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The effect of propylene glycol and polyethylene glycol 400 on physicochemical properties of peel off mask of nanosilver using bioreductor Sweet Orange Peels (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) Dian Eka Ermawati; Fridha Angelina Pamuji; Adi Yugatama
Pharmaciana Vol 11, No 1 (2021): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.473 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v11i1.19663


Nanosilver (AgNPs) can be synthesized using plant extracts that safe, simple, and environmentally friendly. Sweet orange contains flavonoids and citric acid, which can be a bioreductor and capping agent in silver biosynthesis to increase antimicrobial activity. AgNPs are then dispersed in a gel for acne treatment through a peel-off mask preparation. Humectants provide moisture, prevent skin irritation and regulate the viscosity of the preparation. Propylene Glycol (PG) and Polyethylene Glycol 400 (PEG 400) are humectants combined to obtain good physicochemical properties of the preparation. This study aims to determine the character of AgNPs and the effect of humectant combinations on the physicochemical properties of peel-off mask preparations. AgNPs characterization was performed using UV-VIS Spectrophotometry, Particle Size Analysis, and Scanning Electron Microscope. The PG-PEG 400 combinations are F1 (0: 100%); F2 (25%: 75%); F3 (50%: 50%); F4 (75%: 25%) and F5 (100%: 0). The physical-chemical test for 28 days included organoleptic, viscosity, dry time, and pH. The biosynthesis results produced AgNPs with maximum absorption of nanoparticles at 435 nm, rod morphological shapes measuring 106 ± 10.6 nm, and PI 0.26 ± 0.06. Statistical analysis showed that the PG-PEG 400 combination significantly affected the viscosity, dispersibility, and dry time of the preparation but affected nothing to pH. The combination of PG-PEG 400 decreased the viscosity and increased the dispersibility of peel-off mask preparation. The higher concentration of propylene glycol caused the dry time of preparation to become longer. Formulas with PG-PEG 400 combination of 25%: 75% and 75%: 25% meet the requirements of viscosity, dispersibility, dry time, and pH and not significant changes during 28 days of storage at room temperature.
Menjaga Kualitas Jamu Kunyit Asam Segar Industri Rumah Tangga X Yogyakarta dengan Penyimpanan Suhu yang Tepat Berdasarkan Kadar Kurkuminoid Dian Eka Ermawati; Villian Septiana; Wisnu Kundarto; Anif Nur Artanti; Sholichah Rohmani; Heru Sasongko
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202162.617


IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF FRESH ACID TURMERIC JAMU OF HOME INDUSTRY X AT THE RIGHT TEMPERATURE STORAGE BASED ON CURCUMINOID CONCENTRATION. Tamarind turmeric herbal medicine contains about 10% curcuminoids, consisting of: 1-5% curcumin, demectosicurcumin and bisdemethoxy-curcumin. Curcuminoids are a group of phenolic compounds as antibacterial, anticholesterol and antioxidants. Home Industry (IRT) X in Yogyakarta produces fresh turmeric and sour herbal medicine and is sold via delivery via an online application. Handling and storage at inappropriate temperatures can affect curcuminoid levels in herbal medicine, so it is necessary to do research on curcuminoid levels at various temperatures to provide information on IRT X in particular and herbal medicine manufacturers in general. Samples of herbal turmeric acid IRT X Yogyakarta stored at room temperature (25±2°C), refrigerator temperature (4±2°C), and freezer temperature (-10±2°C), analyzed the levels of curcuminoids on variations in storage temperature manually. quantitative method with UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. The analysis begins with the manufacture of standard curves and assays which are replicated three times. The results showed that curcuminoid levels were affected by storage temperature. Samples of herbal turmeric acid IRT X Yogyakarta which were analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry method obtained a standard curve of y = 0.009x + 0.025 with a value of r = 0.997. The results of curcuminoid levels at room temperature were 4.74±0.13; refrigerator temperature 4.85±0.22; and freezer temperature 5.18±0.22. The optimum temperature in the handling and storage of the tamarind turmeric herbal medicine is at low temperatures, namely the refrigerator temperature and freezer temperature to maintain the curcuminoid content in the herbal medicine.
Sosialisasi Swamedikasi Tanaman Obat Keluarga (TOGA) dan Potensi Lingkungan Masyarakat di Desa Borongan Nindita Clourisa Amaris Susanto; Anif Nur Artanti; Dian Eka Ermawati
Madaniya Vol. 3 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Studi Bahasa dan Publikasi Ilmiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53696/27214834.244


Desa Borongan merupakan salah satu desa yang terdapat di Kabupaten Boyolali. Desa tersebut mempunyai penduduk dengan perkarangan yang luas, daerah subur dan belum dimanfaatkan. Oleh karena itu, Desa Borongan ini mempunyai potensi dari segi lingkungan dan masyarakatnya untuk menjadi desa TOGA yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat mandiri keluarga atau dikembangkan menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis. Masyarakat masih belum menyadari khasiat TOGA terutama sebagai salah satu upaya swamedikasi dan menjaga imun tubuh terlebih di masa pandemi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat agar tergerak untuk memanfaatkan lahan di rumah menjadi apotek hidup melalui penanaman TOGA dan pemanfaatanTOGA sebagai swamedikasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini dimulai dengan sosialisasi pemberian materi, evaluasi dan pendampingan. Hasi dari kegiatan ini masyarakat lebih mengetahui manfaat TOGA sebagai swamedikasi dan dapat tergerak untuk menjadi desa TOGA yang dapat memberikan nilai ekonomis seperti menghasilkan produk dari TOGA.
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Minyak Atsiri sebagai Bahan Aktif Balsam Aromaterapi kepada Warga Kelurahan Mojosongo M Fiqri Zulpadly; Dian Eka Ermawati; Heru Sasongko; Anif Nur Artanti; Sholichah Rohmani; Wisnu Kundarto; Diyah Tri Utami
Bubungan Tinggi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 4, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/btjpm.v4i4.6684


Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda hampir seluruh negara di dunia khususnya di Indonesia membuat banyak masyarakat cemas, stres, dan frustasi akibat ketidakpastian dari berbagai aspek kehidupan. Stres pada umumnya merupakan kondisi normal dan tidak menimbulkan masalah pada kesehatan. Balsam aromaterapi dengan bahan utama dari minyak atsiri dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk dapat merelaksasikan tubuh serta berperan dalam pengaturan emosional. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah transfer pengetahuan dan pendampingan pelatihan pembuatan balsam aromaterapi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan mencakup pemberian informasi terkait pembuatan balsam yang dilanjutkan dengan demo pelatihan pembuatan balsam aromaterapi. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2022 menghasilkan sebuah produk balsam aromaterapi hasil karya tangan para warga yang turut hadir yang didampingi oleh tim dari D3 Farmasi UNS. Kegiatan ini telah mencapai sasaran yang diinginkan yaitu kemampuan warga Kelurahan Mojosongo dalam membuat suatu produk skala kecil menengah namun memiliki nilai yang tinggi baik dari aspek guna maupun finansial. Kegiatan pendampingan ini merupakan langkah awal dalam membentuk kemandirian masyarakat setempat untuk memproduksi balsam aromaterapi secara mandiri ataupun kelompok yang berada dalam lingkup UMKM.The Covid-19 pandemic that hit almost all countries, especially in Indonesia, made many people anxious, stressed, and frustrated due to the uncertainty of various aspects of life. Stress is generally a normal condition and does not cause health problems. Aromatherapy balms with the main ingredients of essential oils can be used as an alternative to relax the body and play a role in emotional regulation. This community service is the transfer of knowledge and assistance in training on making aromatherapy balm. The activities included providing information on making balm, followed by a training demonstration on aromatherapy balm. The service activity, carried out on October 25, 2022, resulted in an aromatherapy balm product that was handmade by the present residents, accompanied by a team from UNS Pharmacy D3. This activity has achieved the desired target, namely the ability of the residents of Mojosongo Village to make a small-medium-scale product that has a high value both in terms of use and finances. This mentoring activity is the first step in establishing the independence of the local community to produce aromatherapy balm independently or in groups within the scope of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).
The effect of zinc oxide and Curcuma heyneana Val. combination on stability and sun protection factor (SPF) of lotion Dian Eka Ermawati; Dita Yuli Budiasih
Pharmaciana Vol 12, No 3 (2022): Pharmaciana
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.054 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/pharmaciana.v12i3.23380


Indonesian people risk-averse effects of Ultraviolet (UV) exposure, so they need skin protection agents. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is an effective UV reflection, but at a concentration of more than 10%, it can cause skin irritation. Combining ZnO with other UV protective agents is necessary, so its concentration can be reduced but still effective. The flavonoid in C. heyneana has potential as a sunscreen because chromophore groups can absorb UV B and UV A light. This study aims to examine the effect of the combination of ZnO and C. heyneana on the stability and SPF value of lotion. The lotion is made in five variations of the composition of ZnO and C. heyneana, F1 of 100: 0%; F2 of 0:100%; F3 of 50:50%; F4 of 25:75%; and F5 of 75:25% respectively. Test parameters include organoleptic, pH, spreadability, viscosity, and SPF. The test is recorded before and after the cycling test. Statistical analysis using Paired Sample T-Test. The combination of ZnO and C. heyneana affected organoleptic, viscosity, spreadability, and SPF value but did not affect pH. The higher concentration of ZnO will increase the viscosity, pH, and SPF but decrease the spreadability. The formula with a combination of ZnO and C. heyneana of 50%:50% is selected because it has an SPF value of 13.24 and; a viscosity of 48.67 d.Pas; pH of 7.1; and spreadability of 3.81 cm. 
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat dengan Pendampingan Formulasi Handsanitizer Standar WHO di Kelurahan Mojosongo, Surakarta Dian Eka Ermawati; Anif Nur Artanti; Sholichah Rohmani; Wisnu Kundarto
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.791 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202273.54


INCREASING PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE WITH ASSISTANCE IN WHO STANDARD HANDSANITIZER FORMULATION IN MOJOSONGO VILLAGE, SURAKARTA. The Applied Pharmacy Research Group has a service roadmap that examines medicinal products, supplements, cosmetic and traditional medicines that can contribute and be adopted by society. One of the issues is liquid dosage form formulation. Alcohol is the one of choice after washing hands with soap. The use of hand sanitizer can deactivate microorganisms that stick to hand. This increase in use because pandemic covid-19 that made many people take preventive action. One way to prevent the spread of the Corona virus is maintain cleanliness such as diligently washing hands with soap and water. In the other hand the use of handsanitizer is also recommended when you cannot reach water and soap. Activity community service in Mojosongo Village, focuses on increasing public knowledge in formulate liquid Handsanitizer that is practical and simple according to the standards requirment by WHO (World Health Organization). The results of the questionnaire conducted before and after assistance in making hand sanitizers stated that most of the respondents had showed an increase in knowledge related to components in the manufacture of handsanitizers
Pengembangan Produk Permen Jelly Jamu Kunyit Asam Industri Rumah Tangga Jamu di Sleman Yogyakarta Dian Eka Ermawati; Wisnu Kundarto; Yeni Farida
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.446 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202272.56


PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT OF GUMMY OF TURMERIC ACID JAMU PRODUCTION BY HERBAL HOMINDUSTRY IN SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA. Jamu of turmeric acid is an Indonesian herbal drink made from turmeric and tamarind. The home industry in Sleman Yogyakarta produces turmeric acid jamu and promising to develop as gummy. The Consumers of turmeric acid Jamu are limited, Children who want to consume jamu are rarely, whereas curcumin in turmeric can increase appetite, especially for school-age children. Product innovation is needed to process jamu become more desirable, durable, and still efficacious, for example, jelly candy or gummy. Gummy is made with the addition of gelling agent that made texture is chewy. Carrageenan is a gelling agent made from seaweed and safe for food products. The aims of product development are to develop micro businesses and to improve the economy and public confidence in the quality of herbal medicine especially jamu. Gummy formulation with carrageenan and turmeric acid jamu as the main ingredient. Formula with 8.0% carrageenan is the optimum formula because it meets the quality requirements for gummy and is most preferred by respondents.
Diversifikasi Produk Handsanitizer dengan Bahan Aktif Minyak Atsiri Produksi Pabrik Atsiri UMKM Surya Wulan Kabupaten Kulonprogo Dian Eka Ermawati; M. Fiqri Zulphadly
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 8 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.59 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/jppm.v8i1.250


Pandemi COVID-19 menurunkan proses produksi minyak atsiri (MA), dan harga jual minyak anjlok, terutama di Samigaluh. Bahan baku dari petani dibeli dengan harga yang lebih murah, sehingga banyak petani yang menolak pesanan dan mengubah lahannya untuk menanam produk pangan. Stok bahan baku daun kering terutama sereh dan daun cengkeh saat ini menumpuk di gudang penyimpanan yang seharusnya bisa segera dimurnikan. Selain itu minyak cengkeh kaya akan eugenol sebagai antiseptik, analgesik, dan efektif melawan infeksi bakteri. Serai mengandung citronellol dan geraniol, juga memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dan jamur. Tujuan penelitian ini dapat menjadi alternatif pengembangan produk Handsanitizer (Hz) dengan bahan aktif MA untuk membantu UMKM mengembangkan usaha baru dibidang PKRT. Peluang bisnis Hz saat ini sangat terbuka lebar karena dianjurkan setiap fasilitas umum menyediakannya untuk mencegah penularan virus Covid-19. Oleh karena itu, melalui program pengabdian kepada masyarakat, kami mentransfer ilmu dalam mengolah EO menjadi bahan aktif dalam formula Hz. Diversifikasi EO ke dalam bahan aktif formula Hz menghasilkan produk yang baik dan stabil serta memiliki aktivitas antibakteri yang optimal. Mitra dapat merumuskan produk dengan baik dan dapat dikembangkan bersama kelompok UMKM lokal. Prosedur pengajuan izin sudah disusun, dan produknya sudah bisa ditemukan di media sosial yaitu Instagram dan e-commerce. The COVID-19 has decreased the destilated process for essential oils (EO), and the selling price of oil has plummeted, especially in the Samigaluh. Raw materials from farmers are purchased at lower prices, so many farmers refuse orders and convert their land to growing food products. Stocks of dry leaf raw materials, especially lemongrass and clove leaves, are currently piling up in storage warehouses that should be able to be refined immediately. In addition clove oil is rich in eugenol as an antiseptic, analgesic, and effective against bacterial infections. Lemongrass consists citronellol and geraniol, also has antibacterial and fungal activity. The aim of this research can be an alternative for developing Handsanitizer (Hz) products using active ingredients of EO to help UMKMs develope new businesses in the field of PKRT. The business opportunity for Hz is currently very wide open. It is highly recommended that every public facility provide it to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Therefore, through community service programs, we transfer knowledge in processing EO into active ingredients in Hz formulas. The diversification of EO into the active ingredients of the Hz formula produces good and stable products and has optimal antibacterial activity. Partners can formulate products well and can be developed with local UMKM groups. The permit application procedure has been compiled, and the product can be found on social media, namely Instagram and e-commerce.
Inovasi Masker Beraromaterapi sebagai Alternatif Solusi Diversifikasi Usaha Apotek di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Heru Sasongko; Yeni Farida; Priscilla Noveri; Anang Kuncoro Rahmat S; M.Fiqri Zulpadly; Dian Eka Ermawati; Sutarno Sutarno
Jurnal Abdimas ITEKES Vol 2 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jai.v2i1.440


Penggunaan masker merupakan salah satu upaya dalam pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO. Beberapa essential oils telah terbukti memiliki efek antivirus dan antibakteri, sehingga potensial untuk dikembangkan masker beraromaterapi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini ditujukan untuk memberikan alternatif solusi diversifikasi usaha apotek dengan pembuatan masker beraromaterapi. Mitra utama pengabdian adalah Apotek Jamsaren yang berlokasi di Laweyan Surakarta, serta melibatkan mitra UMKM Graha Karya dan Rumah Atsiri Indonesia. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membuat desain masker, membuat prototype masker, membuat formulasi essential oils dan melakukan uji ketahanan aroma masker diakhiri dengan transfer produk teknologi tepat guna (TTG) kepada mitra. Kegiatan dilakukan pada bulan April hingga Agustus 2021. Luaran kegiatan adalah dihasilkannya masker beraromaterapi dengan merk “Aromask” yang mengandung campuran dari essential oils lemongrass, peppermint dan citrus. Ketahanan aroma masker saat dipakai adalah 6 jam 24 detik dan masih tercium samar hingga 9 jam. Pada keadaan masker tidak digunakan dan disimpan pada suhu ruangan, aroma dapat bertahan hingga 7 hari. Produk diserahkan kepada pihak Apotek Jamsaren untuk dapat dikembangkan sebagai salah satu komoditas usaha dan didistribusikan kepada masyarakat. Kata kunci : Apotek, essential oils, masker beraromaterapi, pandemi Covid-19
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Polivinil Alkohol terhadap Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Sediaan Peel-off Mask Ekstrak Etanol Kayu Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) Dian Eka Ermawati; Lutfan Prastyo Adi
Journal of Applied Agriculture, Health, and Technology Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): June
Publisher : Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jaht.v2i1.638


Free radicals can be prevented with antioxidant agents. Secang wood contains anthocyanin and flavonoid which have the potential as an antioxidant. Peel-off Mask is a gel cosmetic preparation that is practical because it does not require water. Secang wood extract can be developed as an active ingredient in peel-off mask preparations for the treatment of skin problems caused by exposure to free radicals. The formation of the plastic film on the peel-off mask depends on the concentration of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a polymer. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of PVA concentration on the physicaochemical properties of the peel-off mask preparation of sappan wood ethanolic extract. This research is a laboratory experimental study, the sappan wood was macerated with 96% ethanol solvent for three days with a ratio of 1:5. Peel-off mask formula with variations in PVA concentration of 12%, 13%, and 14%. Evaluation of the physical properties of the preparations carried out were organoleptic test, homogeneity test, dry time test, viscosity test, dispersion test and evaluation of chemical properties, namely pH test for four weeks. The data obtained were analyzed theoretically and statistically using the One-Way ANOVA method with SPSS 21. The results showed that variations in concentration had a significant effect on the consistency, viscosity, dispersion, and drying time of the peel-off mask of sappan wood ethanolic extract. The concentration of PVA that had the best evaluation was PVA 14% with a thick consistency; drying time 19,77±1,86 minutes; pH 6,33±0,21; viscosity 80,0±12,06 dPa.s; and spreadibility 5,76±0,41cm.