Sukamto Koesnoe
Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta

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Validity And Reliability Of Lupus Quality Of Life Questionnaire In Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus In Indonesia Anindito, Bagus; Hidayat, Rudy; Koesnoe, Sukamto; Dewiasty, Esthika
Indonesian Journal of Rheumatology Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Rheumatology Association

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Background: The development of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) treatment has led the increased of patients survival. Quality of life has became a value based medicine component that should be evaluated in treating SLE. One standardized questionnaire to asses the quality of life in SLE patients is Lupus Quality of Life (Lupus QoL). Currently, in Indonesia, there has not been any spesific questionnaire to asses the quality of life in SLE patients. This study aims to prove that Lupus QoL is valid and reliable to asses the quality of life in SLEpatients in Indonesia.Methods: This study used cross sectional study method. Firstly, we translated the Lupus QoL into Indonesian language, then we tested to 10 respondents. Then, we continued the study with larger sample size. We analyzed the reliability of the test and the re-test result using the interclass coefficient correlation and the internal consistency of the tests using cronbach alpha. Construct validity was evaluated using multi trait scaling analysis and the extrenal validity was evaluated using correlation between domains in short form 36 (SF 36)with Lupus QoL and with disease activity.Results: Data collection was done to 65 SLE patients between October – November 2015 in RSCM. The test has good external validity SF 36 (r=0.38-0.66, p<0.05) and good construct validity (r >0.4; range: 0.44-0.93). The ICC value in one week >0.7 and Cronbach α was>0.7 in each domain. The correlation between lupus QoL and the disease activity was weak and consistentwith other studies.Conclusion: Lupus QoL questionnaire is valid and reliable to asses the quality of life in SLE patients inIndonesia.Key words: Quality of Life, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Lupus QoL, Validity, Reliability
Value of Heart Rate Variability, Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio and Quality of Life of Patients with Depressive Symptoms in Acute Myocardial Infarction Shatri, Hamzah; Adli, Mizanul; Muhadi, Muhadi; Abdullah, Murdani; Irawan, Cosphiadi; Putranto, Rudi; Koesnoe, Sukamto; Wijaya, Ika Prasetya
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 4
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Introduction. Major depression criteria can be found in more than 20% of coronary heart patients and more than 30% acute coronary syndrome patients have significant depressive symptoms. Several studies have shown that reduction of hearth rate variability (HRV) and enhancement of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) can cause enhancement of morbidity and mortality in myocardial infarction patients. On the other hand, depression can cause reduction of HRV, enhancement of NLR and reduction of quality of life. This study aimed to determine differences in HRV, NLR and quality of life between acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients with depressive symptoms and AMI patients without depressive symptoms. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted among AMI patients who were treated during the period of March to July 2021 at the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU) Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta. Samples were taken consecutively until the amount of sample is met. Data were analyzed using unp aired T test. Results. There was a total of 46 subjects AMI patients in this study, ten subjects with depressive symptoms and 36 subjects without depressive symptoms. From the analysis, it was found that AMI patients with depressive symptoms had lower standard deviation normal to normal (SDNN) average (p=0.447), lower low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) (p=0.323), and higher NLR average (p=0.438) than AMI patients without depressive symptom, although it was not statistically significant. Analysis showed that the mean value of SF36 total scores (p<0.001), physical function domain scores (p<0.001), energy domain scores (p<0.001), mental health domain scores (p<0.001), social function domain scores (p=0.028), bodily pain domain scores (p=0.002), and general health domain scores (p=0.002) were lower in AMI patients with depressive symptoms. Conclusion. AMI patients with depressive symptoms had lower SDNN, lower LF/HF, and higher NLR than AMI patients without depressive symptoms, although it was not statistically significant. AMI patients with depressive symptoms significantly have lower quality of life than AMI patients without depressive symptoms.
Validation of ARISCAT Model Score to Predict PostoperativePulmonary Complications in Tertiary Referral Hospital inIndonesia Alkaff, Muhammad; Pitoyo, Ceva Wicaksono; Heriwardito, Aldy; Koesnoe, Sukamto
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 6, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Introduction. There are several prediction model score instruments that can help to assess pulmonary preoperative evaluation and it is believed that ARISCAT model score is very simple to do and have good performance, but not widely used. This score has not been yet validated in Indonesia. This study aimed to assess the performance of discrimination and calibration of ARISCAT score in predicting postoperative pulmonary complication who underwent surgery in a tertiary referral hospital in Indonesia. Methods. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to assess the external validation of ARISCAT scores in the Indonesian population. This study involved patients underwent surgery at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in 2017. Several variables were collected such as age, oxygen saturation, history of pulmonary infection, anemia, type of surgery, duration of operation, emergency surgery, and PPC that observed within 30 days after surgery. Discrimination was assessed by the area under the curve (AUC). Calibration was assessed by the Hosmer-Lemeshow test and calibration plot. Results. Of 428 patients studied, PPC was observed in 32% of patients. Discrimination of ARISCAT score was shown by AUC value of 88.2% (CI 95%; 84.1-92.2%). Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed p=0.052 and calibration plot revealed coefficient Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia | Vol. 6, No. 1| Maret 2019 | 3 Uji Validasi Skor ARISCAT dalam Memprediksi Komplikasi Paru Pascaoperasi di RS Rujukan Tersier di Indonesia r=0.968. Conclusion. ARISCAT model score has good discrimination and calibration performance and can be applied in the Indonesian population.
Predictor Factors Affecting Seroconversion Post-InfluenzaVaccination in the Elderly Nursyirwan, Saskia Aziza; Koesnoe, Sukamto; Wahyudi, Edy Rizal
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 4, No. 4
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Introduction. The influenza vaccine as the most effective method for preventing influenza virus infection currently has lower efficacy in the elderly than younger adults due to change of immune response as well as other risk factors. This study aims to identify predictor factors affecting seroconversion post-influenza vaccination in elderly. Methods. retrospective cohort study in the elderly population in East Jakarta Posyandu who got the influenza vaccine. A total of 277 subjects with antibody titre pre and one month post-vaccination influenza were examined. Risk factors such as age, gender, exercise status, smoking status, type 2 diabetes, pulmonary, and cardiovascular disease, nutritional status of MNA (Mini Nutritional Assessment), GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale), and pre-vaccination antibodi titre were assessed in each subject. Results. The proportion of elderly people who seroconverted (fourfold rise or more in antibody titer post-vaccination) was 50.9% (141/277). On multivariate analysis, the predictor factors that affect seroconversion of one month post- influenza vaccination in the elderly on the community is a no depression state (p = 0.048, OR = 2.1, CI = 1.01 to 4.30), exercise status ≥5 times per week minimal 30 minutes (p = 0.013, OR 4.0, CI 1.34 to 11.76), and not seroprotective pre-vaccination (p=0.000, OR 6.4, CI 3.40 to 11.99). Conclusion. Predictor factors affecting seroconversion post-influenza vaccination in the elderly on the community is depression status, exercise status and pre-vaccination antibody titre.
Factors Associated with Retention in Care One Year after Deliveryin Patients Undergoing Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission(PMTCT) at RSCM Yulidar, Yulidar; Yunihastuti, Evy; Djauzi, Samsuridjal; Padmita, Astrid Citra; Koesnoe, Sukamto
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 4, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Introduction. Retention in care is important to the successful of HIV treatment. This study is aimed to analyze factors associated with retention in care one year after delivery in patients undergoing PMTCT at HIV integrated clinic of RSCM. Methods. A retrospective cohort study was conducted among post-partum HIV patients who were given ARV therapy for PMTCT at HIV intergrated clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from January 2004 to May 2014. Evaluation of one year retention in care after PMTCT was performed by observing medical records of the patient. The collected data were factors associated with one year after delivery retention in care including age of patients, level of initial CD4, ARV toxicity, injecting drug user, duration of ARV before delivery, having child with positive HIV status, having spouse with positive HIV status, distance from the residence to the hospital, and indication of ARV. Bivariate analysis was performed by using Chi Square and Mann Whitney test and multivariate anaysis was performed by using logistic regression to assess factors associated with retention in car after PMTCT program. Results. 253 subjects met the inclusion criteria. In One year after delivery, the retention in care rate was 55,3%. Multivariate analysis found that factors significantly associated with one year retention in care were indication of ARV initiation for therapy (OR =3,812 [95% CI: 1,825-7,966]), non-IDU patients (OR=3,055 [95% CI: 1,382-6,752]), duration of ARV before delivery for more than 6 months (OR = 2,657 [95% CI: 1,328-5,316]), and level of initial CD4 less than 200/mm3 (OR = 2,033 [95% CI: 1,061-3,894]). Conclusions. Factors significantly associated with one year after delivery retention in care are indication of ARV for therapy, duration of ARV before delivery, non-IDU patients, and level of initial CD4 less than 200/mm3 . and Mann Whitney test and multivariate anaysis was performed by using logistic regression to assess factors associated with retention in car after PMTCT program. Results. 253 subjects met the inclusion criteria. In One year after delivery, the retention in care rate was 55,3%. Multivariate analysis found that factors significantly associated with one year retention in care were indication of ARV initiation for therapy (OR =3,812 [95% CI: 1,825-7,966]), non-IDU patients (OR=3,055 [95% CI: 1,382-6,752]), duration of ARV before delivery for more than 6 months (OR = 2,657 [95% CI: 1,328-5,316]), and level of initial CD4 less than 200/mm3 (OR = 2,033 [95% CI: 1,061-3,894]). Conclusions. Factors significantly associated with one year after delivery retention in care are indication of ARV for therapy, duration of ARV before delivery, non-IDU patients, and level of initial CD4 less than 200/mm3 .
Kepatuhan Berobat pada Pasien Asma Tidak Terkontrol dan Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan Ferliani, Ferliani; Sundaru, Heru; Koesnoe, Sukamto; Shatri, Hamzah
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 2, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Pendahuluan. Mencapai kontrol asma masih merupakan tujuan yang sulit dicapai sebagian besar pasien meskipun telah tersedia pedoman manajemen asma internasional dan terapi yang terbukti efektif. Tingkat kontrol asma yang rendah diantaranya disebabkan kepatuhan terhadap pengobatan yang rendah. Hingga saat ini faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan berobat pasien asma tidak terkontrol masih sedikit diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui profil kepatuhan berobat pada pasien asma tidak terkontrol dan hubungan antara faktor terkait pasien, faktor terkait penyakit, faktor terkait pengobatan, faktor terkait sosial ekonomi dan faktor terkait sistem pelayanan kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan berobat pasien asma tidak terkontrol. Metode. Penelitian potong lintang terhadap pasien asma tidak terkontrol yang datang ke poliklinik alergi dan imunologi RSCM dari bulan Februari 2012 hingga Mei 2012. Semua pasien asma yang memenuhi kriteria dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisis lengkap, pengisian kuesioner, tes kontrol asma, tes Beck Depression Inventory dan Asthma General Knowledge Questionnaire. Analisis awal hubungan kepatuhan dengan faktor-faktor yang diteliti menggunakan uji Chi-square. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan regresi logistik untuk setiap variabel yang bermakna. Hasil. Dari 125 pasien asma tidak terkontrol didapatkan kepatuhan rendah sebesar 56 %. Dilakukan analisis bivariat terhadap faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan yaitu usia, pendidikan, pengetahuan asma, penghasilan, depresi, sediaan obat yang digunakan, keyakinan pasien terhadap dokter, asuransi kesehatan dan hubungan keluarga dan didapatkan pengetahuan bermakna dengan p=0,001 (IK 1,939-24,789). Kemudian dilakukan regresi logistik didapatkan pengetahuan paling berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan (p=0,003) dengan OR 6,933 (IK 1,939-24,789) Simpulan. Kepatuhan berobat pada pasien asma tidak terkontrol masih rendah dengan pengetahuan merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan.
Efficacy of Argon Plasma Coagulation Treatment in Radiation Colitis Patients and Its Confounding Factors Ariadno, Aru; Makmun, Dadang; Sulaiman, Andri S; Koesnoe, Sukamto
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Introduction. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is widely used in the treatment of radiation colitis among patients with gynecology, colorectal and urology malignancy. This study aimed to measure the result of APC conducted on radiation colitis patients and its counfounding factors. Methods. An analytic descriptive study with retrospective cohort design was conducted among radiation colitis patients received APC treatment in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Data were collected from medical record database between April 2012 until October 2019. Results. As much as 180 radiation colitis patients received APC treatment fulfilled inclusion criteria with characteristics female patients (89.4%) and age >50 years old (83.9%) were included in this study. Types of tumor were dominated by gynecology malignancy (88.9%). As much as 81.3% subjects had successful APC treatment. Median number of efficacy of APC treatment in this study was 2 sessions. All of the subjects had anemia before the first APC treatment. There was improvement in Hb level, median Hb before the first APC treatment was 8 g/dL (3-11 g/dL) and median Hb level before the last APC treatment was 12 g/dL (10-14 g/dL). As much as 59.2% subjects who had successful APC treatment were no longer had anemia after APC treatment, improvement of anemia status was 1.628 times more likely in subjects who had successful APC treatment compared to subjects who did not have successful APC treatment (p=0.017). Age, gender, malignancy types, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were not the confounding factors to anemia status in successful APC treatment. Conclusion. There was improvement in anemia status on radiation colitis patients receiving APC treatment in RSUPN-CM.
Correlation of Frailty Status with Influenza Vaccine Seroconversion and Seroprotection among Elderly Population Koesnoe, Sukamto; Habibah, Ummu; Wahyudi, Edy Rizal; Abdullah, Murdani
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 3, No. 4
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Validation of C-Reactive Protein and CURB-65 in The FirstHospital Admission Community Acquired Pneumonia Patient asA Predictor 30 Days Mortality Buharman, Borries Foresto; Pitoyo, Ceva Wicaksono; Singh, Gurmeet; Koesnoe, Sukamto
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 5, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Child Turcotte Pugh Score, diastolic dysfunction, liver cirrhosis, liver dysfunction
Vaksinasi Influenza sebagai Prediktor Terjadinya Kejadian Rawat Inap Akibat Kejadian Kardiovaskular pada Pasien dengan Riwayat Penyakit Jantung Koroner: Suatu Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti Koesnoe, Sukamto; Johan, Alvin; Dewanta, Widhi; Ekanara, Nabilla Gita; Hermanadi, Muhammad Ikrar
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Influenza is known to worsen cardiovascular events in patients with a history of coronary heart disease. However, the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing hospitalization due to cardiovascular disease is not clearly known. We aim to determine the effect of influenza vaccination on hospitalization rates due to cardiovascular disease in patients with a history of coronary heart disease. Relevant literature was searched on four electronic databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, SCOPUS, and Cochrane Library, using predetermined keywords. Critical review of the studies was done using the Center of Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) University of Oxford assessment tool. The search yielded six articles, and critical review was done based on validity, importance, and applicability. Three studies showed that influenza vaccination in patients with coronary heart disease would reduce hospitalization rates due to cardiovascular disease within 12 months after vaccination. Three studies did not show any effect of influenza vaccination on hospitalization rates due to cardiovascular disease. The samples in the three studies that found a protective effect of the influenza vaccine were older and at higher risk of experiencing cardiovascular events. Based on our review, we conclude that influenza vaccination can be given to prevent hospitalization due to cardiovascular disease in patients with a history of coronary heart disease, especially in high-risk patients. Keywords: Coronary heart disease, hospitalization, influenza vaccination