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Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2020 "Peranan Strategis Teknologi Dalam Kehidupan di Era New Normal"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak antar sirip, laju aliran dalam, dan laju aliran luar terhadap koefisien perpindahan kalor menyeluruh pada alat penukar kalor pipa ganda. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua pipa, yaitu pipa tembaga 1/2 inch yang dialiri air panas dan pipa alumunium 1 inch yang dialiri air dingin. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pipa bersirip enam jarum dengan variasi jarak antar sirip 10 mm, 15 mm, dan 20 mm, variasi laju aliran dalam 0,06 lt/dt, 0,08 lt/dt, 0,1 lt/dt, dan laju aliran luar 0,07 lt/dt, 0,1 lt/dt, 0,13 lt/dt. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada perbedaan nilai perpindahan kalor dari masing-masing variasi, antara variasi jarak antar sirip, laju lairan dalam, dan laju lairan luar. Koefisien perpindahan kalor paling rendah terjadi pada interaksi pipa tanpa sirip, laju aliran dalam 0,06 lt/dt, dan laju aliran luar 0,07 lt/dt, yaitu sebesar 890,74 W/m2ËšC. Sedangkan koefisien perpindahan kalor paling tinggi terjadi pada interaksi jarak antar sirip 15 mm, laju aliran dalam 0,1 lt/dt, dan laju aliran luar 0,13 lt/dt yaitu sebesar 1784,84 W/m2ËšC.
Evaluasi Desain Bejana Bertekanan pada Radiator Cooling System Menggunakan Material SPCC-SD Sukarman, Sukarman; Khoirudin, Khoirudin; Murtalim, Murtalim; Mulyadi, Dodi; Rahdiana, Nana
Rekayasa Vol 14, No 1: April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v14i1.9570


This study discusses the analysis of a pressure vessel's design in the Radiator Cooling 1000 (RC-1000) system, which operates at a design temperature of 110oC. A pressure vessel is a container of gaseous, solid, or liquid material subjected to internal or external pressure and can withstand various other load variations. The pressure vessel on the RC-1000 system has a outer diameter of 87.8 mm or 3.46 inches and will experience an internal pressure of about 20.84 psi or 143.7 kPa, so it must be designed safely. This research method uses analytical and experimental methods. The analytical method is used to calculate the thickness of the pressure vessel material, the maximum allowable working pressure, and the hydrostatic test calculation. While the experimental method was carried out on the hydrostatic test process, the evaluation was based on the prevailing regulations in the Republic of Indonesia. Using the SPCC-SD material (JIS 3141), it was found that the minimum thickness of this pressure vessel is 0.0453 inches on the shell side and 0.0435 inches on the head/head side. The thickness of the material used on the shell side and head/head is 0.0472 inches in practice. This pressure vessel has passed the hydrostatic test at 232.1 psi or 1600 kPa.
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore Vol 1 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (743.682 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/jtmmx.v1i1.1279


Paper ini membahas tentang pengaruh radius bending pada kualitas hasil bending dan pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan microstructure. Proses bending merupakan salah satu proses pembentukan logam (metal forming) dengan metode pembentukan dingin. Pada proses bending salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah penggunaan radius bending dan besarnya gaya yang diberikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode ekperimental dengan menggunakan material baja carbon rendah SPCC-SD dengan ketebalan 1.0 mm. Spesifikasi material SPCC-SD mengacu pada JIS-3141. Peneitian dilakukan pada proses bending dengan menggunakan mesin power press berkapasitas 40 ton pada proses pembuatan omega clamp 1.5 Inchi. Pengamatan difokuskan pada zona radius bending R 0.8 mm dan R 2.5 mm. Hasil pengujian mengkonfirmasi bahwa terjadi keretakan disekitar zona bending R 0.8 mm sedangkan pada zona radius bending R 2.5 mm tidak ditemukan. Penelitian ini juga mengkonfirmasi adanya perubahan microstructure pada penggunaan radius bending R 0.8 mm. Pada penggunaan zona bending R 0.8 mm telah dikonfirmasi terjadi perubahan menjadi butiran pearlite berdiameter 3.09 -6.97 µm. Sementara pada zona bending R 2.0 hanya terjadi perubahan pergeseran pearlite ke pusat bending dan tidak sampai terbentuk butiran pearlite. Kata kunci: Struktur micro, Pembentukan baja, Baja karbon rendah, Pearlit, Radius penekukan This paper study the influence of bending radius on bending results' quality and its effect on microstructure changes. The bending process is one of the metal forming types with the cold forming process. In the bending process, one thing to consider is using a bending radius, and a total force applied. This study used an experimental method using low-carbon steel material SPCC-SD with a thickness of 1.0 mm. SPCC-SD material specifications used according to JIS-3141. The research was carried out in the bending process using a 40-ton capacity power press machine for the 1.5-inch omega clamp manufacturing process. The investigation focused on bending radius zones. It found cracks around R 0.8 mm' bending zone while the R 2.5 mm bending radius zone not observed. The investigation confirmed the changes in the microstructure in the use of a 1.0 mm bending radius. Using the R 0.8 mm bending zone, confirmed that there changed size grain to 3.09 μm-6.97 μm diameter pearlite. While in the bending zone R 2.0, there was only a change in the pearlite shift to the bending center and without changed the pearlite grain. Keywords: Microstructure, Metal forming, Low-carbon steel, Pearlite, Bending radius
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.267 KB) | DOI: 10.36805/jtmmx.v2i1.1931


Semakin banyak populasi, maka semakin banyak krisis yang terjadi. Seiring berjalannya waktu dan pertambahan jumlah manusia maka peningkatan kebutuhan semakin tinggi ditambah lagi semakin tipis kebutuhan bahan baku. Jika krisis energi tidak segera ditanggulangi maka akan berdampak besar di kemudian hari. Maka dari itu penanggulangan energi terbarukan yang efisien harus menggantikan peran energi fosil salah satunya diperlukan peranan solar cell. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dan merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Ketika terdapat data dari penelitian sebelumnya yang relevan maka dapat dianalisis data dengan persamaan-persamaan terkait dan disesuaikan dengan spesifikasi dari produk yang telah ada. Kemudian, hasil penelitian sudah didapat analisis perhitungan data maka sesuaikan hasil penelitian dengan spesifikasi yang ada. Untuk aplikasi panel surya berdasarkan penelitian ini maka bisa digunakan jenis panel surya tipe polycrystalline sesuai dengan nilai tegangan, kuat arus dan daya pada penelitian.Kata kunci: Panel Surya, Energi, EfisienThe more population there is, the more the crisis. As time goes by, and the number of people increases, the demand for raw materials is getting higher and supply for raw materials is getting thinner. If the energy crisis is not addressed immediately, it will have a big impact in the future. Therefore, efficient management of renewable energy must replace the role of fossil energy, one of which is the role of solar cells. This research is quantitative research and experimental research. When there is data from relevant previous studies, the data can be analyzed with related equations and adapted to the specifications of existing products. When the results of the research have been obtained, the analysis of data calculations is then adjusted to the results of the study with the existing specifications. For solar panel applications based on this research, polycrystalline types of solar panels can be used according to the voltage, current and power values in the study.Keywords: Solar Panels, Energy, Efficient
Analysis of Pressure Vessel Design on Radiator Cooling System Using Low Carbon Steel Material Nana Rahdiana; Sukarman Sukarman; Murtalim Murtalim; Khoirudin Khoirudin; Dodi Mulyadi; Amir Amir; Tito Chaerul Pratama; Ahmad Hidayat
Journal of Applied Sciences and Advanced Technology Vol 3, No 3 (2021): Journal of Applied Sciences and Advanced Technology
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jasat.3.3.81-90


This study discusses the analysis of a pressure vessel's design in the Radiator Cooling 1000 (RC-1000) system, which operates at a design temperature of 100oC. A pressure vessel is a container of gaseous, solid, or liquid material subjected to internal or external pressure and can withstand various other load variations. The pressure vessel on the RC-1000 system has a diameter of 85.4 mm or 3.36 inches and will experience an internal pressure of about 143.7 kPa or 20.84 psi, so it must be designed safely. This research method uses analytical and experimental methods. The analytical method is used to calculate the thickness of the pressure vessel material, the maximum allowable working pressure, and the hydrostatic test calculation. While the experimental method was carried out on the hydrostatic test process, the evaluation was based on the prevailing regulations in the Republic of Indonesia. Using the SPCC-SD material (JIS 3141), it was found that the minimum thickness of this pressure vessel is 1.15 mm or 0.0452 inches on the shell side and 1.10 mm or 0.0434 inches on the head/dome side. The thickness of the material used on the shell side and head/dome is 1.2 mm or 0.0472 inches in practice. This pressure vessel has passed the hydrostatic test at 1600 kPa or 232.1 psi. The test pressure is given around seven psi higher because it makes it easier to read the scale on the pressure gauge.
Enhancement Material Removal Rate Optimization of Sinker EDM Process Parameters Using a Rectangular Graphite Electrode Sumanto Sumanto; Acim Maulana; Dodi Mulyadi; Khoirudin Khoirudin; Siswanto Siswanto; Sukarman Sukarman; Ade Suhara; Safril Safril
Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri Vol. 21 No. 2 (2022): Published in November 2022
Publisher : The Industrial Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/josi.v21.n2.p87-96.2022


This article discusses the optimization of sinker electrical discharge machining (sinker EDM) processes using SPHC material that has been hardened. The sinker EDM method is widely employed, for example, in the production of moulds, dies, and automotive and aeronautical components. There is neither contact nor a cutting force between the electrode and the   work material in sinker EDM. The disadvantage of the sinker EDM is its low material removal rate. This work aims to optimize the material removal rate (MRR) using graphene electrodes in a rectangular configuration. The SPHC material was selected to determine the optimum MRR model of the sinker EDM input parameter. The Taguchi experimental design was chosen. The Taguchi technique used three input parameters and three experimental levels. Pulse current (I), spark on time (Ton), and gap voltage were among the input parameters (Vg). The graphite rectangle was chosen as an electrode material. The input parameter effect was evaluated by S/N ratio analysis. The result showed that pulse current has the most significant impact on material removal rate in the initial study, followed by spark on time and gap voltage. All input parameters are directly proportional to the MRR. For optimal material removal rate, the third level of pulse current, spark on time, and gap voltage must be maintained. In addition, the proposed Taguchi optimization model could be applied to an existing workshop floor as a simple and practical electronic tool for predicting wear and future research.
The Design of a Plastic Shredder Machine with The Crusher Cutting Knife Model for Environmentally Sustainable Putra Adjie Suwignyo; Rahmadi Kusumastuti; Amir; Dodi Mulyadi; Khoirudin
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore (JTMMX)
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/jtmmx.v3i2.2821


Indonesia produced about 31.2 million metric tons of garbage in 2021. Roughly 87.1% of the total waste is comprised-evaluated of plastic waste. Plastic waste takes a very long time to break down in the environment. It took decades for trash made of plastic to decompose. Disorganized waste management at the landfill is a significant source of plastics-related problems. In order to reuse plastic garbage, it must be crushed up first before the recycling process. The primary objective of the design process for the crushing plastic machine used to shred plastic waste was to maximize productivity. The design of the machine that crushes plastic waste was created and prepared with the help of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software. One thousand and zero millimeters in length, three hundred and twenty millimeters in width, and twelve hundred and sixty millimeters in height describe this machine for chopping up plastic trash. In terms of crushing time and capacity, variations in the rotational speed of 1000, 1100, and 1200 blades in revolution per minute were optimal. The optimal crushing time for 2 kg-HDPE plastic waste was 37 seconds at 1200 revolutions per minute, followed by 1100 revolutions per minute; 2 kg-HDPE plastic waste was crushed and evaluated. HDPE plastic wastes have typically crushed faster in less time than PET plastic wastes. It has been evaluated and validated for any setting variation operation involving the crushing speed. Three kilograms of HDPE plastic waste yielded an optimum crushing capacity of 194.4 kg/hour at 1200 revolutions per minute. Next, at 1200 revolutions per minute, 2 kg-HDPE plastic waste is crushed. HDPE plastic wastes are typically more effective to crush than PET plastic wastes, regardless of the crushing speed setting variation operations. As a result of this study, plastic waste is being put to better use, helping to cut down on overall plastic use in the plastic waste management
The Effect of V-Bending Parameters Utilizing Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet (SECC) Material Dodi Mulyadi; Khoirudin; Sukarman; Mohamad Rizkiyanto; Nana Rahdiana; Ade Suhara; Ahmad Fauzi; Sumanto
Jurnal Asiimetrik: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa dan Inovasi Volume 5 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/asiimetrik.v5i1.3937


This study discusses the phenomenon of spring-back and spring-go in the bending kinematic forming using V-bending dies process and Electrolytic zinc-coated steel sheet (SECC/JIS G 3313) material. The zinc layer on the galvanized steel surface should not be damaged during the material forming process. The zinc layer on the galvanized steel sheet will affect the metal forming process. This study uses an experimental design with four input parameters, namely v-die opening L (mm), punch angle (degree), punch speed (mm/minutes), and bending force (kN). The smallest spring-back was obtained in the 4th test sample: the v-die opening of 35 mm, the punch angle of 40o, the punch speed of 30 mm/minute, and the bending force of 7.50 kN. The minor spring-back degree was 1.67o. Meanwhile, the smallest spring-go obtained in the second sample, namely the v-die opening of 30 mm, the punch angle of 50o, the punch speed of 40 mm/minute, and the bending force of 7.00 kN, the minor spring-go degree of 0.92o was obtained. These results show that the best spring-back degree for SECC/JIS G 3313 material is obtained when the bending process is performed with the v-die bending parameter of 30 mm, punch angle of 50o, punch speed of 40 mm/minute, and bending force of 7.00 kN.
Enhancing TIG Welding Parameters For Direct Tensile Load (DT-load) On Various Steel Thicknesses Amar Amar; Sukarman Sukarman; Khoirudin Khoirudin; Dodi Mulyadi; Arul Basit; Ade Suhara; Apang Djafar Shieddieque; Tegar Dwi Cahyo
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 22, No 1 (2024): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v22i1.4892


The car body repair process is integral to vehicle development and structural repair. The primary objective of this study is to enhance the quality of thin material welding utilized in automobile body repair. The impetus for this research stems from the necessity to improve the structural integrity and longevity of thin materials prone to deformation throughout the welding procedure while minimizing distortion. This study aims to identify optimal parameters for the tungsten inert gas welding (TIG welding) process on thin materials, particularly for automobile body rearrangement. The Taguchi method conducted the experimental analysis of variations in welding parameters, including electrode diameter, gas flow rate, and welding current. Adjusting TIG welding parameters to their optimal values significantly improves weld joint direct tensile load (DT-load) and overall structural quality, according to the findings of this study. ANOVA analysis and the S-N ratio indicate that gas flow rate and welding current are significant determinants of the quality of welded joints in thin materials. This research contributes to a better understanding of the optimal parameters for fusing thin materials, particularly in automobile body repair. The automotive industry can use these findings as a guide to enhance the quality and strength of welding processes, which are critical to the structural integrity of vehicles.