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Managerial and Behavior Education and Training Business Development through Experiential Learning Method Andi Iswoyo; Didik Daryanto; Wahyu Nugroho
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Vol 2 No 01 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : UII

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Education and training effort Managerial Behavior developed using experience-based education methods (Experiential Learning), which is the process of learning in which learners combining knowledge, skills and values through direct experiences through outdoor activities. Business development goals are to meet the needs of the community-based education and training of the EL. The method of implementation is applied is to maintain the existing condition of raw materials / clients, improve services through the ownership of assets, equipment, understand the needs of clients and supervision, good management, marketing strategy of segmenting and targeting, pricing, promotion, and human resources are adequate. Our operating results have been achieved which is kept to maintain the existence of raw materials / clients, improvement of service procedures, improvement of security procedures, create training modules, the addition of new games, website development company and information management systems training, adjustment of the price of services, developing services such as construction outbound park and camping ground, include employees and facilitators in the training of tax and e-SPT, workshop Facilitating Skill for Rope Courses, workshop First Aid and High Ropes, Certified facilitator and workshops in the other, to develop cooperation with the Asosiasi Experiential Learning Indonesia (AELI) and Himpunan Provider Outbound Indonesia (HPOI), as well as establish business entities Limited Company and register the business brand. The impact was an increase in revenue from year to year.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Pembina Pramuka di Kwartir Ranting Pakal dan Benowo Kota Surabaya Melalui Pembenahan Metode Pelatihan Orang Dewasa Didik Daryanto; Dwi Prihantono; Yurilla Endah Mulatie
Asian Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Volume 04, Issue 01, January 2019
Publisher : UII

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Partners in this program are Scoutmaster in District Council Pakal and District Council Benowo, Regency Council of Surabaya City. The problems that occur in this case are the Regency Council Pakal and Benowo is in the preparation of quality Scout coaches that have not been planned well and are used incidentally, the coach's quantity is very lacking, the curriculum in basic proficient courses (KMD) and advanced proficient courses (KML) does not always develop and has not allocated all components in education based on experience, Scout formal advisory education has graduated from high school, there are still many coaches who do not have KMD, a summary about the meaning of educating, not being able to be a good example in the application of education, the ability of coaches to make advanced training, coaches turning into teaching, evaluation and training assessment to administrative and mass, implementing exercises lacking monotonous variation and practice, lack of innovation and creativity in fostering and there are still many coaches who do not understand the Scouting Techniques and Among System . Another method; Workshop, Orientation, Courses, Counseling and Training. The results of this program have been carried out activities which are divided into several stages, namely pre-activity activities, implementation activities and monitoring and evaluation. In the pre-activity phase, it has carried out activities with District Council of Pakal and District Council of Benowo, Coordination with the Mainstay of Provincial Council in East Java, Coordination with Regional Council of Surabaya City, Coordination with sub-districts, schools, speakers, etc. others. During the implementation phase, several activities have been carried out, including; Karang Pamitran (Scoutmaster meeting) was held in several sessions, including: Student Psychology Material, First Aid for Accidents, Hypno teaching for Scoutmasters and Ropes Access. Several activities will be carried out, among others: basic proficient courses (KMD) Advanced Courses and Organizing Cub Jamboree as a activity after KMD.
PPM Budidaya Sawi Hijau dengan Pupuk Organik Metode JADAM di desa Banyu Urip Kecamatan Menganti Kota Gresik Ari Astutik; Shanty A.Y.P.S Duwila; Didik Daryanto
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 5 (2022): PERAN PERGURUAN TINGGI DAN DUNIA USAHA DALAM AKSELERASI PEMULIHAN DAMPAK PANDEMI
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37695/pkmcsr.v5i0.1562


Dimasa pandemi sekarang ini masyarakat harus lebih menjaga kesehatan dan salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan masyarakat adalah dengan mengkonsumsi sayuran organik. Oleh sebab itu kami bekerjasama dengan Mitra yang bernama Harmiyanto, seorang pegawai swasta yang juga berprofesi sebagai petani di dusun Banyu urip Kota Gresik. Dalam kegiatan bertani mitra membudidayakan tanaman sawi hijau dengan pupuk kimia. Dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat kali ini, kami selaku tim dosen Universitas Wijaya Putra membantu pembudidayaan tanaman sawi hijau (Brassica juncea. L) secara organik dengan mengganti pupuk kimia yang digunakan menjadi pupuk organik metode JADAM. Ada 3 hal masalah utama mitra. Pertama, budidaya tanaman sawi masih menggunakan pupuk kimia; Kedua, masalah manajemen pemasaran; dan Ketiga, pengelolaan keuangan terkait laba dan rugi. Metode yang ditawarkan pada mitra ada 3 hal, Pelatihan dan pendampingan peningkatan produksi budidaya tanaman sawi dengan menggunakan dan memproduksi pupuk organik dengan menggunakan metode JADAM secara mandiri; Pelatihan dan pendampingan dalam hal Pemasaran menggunakan media teknologi informasi meliputi sosial media dan E-commerce; Pelatihan dan pendampingan pengelolaan keuangan meggunakan aplikasi “BukuKas”. Hasil kegiatan dari PPM ini adalah pertama, mitra dapat menghasilkan pupuk dan pestisida organik secara mandiri yaitu pupuk organik kompos (Jadam Microorganism Solution), pupuk organik cair (Jadam Liquid Fertilizer), dan Pestisida organik berupa JWA (Jadam Wetting Agent) dan JS (Jadam Sulfur). Kedua, mitra mempunyai akun facebook dan tokopedia untuk sarana pemasaran online. Ketiga, mitra mempunyai aplikasi “BukuKas” dan mampu mengelola keuangan secara mandiri sehingga perkembangan usaha dapat terpantau. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memperbaiki perekonomian mitra khususnya di masa pandemi serta menghasilkan tanaman sawi hijau organik yang sangat bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan untuk masyarakat khususnya di masa pandemi. Kata Kunci: Budidaya sawi hijau, Pertanian organik JADAM, aplikasi keuangan, e-commerce.