Yuli Fajarwati
Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Sipil Dan Perencanaan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

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Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 16, No 2 (2020): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v16i2.36897


ABSTRAKSungai Air Kotok di Kabupaten Lebong, Bengkulu memiliki litologi batuan yang rapuh akibat pengaruh panas bumi, kondisi tersebut menyebabkan rentan mengalami pergerakan massa tanah/batuan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan upaya mitigasi untuk mengurangi risiko bencana dengan perencanaan bangunan pengendali aliran debris berupa sabo dam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan desain sabo dam tipe conduit yang dirancang secara seri dan mengevaluasi stabilitas sabo dam berdasar SNI 2851:2015. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan debit puncak untuk kala ulang 100 tahun sebesar 171,21 m3/detik. Empat seri sabo dam memiliki dimensi lebar pelimpah rerata ± 40 m, kedalaman aliran debris sebesar 1 m, dan tinggi pelimpah ialah 2,4 m. Stabilitas sabo dam saat banjir diperoleh faktor aman untuk stabilitas geser dan guling sebesar 3,46 ; 1,62. Adapun faktor aman terhadap pengaruh aliran debris untuk stabilitas geser dan guling adalah 3,30 ; 1,58. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, empat seri sabo dam tipe conduit yang dirancang mampu mengendalikan daya rusak banjir maupun aliran debris.Kata kunci: Hidraulika sungai, aliran sedimen, bangunan sabo, stabilitas sabo ABSTRACTAir Kotok River in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province has the lithology of weathered rock which is a result of geothermal process, this condition causes to be susceptible to land / rock mass movements. Therefore, the mitigation efforts are needed to reduce the risk from disaster by design debris flow control such as sabo dam. This study aims to design series of conduit type sabo dam and evaluate the stability based on SNI 2851: 2015. The calculation shows that the peak discharge for the 100-year return period is 171.21 m3 / sec. The four sabo dam series have dimensions of spill width of ± 40 m, debris flow depth of 1 m, and overflow height of 2.4 m. The stability of sabo dam has safety factor in flood condition for shear and overturning stability are 3.46; 1.62, while in a debris flow condition for shear and overturning stability are 3.30; 1.58. Based on the results, the four series of conduit sabo dam are able to control the destructive power of floods and debris flows.Key word: River hydraulic, sediment flow, sabo building, stability of sabo
Analisis Potensi Likuefaksi dan Perbaikan Tanah dengan Stone Column: Studi Kasus pada Coal Shelter PLTU Lontar, Banten Yuli Fajarwati; Rama Indera Kusuma
Inersia : Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 17, No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v17i1.40570


ABSTRACT The high demand for electricity needs requires the availability of new generation sites. The new plant developed is a PLTU in Lontar. The condition of coal shelter as a research site dominated by silty clay and silty sand and located in the earthquake zoning is high that the planning of the coal shelter area must accordance with the feasibility of building establishment, it is necessary to analyze the potential liquefaction and improvement methods. Soil improvement efforts to reduce the potential for liquefaction include soil improvement with stone columns. The method of liquefaction analysis in this study uses the method developed by Idriss and Boulanger. The results of the analysis of the potential for liquefaction at BH-1 occurred at a depth of 3-16 m and at BH-3 the potential for liquefaction occurred at a depth of 4-24 m. Potential of the thickest layer for liquefaction is at BH-3 with a depth of 24 m. Improvement with a stone column can reduce the potential for liquefaction and can increase the value of the safety factor against the potential for liquefaction at the coal shelter location. Improvement analysis with a stone column using Plaxis software, the value of the safe factor after installing the stone column at BH-1 FS 2.89, at BH-3 FS became 2.65. ABSTRAKBanyaknya permintaan kebutuhan listrik yang tinggi diperlukan ketersediaan lokasi pembangkit baru. Pembangkit baru yang dikembangkan yaitu PLTU Batubara di Lontar. Kondisi coal shelter sebagai lokasi penelitian yang didominasi oleh lapisan tanah lempung kelanauan dan pasir kelanauan serta berada pada zonasi gempa cukup tinggi sehingga perencanaan area coal shelter harus memenuhi syarat kelayakan pendirian bangunan, maka perlu dilakukan analisis potensi likuefaksi serta metode perbaikannya. Upaya perbaikan tanah untuk mengurangi potensi likuefaksi yaitu perbaikan tanah dengan stone column (kolom batu). Metode analisis likuefaksi pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Idriss dan Boulanger. Hasil analisis potensi likuefaksi pada titik BH-1 terjadi di kedalaman 3-16 m dan pada titik BH-3 potensi likuefaksi terjadi pada kedalaman 4-24 m. Lapisan yang paling tebal mengalami potensi likuefaksi ada pada titik BH-3 dengan kedalaman 24 m. Perbaikan dengan stone column dapat mengurangi potensi likuefaksi dan mampu meningkatkan nilai faktor keamanan terhadap potensi likuefaksi di lokasi coal shelter. Analisis perbaikian dengan stone column menggunakan software Plaxis, nilai faktor aman setelah dipasang stone column pada titik BH-1 FS 2,89, pada titik BH-3 FS menjadi 2,65.
Stabilisasi Tanah dengan Penambahan Arang Kayu terhadap Nilai Daya Dukung CBR (Studi Kasus Jalan Desa Cibingbin, Kecamatan Cibaliung, Kabupaten Pandeglang) Rama Indera Kusuma; Enden Mina; Woelandari fathonah; Machammad Wally Gilbran Althaf; Yuli Fajarwati
Inersia: Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Arsitektur Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/inersia.v18i1.47372


ABSTRACTThe condition of the road in Cibingbin village, Cibaliung sub-district, Pandeglang district, was used as the main soil sample in this test. This study aims to determine the effect of Sengon Wood (Paraserianthes Falcataria) Charcoal as a soil stabilizing agent that can increase the bearing capacity of the soil.This study uses 2 methods, the first is testing the physical properties of the soil, such as testing water content, specific gravity, sieve analysis, liquid limit and plastic limit and the second testing is soil mechanical testing including compaction, DCP, and CBR testing with curing for 3 days.From the results of the study, it was found that the original soil based on the USCS classification was included in the soil type of inorganic clay with high plasticity (CH), and the CBR test without soaking the original soil obtained a value of 4.8%, and by using Wood Charcoal added in the mixture. 4%,6%,8%,10% and 12%, the CBR values obtained are 9.83% ,13%, 20%, 19% and 17.5%. and the optimum wood charcoal mixture obtained was 19%. For curing for 3 days at a mixture of 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%, the CBR values were 12%, 14.3%, 22% and 20%, and the optimum value was obtained in the 8% charcoal mixture. ABSTRAKKondisi jalan pada desa Cibingbin, Kecamatan Cibaliung, Kabupaten Pandeglang , dijadikan sebagai sampel utama tanah pada pengujian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Arang Kayu berjenis Kayu Sengon  sebagai bahan stabilisasi tanah yang bisa menaikan daya dukung tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 metode, yang pertama pengujian sifat fisik tanah, seperti pengujian kadar air, berat jenis, analisa saringan, batas cair dan batas plastis dan pengujian kedua yaitu pengujian mekanis tanah meliputi pemadatan, DCP, dan pengujian CBR dengan pemeraman selama 3 hari. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan tanah asli berdasarkan klasifikasi USCS termasuk dalam tanah berjenis tanah lempung tak organik dengan plastisitas tinggi (CH), dan pada pengujian CBR tanpa rendaman pada tanah asli didapat nilai sebesar 4,8% ,dan dengan menggunakan bahan tambah Arang Kayu pada campuran 4%,6%,8%,10% dan 12%, didapatkan nilai CBR sebesar 9,83% ,13%, 20%, 19% dan 17,5%. dan campuran arang kayu optimum  yang didapat sebesar 19%,Untuk pemeraman selama 3 hari pada campuran 4%,6%,8%,dan 10% , didapatkan nilai CBR sebesar 12%,14,3%, 22% dan 20%, dan didapatkan nilai optimum pada campuran arang 8%.
Civil Engineering for Community Development (CECD) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): EDISI OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/cecd.v2i2.22478


There is tourism potential that can be maximized around the Kali Jetis River, which was originally an unofficial rubbish dump. This is an effort by residents to change environmental conditions to make them more valuable. Based on the problem mapping results from observations, priority problems focus on the main problems in the field of service facilities in the arts sector and performing arts management which are considered to have the most influence on the sustainability of arts and culture in the area. The solution offered is in the form of art stage design planning and assistance with space management practices. The aim is to preserve the arts, culture and traditions of the residents with the aim of planning an arts stage design that is functional, safe, comfortable and meets their needs; as well as improving residents' skills in managing performing arts spaces. The stages carried out include the stages of cooperation, design, implementation and evaluation of activities. This activity was carried out according to planning and went well with the output in the form of an art stage plan drawing. The involvement of community members in following a series of stages was very enthusiastic and directly involved in implementing the activities.
KAJIAN ULANG SISTEM DRAINASE AREA BUMI PERKEMAHAN GENDUNGAN, DESA KALIBENING, KECAMATAN DUKUN, MAGELANG, JAWA TENGAH Abdul Malik; Didik Purwantoro; Darmono Darmono; Rudi Nur Syamsudin; Qonaah Rizqi Fajriani; Yuli Fajarwati; Arum Dwi Hatutiningsih; Muhammad Adi Kurniawan; Riski Setiawan; Luthfi Auliya Syahrani
Civil Engineering for Community Development (CECD) Vol 2, No 2 (2023): EDISI OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/cecd.v2i2.22450


The Gendungan Camping Area, located in Kalibening Village, Dukun District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, is an area on the slopes of Mount Merapi. Without planning a good drainage system, many things can happen when it is used. In fact, rainwater management in the Gendungan Camping Area is important in relation to the comfort of land use during the rainy season. Based on these considerations, an evaluation of the drainage system in the camping area was carried out as a service activity from the Civil Engineering and Planning Department. The drainage system planning method in this area refers to the Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 12 of 2014 concerning Implementation of Urban Drainage Systems. The total number of drainage channels designed is seven channels (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7) with required dimensions varying between 20cmx20cm to 40cm × 40cm. The channel is designed using river stone which is easy to find in the area with a wall thickness of 30 cm.