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Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Gula Darah Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 di RSU Sinar Kasih Gereja Kristen Sulawesi Tengah Tentena Triandhini, R.L.N.K Retno; Agustina, Venti; Siabila, Yen Grasia
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v7i1.11109


Background:  Diabetes Mellitus is one of target priorities for world health problems. This is related to an increase in number of people with DM from year to year. Purpose this study is to find out the relationship of factors that affect the blood sugar levels of type 2 DM patients at RSU Sinar Kasih GKST Tentena. Method  This type of research is quantitative descriptive with a cross sectional approach implemented at RSU Sinar Kasih GKST Tentena. The intrusions used were a characteristic questionnaire of respondents, SQ-FFQ for diet and GPAQ for physical activity.  The data collected is analyzed using Microsoft excell and SPSS Discussion:  The results found blood sugar levels when patients had little difference between normal GDS levels (51.16%) and high GDS (48.83%). There is very strong correlation between IMT and GDS while for RLPP with GDS does not have significant correlation between the two variables. The food group that had meaningful correlation with the GDS was the oil and fat group as well as for physical activity and the GDS had meaningful correlation with direction of the negative correlation. Conclusion this study is factors that have an association in influencing blood sugar levels of type 2 DM patients in RSU Sinar Kasih Christian Church of Central Sulawesi Tentena are BMI, diet and physical activity while for RLPP does not have significant association to blood sugar levels of type 2 DM patients.
Gambaran tingkat ansietas dan mekanisme koping pada mahasiswa keperawatan dalam menghadapi ujian praktek laboratorium Daesy Kristiana Lau; Venti Agustina; Heri Setiawan
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.138 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.7.2.2019.217-228


Mahasiswa rentan mengalami ansiestas salah satu yang menjadi sumber ansiestas bagi mahasiswa yaitu ujian. Ujian merupakan bagian dari evaluasi mahasiswa terhadap proses pembelajaran dalam satu semester. Ujian tidak hanya teori tetapi juga praktek, praktek tidak hanya di rumah sakit atau klinik tetapi juga dilakukan di laboraturium. Praktek laboratorium akan dilewati mahasiswa dengan persyaratan yang ditentukan seperti waktu, kerapihan, cepat dan tepat serta harus dilakukan secara lengkap tanpa terlewati satu unsur pun dalam waktu uji yang singkat. Hal ini menjadi salah satu stimulus timbulnya ansiestas pada mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat ansietas dan mekanisme koping pada mahasiswa keperawatan dalam menghadapi ujian praktek laboratorium. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian sebanyak 150 orang yang pernah dan sedang melakukan praktek laboratorium. Waktu pengambilan data pada bulan Februari-Maret 2019. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling,instrument yang digunakan kuesioner ZSAS dan kuesioner COPE SCALE. Analisa data univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar mahasiswa keperawatan mengalami ansiestas dalam kategori normal dengan mekanisme koping terbanyak yang digunakan berfokus pada emosi atau Emotional Focused Coping.  Kata kunci: ansiestas, mekanisme koping, mahasiswa keperawatan, ujian praktek laboratorium DESCRIPTION OF ANSIETHIC LEVELS AND COOPERATING MECHANISMS IN NURSING STUDENTS IN FACING LABORATORY PRACTICE EXAMS ABSTRACTStudents are vulnerable to experiencing anxiety. One of the sources of anxiety for students is the exam. The exam is part of a student's evaluation of the learning process in one semester. Exams are not only theory but also practice, practice not only in hospitals or clinics but also in laboratories. Laboratory practice will be passed by students with the specified requirements such as time, neatness, fast and precise and must be done in full without missing any elements in a short test time. This has become one of the stimulus for anxiety on students. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of anxiety and coping mechanisms in nursing students facing laboratory practice exams. The research design used was descriptive cross sectional descriptive study. The population in the study were 150 people who had and were doing laboratory practice. Data collection time is February-March 2019. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique, the instrument used is the ZSAS questionnaire and the COPE SCALE questionnaire. Univariate data analysis with frequency distribution. The results showed that most nursing students experienced anxiety in the normal category with the most coping mechanisms used to focus on emotions or Emotional Focused Coping. Keywords: anxiety, coping mechanism, nursing students, laboratory practice exams
Kecukupan Gizi Pada Individu Dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner Di RSUD Kota Salatiga Frenscha Herclaudia Patrouw; Venty Agustina
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v6i1.7053


ABSTRACTCoronary heart disease is a condition in which the buildup of plaque in the heart arteries triggers a heart attack. This study aims to see the nutritional adequacy of individuals with coronary heart disease in Salatiga City Hospital. The research used a survey method. Respondents in this study were 100 individuals with coronary heart disease who live in Salatiga. Data collection techniques used anthropometric measurements, food frequency and food recall. The results of anthropometric and metabolic measurements showed that out of 100 individuals with coronary heart disease, 5 people (5%) lean body mass index (BMI), 19 fat (19%), 76 normal (76%) were obtained. Nutritional intake of 100 individuals with coronary heart disease using a 24-hour food recall showed that the average energy consumption was ± 1034.36 kcal, protein ± 38.92 g, fat ± 22.98 g, carbohydrate ± 167.11 g. Fulfillment of nutritional intake based on the adequacy category is mostly included in the weight deficit category, namely still energy (94 respondents), protein (78 respondents), fat (94 respondents), carbohydrates (94 respondents) but there are respondents who are in the good category, namely energy. (3 respondents), protein (4 respondents) fat (3 respondents), carbohydrates (3 respondents).  Keywords: Adequacy of Nutrition, Coronary Heart Disease, Salatiga
Penerapan Perilaku Pencegahan Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Menggunakan Health Belief Model Di Puskesmas Sidorejo Lor – Salatiga Venti Agustina; Rosiana Eva Rayanti; Nur Hidayah
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MUHAMMADIYAH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/jkm.v5i2.6280


AbstrakPrediabetes adalah kondisi di mana kadar gula darah seseorang melebihi batas normalnamun belum terlalu tinggi untuk masuk dalam kategori penyakit diabetes mellitus, untukmencegah terjadinya diabetes mellitus bagi pasien pre-DM adalah dengan menerapkanperilaku pengendalian untuk mencegah penyakit diabetes mellitus. Tujuan penelitian iniuntuk mendeskripsikan perilaku pencegahan pasien pre-DM terhadap diabetes mellitusberdasarkan teori Health Belief Model di Puskesmas Sidorejo Lor Salatiga. Desain penelitianadalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi dan wawancara menggunakan panduanwawancara terkait Health Belief Model dengan menghubungkan faktor persepsi kerentanan,keseriusan, manfaat, hambatan dan isyarat untuk bertindak. Populasi dalam penelitian iniyakni pasien pre-DM teregistrasi 1 tahun terakhir di Puskesmas Sidorejo Lor. Jumlahpartisipan sebanyak lima orang dengan kriteria GDP 100-125 mg/dl dan atau keluargamemiliki riwayat penyakit DM. Hasil perilaku pencegahan diabetes mellitus dari persepsikerentanan (keturunan penyakit kelurga), persepsi keseriusan (respon psikis), persepsihambatan (kesibukan pekerjaan), persepsi cues to action (diet gula, olahraga, konsumsi obatherbal dan medis), persepsi manfaat (perilaku yang dilakukan dalam pencegahan diabetesmellitus). Kesimpulan terdapat hambatan perilaku pencegahan terutama pada aktivitas fisikolahraga hal ini disebabkan kesibukan pekerjaan sehingga partisipan belum teratur dalammelakukan olahraga.Kata kunci: Diabetes Mellitus, Health Belief Model, Pre-DMAbstractPrediabetes is a condition in which a person's blood sugar level exceeds the normallimit but is not yet too high to be categorized as diabetes mellitus. To prevent diabetesmellitus for pre-DM patients is to apply control behavior to prevent diabetes mellitus. Thepurpose of this study was to describe the prevention behavior of pre-DM patients againstdiabetes mellitus based on the theory of the Health Belief Model at Puskesmas Sidorejo LorSalatiga. The research design was qualitative with an observation and interview approachusing an interview guide related to the Health Belief Model by linking perceived factors ofvulnerability, seriousness, benefits, barriers and cues to action. The population in this studywere pre-DM patients registered in the last 1 year at Sidorejo Lor Health Center. Thenumber of participants as many as five people with the criteria for GDP 100-125 mg / dl and/ or their families have a history of DM disease. The results of diabetes mellitus preventionbehavior from perceptions of vulnerability (family disease), perceptions of seriousness(psychological response), perceptions of barriers (busy work), perceptions of cues to action(sugar diet, exercise, consumption of herbal and medical drugs), perceived benefits(behaviors that are carried out in the prevention of diabetes mellitus). The conclusion is thatthere are barriers to preventive behavior, especially in physical activity, this is due to busywork so that the participants are not regular in exercising.Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Health Belief Model, Pre-DM
Identification of Physical Activity and Body Mass Index on the Incidence of Prediabetes Mellitus in High School Students Cahyo Wibowo; Venti Agustina; Suroto Suroto
Journal Physical Education, Health and Recreation Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/pjkr.v5i1.21577


Prediabetes mellitus is a condition of a person's blood sugar, which, if in a fasting state, ranges from 100-125 mg / dL (IFG) or 2 hours after eating, the blood sugar level is 140-199 mg / dL. Physical activity and BMI are factors that trigger prediabetes mellitus. Therefore it is necessary to hold preventive efforts to reduce the rate of development of prediabetes mellitus which is increasing and increasing public awareness regarding the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of writing this literature is to analyze physical activity and body mass index on the incidence of prediabetes mellitus in high school students. The research writing method used a literature review. Data were collected from 30 journals which were then selected into 22 journals with related variables, namely physical activity and body mass index with the incidence of prediabetes mellitus, a sample of high school students aged 15-18 years . The results of the literature review are that physical activity plays a role in controlling blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) contributes to the occurrence of prediabetes if followed by an unhealthy waist circumference, less physical activity results in an increase in BMI which ultimately triggers prediabetes mellitus.
Description of Physical Activity and Nutritional Status of Students in primary school Country Bendungan Kec. Pabelan Kab. Semarang Cahyo Wibowo; Venti Agustina; Tri Ari Kusnanto
Journal Physical Education, Health and Recreation Vol 5, No 2 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/pjkr.v5i2.27047


Physical activity is a movement that is obtained from the work of the skeletal muscles which require energy. Physical activity requires energy, depending on the intensity and work of the muscles. Nutritional status is a health condition that is built by nutrient intakes. The method in this research is descriptive quantitative research. The research respondents consisted of 52 students of class IV-VI. Physical activity data techniques used the PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire For Children) questionnaire and nutritional status used anthropometric measurements with body weight and height measurements, calculated using the BMI (Body Mass Index) formula. The results showed that most of the students at SDN Bendungan Kec. Pabelan Kab. Semarang. The results of the most physical activity were in the moderate category as many as 25 students with a proportion (48%) of 52 students, and while for the most nutritional status in the normal category, there were 29 students with a proportion (55.7%).
Description of Physical Activity and The Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Pringapus Hamlet, Temanggung District Cahyo Wibowo; Venti Agustina; Antok Widya Nugroho
Journal Physical Education, Health and Recreation Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/pjkr.v6i1.33298


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia and metabolic disorders caused by a relative lack of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The research was conducted to know the description of physical activity and the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Pringapus Hamlet. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with a male population of 30 respondents between the ages of 17-25 years consisting of 11 teenagers and 19 adults. The results showed that the majority of respondents had low activity as many as 23 (76.6%) respondents, while in type 2 diabetes mellitus the results of blood sugar examinations with 30 respondents were in the normal blood sugar category (GDS < 200 mg/dL), and based on the results calculation of body mass index found 1 respondent (3.3%) with obese nutritional status and 2 respondents (6.6%) with obese nutritional status. From the results of research conducted by researchers, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents have low activity levels, namely 23 (76.6%) respondents, while for the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, based on the results of blood sugar examinations, all respondents (30 respondents) entered the blood sugar category. normal (GDS < 200 mg/dL). 
Stigma Diri dan Subjective Well-Being pada Remaja yang Melahirkan Di Usia Dini Di Kota Ambon Christy Jacobs; Venti Agustina; Arwyn Weynand Nusawakan
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.69 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jsk.v2i3.154


ABSTRACT Self-stigma is the result of other people's judgments applied to oneself and it is possible to have an impact on the subjective well-being, which affects psychological and social conditions. Subjective well-being is a picture of life evaluation, emotional experience affective and cognitive. The purpose of this study is to describe the picture of self-stigma and subjective well-being of teenagers who giving birth at an early age in Ambon City. This study uses qualitative methods, with case study design and sampling techniques using purposive sampling. A total of eight teenagers who giving birth at an early age were participants. Data collection techniques using structured interviews, thematic analysis with data validity testing using source triangulation techniques. The results of self-stigma research in teenagers who giving birth at an early age, are considered not a good women, embarrassing parents and unable to look after themselves. While the subjective well-being felt by teenagers is related to positive affect which is gratitude and responsibility after becoming a mother, while negative affect is the needs of children can not be fulfilled and there are feelings of sadness, which causes teens not satisfied with their lives. The conclusion of this study shows, the picture of self-stigma and subjective well-being in teenagers who giving birth at an early age in Ambon City affects social relationships, changes in priorities and roles, so that these teens need support from the family. ABSTRAK Stigma diri ialah hasil dari penilaian orang lain yang diterapkan pada diri sendiri dan dimungkinkan berdampak pada subjective well-being, yang mepengaruhi kondisi psikologis dan sosial. Subjective well-being merupakan gambaran evaluasi kehidupan, pengalaman emosional secara afektif dan kognitif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan gambaran stigma diri dan subjective well-being pada remaja yang melahirkan di usia dini di Kota Ambon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan desain studi kasus dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Sebanyak delapan remaja yang melahirkan diusia dini menjadi partisipan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara terstruktur, analisis tematik dengan uji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian stigma diri pada remaja yang melahirkan di usia dini, cenderung dianggap bukan perempuan baik-baik, membuat malu orang tua dan tidak dapat menjaga diri. Sementara subjective well-being yang dirasakan oleh remaja terkait afek positif yakni ada rasa syukur dan ada tanggung jawab setelah menjadi seorang ibu, sedangkan afek negatif yaitu kebutuhan anak belum bisa terpenuhi dan ada perasaan sedih, yang menyebabkan remaja belum puas dengan hidupnya. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan, gambaran stigma diri dan subjective well-being pada remaja yang melahirkan di usia dini di Kota Ambon mempengaruhi hubungan sosial, perubahan prioritas dan peran, sehingga remaja tersebut membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga.
Gambaran Pola Asuh Anak Obesitas Usia 5–12 Tahun di SD Negeri 09 Rangkang, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat: Description of Parenting Childhood Obesity Age 5-12 Years at SD Negeri 09 Rangkang, Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Celine Angely; Kristiawan Prasetyo Agung Nugroho; Venti Agustina
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan (J. Sains Kes.) Vol. 3 No. 6 (2021): Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan (J. Sains Kes.)
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.199 KB) | DOI: 10.25026/jsk.v3i6.679


Obesitas merupakan kondisi dimana terjadinya penumpukan lemak secara berlebihan di dalam tubuh. Banyak masyarakat dan orang tua beranggapan bahwa seorang anak yang memiliki postur tubuh gemuk kelihatan sehat dan menggemaskan. Sehingga hal ini yang membuat banyak orang tua merasa bangga jika memiliki anak dengan postur tubuh gemuk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pola asuh anak obesitas usia 5–12 tahun di SD Negeri 09 Rangkang, Kabupaten Bengkayang, Kalimantan Barat. Sehingga pada akhirnya akan menjadi masukkan kepada orang tua dan dengan demikian upaya pencegahan dapat dilakukan agar prevalensi terjadinya obesitas di kalangan anak usia Sekolah Dasar bisa dikendalikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam (in depth interview). Pola asuh yang diterapkan orangtua kepada anak yaitu pola asuh demokratis. Ketika anak meminta sesuatu kepada orangtua tidak langsung diberikan, namun harus ada syarat atau hal tertentu yang dikerjakan oleh anak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, pola asuh makan yang diterapkan yaitu emotional feeding dan control over eating.
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 10 No. 2, Juli 2019
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.25 KB) | DOI: 10.34035/jk.v10i2.388


Hipertensiadalah penyebab kematian utama di Indonesia. Kematian akibat hipertensi lebih banyak terjadi di perkotaan dibandingkan di desa. Tingginya kejadian hipertensi dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang dapat dikontrol (obesitas,berat badan lebih, konsumsi garam berlebih,aktivitas fisik rendah, perokok, dan konsumsi alkohol) dan faktor yang tidak dapat dikontrol (genetik, usia, dan jenis kelamin). Penelitian bertujuan memberikan gambarandistribusi tekanan darah dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) pendudukperempuan di kota maupun di desa.Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif kuatitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Data primer didapatkan melalui pengukuran tekanan darah, tinggi badan dan berat badan. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Kutowinangun Kidul, Kecamatan Tingkir,Salatiga yang mewakili penduduk perempuan di perkotaan dan Desa Batur, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarangyang mewakili penduduk perempuan pedesaan. Adapun jumlah sampel masing-masing 66 respondendan 72responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian penyakit hipertensi, resiko obese dan obese lebih didominasi oleh respondendi perkotaan dibandingkan di pedesaan dengan rentang usia di atas 46 tahun. Respondendi desa dengan indeks massa tubuh normal cenderung mengalami pre-hipertensi (8,3%) dan hipertensi stadium I (6,9%) sementararesponden dengan resiko obese dan obese cenderung mengalami hipertensi stadium I (1,4%).Respondendi kota dengan indeks massa tubuh normal cenderung mengalami pre hipertensi (6,06%), hipertensi stadium I (4,5%) dan II (7,5%). Responden dengan resiko obese cenderung mengalami hipertensi stadium I (4,5%), dan responden dengan obese I dan II cenderung mengalami pre-hipertensi (4,5%). Hypertension is the leading cause of death in Indonesia. Deaths due to hypertension are more common in urban areas than in villages. The high incidence of hypertension is influenced by factors that can be controlled (obesity, overweight, excessive salt consumption, low physical activity, smokers, and alcohol consumption) and factors that cannot be controlled (genetic, age, and sex). The study aimed to provide an overview of blood pressure distribution and body mass index (BMI) of female residents in cities and villages. The study design was descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. Primary data was obtained through measurements of blood pressure, height and weight. The study was conducted in Kutowinangun Kidul Village, Tingkir Subdistrict, Salatiga representing women in urban areas and Batur Village, Getasan Subdistrict, Semarang Regency, representing rural women. The number of samples was 66 respondents and 72 respondents respectively. The results showed that the incidence of hypertension, the risk of obese and obese was more dominated by respondents in urban areas than in rural areas with ages above 46 years. Respondents in villages with normal body mass index tended to experience pre-hypertension (8.3%) and stage I hypertension (6.9%) while respondents with obese and obese risk tended to experience stage I hypertension (1.4%). Respondents in cities with normal body mass index tended to experience pre-hypertension (6.06%), stage I hypertension (4.5%) and II (7.5%). Respondents with obese risk tended to experience stage I hypertension (4.5%), and respondents with obese I and II tended to experience pre-hypertension (4.5%).