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Formica Online Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Formica Online
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi FPMIPA UPI

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Air dapat menjadi perantara bagi bakteri patogen untuk menginfeksi penyakit, salah satunya adalah bakteri Aeromonas. Bakteri ini merupakan patogen baik pada manusia atau hewan khususnya ikan. Hubungan kekerabatan antara bakteri Aeromonas perlu diketahui untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan penyebaran strain di perairan, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk uji kualitas air secara tepat dan cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik, dan hubungan filogenetika dari bakteri Aeromonas spp. Dari 44 isolat yang diperoleh dilakukan uji morfologi (pewarnaan Gram), uji biokimia yang meliputi uji RS+Novobiocin, motilitas, oksidasi, OF, indol, VP, sitrat, fermentasi laktosa, deteksi hemolisis, dan deteksi gen lipase. Kemudian 8 isolat terpilih dan dua isolat kontrol disikuensing berdasarkan pada gen 16S rRNA. Pohon filogenetika didapatkan dengan menggunakan Clustal X dan MEGA 5. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pohon filogenetika, bakteri Aeromonas spp. dapat digolongkan menjadi 3 grup yaitu grup pertama terdiri dari lima isolat yang berkelompok sendiri, grup kedua terdiri dari dua isolat yang berdekatan dengan Aeromonas veronii dan kelompok terakhir terdiri dari satu isolat serta dua isolat kontrol berdekatan dengan grup Aeromonas hydrophila. Dari delapan isolat yang ditemukan, Aeromonas spp. merupakan bakteri Gram negative berbentuk basil pendek, bersifat motil, positif uji oksidase, dan OF. Kata kunci : Aeromonas spp., filogenetika, gen 16S rRNA
Analisis Filogenetik Molekuler pada Phyllanthus niruri L. (Euphorbiaceae) Menggunakan Urutan Basa DNA Daerah Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) Topik Hidayat; Diah Kusumawaty; Kusdianti Kusdianti; Dian Din Yati; Astry Agusthina Muchtar; Dina Mariana
Jurnal Matematika & Sains Vol 13, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Variation of DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region has been used as a molecular character tounderstand the phylogenetic relationships within different strains of Phyllanthus niruri and with other species belonging tofamily Euphorbiaceae. Phylogenetic analysis of 19 plant samples using parsimony method revealed several findings: as awhole family, Euphorbiaceae is a monophyletic group and the family is divided into two major clades based upon its singleleaf arrangement; genus Phyllanthus is a non-monophyletic group, though species Phyllanthus niruri is a monophyleticgroup; major classification system of Phyllanthus niruri at the molecular level does not support previous majorclassification; Saoropus androgynus is closely related with Phyllanthus niruri.
Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Vol 6, No 2 (2005): Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v6i2.346


This learning cycle focused on developing of Biology education student’s performance in bacteria DNA-plasmid isolation as well as using gel electrophroresis. The aim of the study was to improve student’s performance in operating equipment used in plasmid isolation such as: micropipettes, microsentrifuge, vortex, shaker-incubator, gel electrophoresis, and UV Trans- illuminator camera. Beside that students were also trained to DNA-plasmid isolation base on standard procedure, so students could identify the form of plasmid via the use of gel electrophoresis. This study was conducted in 2 cycle learning processes as an enrichment of microbiology activity, which associated with molecular microbes genetics. Using observation sheet did evaluation. The study revealed that biology education students had good performance in isolating the plasmid and all group were succeed to isolate the plasmid. Beside that there were increased in knowledge ability especially associated with molecular microbes genetics subject, which achievment gain average was 18,3% (Class A) and 35,4% (class B). The DNA isolation activity in microbiology learning shared high contribution as well as increasing of knowledge achievment and performance ability.Keyword: DNA-plasmid, gel electrophoresis, isolation, learning cycle 
Analysis of Microsatellite Allele That potential as Resistance Marker of Giant Gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.) to Aeromonas hydrophila Kusumawardhani, Meirina Kartika; Kusumawaty, Diah; Suhandono, Sony
Aquacultura Indonesiana Vol 15, No 1 (2014): Volume 15 Issue 1 Year 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Aquaculture Society (MAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.124 KB) | DOI: 10.21534/ai.v15i1.30


Giant gouramy is one of economical important freshwater fish. However, the production of the fish was declined because of a Motile Aeromonas Septicemia (MAS) disease. Giant gouramy with MAS disease caused an ulcer on their skin, and the worst case infection may cause death. The symptoms is vary widely depends on fish resistance to the disease. The aim of this study is to analyze microsatellite alleles that potential as a resistance marker against Aeromonas hydrophila. In previous studies, eleven microsatellite loci were isolated from giant gouramy genome. These loci were tested on DNA from resistant and susceptible giant gouramy that had been treated with Aeromonas hydrophila. Resistant giant gouramy was the gouramy that survived at least 50 days post-infection and ssusceptible giant gouramy was the gouramy that died before 50 days post- infection. Three of eleven microsatellite loci were found with unique alleles that appeared only in resistant giant gouramy and potential as resistance marker, which is the 342 bp allele at GE 1.9 locus with (GCA)10 (ACA) 6 motif, the 262 bp allele at GE 2.4 locus with (GCA) 6 (GGA)10 motif, and the 244 bp allele at GE 1.4 locus with (GCT) 9 (TA) 6 motif. All three loci were used to scan 48 giant gouramy broodstock from Tasikmalaya, Singaparna, and Sukabumi. Amplification of the microsatellite loci was performed by PCR with M13 tail sequence in forward primer and fluorescence dye. Successfully amplified alleles were analyzed with GeneAlEx 6.5 software. As a result, fragment 262 bp and 244 bp that contained in 43.75% of 48 gouramy broodstock predicted have a potency as resistance marker to Aeromonas hydrophila. For further study, microsatellite motifs have to be screened in gouramy progeny, because microsatellites are inhereted in Mendelian traits.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 6, No 2 (2005): JPMIPA: Volume 6, Issue 2, 2005
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v6i2.34989


This learning cycle focused on developing of Biology education student’s performance in bacteria DNA-plasmid isolation as well as using gel electrophroresis. The aim of the study was to improve student’s performance in operating equipment used in plasmid isolation such as: micropipettes, microsentrifuge, vortex, shaker-incubator, gel electrophoresis, and UV Trans-illuminator camera. Beside that students were also trained to DNA-plasmid isolation base on standard procedure, so students could identify the form of plasmid via the use of gel electrophoresis. This study was conducted in 2 cycle learning processes as an enrichment of microbiology activity, which associated with molecular microbes genetics. Using observation sheet did evaluation. The study revealed that biology education students had good performance in isolating the plasmid and all group were succeed to isolate the plasmid. Beside that there were increased in knowledge ability especially associated with molecular microbes genetics subject, which achievment gain average was 18,3% (Class A) and 35,4% (class B). The DNA isolation activity in microbiology learning shared high contribution as well as increasing of knowledge achievment and performance ability.
Analisis kemampuan scientific literacy siswa SMA dalam soal PISA pada materi virus dan bakteri Fadillah, Nuke Siti; Rustaman, Nuryani; Kusumawaty, Diah
Assimilation: Indonesian Journal of Biology Education Vol 4, No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Department of Biology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/aijbe.v4i2.41485


This study aims to analyze the scientific literacy skills of high school students on PISA released items reading and science questions based on the PISA framework on the "Process Aspects" in terms of scientific literacy and reading literacy on the biological content of the material "Viruses and Bacteria". This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The instruments used were PISA questions in 2000, 2006, and 2015 which have been released (main instrument) as well as school curriculum biology questions (comparative instruments), questionnaires, and interviews. The research began to be carried out in February 2020 and began with conducting research trials conducted in schools (A). The subjects in this study were students in SMA (B) and (C) grades 10, 11, and 12 with different school curriculum characteristics, school (B) with the 2013 curriculum and school (C) with the Cambridge curriculum. Sampling was carried out using convenience sampling method. The results showed that the scientific literacy skills of school B students resulted in: 80% (grade 10), 81% (grade 11) and 75% (grade 12) in the "High" category, school C resulted in: 47% (grade 10), 51% (grade 11) and 55% (grade 12) in the "Very Low" category. The students' results in the 2013 school curriculum biology questions (B) were included in the "Very High" category, while schools (C) that used the Cambridge curriculum were included in the "Low" category. Acquisition of scientific literacy skills which is included in the "High" category is in line with the experience of students in learning in schools which as a whole uses the PBL (Problem Based Learning) method, while the acquisition of scientific literacy skills which is included in the "Low" category turns out to be less in line with students' experiences in learning. in schools that as a whole use the PjBL (Project Based Learning) method.
Utility of matK Gene as DNA Barcode to Assess Evolutionary Relationship of Important Tropical Forest Tree genus Mangifera (Anacardiaceae) in Indonesia and Thailand Topik - Hidayat; Adi - Pancoro; Diah - Kusumawaty
BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 18 No. 2 (2011)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.512 KB) | DOI: 10.11598/btb.2011.18.2.41


MaturaseK (matK) gene of chloroplast DNA has been served as appropriate candidate to be a DNA barcode in angiosperms. Using this DNA marker, 19 species of genus Mangifera, one of ecologically important crop, collected from Indonesia and Thailand were analyzed. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony method revealed that the gene could clasify Mangifera into three major groups, namely group I, II, and III. Moreover, the matK barcode can identify Mangifera species that is originated from Thailand. Although this classification system is different with the previous system, it can provide a new information about Mangifera taxonomy. Results further exhibited that DNA sequences of the matK of two Mangifera species (M. laurina dan M. macrocarpa) are different between Indonesia and Thailand specimens. Keywords— DNA barcode, Mangifera, matK gene, parsimony, phylogenetic analysis
Aplikasi Probiotik Dalam Pakan Sidat (Anguilla bicolor) Terhadap Bakteri Patogen Aeromonas sp. Khansa Biantari Alika; Geovanni Pratama Putri; Khadafiah Mutia Wiandari; Diah Kusumawaty
Indobiosains 2021: Volume 3 No 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/indobiosains.v3i2.5866


Anguilla bicolor bicolor merupakan salah satu jenis ikan sidat yang ada di perairan Indonesia, karena nilai jualnya yang tinggi menjadi salah satu komoditas perikanan yang potensial sehingga menjadi produk unggulan ekspor perikanan Indonesia di pasar internasional. Pada budidaya sidat, pemeliharaan benih dan pemeliharaan pada setiap pergantian tahapan merupakan tahap krusial yang harus diperhatikan. Tahap pertumbuhan ikan sidat terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu 1) Glass eel, 2) Elver, 3) Fingerling. Pada penelitian ini diperoleh menggunakan data sekunder dan hasil data dianalisis dengan cara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian pada ketiga tahap menunjukkan kelimpahan bakteri probiotik dan patogen yang beragam. Hasil studi metagenomik dapat menyediakan data salah satunya untuk mengetahui kelimpahan relatif bakteri probiotik dan bakteri patogen pada tahap perkembangan ikan sidat.Kata kunci: Ikan sidat, probiotik, patogen, kelimpahan, Aeromonas hydrophila, pakan ikan
Review: Potensi Bakteri Dari Saluran Pencernaan Ikan Sidat (Anguilla sp.) Sebagai Pendegradasi Sampah Plastik Dennisa Ameria Sendjaya; Irna Riski Kardila; Shafira Lestari; Diah Kusumawaty
Indobiosains 2021: Volume 3 No 2 Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31851/indobiosains.v3i2.5848


Ikan sidat (Anguilla sp.) banyak ditemukan di perairan Indonesia, berpotensi sebagai komoditas ekspor dan banyak di konsumsi di berbagai negara. Komunitas mikroba yang terdapat pada saluran pencernaan ikan sidat memainkan peran penting. Setiap fase siklus hidup ikan sidat memiliki populasi dan kelimpahan bakteri yang berbeda beda. Bakteri saluran pencernaan ikan sidat memiliki potensi dalam mendegradasi sampah plastik. Diperlukan upaya dalam penanganan limbah plastik yang semakin meningkat. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu melakukan biodegradasi atau penguraian limbah plastik dengan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme. Banyak mikroorganisme yang memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai agen pendegradasi plastik, contohnya yaitu bakteri yang terdapat pada saluran pencernaan ikan sidat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bakteri saluran pencernaan ikan sidat yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat bakteri pendegradasi sampah plastik, mengetahui mekanisme degradasi, dan jenis plastik yang terdegradasi. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder melalui berbagai database. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah berbagai jenis bakteri saluran pencernaan sesuai dengan kelimpahan tertinggi pada setiap fase siklus hidup ikan sidat yang berpotensi sebagai pendegradasi sampah plastik yaitu Clostridium dan Aeromonas terdapat pada fase eel elver wild. Shewanella dan Vibrio terdapat pada fase eel fingerling wild. Pseudomonas dan Bacillus terdapat pada fase eel elver cultivated. Diketahui mekanisme degradasi dan jenis plastik yang terdegradasi oleh bakteri tersebut. Informasi yang diperoleh dapat menjadi sumber informasi penting bagi penelitian selanjutnya mengenai potensi bakteri saluran pencernaan ikan sidat dalam mendegradasi sampah plastik.Kata Kunci: Ikan sidat, Anguilla sp., Bakteri, Saluran Pencernaan, Plastik, Biodegradasi.
Penanda DNA: Uji Halal pada Makanan Olahan Daging Menggunakan Primer Multiplex PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) Hanina Dzikrina; Diah Puspita Sari; Nurul Faridah; Salsabila Shafa Saidah; Salma Annisa Nur Alifah; Diah Kusumawaty
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/jbl.v12i1.36437


Multiplex-PCR (mPCR) is a technique that is gaining popularity due to its ability to detect multiple species in a single tube, resulting in faster results with more efficient and cost-effective resources than the conventional PCR method. This study aimed to design mPCR genetic markers for the detection of bovine/rat/chicken/pork organisms in processed foods. The procedure was divided into two stages: in silico and in vitro. The primers were designed based on mitochondrial cytochrome genes obtained from the NCBI GeneBank. Following alignment, the selected DNA fragments were used as the target sequence for the primer design. The sequences of all primer pairs were aligned on the Oli2go primary pooler to determine whether there was a possibility of cross reaction. The results of this study indicated that primers designed for the COX1 gene in rats and bovine, the KEF22 r01 gene in pork, and the ND6 gene in chicken produced amplicons with sizes of 622 bp, 552 bp, 588 bp, and 272 bp, respectively.  However, the amplicons generated from pork, bovine and mouse marker primers were difficult to distinguish when electrophoresed in the same 2% agarose gel. Meanwhile, the amplicons of the primer markers of chickens can be distinguished when electrophoresed with pork/cows/rat. The study concludes that the designed primer pairs can be used together in mPCR if the difference in amplicon size is greater than 200 bp.Key words: Multiplex PCR; DNA markers; Halal meat test.ABSTRAKMultiplex-PCR merupakan metode yang saat ini sedang populer untuk digunakan karena dapat melakukan pendeteksian lebih dari satu spesies dalam satu tabung, sehingga hasil yang diperoleh lebih cepat, efisien, dan murah dibanding metode PCR biasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang penanda genetik multipleks-PCR untuk deteksi adanya organisme sapi/tikus/ayam/babi pada makanan olahan. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari dua tahap, yaitu secara in silico dan in vitro. Primer dirancang dengan menggunakan gen sitokrom mitokondria yang didapat dari GeneBank NCBI. Setelah dilakukan alignment, fragmen DNA yang terpilih dijadikan sebagai target sekuen untuk desain primer. Semua sikuen pasangan primer di-alignment pada Oli2go primer pooler untuk melihat kemungkinan adanya cross reaction.  Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu primer tikus dan sapi dirancang dengan menggunakan gen COX1, primer babi menggunakan gen KEF22_r01, dan primer ayam menggunakan gen ND6 menghasilkan amplikon dengan ukuran berturut-turut 622 pb, 552 pb, 588 pb dan 272 pb. Namun, amplikon yang dihasilkan dari primer penanda babi, sapi dan tikus sulit dibedakan saat dielektroforesis dalam sumur gel agaros 2% yang sama. Sedangkan amplikon dari pasangan primer penanda ayam dapat terbedakan saat dielektroforesis baik bersama babi/sapi/tikus. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah hasil rancangan primer penanda telah dapat digunakan secara bersama jika perbedaan ukuran amplikon >200 pb.Kata kunci: Multiplex PCR; Penanda DNA; Uji halal daging.