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Developing Culture-Based English Instructional Materials to Improve Students’ Thinking, ELT Achievement, and Classroom Interaction Zukhairatunniswah Prayati; Haerazi Haerazi; Lalu Ari Irawan; Rully May Vikasari
Lingua Cultura Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Lingua Cultura
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v14i2.6650


The research aimed to provide students’ learning and target needs of incorporating culture-based English instructionalmaterials in enhancing students’ critical thinking skills, ELT achievement, and classroom interaction at the Central Lombok middle schools. The research was a quantitative study. The 350 students and 10 English teachers were involved in the research. The average of students’ age ranged from 12-13 years old, while the English teachers were certified Englishteachers at the middle schools. They had also been from five to seven years of teaching practice experience. The data were collected using a questionnaire to see the students’ and teachers’ needs that were focused on target needs and learning needs. The target needs comprised the learning goals, lacks, and wants, while the learning needs included learning inputs, students’ roles, and classroom management. The data were analyzed using some steps; computation, display, drawing conclusion, and verification processes. Based on the data analysis, the target needs show that students are expected to get English proficiencies by providing them various cultural materials, namely local arts, traditional games, traditional rates, traditional technologies, and traditional pieces of literature. It can bring them to think critically to improve ELT achievement and build classroom interaction. At the same time, the analysis of learning needs informs that students need an appropriate English learning approach. They show they have an intention to be autonomous learners.
Abdi Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan (LPP) Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (678.339 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/abdi.v1i1.911


Kegiatan menulis ilmiah merupakan kegiatan yang membutuhkan pemahan dan dan keterampilan menulis secara akademis yangtidak dapat dipisahkan dari profesi guru dan dosen. Khususnya para Guru sebagai pendidik di sekolah tentu keharusan bagi mereka agar dpat mengembangkan profesi melalui tulisantulisan atau karya tulis ilmiah berdasarkan data dan temuan mereka di lapangan dalam aktivitas pendidikan.Namun demikian, sebagian besar mereka belum mampu atau tidak ada akses bagi guru-guru untuk menuangkanya dalam karya tulisan ilmiah berupa artikel jurnal, sehingga dapat menjadi bagian dari pengembangan profesi mereka sebagai pendidik.Berdasarkan pantauan dan hasildiskusi dengan beberapa guru SMP-SMA dan MGMP Bahasa Inggris batukliang Utara kabupaten Lombok Tengah, diketahui bahwa guru mengalami kendala dalam menulis artikel ilmiah dan kurang adanya informasi mengenai jurnal yang akan dituju. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya Workshop dan pendampingan lanjutan penulisan artikel ilmiah bagi guru agar bahan yang sudah ada tersebut dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk ditulis dalam format artikel ilmiah. Selain itu, juga perlu adanya informasi bagi guru tentang jurnal-jurnal yang dapat diakses untuk dapat diajukan artikel, baik jurnal nasional maupun jurnal internasional.Target dari program workshop dan pendampingan ini adalah meningkatnya pemahaman dan keterampilan menulis karya ilmiah bagi guru SMP-SMAKabupaten Lombok Tengah tentang jenis-jenis karya ilmiah, kaidah menulis karya ilmiah, dan menulis artikel secara profesional. Luaran dari program pendampingan ini adalah artikel ilmiah yang ditulis oleh guru SMP-SMA Kabupaten Lombok Tengah untuk diajukan ke jurnal nasional atau prosiding seminar nasional. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 45 orang guru yang berasal dari empat SMP dan tiga SMA negeri swasta yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Metode kegiatan yang dilaksanakan guna menyelesaikan permasalahan mitra adalah dengan pendekatan secara klasikal dan individual. Pendekatan klasikal digunakan pada kegiatan penyampaian materi secara teoritik langkah-langkah menulis artikel ilmiah. Pendekatan individual digunakan pada saat peserta pendampingan menulis artikel ilmiah yakni dengan metode workshop. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan kegiatan pendampingan ini, disimpulkan: (1) kemauan peserta dalam menulis artikel atau karya tulis ilmiah adalah cukup tinggi; (2) pemahaman peserta terhadap menulis artikel adalah kurang; dan (3) pemahaman peserta terhadap jenis tulisan adalah kurang. Hasil FGD menujukkan permasalahan yang dialami guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah. Permasalahan yang dialami oleh guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah diklasifikasikan menjadi dua, yaitu masalah eksternal dan masalah internal.Masalah eksternal guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah adalah: (1) kurangnya informasi tentang hal-hal berkaitan dengan menulis; (2) sulitnya menemukan tempat bertanya ketika menulis; (3) keterbatasan referensi dalam menulis; dan (4) proses birokrasi (dibatasi satu jenis tulisan, seperti hasil PTK). Masalah internal guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah adalah: (1) lemahnya budaya menulis di kalangan para guru; (2) rendahnya motivasi guru untuk membuat karya tulis artikel ilmiah; (3) sebagian guru memandang proses birokrasi yang selalu mempersulit membuat mereka menyerah sebelum berusaha; dan (4) keterbatasan waktu untuk menulis
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 25 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.19 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/akademika.v25i2.1437


Islamic contents and English were taught at Islamic Boarding School (IBS) Haramain Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) Narmada. English is taught as a general subject and compulsory subject as well. An English community (Language Asrama) is established by Kiai. It is aimed at practicing speaking English and exercising public speaking skills. IBS Haramain NW Narmada includes one of the IBSs in Indonesia in which it reflected Islamic values, cultures, and indoctrination in its teaching and learning. The pieces of evidence showed that this institution taught English for students (Santri) as a tool to gain global information around the world. Dealing with the ELT classrooms, IBS Haramian NW Narmada employed some learning strategies reflecting Islamic cultures and values such as syawir, Lalar, Hafal (memorizing), and Setoran (deposit). The strong emphasis on Arabic and English in daily communication addresses the immersion language program. It is a method applied to teach foreign languages. Based on the application, the IBS Haramain NW Narmada applied a total immersion program, in which Arabic and English are the target languages.
English Teachers’ Feedback on Students’ Writing Work in the New Normal Era: Teachers' Feedback; Writing Skills Khaerul Fadli; Lalu Ari Irawan; Haerazi Haerazi
Journal of Language and Literature Studies Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (232.262 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/jolls.v1i2.624


Feedback is information from the teacher to the students regarding to the students’ error in learning process, and the purpose of feedback given by the teacher could improve students’ abilities in learning. In learning writing, feedback from the teacher is needed by the students to improve their writing skills. Writing is a complex process, arranging several words into a sentence and arranging several sentences into a paragraph is not an easy thing to do. In addition, in writing a sentence, the correct words are needed so that the reader can easily understand the intent written by the author. Thus, this study aims to find out what types of feedback given by the teacher to students in this new normal era, and what types of feedback can improve students' writing skills. This research used qualitative descriptive research. For data collection, researcher used the interview notes, study document, and observation. This study took two English teachers and eight students. In this study, the researcher interviewed English teachers and students regarding the feedback the teacher gave during this new normal era. The researcher found that the teachers used two types of feedback i.e. oral and written feedback in correcting students' writing assignments. In addition, the researcher found that all students experienced improvement after they were given feedback by the teacher. Most students’ perception about feedback given by the teachers, oral feedback is very effective and can improve their writing quality.
Developing an ELT Instructional Model for Vocational High Schools Students at Tourism Zones Lalu Ari Irawan; Tina Oral Frank; Sadaf Dehghani
Journal of Language and Literature Studies Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): May
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (247.893 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/jolls.v2i1.669


Indonesian Economic Development has become a gate to Bali and Lombok for international visitors. Recently, the Lombok tourism development has established a refinement after facing serial earthquakes. In the statistic for the tourism year 2016, there were 3.1 million tourists coming to Lombok. In addition, 3.8 million people were targeted to come to Lombok in the year 2020. In other words, Lombok promotes the highest contribution to the national government economy. Because of these issues, the vocational high schools which have tourism study programs should lead their students in foreign language communication, English. Teaching English for a specific purpose needs a precise instructional model because ELT teachers apply the ELT model for different objectives. Therefore, learners study English for different purposes. For vocational high school students, they learn English to help them to communicate in the workplace. Because of this, they are directed to have communicative competence. In senior or junior high schools, scientific-based instruction has been applied to help students learn English and even other subjects. This instruction is considered as a solution for them to have not only linguistic competencies but also communicative skills. Therefore, this study will be aimed at developing an instructional model for vocational high school students in tourism zones. This study applied the procedural research and development (R&D) design. The R&D design follows the Borg & Gall and David design, which consists of pre-development and development stages. The product of this study was an instructional model, namely the tourism-based instructional (TBI) model for vocational high school students in the tourism zones.
Segmental Aspects of Pronunciation Errors Produced by ELE Students in Classroom Settings Sandy Vitra Nugraha; Lalu Ari Irawan; Haerazi; Tina Orel Frank
Journal of Language and Literature Studies Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/jolls.v2i2.759


Pronunciation plays important roles in making the intelligibility of a speech. In pronunciation, speech and gesture production are interrelated and coordinated. Not all language learners can pronounce English words well. Learners make errors while speaking English. It make them not confident to pronounce other English words. Therefore, this study aims to identify students’ segmental aspects of pronunciation errors in classroom setting. This study is categorized as qualitative study to understand phenomena using data such as interviews, observations, and documents reviews to identify and interpret specific characteristics of the material to learn human behavior. The population of this research is the sixth-semester students of English department at Mandalika University of Education, Mataram-Indoneisa. This research used purposive sampling method that engaged of 6 students as the sample of the data. The students divided by 2 criteria: Gender and pronunciation level. To make the data valid, all the students has passed 3 stages of pronunciation level. The result of this study indicated that all the subjects are difficult in pronounced consonant /f/ sounds and still need improvisation in a short vowel sound because the student’s errors are divided into 3 categories; psycholinguistic, sociolinguistics, and Epistemic sources. Furthermore, this study proves that “man smart, woman smarter.