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JURNAL PENGABDIAN MANDIRI Vol. 1 No. 12: Desember 2022
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Rendahnya pemahaman guru untuk melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas menjadi topik utama dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan Pelaksanaan PTK di kelas pembelajaran sangat penting dimana guru seharusnya meneliti dengan cara mencarikan solusi terbaik terhadap masalah pembelajaran yang dihadapi oleh siswa. Untuk mengatasi masalah pembelajaran di sekolah dan juga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di sekolah tersebut. Metode wawancara dan observasi yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian di MA Darul Muqomah. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya wawasan dan pengetahuan guru-guru untuk melaksanakan perannya sebagai guru seklaigus peneliti (teachers as reserachers), dibuktikan dengan adanya respon positif dan antusiasme peserta dalam kegiatan pengambdian.
Challenges and Strategies of Teachers in Integrating Canva in English Classroom Teaching Syahdan Syahdan; Herlinawati Herlinawati; Syaifullah Syaifullah; Dinda Triana Syafitri
ELT-Lectura Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): ELT-Lectura Studies and Perspective in English Language Teaching
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/elt-lectura.v10i1.12115


Information Communication Technology (ICT) has been applied and integrated into education that enhances teachers to explore various teaching and learning strategies, materials, and media. This study aims to discover the experiences of English teachers in the use of Canva, an ICT application, to create an attractive presentation of teaching English. The researchers employed Generic Qualitative Research to investigate the challenges and strategies in using the application. The researchers interviewed two English teachers responsible for teaching English at the high school, junior high school, and elementary school levels at the SMART Indonesia Pekanbaru. The instruments used in this research were interviews and documentation. To analyze the data, the researchers transcribed the interview and employed thematic analysis by identifying patterns or finding themes in the interview data. The researchers found two challenges the teachers faced in the research findings: low internet connectivity and the limitation of templates availed in the free version Canva application. In the meantime, to cope with the challenges, the teachers used two strategies, providing learning modules and adding pictures for an attractive appearance. In advance, the researchers found that the teachers benefitted from Canva's application in English classroom teaching. In conclusion, though English teachers experience challenges with the Canva application, they can anticipate them and benefit from using the learning application for teaching English.
21st Century Skills/4C Skills’ Integration in English Teaching Documents Used in EFL Classroom Marwa; Herlinawati Herlinawati; Herdi Herdi
ELT-Lectura Vol. 10 No. 1 (2023): ELT-Lectura Studies and Perspective in English Language Teaching
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/elt-lectura.v10i1.12026


This content analysis research highlights 21st-Century/4Cs skills that characterize the quality of teaching materials integrated to culture in higher education institutions. This research was grounded from teaching documents obtained from the English lecturers, Faculty of Education and Vocational Studies (FADIKSI), Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia from February until July, 2022. The research context was based on teaching documents (teaching syllabus and semester tests) with 4C skills’ integration. There were 16 collected teaching documents consisting of 8 teaching syllabus and 8 semester tests. The checklist of 21st-Century Skills/4Cs rubric covers “Communication”, “Creativity”, “Critical Thinking”, and “Collaboration” was adapted from the CTE Career Ready Practices. This research reveals the integration of 4Cs skills analyzed from teachers’ teaching syllabus and semester tests documents reached the levels of “Meet Competency” and “Approaching competency” levels. This portrait represents teachers’ adequate understanding of 21st-Century skills/4Cs skills. The further research recommends teachers provide and develop classroom environments of 21st-Century skills integrated to culture in the area of teacher professional development.
Penggunaan Media BIP Video Call pada Kelas Speaking Syaifullah; Syahdan; Herlinawati
IKHLAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Dosen dan Mahasiswa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): IKHLAS: Pengabdian Dosen dan Mahasiswa
Publisher : Indra Institute Research & Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (531.924 KB) | DOI: 10.58707/ikhlas.v2i1.354


Based on the results of research in November 2021 concerning the use of BIP video call media in the Speaking for everyday communication course, researchers found their abilities were at the poor level. As a continuation of this research, researchers have used BIP Video Calls to improve students' Speaking skills in the Speaking for Social Media course in the form of dedication. This activity has been carried out for half a semester using several procedures; Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. Students who have been involved in this community service activity are Semester II students of English Education FADIKSI UNILAK who are taught in the Speaking course, especially Speaking for Social Media. In this activity there are two types of data that have been obtained; quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data were obtained using interview instruments. Meanwhile, quantitative data was obtained through a test instrument, namely the speaking ability test. The results that have been obtained from this study are that there is an increase in their average speaking score from 52 to 53.2. still poor category. There are two factors that influence the change in the average value; firstly the sound quality produced by BIP Vidio Call is clearer and secondly the video produces clearer visualizations. In conclusion, the use of BIP Vidio Call in the Speaking course which has been carried out in the form of research and community service has the same result, namely that it can help students expedite their communication process.
A Study on Speaking Skill of Traffic Police in Pekanbaru Syaifullah Syaifullah; Marisa Marisa; Herlinawati Herlinawati
ELT-Lectura Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023): ELT-Lectura Studies and Perspective in English Language Teaching
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/elt-lectura.v10i2.12761


Abstract This study investigated the occupational English language needs of traffic police officers in Pekanbaru. Most police officers are graduates of the Police Academy. To study at the Police Academy, students must first complete either a high school or one of the four Police Academies. Although the intensive language training in the Police Academy is often considered adequate for most officers' needs, those officers who come from other backgrounds are often left behind. Even in the case of the Police Academy graduates, all their English language training is based on the principles of General English, and does not necessarily prepare them for the occupational-specific language needs they face on the job. This study set out to explore therefore, exactly to what extent the traffic police officers' English language knowledge is in fact adequate. Data, in this study, were collected by observing, making a conversation, recording, and taking notes. In collecting the data, the writer takes an involvement with the subject’s conversation every week whether as an active participant or only as an observer. The tool that can be used in collecting the data is a pen, a book, and a hand phone, this tools use for documenting the interaction between traffic police with foreigners. The observation can be done when the subjects making a conversation with the foreigners. As a result, most of them are reluctant to communicate with foreigners event with their partner. Keywords: A Study, Speaking Skill, Traffic Police
Workshop on Using Technology Applications as a Learning Media for MTs Al-Ittihad Pekanbaru Teachers: Workshop Penggunaan Aplikasi Teknologi Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bagi Guru MTs Al-Ittihad Pekanbaru Marwa Marwa*; Herlinawati Herlinawati; Raudhah Awal; Yona Dwi Tirta Safitri; Jul Prima Mutia; Novriandi Eka Saputra
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i2.16319


The workshop on using technology applications as a learning medium for MTs Al-Ittihad teachers was based on the problem identified by the Postgraduate School Faculty service team, Universitas Lancang Kuning, namely the lack of knowledge about digital literacy in contemporary learning. For this reason, training in using technology applications in learning should be provided. This workshop was held in May 2023 at MTs Al-Ittihad School with 20 participants for 4 hours. To measure the level of teacher understanding, the service team provided questionnaires in the sessions before and after activities. The results of the pre-test regarding the use of technology applications namely ChatGPT, Vocaroo, and Tricider, showed that 93% -100% of the participants did not know about these technology applications. However, after the training was given, the results of the post test showed that 100% of the participants understood and could use the learning technology applications provided. Finally, the service team concluded that teachers really need knowledge about ICT empowerment in order to improve the achievement of learning outcomes. Workshop penggunaan aplikasi teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran bagi guru MTs Al-Ittihad ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan masalah yang diidentifikasi oleh tim pengabdian Fakultas Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Lancang Kuning yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan tentang literasi digital dalam pembelajaran kekinian. Untuk itu, pelatihan menggunakan aplikasi teknologi dalam pembelajaran diberikan. Kegiatan workshop ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2023 di Sekolah MTs Al- Ittihad dengan 20 peserta selama 4 jam. Untuk mengukur tingkat pemahaman guru pada kegiatan pelatihan ini, tim pelaksana pengabdian memberikan angket pada sesi sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan workshop. Hasil angket pre-test dari penggunaan aplikasi teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran yaitu ChatGPT, Vocaroo, dan Tricider yang diberikan menunjukkan 93%-100% dari peserta belum mengetahui aplikasi teknologi tersebut. Namun, setelah pelatihan diberikan, hasil angket post test menunjukkan 100% peserta memahami dan dapat menggunakan aplikasi teknologi pembelajaran yang diberikan. Akhirnya, tim pengabdian menyimpulkan bahwa guru-guru memang memerlukan pengetahuan tentang pemberdayaan TIK dalam rangka meningkatkan pencapaian hasil belajar.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards For EFL Students as 21st Century Skills Marwa Marwa; Wahyudi Saputra; Herlinawati Herlinawati
ELT-Lectura Vol. 11 No. 1 (2024): ELT-Lectura Studies and Perspective in English Language Teaching-in progress
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/elt-lectura.v11i1.17244


This survey research aimed at investigating International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards of EFL Students in an English Education Department at a university in Pekanbaru, Riau. The method used was descriptive quantitative which involved 121 samples. The samples were selected by using random sampling technique from third, fifth, and seventh semesters. The questionnaire adopted from Hazamayeh (2021) used as the main instrument to collect the data. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics (the sum of score, mean and standard deviation) which then interpreted descriptively. The study revealed that the students’ mean of ISTE Standards reached 3.92 which was categorized into a Moderate level. It was measured by calculating the avarage score of the ISTE six indicators namely Creativity and Innovation; Communication and Collaboration; Research and Information Fluency; Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Digital Citizenship; and Technology Operations and Concepts. This “Moderate” level indicates that the EFL students are still in on going process to maximize their ability to use technology as a means of learning.