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Jurnal Teknik Sipil Unaya Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Januari 2015
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/jtsu.v1i1.2


Krueng Langsa  is a river crossing Langsa City the position is in the middle of residential and potentially catastrophic spills seasonal flooding. Krueng Langsa River watershed has an area of 126 km2, with a rainfall of 2300 mm / year and includes areas with relatively high rainfall. In the upper part of the river flow characteristics along the hills, while the central part of the narrowing of the river in the extreme. Hydrologic simulation based on rainfall data using HEC-HMS software obtained flood discharge of 59.30 m³ / sec. Passing the analysis of flood discharge capacity obtained on existing cross-section of 60.07 m³ / sec which is almost close to the value of the existing flood discharge based on the model HEC-HMS. HEC-RAS analysis results with simulation input Q2 years, to 140 pieces of the cross section illustrates that almost all river basins experienced flooding conditions (overflow), and only a few parts that are not experiencing flooding conditions. This is because the flood water level exceeds the elevation of the bank. Scenario flood control is done by normalizing the river, which enlarge the dimensions of the existing river with a wide cross-section of the river on average 20 m to 60 m and planning at the river levee embankment crest elevation +2.00 m and surveillance (freeboard) 0.50 m of surface water flooding . At the mouth of the river, starting from the point STA.0 + 000 to STA.2+ 000  planned use of the river revetment rock pile (Dump Stone). Both scenarios flood control can be recommended to reduce the flooding that occurred in the Krueng Langsa river.
Studi Keseimbangan Air Waduk Rajui Di Kabupaten Pidie Rijal Husaini; Ichsan Syahputra; Muhammad Zardi
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Unaya Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/jtsu.v8i2.2831


Pembangunan sebuah waduk dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan air pada waktu kelebihan dan dipergunakan kembali pada waktu yang diperlukan. Studi keseimbangan air waduk ini akan diuji coba pada Waduk Rajui yang terletak di Kecamatan Padang Tiji, Kabupaten Pidie. Tujuan studi adalah :1) Mengetahui ketersediaan debit andalan Waduk Rajui untuk memenuhi kebutuhan irigasi di daerah irigasi Rajui; 2) Mengetahui hasil maksimum (optimasi) keseimbangan air Waduk Rajui yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk keperluan air irigasi pada daerah layanan Waduk Rajui. Ruang lingkup studi meliputi analisa hidrologi dan analisa kapasitas tampungan waduk. Dalam menganalisis hidrologi untuk mendapatkan nilai evaporasi dan evapotranspirasi menggunakan metode Penman Modifikasi dengan data klimatologi dari 2010 – 2020 diperoleh evaporasi maksimum sebesar 179,65 mm/bulan minimum sebesar 64,94 mm/bulan sedangkan evapotranspirasi maksimum sebesar 140,74 mm/bulan minimum sebesar 100,50 mm/bulan. Dalam menentukan debit rata-rata bulanan menggunakan metode Mock diperoleh debit rata-rata bulanan maksimum terjadi tahun 2014 sebesar3,00 m3/s. Berdasarkan 80% terpenuhi debit rata-rata bulanan diketahui debit andalan minimum terjadi pada bulan Juni sebesar 0,15 m3/s dan maksimum pada bulan November sebesar 1,32 m3/s. Berdasarkan perhitungan neraca air memperlihatkan debit terbesar yang masuk ke Waduk Rajui terjadi pada tahun 2014 bulan Desember yaitu sebesar 3,00 m3/s dengan kebutuhan air 0,31 m3/s sehingga perbandingan debit menjadi surplus 2,69 m3/s,dan debit terkecil yangmasuk ke Waduk Rajui terjadi pada tahun 2011 bulan Juni yaitu sebesar 0,11 m3/s dengan kebutuhan air 0,62 m3/s sehingga perbandingan debit menjadi negatif 0,51 m3/s. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kapasitas waduk menunjukkan muka air normal (MAN) tampungan efektif yaitu pada elevasi +88,56 dengan luas genangan 102.200 m2 dan volume tampungan sebesar 2.159.847 m3. Muka air rendah (MAR) tampungan mati yaitu pada elevasi +56,89 dengan luas genangan 23.800 m2 dan volume tampungan sebesar 174.057 m3. Volume air maksimum yang terdapat pada waduk berdasarkan Kurva Massa Ripple (Ripple Mass Curve) adalah sebesar 7.106.599 m3. Kata kunci : Debit rerata bulanan, debit andalan, neraca air, kapasitas waduk, Ripple Mass Curve
Pengenalan dan Pemanfaatan Limbah Kaca Menjadi Produk Bernilai Rahmawati Cut; Amri Amin; Putri Dini Meutia; Meliyana Meliyana; Muhammad Zardi; Ichsan Syahputra; Tety Sriana; Lusi Dwi Putri; Muhammad Khalis
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 5 (2022): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v6i5.11256


Glass waste is harmful if it is disposed of and mixed with other waste. A special disposal site is needed to avoid injuring the hands and feet of the garbage collectors, especially at the Final Disposal Site (TPA). Glass waste highly consists of silica (SiO2), which is needed in cement. Glass waste is crushed by a mechanical method using a crusher, creating glass powder with an average size of 54 µm. Cement is mixed with glass powder in a ratio of 4:1. Water cement factor (FAS) is used at 0.3. The partners in this community service activity are primary school-age children in Ateuk Lam Ura Village, Simpang Tiga District, and Aceh Besar District. The success of the resulting product is indicated by its compressive strength, the hardening of cement and glass powder, and the product's visual appearance without any visible pores. The product has good strength and looks neat with a solid surface. The compressive strength of the product obtained is 3.21. Partners are interested and can apply glass waste to flower pots properly.
Studi Analisis Daya Dukung Tanah Untuk Tiang Pancang Berdasarkan Data Sondir Pada Pembagunan Menara Mesjid Baitul Makmur Muhammad Ridha; Muhammad Zardi; Amalia Amalia; Ichsan Syahputra; Ghazali Adami
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Unaya Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/jtsu.v9i1.3480


Mesjid Baitul Makmur yang terletak di Kampung lampoeh keude kecamatan kuta baro aceh besar, merupakan masjid utama di kecamatan tersebut. Pada tahun 2021 direncanakan pembangunan menara masjid terletak di sisi kiri masjid dengan lokasi titik koordinat 5°31'53.94"N ;  95°23'16.31"E. untuk keperluan pembangunan tersebut dilakukan pengambilan data Sondir/Cone Penetration Test (CPT). Data yang digunakan yaitu penetrasi konus (qc), Jumlah Hambatan Pelekat (JLH), Fraction Ratio (FR). Kemudian hasil data yang telah diambil diolah untuk selanjutnya diklasifikasikan tanah dan jenis tanahnya. Selanjutnya untuk data qc dan JLH, digunakan untuk menentukan daya dukung tanah untuk tiang tunggal dan kelompok dengan diameter 400mm, panjang 7m dan asumsi gaya aksial yang terjadi 400 Ton. Dari hasil pengolahan data tanah diklasifikasikan lempung padat dan pada kedalaman 4 – 7m.Berdasarkan Daya dukung tanah untuk  kelompok tiang dengan 9 buah tiang adalah sebesar Qk = 433 Ton. Lebih besar dari beban aksial yang dirancanakan yaitu sebesar 400 Ton. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanah dilokasi yang akan dibangun menara masjid dapat menahan beban rencana hingga 400 Ton.
Analisis Ketersediaan Air Irigasi dan Kebutuhan Air Irigasi Menggunakan Software Cropwat Version 8.0 Andre Fatahillah; Meliyana Meliyana; Ichsan Syahputra; Amri Amin; Cut Rahmawati
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Unaya Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Center for Research and Community Service (LPPM) University of Abulyatama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30601/jtsu.v9i1.3337


The balance between availability and demand for water is an important factor determining the productivity of a plant. Imbalance between water availability and water demand can reduce productivity or even crop failure. The main water source that irrigates the Pandrah Irrigation Area comes from the Krueng Pandrah River located in Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province. The Krueng Pandrah watershed has a total area of about 127.24 km2 and has a main river length of 44.37 km. This study aims to determine the amount of irrigation water needed by plants and the available water discharge to meet crop water needs so as to improve the quality of community harvests, especially in Pandrah District, Bireuen Regency. In this study, the calculation of water requirements was carried out using Cropwat version 8.0 software. Cropwat software is an FAO program that is very practical to use to determine the value of plant water needs and irrigation water needs. In determining the 80% reliable discharge, the FJ Mock method is used as a reference to calculate the value of water availability. To find out the value of the water balance between the two, a water balance analysis was carried out. From the research results, it is known that the maximum water demand is 1,694 m3/sec and the minimum water requirement is 1,238 m3/sec. As for the available water to meet the water needs of plants, it is known that the maximum mainstay discharge is 3.46 m3/sec and the minimum reliable discharge is 2.27 m3/sec. From the results obtained and after analyzing the water balance, it is known that the Krueng Pandrah watershed is in a condition of surplus water. Where the water needed by plants can be met properly by available water without deficit during planting. The value between water demand and the availability of existing water has reached a waterbalance so as to avoid crop failure for the community in the Pandrah irrigation area, Bireuen Regency.