Sonny J.R. Kalangi
Department of Anatomy-Histology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado

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Insects on pig carcasses as a model for predictor of death interval in forensic medicine Wangko, Sunny; Kristanto, Erwin G.; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.; Huijbregts, Johannes; Sembel, Dantje T.
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 24, No 2 (2015): June
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.223 KB) | DOI: 10.13181/mji.v24i2.1224


Background: Forensic entomology has not been acknowledged in Indonesia so far. Indonesian carrion insects are very rarely reported. The aim of this study was to obtain the types of insects on pig carcasses that could be used for the estimation of post-mortem interval.Methods: Four domestic pigs sacrificed with different methods were used as a model. The carcasses were observed twice daily (around 9 a.m and 4 p.m) during 15 days to assess the stages of decomposition and to collect insects, both in mature and immature stages. The immature insects were reared and the mature insects were indentified in the Laboratory of Pests and Plant Diseases, University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado. Chrysomya megacephala and C. rufifacies were identified both morphologically and with deoxyribose-nucleic acid (DNA) techniques.Results: Five stages of decomposition (fresh, bloated, active decay, post-decay, and skeletonization) were observed. A total of 11 Diptera and 8 Coleoptera species were found during a 15-days succession study. Chrysomya megacephala, C. rufifacies and Hermetia illucens colonized in all carcasses.Conclusion: Insects found on four different pig carcasses consisted mainly of widespread Diptera and Coleoptera. Chrysomya megacephala, C. rufifacies and Hermetia illucens seemed to be primary candidates for the estimation of the post-mortem interval.
Gambaran histologik otot jantung pada hewan coba postmortem Ubruangge, Tonci; Wangko, Sunny; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.
e-Biomedik Vol 4, No 2 (2016): eBiomedik
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ebm.v4i2.13731


Abstract: Commonly, unnatural death is complicated and causes difficulties for to the investigating officers to reveal the modus operandi and the time of death. Estimation of postmortem interval is very important in the investigation, albeit, it is frequently put the investigators to a debate. This study aimed to obtain the histological changes of heart muscle at several time intervals postmortem. This was a descriptive observational study. A domestic pig weighed ±20kg was used as model. The pig was killled by conducting a blunt trauma at its occipital area. Heart muscle samples were taken at several time intervals as follows: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, 90 minutes, 105 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours postmortem. The histological changes were observed with an Olympus CX21 microscope and Optilab. The percentages of those changes were evaluated at 5 high-power fields (400x) for each sample. The results showed that less than 30% of myocytes had flattened and denser nuclei at 105 minutes postmortem and were associated with hydrophic degeneration at 2 hours postmortem. Those changes became widely spreaded and at 24 hours postmortem they could be identified in 60-80% of myocytes. Albeit, the striated pattern could still be identified until 24 hours postmortem. Conclusion: The histological changes of heart muscle postmortem namely morpholocical changes of the nuclei and hydrophic degeneration could be identified at 2 hours postmortem. At 24 hours postmortem those changes were distributed widely among the myocytes, however, the striated pattern could still be identified. Moreover, there were still focal areas with normal appearance. Keywords: histological changes, cardiac muscle, postmortem Abstrak: Kematian tidak wajar yang dialami seseorang dengan berbagai motif kejahatan dapat menyulitkan para penyidik dalam menggungkapkan modus operandi dan waktu kematian. Penentuan lama kematian k orban sangat dibutuhkan dan sering menjadi perdebatan di peradilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perubahan histologik jaringan otot jantung hewan coba pada beberapa interval waktu postmortem. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif-observasional menggunakan hewan coba satu ekor babi lokal dengan berat badan ±20kg. Hewan coba dimatikan dengan pukulan benda tumpul pada area osipital. Sampel otot jantung diambil pada beberapa interval waktu: 15 menit, 30 menit, 45 menit, 60 menit, 75 menit, 90 menit, 105 menit, 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 12 jam, dan 24 jam postmortem. Perubahan histologik diamati dengan mikroskop Olympus CX21 dan Optilab. Persentase perubahan tersebut dievaluasi pada 5 lapang pandang pembesaran 400x. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan <30% miosit dengan inti yang memipih dan memadat pada 105 menit postmortem serta degenerasi hidropik 2 jam postmortem. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut makin meluas dan pada 24 jam postmortem telah tampak pada 60-80% miosit jantung tetapi corak seran lintang tetap dapat diidentifikasi. Simpulan: Perubahan histologik berupa perubahan morfologik inti disertai degenerasi hidropik mulai tampak pada 2 jam postmortem dan pada 24 jam postmortem perubahan tersebut telah terdistribusi luas. Walaupun demikian, pada 24 jam postmortem corak seran lintang masih dapat diidentifikasi. Juga terdapat area-area fokal dengan jaringan otot jantung yang masih tampak normal.Kata kunci: perubahan histologik, otot jantung, postmortem
Gambaran makroskopik dan mikroskopik kandung kemih pada hewan coba postmortem Pontoh, Larisa M.; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.; Kaseke, Martha M.
eBiomedik Vol 5, No 1 (2017): eBiomedik
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ebm.5.1.2017.15903


Abstract: The aim of this study was to obtain the microscopic and microscopic postmortem changes of urinary bladder in domestic pigs. This was a descriptive observational study. The observations were performed at several time intervals, as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42, and 48 hours postmortem. The macroscopic observation of urinary bladder showed that the organ color became darker at 2-3 hours postmortem, the consistency became soft at 24 hours postmortem, and the organ became flattened and longer at 24-30 hours postmortem. The microscopic changes were epithelial desquamation at 1 hour postmortem which was continued leaving a flat thin basal layer at 24 hours postmortem. Congestion was observed at 1 hour postmortem. Hydropic degeneration of the muscle layer began at 3hours postmortem, and the layer became unidentified at 42 hours postmortem. Epithelial changes were hydropic degeneration, picnotic, and anuclear at 4 hours and were identified until 21 hours postmortem. Debris of necrotic epithelial cells was observed until 36-48 hours postmortem. Conclusion: The earliest macroscopic change started at 3 hours postmortem was the change in color. The earliest microscopic changes started at 1 hour postmortem were epithelial desquamation and congestion.Keywords: macroscopic, microscopic, urinary bladder, postmortem Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran perubahan makroskopik dan mikroskopik kandung kemih hewan coba babi postmortem. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif observasional. Perubahan diamati pada beberapa interval waktu postmortem: 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 9 jam, 12 jam, 15 jam, 18 jam, 21 jam, 24 jam, 30 jam, 36 jam, 42 jam, dan 48 jam. Hasil pengamatan makroskopik mendapatkan perubahan warna kandug kemih menjadi lebih gelap dari 2 jam ke 3 jam postmortem, konsistensi berubah dari kenyal menjadi lunak sampai 24 jam postmortem, organ mengempis dan memanjang pada 24 jam sampai 30 jam postmortem. Perubahan mikroskopik berupa deskuamasi sejak 1 jam postmortem dan pada 24 jam postmortem tersisa epitel basal tipis dan rata. Kongesti terlihat sejak 1 jam postmortem. Degenerasi hidrofik pada lapisan otot sejak 3 jam postmortem sampai lapisan tersebut tidak jelas teramati 42 jam postmortem. Perubahan epitel berupa degenerasi hidrofik, inti piknotik, dan anukleus dimulai pada 4 jam postmortem dan terus berlanjut sampai 24 jam postmortem. Debris sel nekrosis terlihat pada 36 sampai 48 jam postmortem. Simpulan: Perubahan makroskopik mulai tampak pada 3 jam postmortem berupa perubahan warna. Perubahan mikroskopik mulai tampak pada 1 jam postmortem berupa deskuamasi epitel dan kongesti.Kata kunci: makroskopik, mikroskopik, kandung kemih, postmortem
eBiomedik Vol 6, No 1 (2018): eBiomedik
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ebm.6.1.2018.18714


Abstract: Postmortem changes play an important role in estimation of the time of death. This study was aimed to obtain the histopathological changes of lungs at several time intervals postmortem. This was a descriptive observational study using a local pig as the animal model killed by stabbing in the heart. Lung samples were taken at 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, 90 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours postmortem. The results showed that the earliest histological change could be identified at 60 minutes postmortem in the form of alveolar dilatation. At 2 hours postmortem, congestion of smooth muscle layers of bronchioles was observed. The epithelial cells of the alveoli were undetected at 3 hours postmortem meanwhile the smooth muscle layers were undetected at 12 hours postmortem. At 24 hours postmortem, the bronchioles were still detected but the structure of their layers could not be identified. Conclusion: Histopathological changes were observed as alveolar dilatation at 60 minutes postmortem, followed by congestion of muscle layers, and undetected epithelial alveolar cells as well as smooth muscle layers. At 24 hours postmortem, bronchioles were still detected but the structure of their layers could not be identified.Keywords: histological changes, lungs, postmorterm Abstrak: Perubahan postmortem berperan penting untuk memperkirakan waktu kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perubahan histopatologik paru hewan coba postmortem pada beberapa interval waktu. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif-observasional menggunakan hewan coba satu ekor babi lokal yang dimatikan dengan tikaman pada jantung. Sampel paru diambil dalam waktu 15 menit, 30 menit, 45 menit, 60 menit, 75 menit, 90 menit, 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 12 jam dan 24 jam postmortem. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan pada 60 menit postmortem terjadi dilatasi alveoli. Pada 2 jam postmortem tampak kongesti lapisan otot polos. Pada 3 jam postmortem sel-sel epitel alveoli tidak tampak lagi dan pada 12 jam postmortem lapisan otot polos tidak terdeteksi. Pada 24 jam postmortem bronkiolus masih dapat dideteksi tetapi struktur lapisannya tidak teridentifikasi. Simpulan: Perubahan awal histopatologik paru babi postmotem ini dimulai pada 60 menit postmortem berupa dilatasi alveoli, diikuti kongesti lapisan otot polos, serta tidak terdeteksinya sel-sel epitel alveoli dan lapisan otot polos. Pada 24 jam postmortem bronkiolus masih terdeteksi tetapi struktur lapisannya tidak teridentifikasi lagi.Kata kunci: perubahan histologik, paru, postmortem
Perubahan Histologik Postmortem pada Kelenjar Brunner Hewan Coba Sartika, Reza S.; Wongkar, Djon; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.
e-Biomedik Vol 6, No 1 (2018): eBiomedik
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ebm.v6i1.19526


Abstract: Studies of postmortem histological changes in digestive system showed a variety of changes related to postmortem time. This study was aimed to obtain the histological changes of Brunner gland within 24-hour interval using a domestic pig as model. This was a descriptive study. Samples of duodenum were taken at several time intervals, as follows: 0 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 7 hours, 8 hours, 9 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours, 14 hours, 16 hours, 18 hours, 20 hours, 22 hours, and 24 hours. The results showed that the earliest histological changes occurred at 3 hours postmortem which showed congestion, widened gland lumen, as well as hydrophic degeneration of gland cells. At 7 hours to 22 hours postmortem the changes became more visible and were associated with lysis of the gland cells. At 24 hours postmortem the lysis had covered >50% of the gland cells, however, the Brunner glands could still be identified. Conclusion: The earliest changes occured at 3 hours postmortem in the forms of congestion, widened gland lumens, and hydrophic degeneration of gland cells which became more visible at 7-22 hour postmortem associated with gland cell lysis. The cell lysis covered most of the gland cells at 24 hours postmortem, however, the Brunner glands could still be identified.Keywords: duodenum, autolysis, postmortem. Abstrak: Berbagai penelitian mengenai perubahan histologik postmortem dari organ sistem pencernaan telah dilakukan pada hewan coba yang memperlihatkan variasi perubahan histologik sehubungan dengan waktu postmortem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran perubahan histologik postmortem pada kelenjar Brunner hewan coba dengan interval waktu 24 jam. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif yang menggunakan babi domestik sebagai hewan coba. Interval waktu pengambilan sampel dari bagian duodenum ialah: 0 jam, 1 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam, 4 jam, 5 jam, 6 jam, 7 jam, 8 jam, 9 jam, 10 jam, 12 jam, 14 jam, 16 jam, 18 jam, 20 jam, 22 jam, dan 24 jam postmortem. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa perubahan awal terjadi pada 3 jam postmortem yang menunjukkan kongesti dan lumen kelenjar melebar, serta degenerasi hidropik pada sel-sel kelenjar Brunner. Perubahan semakin tampak pada 7 jam sampai 22 jam postmortem, dan mulai terjadi lisis sel-sel kelenjar Brunner. Pada 24 jam postmortem lisis yang terjadi telah mencapai sekitar 50% sel kelenjar tetapi kelenjar Brunner masih dapat diidentifikasi. Simpulan: Perubahan awal terjadi pada 3 jam postmortem yang menunjukkan kongesti dan lumen kelenjar melebar serta degenerasi hidropik pada sel-sel kelenjar Brunner yang terus berlangsung disertai lisis sel-sel kelenjar yang pada 24 jam postmortem telah mencapai sebagian besar sel kelenjar tetapi kelenjar Brunner masih dapat diidentifikasi.Kata kunci: duodenum, autolisis, postmortem
Hubungan kinerja otak dan spiritualitas manusia diukur dengan Indonesia Spiritual Health Assessment pada tokoh agama Islam di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Pakaya, Putra; Pasiak, Taufiq F.; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.
e-Biomedik Vol 5, No 1 (2017): eBiomedik
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/ebm.v5i1.15889


Abstract: Human brain contains about 100 billion cells that have complex functions as the central control of all activities. The brain is an organ in which the interaction of soul and body (mind body interaction) occurs and is very influential on human spirituality. Spirituality is built by four observable aspects, as follows: spiritual experience, positive emotion, meaning of life, and ritual. Health Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009 Chapter I Article 1 Paragraph 1 defines health by integrating the spiritual aspect as part of the definition of health. Indonesia Spiritual Health Assessment (ISHA) is a neuroscience-based test that includes human spirituality profile so it can find spirituality and its relation to brain performance. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of brain performance and human spirituality among Islamic religious leaders in Bolaang Mongondow. This was an observational study with a cross sectional design. There were 57 Islamic religious leaders as respondents. Data were retrieved by distributing questionnaires ISHA to the respondents. The statistical analysis showed that the correlation between temporal lobes and spiritual experience had an r value = 0.304 and p value = 0.022. Conclusion: There was a relationship between the performance of the brain and human spirituality in particular the relationship between the temporal lobe and spiritual experience among Islamic religious leaders in Bolaang MongondowKeywords: brain performance, spirituality Abstrak: Otak manusia berisi sekitar 100 miliar sel yang memiliki fungsi kompleks sebagai pusat pengendali seluruh aktivitas manusia. Otak merupakan organ tubuh dimana terjadinya interaksi ‘jiwa’ dan ‘badan’ (mind body interaction) yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap spiritualitas manusia. Spiritualitas dibangun oleh empat aspek yang dapat diamati yaitu pengalaman spiritual, emosi positif, makna hidup, dan ritual. Undang-Undang Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 Bab I Pasal 1 ayat 1mendefinisikan kesehatan, yaitu dengan memasukkan aspek spiritual sebagai bagian dari batasan sehat. Indonesia Spiritual Health Assessment (ISHA) merupakan uji berbasis neurosains yang memuat tentang profil spiritualitas manusia sehingga dapat mengetahui spiritualitas dan kaitannya dengan kinerja otak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kinerja otak dengan spiritualitas manusia pada tokoh agama Islam di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow. Jenis penelitian ialah observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Terdapat 57 orang tokoh agama Islam di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow sebagai responden. Data diambil dengan cara membagikan kuisioner ISHA kepada responden. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan korelasi antara lobus temporalis dengan pengalaman spiritual (r=0,304; p=0,022). Simpulan: Pada tokoh agama Islam di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow terdapat hubungan antara kinerja otak dengan spiritualitas manusia khususnya hubungan one to one antara lobus temporalis dan pengalaman spiritual.Kata kunci: kinerja otak, spiritualitas
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 4, No 3 (2012): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM Suplemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.4.3.2012.1213


Abstract: As the main structural component of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), the juxtaglomerular complex plays a very important role in the regulation of vascular resistance. The synthesis and release of renin into the circulation occurs due to the decrease of blood pressure, loss of body fluid, and a decrease of sodium intake. Renin converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin I, which is further converted by the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) into angiotensin II. This angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels, resulting in an increase of vascular resistance and blood pressure. The ACE inhibitors and the angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) do not inhibit the RAAS completely since they cause an increase of renin activity. The renin blockers are more effective in inhibiting RAAS activity; therefore, these renin blockers can be applied as antihypertensive agents with fewer side effects. The RAAS activity can be inhibited by a decrease of renin synthesis in the juxtaglomerular complex by blocking the signals in the juxtaglomerular complex that stimulate renin synthesis, and by blocking the gap junctions in the juxtaglomerular complex. Keywords: juxtaglomerular complex, vascular resistance, RAAS.   Abstrak: Kompleks jukstaglomerulus sebagai komponen struktural utama sistem renin angiotensin berperan penting dalam pengaturan resistensi pembuluh darah. Sintesis dan pelepasan renin ke sirkulasi terjadi karena tekanan darah yang rendah, kehilangan cairan tubuh, dan kurangnya intake natrium. Renin akan memecah angiotensinogen menjadi angiotesin I yang kemudian secara cepat dikonversi oleh enzim pengonversi angiotensin  menjadi angiotensin II. Angiotensin II menyebabkan vasokontriksi pembuluh darah sehingga meningkatkan resistensi pembuluh darah yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan tekanan darah. ACEinhibitor dan ARB kurang sempurna dalam menghambat kerja SRAA oleh karena keduanya memutuskan rantai mekanisme timbal balik sehingga meningkatkan aktifitas renin. Penghambat renin lebih efektif digunakan untuk menghambat aktifitas SRAA sehingga penghambat renin dapat digunakan sebagai obat anti-hipertensi dan memiliki efek samping yang rendah. Metode penghambatan SRAA yang juga dapat dikembangkan ialah penghambatan sintesis renin dalam kompleks jukstaglomerulus dengan cara menekan sinyal-sinyal dalam kompleks jukstaglomerulus yang merangsang sintesis renin dan menghambat fungsi taut kedap yang terdapat dalam kompleks jukstaglomerulus. Kata kunci: kompleks juksta glomerulus, resistensi vaskular, SRAA.
EFEK APOMORFIN SUBLINGUAL PADA EREKSI PENIS Salossa, Kaleb D.S.; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.; Adam, Ghazaly
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 4, No 3 (2012): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM Suplemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.4.3.2012.1209


Abstract: Erectile dysfunction is the disability of a male to maintain consistant or repeated penile erections sufficiently for successful sexual intercourse. Many efforts have been done to handle this condition, so far. The psychosocial therapy and several medications inter alia: testosterone, yohimbine, trazadone, direct intracavernosus injection of alprostadil, penile implantation, and  sildenafil citrate, are not always suitable for the patients’ needs, especiallly those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, a new erectogenic agent has been introduced, the sublingual apomorphine. This apomorphine has a dopamine-like molecule that acts on the dopamine receptors in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the central nervous system to increase the penile erection due to sexual stimulation (erotic imagination, audiovisual, or tactile). The sublingual apomorphine has been proved effective in overcoming the erectile dysfunction, especially the mild and moderate forms. Keywords: penile erection, sublingual apomorphin.     Abstrak: Telah banyak upaya dilakukan untuk mengatasi disfungsi ereksi yang merupakan ketidakmampuan seorang laki-laki secara konsisten atau berulang untuk mencapai dan mempertahankan ereksi penis yang cukup untuk melakukan hubungan seksual. Terapi psikososial dan pengobatan yang pernah diajukan seperti pemberian hormon testosteron, yohimbin, trazadon, injeksi langsung alprostadil intrakavernosa, implantasi penis serta sildenafil sitrat tidaklah selalu sesuai dengan kebutuhan penderita, khususnya penderita disfungsi ereksi dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler. Para ahli berusaha melakukan terobosan baru salah satunya adalah apomorfin sublingual yang merupakan agen erektogenik baru. Apomorfin adalah suatu molekul mirip dopamin yang bekerja pada reseptor dopamin pada paraventricular nucleus (PVN) di sistem saraf pusat untuk meningkatkan rangsangan erektil saat stimulasi seksual (imaginasi erotik, audiovisual dan perabaan) terjadi. Apomorfin sublingual terbukti efektif untuk mengatasi disfungsi ereksi, terutama disfungsi ereksi ringan dan sedang. Kata kunci: ereksi penis, apomorfin sublingual.
PERAN ESTROGEN PADA REMODELING TULANG Sihombing, Iknes; Wangko, Sunny; Kalangi, Sonny J.R.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.4.3.2012.1210


Abstract: Bone tissues experience continual regeneration of their extracellular components by overhauling the old components. This process is called bone remodeling, which involves several kinds of bone cells. The most important bone cells related to the bone remodeling are osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclats. The bone remodeling is influenced by estrogen. This hormone inhibits bone resorption, resulting in slowing down the osteoporosis process. This antiresorptive effect can be provided also by the estrogen action on osteoblasts, which indirectly influences osteoclast activities. Estrogen has been proved to slow down the decrease of bone mass and fracture risks in women with osteoporosis. Hormone replacement therapy, aimed at replacing estrogen deficiency, consists of phytoestrogen and progesteron; besides that, calcium and vitamine D are needed, too. Keywords: estrogen, bone remodeling, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast.     Abstrak: Tulang merupakan jaringan yang terus menerus melakukan regenerasi komponen-komponen ekstrasel dengan cara menghancurkan komponen tulang yang sudah tua dan menggantikannya dengan yang baru. Proses ini disebut remodeling tulang, yang melibatkan kerja sel-sel tulang tertentu. Sel-sel dalam tulang yang terutama berhubungan dengan pembentukan dan resorpsi tulang ialah osteoblas, osteosit, dan osteoklas. Remodeling tulang dipengaruhi oleh hormon estrogen. Hormon ini menekan resorpsi tulang sehingga dapat menghambat proses kerapuhan tulang. Efek antiresorptif tersebut dapat pula dihasilkan melalui kerjanya pada osteoblas, yang secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi aktivitas osteoklas. Estrogen terbukti dapat mengurangi laju penurunan massa tulang dan risiko fraktur pada wanita dengan osteoporosis. Terapi sulih hormon yang digunakan untuk mengganti defisisensi estrogen ialah fitoestrogen, progesteron, selain itu juga kalsium dan vitamin D. Kata kunci: estrogen, remodeling tulang, osteoblas, osteosit, osteoklas.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.4.3.2012.1221


Abstract: The female hip has a wider lower part which plays an important role in pregnancy and labour. The WHO (1999) reported that there were 180-200 million pregnancies per year with 585,000 deaths of pregnant women due to complications, inter alia a narrow hip. Females with heights of less than 150 cm have to be suspect of having narrow hips. This study aimed to find out whether female students in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado with heights of less than 150 cm were suspected of having narrow hips. This was a descriptive study. Samples were 60 female students with distantia spinosum less than 24-26 cm and distantia tuberosum less than 10.5 cm. The results showed that there were 25 students with heights of 147.0-148.9 cm. The smallest distantia spinosum was 15.3 cm while the smallest distantia tuberosum was 8.3 cm. Conclusion: All female students with heights of less than 150 cm had distantia spinosum less than normal, but most of them still had normal distantia tuberosum. Keywords: female students, height, distantia spinosum, distantia tuberosum.  Abstrak: Bentuk panggul wanita mempunyai bagian bawah yang lebih luas untuk keperluan kehamilan dan persalinan. Dari data WHO 1999 terdapat 180-200 juta kehamilan setiap tahunnya dan 585 ribu kematian wanita hamil berkaitan dengan komplikasi salah satunya ialah panggul sempit. Wanita dengan tinggi badan kurang dari 150 cm dapat dicurigai adanya kesempitan panggul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado dengan tinggi badan kurang dari 150 cm dapat dicurigai adanya kesempitan panggul. Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif. Sampel didapatkan dari 60 subjek yang memenuhi kriteria dengan tinggi badan yang kurang dari 150 cm, ukuran distansia spinarum kurang dari 24-26 cm dan distansia tuberum kurang dari 10,5 cm. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tinggi badan terbanyak yaitu 147,0-148,9 cm berjumlah 25 subjek, ukuran distansia spinarum terkecil 15,3 cm dan distansia tuberum terkecil yaitu 8,3 cm. Simpulan: Karakteristik distansia spinarum 100% wanita dengan tinggi badan kurang dari 150 cm mempunyai ukuran panggul yang kurang dari normal dan distansia tuberum didapatkan sebagian besar wanita dengan tinggi badan kurang dari 150 cm mempunyai ukuran distansia tuberum yang normal. Kata kunci: mahasiswi, tinggi badan, distansia spinarum, distansia tuberum.