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Karakteristik CEO Dan Kinerja Perusahaan Non-Keuangan Yang Teraftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia I Made Sudana; Elka Dwiputri
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Vol 5 No 3 (2018): Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia - Edisi Juni 2018
Publisher : Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31843/jmbi.v5i3.169


The purpose from this research is to test the effect from CEO characteristics towards firm performance. CEO characteristics was proxied with founder CEO, ownership, tenure, and education. Firm performance was proxied with Tobin’s Q. The sample from this research are every non-financial firm that have been listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2010 – 2015 period. The method from this research is purposive sampling with analysis technique model multiple linier regression. The result from this research showed that founder CEO, CEO ownership, CEO tenure have a positive significant effect towards firm’s performance or Tobin’s Q. Keywords : CEO Characteristics, Firm Performance
Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan, Eksternal terhadap Risiko Kredit pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) di Indonesia I Made Sudana; Andi Siti Asiyah
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Indonesia Vol 6 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia - Edisi Oktober 2018
Publisher : Forum Manajemen Indonesia (FMI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31843/jmbi.v6i1.179


This study aims to know the effect of internal factor (capitalization, profitability, inefficiency, size) and external factor (economic growth, inflation) on credit risk of micro bank in Indonesia. This research uses purposive sampling method. Dependent variable in this research is credit risk. The independent variables in this study are capitalization measured by capital adequacy ratio, profitability measured by return on asset, inefficiency measured by BOPO ratio, size, economic growth, and inflation. The results show that credit risk is significantly influenced by capitalization, profitability, inefficiency, size, economic growth, and inflation. Inefficiency and inflation variables have a positive effect on credit risk, while variable capitalization, profitability, size, and economic growth negatively affects credit risk. Keywords: capitalization, profitability, inefficiency, size, economic growth, inflation, credit risk, rural bank.
Pengukuran Kinerja Dengan Menggunakan Empat Persfektif dari Balance Score Card Pada PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia ( PERSERO) Nusa Dua Bali Ni Putu Medyani; I Made Sudana; A.A. Putri Suardani; Istiarto Istiarto
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.193 KB)


This purpose of this study to determine the performance of Indoneia Tourism Development Corporation Nusa Dua Bali is measured by using for perspectives from Balanced Scorecard, that is financialperspective, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning & growth perspective. Data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. Performance measurement of financial perspective is measured using current ratio, quick ratio, debt to equity ratio, debt to aset ratio, return on investment, and return on equity. Performance measurement of internal business process perspecive is seen from the level of innovattion, and after sales services in terms of handling customer complaints. Performance measurement of learning and growth perspective is measured using employee satisfaction level, employee retentio, and employee productivity. Based on the analysis that has been done, the performance measurement of the customer perspective is good, the performance measurement of the overall customer persfective is good, the performance measurement of the overall internal business process perspective is good, and the performance measurement of the overall learning and growth perspective is good.
Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 20 No. 3 (2016): October 2016
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jm.v20i3.16


This research aims to find out the effect of fundamental factors bank as measured using the CAMEL ratio to changes the amount of deposits and interest rates. CAMEL ratios consists of capital as measured by capital adequacy ratio (CAR), asset quality as measured by non performing loan (NPL), management quality as measured by non-interest expenditures to total assets (NIETA), earnings as measured by return on assets (ROA), liquidity as measured by cash to assets (CTA). Research conducted in Indonesia is also used to find out if there are differences in the behavior of market discipline at the time of a full guarantee, Rp. 100 million guarantee, and Rp 2 billion guarantee. The results showed while guaranteeing full there was no fundamental factors influential to changes in bank deposits and interest rates, while the granting of Rp. 100 million CAR and CTA have significant positive effect to changes deposits and significant negatife to interest rates, and than NIETA has significant negative to changes deposits and significant positive to interest rates, Rp 2 billion guarantee CAR and ROA have positive effect to changes in deposits and significant negative to interest rates. Market discipline occurs at the time of the granting of Rp 2 billion and is increasing at the moment of granting decrase to Rp. 100 million, indicated by number of variables that has a significant effect to changes in deposit and interest rate. whereas when full guarantee market discipline does not occur.
Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran Agama Hindu Di Sekolah Luar Biasa C Negeri Bangli I Made Sudana; I Ketut Sudarsana; Setyaningsih
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu Vol 4 No 02 (2018)
Publisher : UHN IGB Sugriwa Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.282 KB) | DOI: 10.25078/jpm.v4i2.575


Selection and application of specific learning strategies to study religion. Likewise, learning with Hinduism learning strategies at Sekolah Luar Biasa C Negeri Bangli, with their disability from mental and weak dimensions or low IQ, the right strategy and in accordance with the student's background is one of the determining factors for achieving goals and the spirit of the learning process itself. The results of the study show the following results: Strategy of learning Hinduism in Special Schools C Country Bangli is an individual learning strategy (individual learning) and exposition learning learning strategies. The stages of learning Hinduism in Sekolah Luar Biasa C Negeri Bangli are: 1) student factors, students often desire themselves and are difficult to regulate; 2) teacher factors, teachers who often have difficulty understanding students from different IQ levels of students; 3) School factors, lack of educators, facilities and planning make the teaching and learning process stunted, especially lack of learning media facilities. Efforts made in learning Hinduism in Special Schools in Bangli State C are as follows: 1) attachment of special educators to Hinduism educators; 2) Provide special educatio n to teaching staff such as for special education for Sekolah Luar Biasa C Negeri Bangli; 3) the teacher simplifies learning so that students have more material provided by the teacher; 4) The school strives for the appointment of classrooms, provides learning media with interesting drawings, gives more attention and prepares students from facilities in learning, and provides special learning programs for SLB C / Mentally disabled children, namely self-development and self-development.