjukkan identitas mereka sebagai manusia berbudaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Dasar di desa selter Kuwang, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kualitas pembelajaran para siswa meningkat, seperti yang terlihat dari rasa tanggung jawab dan kerja sama antarsiswa. Siswa menjadi lebih percaya diri dan lebih perhatian terhadap lingkungan hidup. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka melakukan kerja sama yang baik dalam kelompok. Selain itu, anak-anak menjadi lebih baik dalam melakukan tugas yang diberikan kepadanya. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tanggung jawab dari anak-anak untuk tugas yang diberikan dapat dilakukan dengan baik. (2) Model pembelajaran yang diterapkan efektif dalam kerja kelompok yang terlihat pada antusiasme dan aktivitas siswa selama pelaksanaan kegiatan. Kata KUNCI: pengembangan karakter, kemandirian, ketaqwaan, tanggung jawab, kerja sama THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHARACTER OF PIETY, INDEPENDENCE, AND COOPERATION OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Abtract: This study aims to develop character education as an effort to foster elementary school students to become a moral and responsible generation and be able to show their identity as men of culture. This research is an action research study. The subjects were the elementary school students in the shelter village of Kuwang, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The results show that (1) the quality of the students’ learning improved, as seen from the good sense of responsibility and cooperation among those attending some of the activities carried out in conjunction with the research. The students became more confident and cared more about their environments. This shows that they developed good cooperation within the group. Besides, the students demonstrated a better performance on the tasks assigned to them. This suggests that the students’ responsibility for the task given to them also improved. (2) the teaching and learning model applied was very effective in developing group work as could be seen from the the students' enthusiasm and participation during the implementation of activities. Keywords: character development, independence, piety, responsibility, cooperation
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (6469.24 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpk.v1i1.1444


Abstrak: Bahasa merupakan salah satu pilar penting dalam pendidikan karakter selain pendidikan agama dan pendidikan budi pekerti. Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa. Dengan bahasa kita menghargai dan dihargai orang, dan dengan bahasa kita membenci dan dibenci orang. Bahasa dapat membawa bangsa kita ke kemuliaan. Bahasa dapat membawa bangsa ini menuju kehancuran. Mengetahui dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip kesopanan dan strategi-strategi kesopanan berbahasa dalam tindak komunikasi sehari-hari dapat menciptakan kerukunan hidup bermasyarakat. Prinsip kesopanan dan strategi kesopanan berbahasa yang ditinjau dari sudut pandang sosiopragmatik dapat dipakai sebagai salah sarana untuk tujuan pendidikan karakter. Kata Kunci : maksim kesopanan, strategi kesopanan, sosiopragmatik LINGUISTIC POLITENESS AS A PILLAR OF CHARACTER BUILDING: A SOCIO-PRAGMATIC PERSPECTIF Abstract: Language is one of the important pillars of character building besides religious education and character education. A language shows the nation identity. Through language we respect and are respected by other people, and through language we hate and hated by other people. Language can bring our nation to the prosperity, and it can also bring this nation to destruction. Knowing and applying the principles and strategies of language politeness in daily communication acts can create a harmonious community life. The principles of politeness and linguistic politeness strategies seen from the point of view of sociopragmatic can be used as a means to achieve the goals of character education. Keywords: maxims of politeness, politeness principles, socio-pragmatic
Diksi Vol 27, No 2: DIKSI SEPTEMBER 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4353.099 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/diksi.v27i2.23082


(Title: Effects of Analytic Philosophy on French Language Education). Language learning cannot be separated from philosophy, because philosophy is the mother of science. In its development, language learning was influenced by the philosophy that developed in his day, including analytic philosophy. The influence of analytic philosophy is strongly felt in language education, especially in semantic and pragmatic studies. The theory of logical atomism put forward by Russell has opened new horizons in the study of science, including linguistics. Meanwhile, the theory of meaning is picture which is then continued with the theory of meaning is use by Wittgenstein is a forerunner to semantic and pragmatic studies. In addition, the analytic philosophy developed by the Oxford school has developed a theory of speech acts which naturally influences language learning, from language learning to language education as speech acts. Keywords: philosophy, analytic, french, pragmatics
International Conference on Languages and Arts Proceeding of the 3rd ISLA 2014
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (506.973 KB)


This article is the result of research that aims to develop a model of the acceleration of the implementation of the curriculum 2013 at the high school French teacher of Yogyakarta. Curriculum 2013 is characterized by the emphasis on competence development attitude (character), skills, and cognition in a balanced way than the previous curriculum. Through Lesson Study attempted acceleration of understanding and competence of teachers in implementing the curriculum 2013 which has been announced by the government to be implemented in schools starting in June 2013. With workshops and modeling, high school French teachers dissect and understand the curriculum and develop lesson plans and teaching materials development which is ready to be applied from class X to class XII. The study was conducted by the Research and Development that begins with preresearch, followed by model development, testing product, and the final product is a complete learning tool with a final evaluation and learning for all semesters in high school level. The research was done in collaboration with teachers, members of French teacher assosiation (MGMP) in Yogyakarta. The results showed that through Lesson Study, the teachers' competence to implement the curriculum in the classroom is increasing. It is evident from the learning products produced jointly by teachers in the form of Lesson Plan (RPP) and the material and complete the evaluation. In addition, the emphasis on attitude competencies (development of character education can be customized by the teacher in teaching materials based on the syllabus of the curriculum 2013).   Keywords: curriculum 2013, attitude, character, skills, cognition, Lesson Study, research and development