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Penerapan Teknik Semantic Mapping dalam Pembelajaran Kanji Yeni Yeni
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha Vol. 5 No. 3 (2019)
Publisher : Undiksha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbj.v5i3.22628


Pembelajaran Kaiwa Berbasis JFS Can-Do Yeni Yeni; Ni Nengah Suartini; I Wayan Sadyana; Gede Satya Hermawan
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Undiksha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbj.v6i1.25540


Keterampilan berbicara merupakan salah satu dari empat keterampilan berbahasa yang harus dikuasai oleh pembelajar bahasa Jepang. Berbicara adalah sarana untuk menyampaikan ide kepada lawan bicara sehingga maksud dari pembicara dapat tersampaikan. Keterampilan berbicara berkaitan dengan aspek penggunaan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi secara lisan sehingga untuk mengajarkan keterampilan berbicara dilaksanakan pembelajaran kaiwa. Pada tahun 2010 The Japan Foundation memperkenalkan standar baru bagi pendidikan bahasa Jepang yang disebut dengan JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education. JF Standard mempunyai konsep bahasa Jepang untuk pemahaman lintas budaya dengan dua kemampuan yang diperlukan, yaitu kemampuan penyelesaian tugas dan kemampuan pemahaman lintas budaya. JF Standard digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan bahasa Jepang dan Can-Do merupakan indikator yang menunjukkan tingkat kematangan bahasa atau pemahaman bahasa yang dimiliki. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, pembelajaran kaiwa dilakukan berbasis JFS Can-Do.                                                                                                    
Implementasi Model-Model Information Gap dalam Pembelajaran Kaiwa berbasis Daring Yeni Yeni; I Wayan Sadyana; Gede Satya Hermawan
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha Vol. 6 No. 3 (2020)
Publisher : Undiksha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbj.v6i3.30235


Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan berbahasa Jepang mahasiswa setelah diimplementasikan model-model information gap dalam pembelajaran kaiwa berbasis daring dan untuk mengetahui respon mahasiswa terhadap implementasi model-model information gap dalam pembelajaran kaiwa berbasis daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen kuasi (Quasi Experimental) dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one grup pretest posttest design. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes berbicara dan angket/kuesioner dalam bentuk Google Form. Berdasarkan hasil posttest diketahui 86% mahasiswa yang diimplementasikan model-model information gap dalam pembelajaran kaiwa berbasis daring memperoleh nilai di atas 80 sedangkan sisanya 14% mahasiswa memperoleh nilai di bawah 80. Gain hasil pretest dan posttest menunjukkan peningkatan rata-rata nilai sebesar 2.04. Dengan demikian, kemampuan berbahasa Jepang mahasiswa setelah diimplementasikan model-model information gap dalam pembelajaran kaiwa berbasis daring mengalami peningkatan dan implementasi model-model information gap efektif dalam pembelajaran kaiwa berbasis daring. Selanjutnya berdasarkan hasil angket/kuesioner diperoleh respon positif dari sebagian besar responden terhadap implementasi model-model information gap dalam pembelajaran kaiwa berbasis daring.
Penggunaan Nomina Kyoku dan Uta pada Kolom Komentar Youtube Yeni Yeni; Gede Satya Hermawan
Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Undiksha Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Undiksha Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jpbj.v7i2.37588


This paper describes the use of words that are synonymous or have the same meaning. The words chosen are Kyoku and Uta, each of which refers to the meaning of the song. For Japanese language learners, the word Uta is better known to refer to the meaning of a song, and Ongaku refers to the meaning of music. This study will show that in its use the word Uta can be replaced with the word Kyoku, which generally refers to the meaning of the song. But Kyoku shows a more specific meaning. The data is taken from the YouTube comments on popular Japanese songs. Three songs were selected that are in the top three of the Oricon Chart, namely: Gomen ne Finger Crossed (Nogizaka 46); Hitori ni Shinai yo (Kanjani 8), and Pale Blue (Kenshi Yonezu).
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Maret, Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja

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Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat kali ini bertujuan untuk untuk menanamkan perilaku hidup sehat pada masyarakat desa Kukuh dalam rangka mencegah penyebaran COVID-19. Hal ini dilakukan berdasarkan atas hasil dari observasi awal dan fokus group discussion terkait ancaman COVID-19 terhadap masyarakat Desa Kukuh. Pengabdian ini merupakan perwujudan dukungan terhadap Keppres 11 tahun 2020 dan instruksi Gubernur Bali nomor 8551 Tahun 2020. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu metode diklat dan pendampingan unjuk kerja (showcase). Penggunaan metode diklat untuk penguatan konsep tentang petunjuk cuci tangan yang benar, cara menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, dan sikap waspada COVID-19, sedangkan metode pendampingan dan unjuk kerja (showcase) digunakan untuk pengaplikasian konsep ke dalam unjuk kerja yang berupa peragaan dan penerapannya. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa seluruh responden mengetahui terkait informasi adanya COVID-19. Informasi itu didapatkan paling banyak melalui Televisi dan komunikasi masyarakat secara langsung (71,9%). Sebagian besar responden (93,8%) sudah mengetahui cara mencegah penyebaran COVID-19 dengan cara menggunakan masker dan mencuci tangan. Akan tetapi mereka belum mengetahui cara mencuci tangan dengan baik, oleh sebab itulah masyarakat diberikan sosialisasi cara mencuci tangan yang baik dan benar dengan maksud mendukung program pemerintah mencegah penyebaran COVID-19.
Analisis Tindak Tutur Direktif dalam Drama 3 Nen A Gumi Karya Komuro Naoko dan Suzuki Putu Diva Dian Pratama; Gede Satya Hermawan; Yeni Yeni
Jurnal Sakura : Sastra, Bahasa, Kebudayaan dan Pranata Jepang Vol 4 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JS.2022.v04.i02.p01


The purpose of this research is to analyze the intent and types of directive speech act expressions in the drama 3 Nen A Gumi. The subject used in this research is a Japanese drama entitled 3 Nen A Gumi. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The method used in this research is the listening method with an advanced technique, namely the note-taking technique. In analyzing, using pragmatic analysis to examine the use of intent and types of directive speech act expressions. The theory used is the theory of speech acts according to Searle (1979) and the theory of types of speech act expressions proposed by Nadar (2008). From the results of the research, it was found that 54 data were directive speech acts. There are 9 intents of directive speech acts found, namely request, entreat, question, invite, command, challenge, forbid, permit, and advise. Furthermore, it is known that directive speech acts are expressed by direct speech and indirect speech according to the context of the speech situation. There are 39 direct speech data and 15 indirect speech data.
Pengembangan Video Animasi Toonly Pada Mata Kuliah Bunpo Shochukyu (Bab 38-40) Putu Ratih Megantari; Yeni Yeni; Kadek Eva Krishna Adnyani
Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Februari

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This research aims to develop three learning animated videos with a duration of 4-6 minutes in mp4. Format. This research is a Research and Development using MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method that are introduced by Luther-Sutopo (in Binanto, 2010). The purpose of this research is to help the teacher and student on the lesson session, also to help motivate the student interest in learning Bunpo Shochukyu. Collecting reference data was done by interviewing the teacher and giving questionnaire to the students. The data that are obtained was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative method. The tests are Alpha Test which are tested with Media Expert and Material Expert, whereas Beta Test is tested with small group of second semester Japanese Language Education Students. Result of the first test is 56 points (Very Good) and second test is 57 points (Very Good) from the Media Expert and 48 points at first test (Good) and second test is 49 points (Good) from Material Expert of Alpha Test, whereas the average results of Beta Test are 101 points (Good). With these tests results, the animated learning videos can be utilized in the subject of Bunpo Shochukyu Chapter 38-40
Pengelolaan Kelas Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang Di Kelas XI Bahasa SMA Karya Wisata Singaraja Putu Ayu Sukasumartini; Desak Made Sri Mardani; Yeni Yeni
Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Februari

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The purpose of this study is to describe classroom management activities carried out by teachers in Japanese language learning at Karya Wisata Singaraja High School. This study used descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of the study show that the classroom management carried out by the teacher in learning Japanese as a whole is fairly good. Classroom management is carried out to create and maintain optimal learning conditions, so that learning objectives can be achieved. The teacher has applied the principles of classroom management and the components of classroom management well. However, flexibility as well as finding and solving behaviors that cause problems are not carried out by the teacher. Teachers do not use laptops and LCDs because they are constrained by technological knowledge and limited school facilities.
Analisis Makna Onomatope dalam anime BangDream Season 1 Karya Nakamura Kou Aisyah Annurillah Wahyu Putri; Putu Dewi Merlyna Yuda Pramesti; Yeni Yeni
Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Februari

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This research aims to analyze onomatopoeia in ANIME BANGDREAM SEASON 1. This research is a linguistic research using descriptive qualitative method. The theory used is semantic theory. The data collection method used is the listening method and note-taking technique, the data used is anime. Then to prove the validity of the data, the triangulation method was used. The onomatopoeia data found is divided into 3 types. Gitai-go onomatopoeia was found in 2 sentences, Gijou-go onomatopoeia was found in 6 sentences, Giyou-go onomatopoeia was found in 2 sentences. The most widely used onomatopoeia in the anime is gijou-go onomatopoeia which has the characteristics of describing psychological states or human feelings, while gitai-go and giyou-go onomatopoeia are very rarely found in their unique use.
Pengaruh Strategi Kerja Kelompok Berbantuan Media Crossword Puzzle Terhadap Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang SMAN 1 Nusa Penida Ni Wayan At Pramita Dewi; Putu Dewi Merlyna Yuda Pramesti; Yeni Yeni
Omiyage : Jurnal Bahasa dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang Vol 6, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/omg.v6i1.605


The goals of this study were to investigate how employing the Crossword Puzzle media-assisted group work strategy affected the Japanese language abilities and motivation of class XI students at SMAN 1 Nusa Penida and to gauge the reactions of the students after they had used the approach. Quantitative research using a Quasi Experimental Design was employed for this study. 198 students from SMAN 1 Nusa Penida's 11th grade comprised the sample for this research. Thirty students from Class XI IBB 1 served as the study's experimental group, while another 30 students from Class XI IBB 2 served as the study's control group. Various forms of testing and surveying were employed to glean the necessary information. The results demonstrated that the experimental class, which was assigned the crossword puzzle media-assisted group work method, outperformed the control class in terms of Japanese language proficiency and motivation. The Sig. (2-Tailed) posttest result of 0.000 < 0.05 from the Independent Sample T-Test hypothesis test provides supporting evidence for this. According on the survey data, pupils who used the Crossword Puzzle medium gave an overall favorable answer of 93.6% in the Strongly Agree/Good/Satisfied/Like category. As a result, we may infer that the method of group work aided by the Crossword Puzzle medium can have a beneficial effect on the development of students' Japanese language competence and motivation.