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Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 8 No 1 (2016): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Pacitan Press

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This action research aimed to improve students’ English speaking skill of PGSD students in STKIP PGRI Pacitan through communicative activities and to describe the classroom situation when communicative activities are implemented in the speaking class. The research method used in this research is a classroom action research, which conducted in two cycles. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaire, observation, interview, document analysis and tests. The researcher conducted the test before research (pre-test) and after implementing communicative activities (post test 1 and 2). The mean scores of each test were compared to know the students improvements in speaking ability. The improvement can be seen from the improvement of the mean score of pre-test (50), post test of cycle 1 (70) and the cycle 2 (77). Besides, the improvement of the classroom situation includes: 1) the class was more alive because the students participate actively; 2) there was an equal participation during the speaking class; 3) the students were motivated to speak English than Indonesian; 4) the students’ interaction improved significantly.
Jurnal Humaniora Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Humaniora
Publisher : LPPM Press STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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Research problem is one of the most important parts in a research. It is placed in the beginning of research writing especially after background and identification of problem. Research problem determines researchers’ action, theories, and technique of collecting and analyzing data, findings, analysis, conclusion, and overall research implementation. It seems the central point of a scientific research. Based on our research, we find that there 2 criteria of research problems; first, it is discovered and second, it is invented or created. Every research topic and research design has specific research problem. On the other hand, we also find 2 types of research problem technically which are finding research problem and analysis research problem. Our concern in this scientific article is to present one of our research finding and analysis which is 7 effective steps of constructing research problems. Every step is connected to one another till the last step of identifying or constructing research problems. Our main discussion is that research problem is the last product from previous problem delivered in the research topic, background of the study, identification of the problems, and the influence of research design. In conducting the research, we take 40 S-1English thesis of English education study program of STKIP PGRI Pacitan in the academic year 2014-2015 by using purposive sampling technique. We applied descriptive qualitative approach based on coherence analysis. We expect the presentation of our research findings and analysis could be used as one reference for researchers to identify and construct research problems.
Increasing Students’ Proficiency to Develop Ideas and Build Coherence in Writing Descriptive Text by Applying Quartet Game Indah Puspitasari; Agung Budi Kurniawan
Jurnal Humaniora Vol 4 No 3 (2017): Jurnal Humaniora
Publisher : LPPM Press STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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We are a research team who explore the application of quartet card game to enhance students’ proficiency in mastering descriptive text. We conducted the research through a classroom action research frame work. We got students of Class X of SMK Pringkuku Pacitan in the academic year 2016-2017 as our research subject. In our research, we explore the effect of quartet card game to increase students’ writing proficiency and motivation in writing descriptive text. Overall, we got the fact that quartet card game could increase both of them In this article, we present two aspect of the students’ writing proficiency. First, it is the ability to develop ideas. Second, it is the ability to build coherence. We got the data from: students writing score. In the students’ ability to develop ideas in writing descriptive text, we got the fact that the application of quartet game could give effect to students as follow: 1).Students could get creative idea, 2).Students could develop idea in every paragraph, 3).The situational idea based on descriptive text character is easy to be got by students, 4).Students could limit their ideas into descriptive text demand, so it does not exist the case of out of context ideas, 5).The content is informative to present descriptive text, 6).The quality of descriptive text is very interesting for readers. In the students’ ability to build coherence in writing descriptive text, we got the fact that the application of quartet game gives effect as follow: 1).The ideas were presented in a well coherence story, 2).The use of cohesion technique to correlate ideas to one another, 3).The arrangement seems to be prepared very well, 4).The organizations of story make readers to be able to understand the text story easily, 4).The structure of texts follows the generic structure of descriptive text or genre.
English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Proceedings Vol 3 (2019): 3rd ELLiC Proceedings: Reimagining New Cyber-based Research in English Education, Lite
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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The objective of this research was to find out whether there is a significant effect of using Gallery Walk as an alternative technique to students’ achievement in speaking. This research is a pre-experimental research using one group pre-test post-test design. The sample of the study was 25 students of X MIPA 3 in SMAN Tulakan. The data were collected by means of a speaking test. The result of the sample t-test showed that the mean difference between students’ pre-test and post-test was 5.98, with significance value was 0.05. This result showed that teaching speaking using Gallery Walk as an alternative technique had a significant effect on students’ achievement in speaking. In other words, it can be concluded that teaching speaking using Gallery Walk as an alternative technique significantly improved students’ achievement in speaking.
Menumbuhkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris dan Mengaji Di Masa Pandemi: Pengabdian kepada Anak-Anak di Dusun Pagutan Desa Pringkuku Wisnu Ariyani; Indah Puspitasari
Journal of Social Empowerment Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Social Empowerment
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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Kegiatan belajar mengajar yang semula diadakan secara tatap muka, beberapa bulan terakhir ini dialihkan menjadi pembelajaran sistem daring guna memutuskan rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Beberapa persoalan pun muncul seiring berjalannya metode pembelajaran sistem daring, baik dari segi teknis maupun psikologis. Para pelajar terutama pada anak-anak cenderung merasa sulit menerima pelajaran serta merasakan kebosanan. Oleh karenanya, pemuda sebagai generasi agent of change tentu berperan penting dalam menciptakan inovasi guna menjawab tantangan tersebut. Salah satu kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan di masa pandemi oleh pemuda terutama mahasiswa adalah pengabdian pada masyarakat. Melalui kegiatan tersebut penulis melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian berupa edukasi Bahasa Inggris serta pengajaran membaca Al-Qur’an terhadap anak-anak di Dusun Pagutan, Desa Pringkuku dengan tetap mematuhi protokol kesehatan.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Mahasiswa Dwi Rahayu; Saptanto Hari Wibawa; Indah Puspitasari
Journal of Social Empowerment Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Journal of Social Empowerment
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Pacitan

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Kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa yang baik sangat penting dimiliki oleh mahasiswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Karena jika mahasiswa tidak dapat menyampaikan dengan baik suatu berita dan kabar, maka informasi sesunggahnya juga akan sulit diterima oleh orang lain dan alhasil terjadi kekeliruan dan kesalahan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Kegiatan ini mengusung tema “Peningkatan Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Mahasiswa”. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Lokasi kegiatan dipusatkan di STKIP PGRI Pacitan Kecamatan Pacitan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dengan tahapan (1) Persiapan, meliputi kegiatan survey, penetapan lokasi dan sasaran kegiatan, (2) Pelaksanaan, meliputi kegiatan pelatihan, (3) Akhir/Evaluasi dan Tindak Lanjut, meliputi penyusunan laporan kegiatan, evaluasi, dan penyusunan proyeksi/rencana kegiatan sebagai tindak lanjut. Sesi kegiatan meliputi: (1) pengantar dan penjelasan tentang komunikasi mahasiswa untuk membangun relasi, (2) penjelasan tentang strategi berkomunikasi di era berkelimpahan (Abundance), dan (3) penugasan terhadap pemahaman materi yang telah diberikan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, tanya jawab interaktif, dan pendampingan bagaimana menggunakan bahasa yang baik dalam berkomunikasi. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah adanya pelatihan tentang kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik sangat penting bagi mahasiswa untuk menunjang kualitas diri dalam kehidupanya.
MENGUBAH KAWAT LISTRIK MENJADI AKSESORIS CANTIK Chusna Apriyanti; Dwi Rahayu; Indah Puspitasari; Ridha Kurniasih
J-ABDIPAMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Oktober
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1551.083 KB) | DOI: 10.30734/j-abdipamas.v1i1.73


This entrepreneurship training was aimed to make accessories from electric wire for STKIP PGRI Pacitan students. The basic idea of conducting this activity was changing the priceless electric wire into a beautiful and valuable jewelry. This activity was held on March 10-14, 2017 at campus STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Thirty eight students followed this activity from various departments. This activity was equivalent to 32 hours. Activities are divided into 4 sessions: 3 sessions for theory and practice, and 1 session equivalent to 18 hours for individual assignment. The theories include the introduction of tools and materials used, tips and tricks in starting a business, looking for good raw materials, as well as effective marketing. While the practice included activities to make various accessories made from electrical wire. Assignment involved new creations from the material that has been prepared and the participants were free to combine it with other materials. The participants were equipped with three basic techniques of electric wire: coiling, weaving/woven and netting. In the last session, the participants were given the evaluation of sustainability and monitoring of trainees. In addition, the best three works receive prizes in the form of pliers/equipment and raw materials to encourage participants to develop techniques that have been obtained in the future.Keyword: entrepreneurship, electric wire, accessories, jewelry ABSTRAKKegiatan ini berupa pelatihan kewirausahaan membuat aksesoris dari kawat listrik bagi mahasiswa STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Ide utama dalam kegiatan ini adalah mengubah barang yang tidak terlalu bernilai seperti kawat listrik, menjadi perhiasan cantik yang bernilai jual tinggi apabila. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10-14 Maret 2017 di kampus STKIP PGRI Pacitan. kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 38 mahasiswa dari berbagai jurusan. Kegiatan ini setara dengan 32 jam. Kegiatan dibagi menjadi 4 sesi, yaitu 3 sesi teori dan praktek selama 18 jam serta 1 sesi untuk penugasan individu selama 14 jam. Sesi teori meliputi pengenalan alat dan bahan yang digunakan, tips dan trik dalam memulai usaha, mencari bahan baku yang baik, serta pemasaran yang efektif. Sedangkan kegiatan praktik meliputi kegiatan membuat berbagai aksesoris yang berbahan dasar kawat listrik. Penugasan meliputi penciptaan kreasi baru dari materi pokok yang sudah disedikan dan para peserta bebas mengkombinasikannya dengan bahan lain. Peserta pelatihan dibekali 3 teknik dasar menganyam kawat listrik, yaitu coiling, weaving/woven dan netting. Selesai kegiatan, diberikan evaluasi keberlanjutan dan pemantauan terhadap peserta pelatihan. Selain itu, karya 3 terbaik mendapatkan hadiah berupa tang/peralatan dan bahan mentah untuk memacu peserta untuk mengembangkan teknik yang telah didapat di kemudian hari.Kata Kunci: kewirausahaan, kawat listrik, aksesoris, perhiasan
Edukasi Speech Delay pada Anak di Desa Kayen Indah Puspitasari; Erna Setyawati; Dwi Rahayu
Journal of Social Empowerment Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Social Empowerment
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Pacitan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21137/jse.2023.8.1.5


Tujuan kegiatan adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang keterlambatan bicara (speech delay) pada anak yaitu bagaimana mengenali dan cara pencegahannya. Edukasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan  metode ceramah dan focus group discussion (FGD). Tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan di Balai Pertemuan PKK Dusun Krajan Desa Kayen Kabupaten Pacitan dengan sasaran ibu-ibu PKK sebagai peserta edukasi. Hasilnya berupa pengetahuan yang bisa menambah keterampilan orang tua khususnya para ibu terkait dengan speech delay yang dapat diterapkan di lingkungan guna membantu mengatasi keterlambatan bicara pada anak.