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Penggunaan Metode Hybrid e-Learning untuk Praktikum Imunologi Farmasi di Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Gadjah Mada Muthi' Ikawati; Adam Hermawan; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid; Susi Ari Kristina; Ediati Sasmito
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia VOLUME 11, NOMOR 1, FEBRUARI 2021
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jki.v11i1.3332


Laboratory work of Pharmaceutical Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM aims to provide skills of applying antigens, antibodies, and immunological techniques in pharmaceutical; and ideally each student should be able to perform it completely. However, the limitation of time and facilities making the learning process ineffective. An innovative learning method such as hybrid e-learning is expected to increase the learning effectiveness. Learning materials and online quizzes/discussions were uploaded and carried out using (eLisa), respectively, combined with on-site works in the laboratory. The method was evaluated by examination scores and final grades. Student participations in online quizzes increased from first to fourth quiz (average participation rate 98.86±0.87%). Compared to the conventional method applied in 2016 (n=207), the examination average score did not increase; however, the percentage of students whose score is 90-100 were higher in the hybrid e-learning. The average final grade of the hybrid e-learning was 81.43±0.70; whereas the conventional method of 2016 was 80.22±5.22. More than 80% students (n=48) expressed easiness in following courses and were satisfied with the online learning materials’ quality. Hence, the hybrid e-learning results positive effects in increasing the effectiveness of the learning process. Development of more interactive online platforms is needed to optimize the learning process.
Ekstrak Etanolik Seledri (Apium graveolens L.) Memperbaiki Indeks Aktivitas Penyakit Kolitis Ulseratif dan Makroskopik Panjang Kolon Pada Tikus Yang di Induksi Asam Asetat Ardian Dewangga; Chandra Saputra; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid; Andayana Puspitasari Gani
JPSCR: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jpscr.v7i1.55884


Kolitis ulseratif adalah kondisi peradangan yang menyerang kolon, dipengaruhi faktor genetik, gangguan imun, dan lingkungan yang ditandai adanya peradangan pada kolon dan bisa berlanjut pada pembentukan luka atau ulkus serta juga dapat memicu tumbuhnya kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanolik seledri untuk perbaikan indeks aktivitas penyakit kolitis ulseratif pada tikus yang diinduksi asam asetat. Lima belas ekor tikus wistar jantan secara acak dibagi menjadi lima kelompok yaitu kelompok normal, kontrol positif (pemberian 5-asam amino salisilat), kontrol negatif, dan ekstrak etanolik seledri (dosis 100 mg/KgBB dan 300 mg/KgBB). Asam asetat 4 % sebagai penginduksi kolitis diberikan pada semua kelompok kecuali kelompok normal. Respon inflamasi terhadap induksi kolitis dinilai dengan mengamati indeks aktivitas penyakit kolitis ulseratif dan makroskopik panjang kolon. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terjadi penurunan indeks aktivitas penyakit kolitis ulseratif dan makroskopik panjang kolon setelah mendapat ekstrak etanolik seledri pada dosis 100 mg/KgBB dan 300 mg/KgBB pada tikus yang diinduksi asam asetat 4%. Dosis 300 mg/kgBB menunjukkan aktivitas yang lebih baik dari dosis 100 mg/kgBB dari parameter indeks aktivitas penyakit dan makroskopik panjang kolon. Pada pengukuran panjang kolon dosis 300 mg/kgBB menunjukkan perbedaan siginifkan dibandingkan kontrol negatif (p<0,05). Dari parameter kolitis diatas menunjukkan bahwa EES mempunyai potensi yang baik dalam terapi kolitis ulseratif.  
Pengaruh Pemberian Suspensi Serbuk dan Nanopartikel Seledri (Apium graveolens) Terhadap Kondisi Kolitis Pada Mencit yang Diinduksi DSS (Dextran Sodium Sulphate) Chandra Saputra; Ardian Dewangga; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid; Akhmad Kharis Nugroho
JPSCR: Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Clinical Research Vol 7, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jpscr.v7i3.55947


Kolitis adalah penyakit yang mekanismenya didasari oleh infiltrasi sel radang ke mukosa saluran cerna. Sejumlah tanaman memiliki aktivitas sebagai antiinflamasi salah satunya adalah tanaman seledri (Apium groveolens). Kandungan fenolik dan flavonoid dari tanaman seledri, berpotensi memberikan efek proteksi pada lambung dan menurunkan iritasi lambung serta berpotensi digunakan sebagai antiinflamasi pada penyakit kolitis. Pengembangan tanaman seledri menjadi suatu bentuk sediaan obat tradisional memiliki beberapa kendala antara lain kelarutan yang kecil dari suatu ekstrak tanaman yang mengakibatkan absorbsi dan bioavailabilitas yang rendah, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengembangan sedian, seperti dalam bentuk nanopartikel. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian Suspensi Serbuk dan Nanopartikel Seledri terhadap kondisi kolitis pada mencit yang diinduksi DSS. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan mencit jantan galur DDY, yang dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, kelompok 1 diberikan Suspensi Nanopartikel Seledri (NS) dosis 350 mg/kgBB selama 5 hari pada mencit yang diinduksi DSS 4%, kelompok 2 diberikan Suspensi Serbuk Seledri (SS) dosis 700 mg/kgBB selama 5 hari pada mencit yang diinduksi DSS 4%, kelompok 3 diberikan CMC-Na 0,25% selama 5 hari pada mencit yang diinduksi DSS 4%, dan kelompok 4 diberikan 5-Asam Aminosalisilat (5-ASA) dosis 100 mg/kgBB selama 5 hari pada mencit yang diinduksi DSS 4%. Kemudian dilakukan pengamatan skoring indeks aktivitas kolitis. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seledri dalam bentuk nanopartikel memberikan efek perbaikan pada kondisi kolitis yang signifikan dengan penuruan skor indeks aktivitas kolitis sebesar 73,62% dibandingkan dengan seledri dalam bentuk serbuk (p
The Empowerment of Livestock Farmers in Subclinical Mastitis Test with GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin in “Sahabat Ternak” Etawah Crossbreed Goat Farm Fajar Budi Lestari; Madarina Wasissa; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid; Siti Isrina Oktavia Salasia
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (530.747 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.60490


Sahabat Ternak is one of the Etawah crossbreed (PE) goat farm groups in Sleman. This farm group focuses on goat milk production and processed goods. Problems that commonly arise in dairy goat farms are the cases of subclinical mastitis, which are quite high. This disease may cause a decrease in milk production and quality. The mastitis subclinical detection method which is often used by the farming community is the somatic cell count (SCC) and California mastitis test (CMT). However, both tests have low accuracy. Recently, a new method named GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin, which is more accurate and can be done easily has been established by livestock farmers. This community service aims to empower livestock farmers in applying GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin as a sensitive, rapid, and accurate subclinical mastitis detection kit in Sahabat Ternak goat farm. The method used in this activity consisted of discussion, socialization, and training for livestock farmers, as well as laboratory testing, evaluation of test findings, and treatment for PE goats. After the training, the livestock farmers were able to apply GAMA Anti-Haptoglobin mastitis detection method effectively. The implementation of this easy and accurate field mastitis detection method, as well as personnel with reliable skills, will support in the decrease of mastitis cases and increase milk production and quality, as well as community welfare.
Intrinsic Factors Contributing to Shrimp and Blood Clamp Allergic Reaction and Allergic Like Symptoms Almasah Azzahra; Bramanti Nadya Kausara; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid
Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 11, No 2 (2023): J.Food.Pharm.Sci
Publisher : Institute for Halal Industry and System (IHIS) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfps.6653


Factors that contribute to food allergenicity is still unknown. To determine food intrinsic properties that contribute to L. vannamei and A. granosa allergenicity or allergy like symptoms this study identify total protein and metal profiles, histamine contents, and protein heat stability. Histamine content is measured colorimetrically. Protein heat-stability is observed with sodium dodecyl sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Allergy-related metal concentration are determined with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Fresh L. vannamei and A. granosa contained ~100 and ~25 ppm histamine, respectively. Storage at -20 oC for 3 days relatively did not changed histamine content of both foods. Storage at 4-8 oC for 3 days increased histamine content in L. vannamei, but not in A. granosa. Protein sized <70 kDa of both samples are relatively heat-stable. L. vannamei and A. granosa contained Zn with concentration of 85 ppm and 92 ppm, subsequently. All samples did not contain nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb). Higher histamine content and heat-stable protein number of L. vannamei could contribute to higher prevalence of its allergy or allergic like symptoms than A. granosa. High Zn content might contribute to allergic like symptoms of both foods.
The Allergenicity Potential of Edible Freshwater Fish Atika Hanum Falihah; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid; Ika Puspitasari
Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 11, No 2 (2023): J.Food.Pharm.Sci
Publisher : Institute for Halal Industry and System (IHIS) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfps.7394


A Freshwater fish is a popular type of fish consumed in Indonesia besides seawater fish. However, until now the most available information regarding the potential allergenicity of fish is only related to seawater fish. The potential allergenicity of freshwater fish has not been studied much, so it has not been identified and characterized. Based on this, this review aims to collect information regarding the potential allergenicity of protein in freshwater fish and the effect of processing on this potential. The potential allergenicity of proteins in several freshwater fish has been confirmed by immunoblotting and ELISA, namely mujair, nile, catfish, mas, toman, janjan, tambakan, tiger scat, barramundi, and eel. The identified allergenic proteins include parvalbumin, tropomyosin, enolase, aldolase, creatine kinase, triosephosphate isomerase, pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. In addition, several proteins in other freshwater fish also have allergenicity potential but have not been confirmed through research, namely pomfret, gourami, snakehead, catfish, eel, betutu, and cetol. The potential allergenicity of fish protein is also influenced by the processing process. Changes in the potential allergenicity are related to the characteristics of each allergen protein. Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate processing so that potential allergenicity can be suppressed.
Intrinsic Factors Contributing to Shrimp and Blood Clamp Allergic Reaction and Allergic Like Symptoms Almasah Azzahra; Bramanti Nadya Kausara; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid
Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 11, No 2 (2023): J.Food.Pharm.Sci
Publisher : Institute for Halal Industry and System (IHIS) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfps.6653


Factors that contribute to food allergenicity is still unknown. To determine food intrinsic properties that contribute to L. vannamei and A. granosa allergenicity or allergy like symptoms this study identify total protein and metal profiles, histamine contents, and protein heat stability. Histamine content is measured colorimetrically. Protein heat-stability is observed with sodium dodecyl sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Allergy-related metal concentration are determined with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). Fresh L. vannamei and A. granosa contained ~100 and ~25 ppm histamine, respectively. Storage at -20 oC for 3 days relatively did not changed histamine content of both foods. Storage at 4-8 oC for 3 days increased histamine content in L. vannamei, but not in A. granosa. Protein sized <70 kDa of both samples are relatively heat-stable. L. vannamei and A. granosa contained Zn with concentration of 85 ppm and 92 ppm, subsequently. All samples did not contain nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), and lead (Pb). Higher histamine content and heat-stable protein number of L. vannamei could contribute to higher prevalence of its allergy or allergic like symptoms than A. granosa. High Zn content might contribute to allergic like symptoms of both foods.
The Allergenicity Potential of Edible Freshwater Fish Atika Hanum Falihah; Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid; Ika Puspitasari
Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 11, No 2 (2023): J.Food.Pharm.Sci
Publisher : Institute for Halal Industry and System (IHIS) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfps.7394


A Freshwater fish is a popular type of fish consumed in Indonesia besides seawater fish. However, until now the most available information regarding the potential allergenicity of fish is only related to seawater fish. The potential allergenicity of freshwater fish has not been studied much, so it has not been identified and characterized. Based on this, this review aims to collect information regarding the potential allergenicity of protein in freshwater fish and the effect of processing on this potential. The potential allergenicity of proteins in several freshwater fish has been confirmed by immunoblotting and ELISA, namely mujair, nile, catfish, mas, toman, janjan, tambakan, tiger scat, barramundi, and eel. The identified allergenic proteins include parvalbumin, tropomyosin, enolase, aldolase, creatine kinase, triosephosphate isomerase, pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. In addition, several proteins in other freshwater fish also have allergenicity potential but have not been confirmed through research, namely pomfret, gourami, snakehead, catfish, eel, betutu, and cetol. The potential allergenicity of fish protein is also influenced by the processing process. Changes in the potential allergenicity are related to the characteristics of each allergen protein. Therefore, it is necessary to select the appropriate processing so that potential allergenicity can be suppressed.