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Pelatihan dan Pendampingan UMKM di Desa Gajahrejo dalam Pembuatan Desain Kemasan Inovatif Oleh-Oleh Khas Malang Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk Kurniawan, Dediek Tri; Anugrahani, Inanda Shinta; Prasasti, Arum; Fitri, Raisa
VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin Vol 3, No 1 (2021): VIVABIO:Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/vivabio.3.1.2021.31380


Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh UMKM di Malang adalah menciptakan kemasan yang menarik khususnya produk makanan dan oleh-oleh khas Malang. Padahal peran kemasan sangat penting karena menciptakan kesan pertama bahkan sebelum produk dikonsumsi. Kemasan telah mendukung penciptaan nilai tambah bagi sebuah produk dari segi bentuk, warna, hingga grafisnya. Kemasan juga berfungsi dalam membangun indentitas sebuah produk. Indentitas yang tidak konsisten dapat menyebabkan konsumen kesulitan dalam mengenal produk tersebut. Program pengabdian ini akan melakukan proses redesign kemasan dari produk oleh-oleh khas di Malang. Program pengabdian ini akan dilakukan di Desa Gajahrejo terletak di Kecamatan Gedangan di Kabupaten Malang. Program pengabdian ini akan fokus bagaimana mendampingi pelaku UMKM di Desa Gajahrejo untuk mengembangkan desain kemasan yang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan tingkat daya saing produk tersebut. Program pendampigan pada pelaku UMKM di Desa Gajahrejo yang terdiri dari: persepsi dan harapan UMKM terhadap kemasan yang ingin dihasilkan untuk produk dengan pengisian data. Luaran yang diharapkan dalam program ini adalah desain baru dari produk peserta pelatihan. Proses pemetaan produk-produk Desa Gajahrejo menemukan bahwa produk-produk yang dihasilkan disana memiliki kualitas yang baik dan potensial untuk dikembangkan. Pendampingan pembuatan kemasan produk Desa Gajahrejo sementara hanya fokus pada dua produk yaitu kopi dan nugget kulit pisang yang diyakini memiliki potensi untuk diterima di pasar. “Gajahrejo” merupakan merek (brand) yang akan digunakan untuk produk-produk Desa Gajahrejo. Meskipun hanya dua produk yang dikembangkan, pengemasan dengan berbagai volume dilakukan untuk produk-produk bervariasi.
Does Discount Matter in Indonesia e-Wallet Race? A Generation Z e-Wallet Preferences During Pandemics Arum Prasasti; Fatwah Inna Aulisaina; Muhamad Arif Rahman Hakim
The Winners Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021): The Winners
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/tw.v22i1.7019


The research aimed to examine the intention of Generation Z when using e-wallet for payments and the influence of  discounts towards using e-wallet in the time of pandemics. The research applied a qualitative method with total data of  22 students, collected using in-depth interviews through WhatsApp free call. The result shows that discount gives an  impact on Generation Z in choosing the e-wallet, but a long-term loyalty is not guaranteed. The finding demonstrates that there are other influential factors for Generation Z to choose e-wallet, namely ease of use, interrelated apps with the e-wallet, the security system, and cashless society. The limitations of the research lie in the relatively small numbers of  respondents. Due to pandemics with physical distancing requirements, the research only carries out on data collected  from 22 students from Economics Faculty in the State University of Malang, Indonesia. However, the research provides an  insightful analysis for digital payments industry as a reference. It is expected that fellow researchers and academicians  use the research as a fundamental to further investigate digital payments, especially amongst Generation Z in Indonesia  or other parts of the world. 
The Influence of Mood and Customer Satisfaction Towards Purchasing Behavior In Clothing Store (Study in Brawijaya University Student Using Structural Equation Modeling) Arum Prasasti
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FEB Vol 1, No 2: Semester Genap 2012/2013
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.355 KB)


Clothing store is one of the retailers that growing in this recent years, especially in Malang, where there are so many students from many cities around Indonesia. Factors that influencing customer to buy is not just about price. Customer mood and customer satisfaction is expected to have a significant contribution to purchasing behavior. This research is aimed at understanding how customer mood and customer satisfaction influencing purchasing behavior in the clothing store.. There is mood as the independent variable, customer satisfaction as the mediating variable, and purchasing behavior as the dependant variable. This research is an explanatory research, based on the fact that the purpose of this study is to explain the relation and the influence of some pre-determined variables. This study examines undergraduate students in University of Brawijaya in the Faculty of Administration Science, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics, and Faculty of Law. A questionnaire used to collect data with 200 samples from first until fourth year students in University of Brawijaya selected by probability sampling. The research instruments are tested by validity and reliability test. To analyze the data, Structural equation modeling (SEM)  that including normality test, outliers, and goodness of fit) are used. The result of this study is that mood and customer satisfaction  significantly affects purchasing behavior (dependent variable). Each of the indicator of each variables showing a positive contribution to their own variables. This study also shows respondents generally thought that when making purchases in clothing store they are considering their mood and pre-purchase satisfaction. Keywords: mood, customer satisfaction, purchasing behavior
Pembuatan Website Wisata Desa Gajahrejo Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing Sebagai Desa Wisata Sekaligus Memasarkan Produk Unggulan Desa Dediek Tri Kurniawan; Arum Prasasti; Raisa Fitri; Inanda Shinta Anugrahani; Yesiana Ihda Kusnayain
Journal of Community Development Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): October
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1346.338 KB) | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v1i1.3


Indonesia is a country with good economic growth, one of the main contributors of gross domestic product (GDP) is the tourism sector. The country's foreign exchange receipts from the sector continued to grow to US$ 16.11 Billion in 2018. The existence of tourist villages is now a concern of the government in increasing economic equality and reducing the Gini ratio from Indonesia. The potential of tourist villages is huge, about 1,734 potential tourist villages that have the potential to be developed salag the only one is Gajahrejo village located south of malang regency. Gajahrejo village has tremendous economic potential with its wealth and superior products. So, the creation of a website is one of the solutions to the economic improvement of Gajahrejo village. By using waterfall method in the development process that begins with analysis until maintenance is able to provide outstanding website results, by going through 3 stages namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. With the process and methods used produced a website that serves as a data center and the sale of products from Gajahrejo village as an effort to strengthen the branding of the village.
Penguatan Strategi Pemasaran dengan Kemasan Kekinian pada Proposal Rencana Bisnis UMKM Desa Kebontunggul Kabupaten Mojokerto Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti; Yana Respati Dewi; Arum Prasasti; Ita Prihatining Wilujeng
J-ABDIPAMAS (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.051 KB) | DOI: 10.30734/j-abdipamas.v4i2.1234


ABSTRACTCommunity empowerment in the era of globalization is facing big challenges. Desa Kebontunggul also faces the same challenge. Desa Kebontunggul is one of the villages located in Gondang, Kabupaten Mojokerto, which becomes a concern for village community empowerment office in Mojokerto. This village has a lot of potential to be developed because its strategic geographical location on the slopes of Mount Anjasmoro. Desa Kebontunggul has some superior products to be developed such as family medicinal plants (toga), organic plants, mushrooms, tortillas, and eggs. Unfortunately, the popularity of those products could not be competed to its natural tourism which is Mbencirang Valley. This community service activity aims to provide training and assistance in making business plan, especially strengthening the marketing plan for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Kebontunggul. Through this training and mentoring, superior products of MSMEs in the village are expected having a good marketing plan, thus, they can increase the added value of the products.  ABSTRAKPemberdayaan masyarakat di era globalisasi sedang menghadapi tantangan yang besar. Kondisi ini juga tidak terkecuali untuk masyarat di desa. Desa Kebontunggul merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Gondang, Kabupaten Mojokerto yang menjadi perhatian bagi Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa di Kabupaten Mojokerto. Desa ini memiliki banyak potensi untuk dikembangkan karena letak geografisnya terbilang strategis di lereng Gunung Anjasmoro. Dari segi produk yang bisa dikembangkan, Desa Kebontunggul memiliki potensi produk unggulan diantaranya toga (tanaman obat keluarga), tanaman organik, jamur, tortilla, dan telur. Namun sayang, kepopuleran produk-produk tersebut belum bisa sebanding dengan wisata alam di Kebontunggul yaitu Wisata Lembah Mbencirang. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pelatihan serta pendampingan pembuatan proposal rencana bisnis khususnya penguatan pada rencana pemasaran kepada para pelaku usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) di desa Kebontunggul. Dengan adanya pelatihan dan pendampingan ini, diharapkan masyarakat desa Kebontunggul, khususnya warga yang memiliki usaha di produk unggulan desa, akan memiliki rencana pemasaran bisnis yang baik sehingga dapat menambah nilai tambah dari produk yang dihasilkan.
Brand Trust Capacity in Mediating Social Media Marketing Activities and Purchase Intention: A Case of A Local Brand That Go-Global During Pandemic Jenial Yusuf Ramadhani; Arum Prasasti
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): IJBE, Vol. 9 No. 1, January 2023
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.9.1.81


Indonesia has an active number of social media users, as many as 191 million people in January 2022 which rise significantly during the pandemic. This study aims to understand how social media marketing activities affect consumer purchase intention that is mediated by brand trust in a go-global, local clothing brand. This study uses a quantitative method on 200 respondents through an online questionnaire that is distributed to the Instagram followers of one of the go-global brands that showcase their product in New York Fashion Week in 2021. The results of this study indicate that social media marketing activities and brand trust have a significant effect on purchase intention. Brand trust mediates the relationship between social media marketing and purchase intention. Four dimensions of social media marketing activities namely word-of-mouth, entertainment, customizations, and trendiness, are the indicators that have the most significant influence in influencing purchase intention through brand trust. This research found two main things. First, social media marketing activities affect consumer purchase intentions to buy the product. Second, brand trust strengthens the influence of social media marketing activities on purchase intention. Keywords: social media, brand trust, word-of-mouth, purchase intention, pandemic