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Sustainable Tourism Development in Indonesia: Bibliometric Review and Analysis Megandaru Widhi Kawuryan; Aqil Teguh Fathani; Eko Priyo Purnomo; Lubna Salsabila; Novia Amirah Azmi; Deni Setiawan; Mochammad Iqbal Fadhlurrohman
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 54, No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.64657


Along with the many potentials in developing the tourism sector and impressive research in the tourism sector, in the last ten years, interest in studying and researching the sustainability of the development of Indonesia's tourism sector has continued to increase significantly. However, despite the increase, the scientific literature published so far has not evaluated in detail the sustainability of Indonesia's tourism development. This study analyzed 861 articles published until February 2021 in the Scopus database on Indonesia's tourism development sustainability. In conducting the analysis, the VosViewer software was used to find results about the most contributing authors, the number of citations, regions, organization, publica-tions and co-occurrences of keywords that could provide new gaps in future research. The results obtained showed trends and impacts of literature published to date, then new gaps/novelties for further research related to the themes of sport tourism, mangrove tourism, sharia tourism and Indonesia's tourism resilience were found. With these results, the next researchers should raise the theme so that Indonesian tourism's sustainability can develop adequately to have a more significant impact in the future.
Analisis Kemenangan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di Sumatera Barat (2009-2020) Aqil Teguh Fathani; Desmaniar Desmaniar; Rusli Rusli; Novia Amirah Azmi
JURNAL TAPIS Vol 17, No 1 (2021): Jurnal TAPIs
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.29 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/tps.v17i1.8542


AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di Sumatera Barat sehingga dapat menguasai politik daerah dalam 12 tahun (2009-2021). Berbagai daerah di Indonesia memiliki ciri-ciri khas untuk mementukan suatu pilihan terutama dalam memenangkan kontestansi politik daerah, salah satunya provinsi Sumatera Barat yang dikenal sangat kental dengan sosial dan kebudayaan yang berbasis keagamaan atau agama islam. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan partai politik untuk meraih kekuasaan legislative dan eksekutif dari penguasaan PKS. Metode dalam penelitian ini merupakan kualitatif dengan pendekatan rasionalistik karena dapat mengungkap dan meneliti lebih dalam untum suatu permasalahan. Hasil penelitian menampilkan bahwa PKS selalu berkuasa dalam pelaksanaan pemilihan gubernur tiga (3) periode terakhir (2010 2015,2020). Kemudian perolehan kursi legislative terus meningkat signifikan, semua pencapaian ini dikarenakan PKS berhasil melakukan pendekatakan dengan masyarakat dengan memadukan konsep keagamaan atau nilai-nilai syari’ah dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan juga didukung adanya kesaamaan paham dan ideologi dalam menjalankan kehidupan. Kemudian dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kepercayaan kepada masyarakat PKS selalu konsisten dalam melakukan pendekatan dengan mengutamakan nilai-nilai agama kepada masyarakat sehingga kepercayaan masyarakat dapat diperoleh sepenuhnya.Kata kunci : Politik Identitas, Pendekatan Keagamaan, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Sumatera Barat
Batoboh: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2021): BATOBOH : JURNAL PENGABDIAN PADA MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Padang Panjang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/bt.v6i1.1383


Terhitung tanggal 4 Januari 2021, pemerintah Kota Padang resmi mengeluarkan izin pelaksanaan Proses Belajar Mengajar (PBM) secara tatap muka bagi Sekolah Dasar dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Kebijakan ini tentunya perlu diiringi dengan pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan di lingkungan sekolah. Jika lalai, maka diprediksi sekolah akan menjadi kluster penyebaran virus Covid-19. Sehingga perlu dilaksanakan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan diseminasi informasi penerapan kebiasaan baru (new normal) di SDN 23 Ujung Gurun, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat. Lokasi ini menjadi menarik karena berada di Kawasan perkantoran dimana tentunya mobilitas masyarakat tinggi, dan potensi penyebaran Virus Covid-19 tinggi. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat mendorong penguatan pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan di lingkungan Sekolah Dasar. Pesertanya merupakan siswa-siswi kelas 4-6 dengan jumlah 20 orang.Kata Kunci : Covid-19; diseminasi informasi; new normal; sosialisasi
Social Media Network Analysis (SNA): Identifikasi Komunikasi dan Penyebaran Informasi Melalui Media Sosial Twitter Novia Amirah Azmi; Aqil Teguh Fathani; Delila Putri Sadayi; Ismi Fitriani; Muhammad Rayhan Adiyaksa
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i4.3257


This article aims to identify the level of communication, information dissemination, and the dominant status of online media in Indonesia in disseminating information about COVID-19 circulating to the public, especially Twitter users. Qualitative research methods are used in this study to describe the findings obtained from Social Network Analysis on national online media. They are Twitter accounts @CNN Indonesia, @Detikcom, @KompasTV, and @VIVAcoid, and see the intensity of the interaction using #lawancovid and #saatnyaNyalakanTandaBahaya. The analysis was carried out using NVivo 12+ software in looking for graphs, interactions, and network intensity which were grouped into recipient actors, namely government, non-government organizations (NGOs), and the community, and saw the level of Centrality in SNA, which consisted of degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and closeness centrality regarding the spread of COVID-19. The study results stated: (1) the dissemination of information through Twitter media carried out by the national media became dominant and became a prominent tagline in the news summary during June 2021. (2) the highest recipients of information and responses were the public with an average of (0.574), NGOs (0.228), and government (0.2). (3) community interaction patterns and responses related to COVDI-19 also increased compared to other news taglines. (5) A good centrality measurement result is the @KompasTV account, with a degree centrality value of 63, closeness centrality 0.016, and betweenness centrality 3906.000. (6) for the overall framing carried out by the media, it is increasingly making people afraid to do activities outside the home to increase awareness in suppressing the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia
Formulating a Health Sustainable Development Policy: How the Actors Handling the COVID-19 in Indonesia Novia Amirah Azmi; Annisa Weriframayeni; Retno Dewi Pramodia Ahsani; Delila Putri Sadayi; Aqil Teguh Fathani
Jurnal Public Policy Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Mei-Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpp.v7i2.4077


This article aims to analyze the role of actors in COVID-19 control in Indonesia and identify sustainable development policies in the health sector. The significant impact of COVID-19 occurs in the health sector, so the critical primary role of the government is to formulate policies in the health sector to control COVID-19. This research used a descriptive qualitative method by analyzing the policies made and the role of actors in covid-19 control in the field of health. This research data uses secondary data from national and international journal articles, government websites, and national online media news during the COVID-19 pandemic. The technique of analyzing research data uses Vosviewer and Nvivo 12 plus software so that data visualization can be presented as a basis for formulating health development policies and how the role of actors in controlling COVID-19. This study indicates, 1) the pattern of health development policies in controlling COVID-19 still needs improvement in effectiveness and efficiency so that policies are right on target. 2) policies made in controlling COVID-19 in Indonesia are still not optimal, especially in integrating technology and other resources. 3) the government is not ready to control COVID-19; the role of other actors is still low in intensity in controlling COVID-19. Based on the research analysis it is important to formulate policies to control COVID-19 and identify its role. Thus, this research can provide a reference in formulating sustainable policies in controlling COVID-19 in the health sector.
Al-Mishbah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 15 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (539.702 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/al-mishbah.Vol15.Iss1.153


The presence of online taxis in the city of Padang is a source of new livelihood for the community. Hundreds of people from various backgrounds registered as Go-Car and GrabCar partners. In the beginning everything went smoothly. Problems began to emerge when the company raised the standard points and lowered the daily bonus amount. Partners who feel incompatible with these changes choose to resign while others are forced to survive in two ways, improve service or choose cheating in order to keep getting bonuses in the midst of difficulty reaching points. This study aims to describe the interpersonal communication activities between online taxi drivers and passengers and analyze communication efforts by the driver in providing services to passengers. This type of descriptive qualitative research with constructivist paradigms and phenomenological approaches. Informants are several active Go-Car and Grab-Car drivers in Padang City who have been operating for at least one year and randomly selected passengers. Data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews, involved observation and documentation. Data were analyzed based on phenomenological analysis by Edmund Husserl. Data validation uses data triangulation. The results showed that interpersonal communication activities can be seen from five positive attitudes namely openness, empathy, supportiveness, positive attitude and equality. The success of interpersonal communication can be seen through three indicators, success from the point of communicator, communicant and message.
The Role of Social Media in Indonesia's Successful Implementation of the COVID-19 Vaccine Program in West Sumatera Province Annisa Weriframayeni; Novia Amirah Azmi; Aqil Teguh Fathani
Sosio e-Kons Vol 14, No 3 (2022): Sosio e-Kons
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30998/sosioekons.v14i3.14239


This study examines the COVID-19 vaccine campaign in Indonesia using a social media communication strategy. The social media communication strategy is evaluated based on the implementation of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic organization. The research approach with the assistance of NVivo 12 Plus and data sources from the Twitter account of the Ministry of Health and West Sumatra Provincial Health Office as well as numerous works of literature. Generate important data and be able to analyze data. This study concludes that social media communication has been effective, with diverse information regarding the use of vaccines, the impact of their usage, good data openness, collaboration with government and corporate entities, and the implementation of various community support policies. Due to the cooperation between Youth and Sports, which is responsible for providing facilities and fostering religious peace, resources are effectively coordinated. The disposition indicator is a positive attitude and action that is consistently provided by medical staff to instill a sense of security and comfort. The success of vaccinations in Indonesia is determined by social media communication. Various socializations and education are offered efficiently and contribute to the implementation of the program. This study focuses solely on the role of social media contacts in the success of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Indonesia.
How does Social Media Platforms of Facebook and Twitter used during COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign? A Study in West Sumatera Novia Amirah Azmi; Annisa Weriframayeni; Eda Elysia; Aqil Teguh Fathani; Agustiyara Agustiyara
Jurnal Public Policy Vol 9, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jpp.v9i2.6001


This study aims to see the effectiveness social media platforms campaigning COVID-19 vaccination program in West Sumatra. This result provides new suggestions to interest actors to emphasize the dissemination of information through one of their social media. Measuring the effectiveness of communication is carried out by the recipient of the message, the source of the message, and the content of the message. Mixed methods research with the help of NVIVO 12+ analysis was conducted to give actual results. Sources of data obtained from community activities using Facebook and Twitter. The study's results showed a significant difference in the age of users on Facebook and Twitter; Facebook users were dominated by users less than 18 years and more than 50 years which affected the message delivery and message content for the vaccine campaign. Information changes often occur on Facebook because many users change information and make requests not to vaccinate. This call was also followed by bad news which assumed that vaccination would have a bad impact in the long term. Twitter users are more open and understand the information that circulates on social media, thus there are less opportunities to change information and spread falsehoods. Twitter users' favorable attitudes and actions when communicating on social media demonstrate that information distribution is more about a sense of security and comfort. The two platforms have been the most popular tools for public evaluation since individuals use social media more than they do traditional kinds of media.