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Journal : Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi

Rancang Bangun Rekaman Gerak Kendaraan pada Sepeda Motor untuk Data Investigasi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Berbasis Modul GSM Aziz Ariono Rahman; Ridho Hendra Yoga Perdana; Martono Dwi Atmadja
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2020): Vol 10 No 02 (2020) : Juni 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v10i2.64


Motorcycle are movable objects that become public transportation needs. Motorcyclists include people from various backgrounds have experienced accidents. One of the causes of accidents is the speed. Motorcycle that has accident will fall and get injured. The need to know the cause of the accident requires investigation and analysis. Data needed to analyze traffic accidents such as vehicle operating speed and location of the accident. Required data can be obtained by utilizing infrared sensor as motorcycle speed sensor, gyroscope sensor for indicators of falling or not motorcycle and GPS to determine the coordinate points of movement motorcycle. This information is communicated using GSM module. The information is sent to the database and then displayed via Android application and the data log is stored on smartphone storage. Based on the results of tests carried out, it is known that accuracy of the speed sensor readings is 98.39% from 12 tests. The GPS test tool compared to Garmin GPS has an average difference of 3.14158 meters. The fall indicator can function properly when falls and the data can be viewed via Android application. The data is stored on smartphones and in firebase storage. The average delay test is 7,087 seconds.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Identifikasi Nomor Kendaraan pada Gerbang Tol menggunakan Metode Pengolahan Citra Ratna Suryawati M; Moh. Abdullah Anshori; Martono Dwi Atmadja
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 11 No 1 (2021): Vol 11 No 01 (2020) : Maret 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v11i1.68


The toll ticket payment mechanism still uses e-toll cards by attaching e-toll cards to the reader at the toll gate. This has several drawbacks, including the driver having difficulty sticking the cards. At present, a device has emerged to access the toll road without attaching a card known as the OBU. However, this device has a pretty expensive price. Therefore, an access system in and out of toll roads is made without using a card. With this system, users only need to register license plates in a database and there are applications that will also be used for payment, and as trip monitoring. By using ultrasonic sensors and image processing methods, vehicle license plates that will enter the toll road can be detected. The test results are known to distance of the camera to the number plate to read correctly as far as 2 - 3 meter and when the distance of the camera to the number plate as far as 4 m, shows the wrong reading of the license plate. Ultrasonic sensor testing showed no failure in ten attempts. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the presence of objects vehicles when vehicles enter or exit the toll road
Implementasi Manajemen Bandwidth VoIP Pada IP-PBX Menggunakan Routerboard di Jaringan Intranet Nadhirotun Maulidiyah; Martono Dwi Atmadja; Mohammad Abdullah Anshori
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2020): Vol 10 No 04 (2020) : Desember 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v10i4.74


The growing number of internet applications and their users can affect the quality of the internet, each application has different traffic needs. In addition, bandwidth management can also lend bandwidth that has been allocated in accordance with its priorities in order to optimize existing bandwidth usage. Regulating and limiting internet bandwidth usage is indeed an important thing when our internet connection is limited. We need to limit the bandwidth quota of each user connected to the Mikrotik Router. In Mikrotik Router itself, there are features that can limit bandwidth, namely simple queue and queue tree. In the use of VoIP services, bandwidth management is required to manage traffic on the network, the appropriate bandwidth settings can optimize the speed of data transmission. Looking at the internet needs, this research designs an implementation of bandwidth management using routerboard, which will be applied to IP-PBX and use raspberry pi as a server. The results of the research on bandwidth management implementation in simple queue and queue tree is each able to serve 6 users with PCMU codecs, from the test obtained packet loss value of 0.00% from 3 clients, and jitter has an average value of 167.37% from 3 clients.  
Implementasi Trunk Interkoneksi Multi Server menggunakan Singleboard Komputer Alwalid Nouvatie; Martono Dwi Atmadja; Waluyo Waluyo
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Vol. 11 No 02 (2021) : Juni 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v11i2.75


Voice over Internet Protocol (also called  VoIP,  IP Telephony,  Internet Telephony  or  Digital Phone)is a   technology that enables remote voice conversation through internet media. Voice data is converted into digital code and streamed over a network that delivers data packets, rather than through a regular analog telephone circuit. In VoIP  communication,users make telephone connection through a terminal in the form of a PC or a regularphone. By calling voip,  manyadvantages that can be taken in terms of costare obviously cheaper than traditional phone rates, because IP networks are global. IP Phone can be added, moved and changed. This is because  VoIP can be installed in any ethernet and IP address,unlike conventional phones that must have their own port in Sentral or  PBX  (Private branch exchange). In this study implementing connectedness between servers using single board computer   installed  elastix operating system that aims to implement  prefix for between servers and use some audio codecs. The results of telephone research using prefix and without prefix as many as 6 clients or 3 pasng calls simultaneously the highest packet loss  value in codec speex   with prefix  of 2.34%. The  highest bandwidth value used is with pcmu prefix codec with an average of 82.3 Kbps and without prefix 79.3 Kbps. Keyword :   Server, VoIP, IP Telphony, Internet telephony, Digital Phone, IP Address, PBX, Codec, Prefix.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring dan Sortir Telur Konsumsi dengan Konveyor di Pabrik Telur Karangploso El Chandra Theo; Moh. Abdullah Anshori; Martono Dwi Atmadja
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2020): Vol 10 No 04 (2020) : Desember 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v10i4.91


So far, there are many manual methods used to determine the freshness of chicken eggs, for example utilizing sunlight or a flashlight to illuminate the eggs in a dark place and then look at the contents of the chicken eggs for sorting. The same process has also been carried out by breeders or grocery traders to sort chicken eggs based on their quality. The purpose of this research is to make a chicken egg detection device using a conveyor, LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) sensor, lamp, LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), servo motor, esp8266 module and Arduino Mega Microcontroller as a processor. The performance results of this device affect the condition of the egg chicken to be detected. The results of this study, this tool has an accuracy of 95% in detecting egg quality, where the LDR sensor shows an ADC value of <260 for indicators of good egg quality, while ADC values ??of more than> 26 for indicators of poor egg quality. Once the eggs are detected, the servo will direct good quality chicken eggs to the right and poor quality chicken eggs to the left. Delivery of notifications and information to the website application is done online and in real time, and a good internet network is required. The time it takes for the system to transmit data from the time the system detects an egg until it appears on the website is 20 - 50 ms, according to ITU-T standards
Analisis Kinerja Wireless Access Point Menggunakan Wifi Monitoring Tools Berbasis Raspberry Pi 3 Ganner Antero; Abdul Rasyid; Martono Dwi Atmadja
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 11 No 4 (2021): Vol 11 No 04 (2021) : Desember 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v11i4.245


Mini computers are now advanced enough to be used in various fields. One of the mini computers that used is the Raspberry Pi 3. The Raspberry Pi 3 is a mini computer that has a feature for a wireless LAN. The wireless LAN feature on a mini computer can be used as a Wireless Access Point. The Raspberry Pi 3 can be an alternative to Wireless Access Point. However, mini computers have different capabilities with Wireless Access Points in general because they have different specifications. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the Raspberry Pi 3 based Wireless Access Point. The Raspberry Pi 3 is connected to a laptop that already connected to the internet via a LAN cable . Raspberry Pi 3 is configured as a Wireless Access Point (WAP) and programmed for data retrieval and monitoring in the form of traffic and user information displayed in a web display. In this study, the Raspberry Pi 3 was tested as a Wireless Access Point. The ability of the Raspberry Pi 3 as a Wireless Access Point is greatly influenced by the traffic carried out by the user. According to the test results, the Raspberry Pi 3 as a Wireless Access Point has a maximum limit of 13 users with high traffic loads, 17 users with medium loads and 27 with low loads. This shows that the Raspberry Pi 3 is worthy of being used as a Wireless Access point on a small scale.
Analisis Kualitas Suara Dalam Komunikasi Antar IP Phone Pada Jaringan Intranet di Politeknik Negeri Malang Arlisa Krisna; Martono Dwi Atmadja; Farida Arinie Soelistianto
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 12 No 1 (2022): Vol. 12 No. 01 (2022) : March 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v12i1.260


IP Phone is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) device that can transmit voice using IP. From communication between IP Phones there are waveforms of input and output information signals, the response of voice amplitude to changes in voice frequency and delay value from time shift at the beginning of the wave period of the input and output information signal using the Transmission Test Set and Oscilloscope measuring instruments to determine the character of the sound quality in communication between IP Phones according to the parameter test results. The system test results are that the waveform of the input and output information signal at the sound frequency has a sine wave shape. However, the output waveform of IP Phone A with a frequency of 300Hz to 1100Hz and IP Phone B with a frequency of 300Hz to 1300Hz is distorted, then from the results of the Peak to Peak wave is known to have a voltage gain, that is, the greater the frequency value at the input, the smaller the value of the resulting voltage gain.
Telecontrolling Microgreen Indoor Nursery Strawberry Farida Arinie Soelistianto; Sandro Tri Alfian; Martono Dwi Atmadja
Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi Vol 13 No 1 (2023): Vol. 13 No. 01 (2023) : March 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33795/jartel.v13i1.525


Strawberry is a horticultural commodity that produces a high economy, but in 2014 strawberry production decreased by 34.83%. The reason for the decrease in production is the unstable temperature and humidity conditions due to global warming. Another factor that causes strawberries to fail is due to the slowness of farmers in knowing changes in temperature and humidity in strawberry. The method used in this study was to compare the results of special treatment on microgreen strawberry nurseries indoor using natural vegetative methods and outdoor. System telecontrolling strawberry nursery real time with temperature and humidity parameters using a DHT22 sensor, soil moisture using a soil moisture sensor, soil pH using a soil pH sensor, time using RTC and light intensity using a light intensity sensor BH1750. The results of strawberry nurseries with telecontrolling an indoor plant height of 9 cm and a plant width of 12 cm, results of strawberry nurseries without telecontrolling treatment outdoor with a plant height of 7.5 cm and a plant width of 7 cm.