Purwadi .
Udayana University

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Marapu: Konstruksi Identitas Budaya Orang Sumba, NTT Purwadi Soeriadiredja
Antropologi Indonesia Vol 34, No 1 (2013): Antropologi Indonesia
Publisher : Department of Anthropology

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This article examines how the people of Sumba construct their cultural identity associated with their religiosity in the face of discriminatory processed around them. The Sumbanese with their Marapu religion are discriminated againts because of the cultural identity attached to it, but due to their negative image. Discriminatory categories with all the attributes and roles attached to ithemare not natural constructs, but a history and representation.The cultural identity of the Sumbanese is the result of the interaction between the forces from the "outside" and the practices of their daily life. Marapu is a religion that serve as is the cultural identity of the Sumbanese, and becomes the basis of guidelines or values that organize their lives. Even for the people who do not following the Marapu religion. For them the Marapu is limited to the customs of ancestors only, and not as a faith they profess. For some of the Sumbanese, switching religion are a compromise, which is one form of "cultural protection strategy" that can reduce fear and aggression that arise between the individuals and society. The nature of this compromise culture is activated through the traditional institutions that always put through deliberation and uphold the concepts of togetherness and solidarity.Key words: Marapu, construction, cultural identity, discrimination
Humanis Volume 16. No. 2. Agustus 2016
Publisher : Udayana University

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The technique of “ikat” (tied dyed) weaving on Rote island is the source of a traditional handicraft production done exclusively by women in the Ba’a society.That craft industry is of major significance in their community. It stores a variety of important things pertaining to the survival of the Rotinese society, especially for the people of Ba’a. The important thing is the meaning contained in the ikat weaving, such as historical and cultural significances as well as maintaining social economy. In addition to that, this craft production has a greater function in keeping the roots of society together.This article discusses some of the main questions such as: (1) What are the type and the process of ikat weaving in the Ba’a community, district of Lobalian? (2) What is the function of ikat weaving in the survival of the Ba’a society? Those two issues are guided by a frame work of in situ research on the function and the symbolism. The system used to research the ikat function was done with interviews on location with observations and documentation. This article discusses two issues mentioned previously. First is the technique then the type of weaving made for the community of Ba’a. The process of weaving is still very traditional. Ikat weaving is done in a noble way as an inheritance from their ancestors. There are three types of clothes such as scarves, tubular sarongs and man mantels. Ikat weaving has four functions which are cultural, social, economic and environmental.
Ritus Metoh-Tohan Pada Masyarakat Desa Manikliyu, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli Ni Made Ayu Ratna Dewi; Purwadi .; I Wayan Suwena
Humanis Vol 21 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.135 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2017.v21.i01.p12


Manikliyu society, Kintamani has a rites that is performed from generation to generation that is metoh-tohan. The problem in this research, focuses on two things: (a) how is the process of metoh-tohan rites in Manikliyu Village and (b) what is the function and meaning of metoh-tohan implementation in Manikliyu Village. As for its purpose is to know the procession of metoh-tohan rites, and to reveal the function and meaning of the implementation of metoh-tohan rites in Manikliyu Village. The concept used as a guideline in this research is the concept of rites, metoh-tohan, and Bali Aga Village. Similarly, in this study using the method of ethnography in the form of qualitative research with data collection techniques through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and literature study. The results showed that the ritesl metoh-tohan through various stages: nanceb (install) penjor, making temple Bentar and Gelung Kuri, Melasti, Sampiyan Oyod lunga (visiting) to Kahyangan Tiga, Pura Dadia, and pengaksan, metoh-tohan, Metalun Teruna, Metani, Metalun Desa, and Mabuang. The Function and meaning of rites metoh-tohan as follows: (a) function and social meaning,(b) function and meaning of education,(c) Economic function, (d) the function meaning of religious, and (e) psychological function.
Fungsi Upacara Tae Mata Bagi Masyarakat Desa Wudi Kecamatan Cibal Kabupaten Manggarai NTT Viani Safitra Geong; Purwadi .; A.A.Ayu Murniasih
Humanis Volume 16. No. 1. Juli 2016
Publisher : Udayana University

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Tae mata ceremony is a funeral ceremony for the villagers Wudi Manggarai district . This ceremony consists of several important procession namely : haeng nai procession , Tekong mbakung , po , e woja agu latung , ici mu , u , dea ceki ,acem peti , boak , lonto walu , saung ta , a, pat puluh wie , and kelas . As the development time tae mata changing ceremony is on the procession samo lime, wero , saung ta , a, boak , and pat puluh wie . Tae Mata ceremony has a function that is part of the life cycle, the surviving family tribute to those who died, and to maintain safety for the families who are still alive . In addition to functioning. Tae Mata ceremony Mata also has a very important significance , namely : a religious meaning , the meaning of solidarity , the meaning of kinship , psychological meaning , and the meaning of education
Upacara Pande Mbaru Gendang Di Kampung Tenda Kelurahan Tenda Kecamatan Langke Rembong Kabupaten Manggarai Flores Ntt Petronela Sriyanti Kamis; Purwadi .; A.A. Ayu Murniasih
Humanis Vol 17 No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Udayana University

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Manggarai regency has numerous villages that preserve traditional ceremonies and Tenda Village, or Kampung Tenda becomes one of the villages that preserve the ceremony of Pande Mbaru Gendang. The aims of the study were to know the procession and procedures of the ceremony of Pande Mbaru Gendang and to know the meaning and function of the ceremony in Tenda Village. Theory of Robert K. Merton about manifest and latent functions was applied and the concept of the study talked about procession, ceremony, ceremony of Pande Mbaru Gendang, meaning, and function. Qualitative method was applied. The study showed there were three procedures in ceremony of Pande Mbaru Gendang. The first procedure was a ceremony before starting to build the traditional house; the second procedure was a ceremony in current progress of constructing traditional house; and the third procedure was a ceremony after finishing the traditional house. However, it was observed Pande Mbaru Gendang also experienced constant changes occurred in ceremonial procession of laying the first stone, Roko Molas Poco, and Congko Lokap. There were manifest and latent functions found in the ceremony of Pande Mbaru Gendang, and religious, education, kinship, and economic meanings were embodied in the ceremony.
Dominasi Kultural Figur Bunda Maria Dalam Ritual Semana Santa Pada Masyarakat Larantuka, Flores Timur Abima Narasatriangga; Purwadi .; I Nyoman Dhana
Humanis Vol 22 No 4 (2018)
Publisher : Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.778 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JH.2018.v22.i04.p14


Mary's figure is so exclusive to the people of Larantuka City which appear in the Semana Santa ritual. In addition, in Lera Wulan Tanah Ekan's lamaholot ethnic pre-Catholic religious system which views female figures as representations of the universe, it brings forth an allegation to the author that there is a correlation with the cultural dominance of The Virgin Mary figure. This research analyzes Semana Santa's ritual phenomenon as the main indicator of Larantuka society's exclusive appreciation and perception background toward The Virgin Mary and try to seek, Larantuka people as Lamaholot ethnic have a cultural value called lewotana covering all the values they embrace and implement, including the value in their religious system. In order understanding from Larantuka society's point of view as the culprit. This research uses Schultz and Husserl phenomenology theory. Before the arrival of the Catholic culture to understand by finding the background about the phenomenon of change of cultural values of the lewotana developing into the cultural value of Catholic, researcher used the theory of phenomenology. In addition, Geertz's interpretive and ethnoscience approach as a supporting theory. The research method that will be used is qualitative method. This is because qualitative methods are more representative and relevant for observations and detailed interviews.The final outcome of this study answers two problems, the first one revealing how the procession of Semana santa ritual which implicitly contain the value of feminism that appears on activity and ritual attributes. The value is represented through the figure of The Virgin Mary. It also describes the history of Semana santa development associated with the acculturation process of Lamaholot culture with Catholic culture. The second is the cultural dominance of The Virgin Mary figure which motivated by the characteristic and cultural value of Lamaholot (pre-Catholic) which is feminist. The phenomenon of the cultural system religion of Larantuka society alteration from Lera Wulan Tanah Ekan and Lewotana into Catholic culture only occurs at the level of social behavior and artifacts, the idea of the value of the sacred women figure who is considered as a representation of the universe still exist in the cognitive nature of Larantuka society with the figure of The Virgin Mary as a substitution process media of feminist value along with symbol as "place" meaning to the admiration and respect to woman figure, especially mother.
Strategi Masyarakat Nelayan Kedonganan Menghadapi Kemiskinan Purwadi Soeriadiredja
Journal Social and Humaniora Vol 19 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Udayana University Press bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (588.446 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/PJIIB.2019.v19.i01.p07


Kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan masyarakat nelayan, serta kerusakan lingkungan pesisir dan laut merupakan dampak dari kebijakan pembangunan yang selama ini berorientasi ke daratan. Sekalipun pemerintah menggulirkan kebijakan modernisasi perikanan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan, namun hasil yang dicapai belum memuaskan. Secara umum nelayan masih terperosok dalam perangkap kerentanan sosial-ekonomi berkepanjangan. Kenyataan tersebut membuat perekonomian nelayan memprihatinkan. Kedonganan terletak di kawasan wisata dan menjadi tujuan wisata pantai dan kuliner, namun hal itu bukan jaminan bagi para nelayan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Awalnya perkembangan di Kedonganan tanpa kendali sehingga menimbulkan banyak permasalahan di bidang ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan lingkungan. Hal tersebut ditengarai akan menimbulkan ketidakharmonisan dan mencoreng citra objek wisata Kedonganan, bahkan pariwisata budaya Bali. Dengan berjalannya waktu, kini pantai Kedonganan berubah menjadi tujuan wisata pantai dan kuliner yang menarik. Hal tersebut tak lepas dari peran Desa Adat Kedonganan yang telah melibatkan masyarakat mulai dari perencanaan awal, pengelolaan dan evaluasi dengan tujuan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat, mempertahankan adat istiadat setempat dan pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Dalam hal ini bagaimana masyarakat Kedonganan dengan kearifanlokalnya menciptakan strategi dalam menghadapi salah satu permasalahan hidup mereka, yaitu kemiskinan, sehingga lambat laun terjadilah peningkatan ekonomi, sosial-budaya yang signifikan.Sebagai nelayan, bermacam resiko dari pekerjaan sudah biasa mereka hadapi dan terima dengan besar hati karena bagi mereka hidup adalah sebagai anugerah. Suatu hal yang mereka harapkan adalah terciptanya keselarasan dan keserasian antara kehidupan duniawi dan kehidupan dengan Sang Hyang Widi. Untuk itu hidup harus dilandasi dengan sikap pasrah dan menerima apa adanya. Namun bukan berarti harus tetap tinggal diam saja. Pengelolaan pantai Kedonganan berbasis masyarakat ini dijiwai oleh filosofi Tri Hita Karana, karenanya hubungan masyarakat dengan lingkungan (alam, spiritual dan antar manusia) dapat terjalin secara harmonis dan berkelanjutan.
Penggalian dan Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Alam, Budaya, dan Religi di Rote Ndao, NTT A. A. Ayu Murniasih; Purwadi .; Aliffiati .
Sunari Penjor : Jurnal of Anthropology Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (715.342 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SP.2021.v5.i01.p02


Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini adalah ”mewujudkan pengembangan pariwisata yang berorientasi pada nilai-nilai pelestarian lingkungan dan budaya, yang berbasis masyarakat setempat (community based tourism), termasuk memberi manfaat besar bagi masyarakat dalam jangka panjang“. Tujuan tersebut hendak dicapai dengan mewujudkan target khusus penelitian, yaitu merumuskan strategi dalam memecahkan masalah pengembangan pariwisata yang kompetitif dan berkelanjutan. Adapun hal-hal yang hendak diketahui dan dipahami dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (a)Potensi alam dan budaya apa saja yang sudah dikembangkan dan akan dikembangkan di Rote-Ndao ?, (b) Bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan pariwisata ?, (c) Bagaimana problematika pengembangan pariwisata di daerah tujuan wisata ?, dan (d)Bagaimana strategi pengembangan pariwisata yang tepat bagi daerah tujuan wisata dilakukan?. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan dan target tersebut di atas adalah metode kualitatif, dan ditunjang metode kuantitatif seperlunya, berparadigma fenomenologis dan interpretatif. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam konteks ini adalah sebagai berikut: (a) pengamatan dan wawancara mendalam, dan (b) analisis data secara interpretatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis dengan menggunakan pendekatan interpretatif.
Napak Tilas Jati Diri Orang Bali Aga Purwadi Soeriadiredja; Aliffiati .
Sunari Penjor : Jurnal of Anthropology Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (262.852 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SP.2017.v1.i01.p05


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah terwujudnya keharmonisan sosial berbasis masyarakat. Fokus penelitian adalah pandangan masyarakat Bali Aga tentang keberadaan diri mereka; keterkaitan budaya antara masyarakat Wong Aga di lereng Gunung Raung dengan masyarakat Bali Aga di Pulau Bali; dan hubungan masyarakat Bali Aga dengan masyarakat di luar mereka. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kualitatif, berparadigma fenomenologis, dan interpretatif. Data diperoleh melalui pengamatan, wawancara mendalam, dan analisis data untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tentang gagasan-gagasan, pemikiran, keyakinan dalam masyarakat setempat. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Bumiharjo bukanlah keturunan Wong Aga pengikut ajaran Rsi Markhandeya. Mereka adalah pendatang baru di wilayah itu pada masa pemerintahan kolonial Belanda. Sedangkan keberadaan keturunan Wong Aga di sekitar lereng Gunung Raung kini tidak diketahui lagi. Masyarakat Desa Sukawana sebagai bagian dari orang Bali Aga lebih suka disebut sebagai orang Bali Mula yang menganggap diri mereka sebagai keturunan nenek moyang pertama yang telah tinggal di wilayah itu. Masyarakat Bali Aga terkesan memiliki eksklusivitas dalam sistem keagamaan dan pemerintahan adat ulu apad di tengah keterbukaan mereka terhadap perubahan.
Penggalian dan Pengembangan Potensi Pariwisata Alam, Budaya, dan Religi di Rote Ndao, Nusa Tenggra Timur A. A. Ayu Murniasih; Purwadi ,; Aliffiati .
Sunari Penjor : Jurnal of Anthropology Vol 2 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Anthropology Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (369.571 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/SP.2018.v2.i02.p06


Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini adalah ”mewujudkan pengembangan pariwisata yang berorientasi pada nilai-nilai pelestarian lingkungan dan budaya, yang berbasis masyarakat setempat (community based tourism), termasuk memberi manfaat besar bagi masyarakat dalam jangka panjang“. Tujuan tersebut hendak dicapai dengan mewujudkan target khusus penelitian, yaitu merumuskan strategi dalam memecahkan masalah pengembangan pariwisata yang kompetitif dan berkelanjutan. Adapun hal-hal yang hendak diketahui dan dipahami dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Potensi alam dan budaya apa saja yang sudah dikembangkan dan akan dikembangkan di Rote-Ndao?, (2) Bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan pariwisata?, (3) Bagaimana problematika pengembangan pariwisata di daerah tujuan wisata?, dan (4) Bagaimana strategi pengembangan pariwisata yang tepat bagi daerah tujuan wisata dilakukan? Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kualitatif, dan ditunjang metode kuantitatif, berparadigma fenomenologis dan interpretatif. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh dalam konteks ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Data dikumpulkan dengan metode pengamatan dan wawancara mendalam, dan (2) Analisis data dilakukan secara interpretatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tentang gagasan-gagasan, pemikiran, dan keyakinan yang ada di balik aktivitas masyarakat setempat. Hal tersebut akan dipahami secara lebih mendalam dengan menggunakan pendekatan interpretatif. Berdasarkan hasil interpretasi ini maka hipotesis kerja yang diformulasikan untuk menggali informasi lebih mendalam sehingga diperoleh informasi yang memadai untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian. Selanjutnya, temuan dari hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk menyusun model strategi pengembangan pariwisata yang kompetitif dan berkelanjutan berbasis masyarakat.