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Adi Nugroho
Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi

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Journal : Interaksi Online

Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 1: Januari 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The media has certain characteristics in framing news, especially news that is trending or in the public spotlight. These differences in characteristics are caused by several factors, including; (1) the interests of media owners, (2) the demands of interests as an economic institution, (3) the ideological differences of each media, and (4) the subjectivity of journalists in presenting news. In this study, the selected research object is one of the news that is currently in the spotlight, namely the polemic case of a donation of Rp 2 trillion in grant funds for the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic in the South Sumatra area, which was carried out by Akidi Tio's son, Heriyanty. This report was chosen because the researcher assumed that there were differences in the framing of the news between Detik.com and Tirto.id regarding the case. Based on these problems, the purpose of this research is to identify, analyze, and describe the news framing used in reporting on the polemic of Akidi Tio's Rp 2 trillion contribution to Detik.com and Tirto.id. The paradigm used in this research is constructivism paradigm. This study uses a qualitative methodology with framing analysis as an analytical tool. The framing analysis model used in this study is the framing model of Robert N Entman. The theory used to complete this research is the theory of mass media social construction. Referring to the aims and objectives of the study, the results of the study are as follows: 1) Detik.com often makes news headlines that lead readers' opinions, so they tend to corner one party on the news. Meanwhile, Tirto.id is more neutral in making news headlines. 2) Detik.com and Tirto.id have different views in reporting on the causes of problems in a case. Detik.com in this case is more diverse in raising opinions from various parties, while Tirto.id only raises opinions from parties related to the case, especially from the police. 3) Overall, there are differences in the framing of the news between Detik.com and Tirto.id, namely Detik.com tends to blame Akidi Tio's son, Heriyanty, who is considered the source of the problem in the case, while Tirto.id tends to corner the police (Kapolda Sumsel) because deemed negligent of their duties and responsibilities. 4) In reporting on the polemic of the Rp 2 trillion donation case by Akidi Tio, both Detik.com and Tirto.id should report in a balanced manner, neither taking sides nor cornering one party. Thus, the public can consume accurate news from these online media.
Negosiasi Konflik Berlatar Belakang Fanatisme Suporter Bola (Studi Kasus pada Kelompok Suporter Panser Biru dan Snex) Yekholia Maoureenth Priharjanto; Agus Naryoso; Adi Nugroho
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 3: Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Football is one of the most popular sports in Indonesia. The action of choreography and loyalty shown by their supporters' show of how fanatical the fans of Indonesian football clubs are. However, the supporters emotions that come out, sometimes cannot be controlled and are detrimental, such as causing physical injured and causing casualties. The case of dispute between the groups of supporters encourages rivalry which is still unsolved until now. One of them is in the Panser Biru and Snex groups. Although both of them support the PSIS team, the two parties often get into physical touch. Therefore, this study itself describes how the two groups of supporters who support the PSIS Semarang banner can make peace. In this research, the theories used include Conflict Theory, Dominant and Sub-cultures Group Concept, Etnocentric Concept, Face Negotiation Theory, Interaction Process Analysis, Sosioculture Theory, Conflict Resolution Theory, and Id, Ego and Superego Concept. The subjects of this study were the Panser Biru and Snex supporters groups. This research used qualitative methods with data collection using in-depth interviews. The data are then grouped, analyzed using a phenomenological approach and triangulated as a form of data verification. The results showed that the conflict arose because the two groups wanted to mutually superior and didn't want to lose because of their love for PSIS Semarang. The existing feud made them forget about the same goal, to support PSIS Semarang. The conciliatory initiative was chosen to accommodate the pretentions of supporters among groups. This negotiation is an effort to reconcile the relationship between the two groups of supporters. Negotiators came from the management of PSIS, the result of the memorandum of understanding between the two supporters' camps restored good relations between supporters for the advancement of PSIS Semarang. The role of the negotiator as an analyzer of the causes of conflict, understanding the needs of both parties and decision makers is an important key to the success of this negotiation. This peace cannot be separated from the role of persuasive communication used by the management of PSIS Semarang. The maturity of supporters is important to suppress his ego and prioritize the interests of the club to bring togetherness and increase trust which has an impact on the achievements of this Mahesa Jenar club.
Hubungan Terpaan Berita Korupsi Juliari Batubara dan Tingkat Kepuasan Pada PDI Perjuangan Dengan Loyalitas Konstituen PDI Perjuangan Alya Nur Hana; Lintang Ratri Rahmiaji; Adi Nugroho
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 3: Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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In December 2020, there was a lot of discussion about the Covid-19 Bansos corruption case that dragged Juliari Batubara's name as the minister of social affairs of the Republic of Indonesia who is also part of the PDI Perjuangan. On the basis of this act, Juliari was sentenced to 12 years in prison. Political parties are institutions that get a low level of satisfaction from the community, political parties are considered unclean and oriented to self-interest or class. Although many PDI Perjuangan cadres are corrupt, and the public is dissatisfied with the existence of political parties, the position of PDI Perjuangan is still strong and dominated, this is seen in the results of the 2020 election where PDI Perjuangan became the most widely chosen party. The purpose of this study is to find out the correlation between the exposure of news about the corruption of Juliari Batubara with the loyalty of PDI-Perjuangan constituents and also the correlation between the level of satisfaction in the political party and the loyalty of PDI-Perjuangan constituents. This research is an explanatory quantitative research with a positivistic paradigm guided by Social Cognitive Theory and the integration between Satisfaction Theory – Loyalty and Hope Confirmation Theory. The correlation test uses Kendall Tau with the help of SPSS version 26 with nonprobability sampling techniques precisely using purposive sampling. This study was followed by 60 PDI Perjuangan voters in Central Java who had been exposed to news of Juliari Batubara corruption at least twice. The results showed that there was no correlation between the exposure of juliari Batubara corruption news (X1) and the loyalty of PDI Perjuangan (Y) constituents because the significance figure was 0.796. On the other hand, there is a correlation between satisfaction in PDI Perjuangan (X2) and the loyalty of PDI Perjuangan constituents (Y) with a significance of 0,000, the strength of the correlation is very strong, and the direction of the correlation between the variables of satisfaction and loyalty is positive or directly proportional.
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 1: Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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National Children's Day is the day the rights of Indonesian children are fulfilled, both for children residing in Indonesia and for children outside Indonesia. So that children in Indonesia get the same and broadest opportunity to be able to express themselves in positive activities. This year's National Children's Day will be held online, due to conditions that are currently experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic. Semarang City has also participated in celebrating National Children's Day by holding a series of activities in the form of talk shows, competitions, webinars, online art performances, charity concerts, and donation submissions. The theme of this event was "Being Great with the New Generation". We hoped that with the implementation of HAN 2020 the City of Semarang can provide education to children and parents about new cultures that must always be applied such as using masks, washing hands, behaving clean and healthy and can provide a forum for creativity and development for children while they have to stay at home. In a series of activities at the Semarang City 2020 National Children's Day Commemoration, the creative manager is responsible for all the creative outputs needed during the event, which in this case is related to design, documentation, and publication. In addition, the competition coordinator is responsible for arranging and ensuring that the competition can run smoothly and can still deliver the Semarang City National Children's Day 2020 theme campaign even though it is carried out with an online system. The commemoration of the National Children's Day for Semarang City 2020 which was held on July 13 to August 18 2020 managed to achieve the target of 432 competition participants, successfully held 6 talkshows and collaborated with local television and radio, the webinar reached the target of 555 participants, donations collected amounting to Rp. 14,954,250, online art performances attended by more than 500 participants and can bring influencers and speakers who are experts in their fields.
Hubungan Terpaan Iklan Tokopedia dan Intensitas Word of Mouth pada Tokopedia Waktu Indonesia Belanja dengan Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Tokopedia Renata Alma Ratu Nabila; Adi Nugroho; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Tokopedia launched a marketing promotion strategy in the form of the #SelaluAdaSelalubisa campaign which has been running since 2020. In this campaign, Tokopedia held a monthly promo, namely Waktu Indonesia Belanja. Two forms of marketing promotion strategies used by Tokopedia are advertising and also using word of mouth. However, in reality, Tokopedia's ranking has actually declined and according to several surveys, Tokopedia is not the preferred e-commerce for most consumers. This study uses the theory of Advertising Exposure and Elaboration Likelihood with the sampling technique of non-probability sampling. The sample is 60 people with female or male characteristics, aged 18-34 years who have been exposed to Tokopedia advertisements and have received information about Tokopedia Waktu Indonesia Belanja in the last three months. Tests in this study using the Kendall Tau_b correlation test. The results of the study show that the correlation among Tokopedia advertising exposure and the purchasing decisions has a significance value of 0.323, which means that it is not significant. Furthermore, the intensity of word of mouth with the purchasing decisions has a significance value of 0.06 which can be interpreted as significant with a correlation value of 0.302 which means it has a weak closeness and has a positive correlation direction.
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 1: Januari 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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The Ombudsman as a supervisory agency for the delivery of public services uses the website as a medium of information. Currently, it is still rare to find public service facilities that are friendly to persons with disabilities, this can be seen from several news reports in online mass media that report persons with disabilities do not receive special attention in public services. This type of research is a quantitative explanatory study and uses the media effects theory and sense making theory. The test results show that the R Square value is 0.521 or 52.1%. This means that 52.1% understanding of persons with disabilities about the existence of the Ombudsman as a public service supervisory agency that cares for persons with disabilities can be explained by the intensity of reading the ombudsman.go.id website. While the rest (100% -52.1% = 47.9%) was explained by other factors. From the test results obtained that the value of R Square is 0.394 or 39.4%. This means that 39.4% understanding of persons with disabilities about the existence of the Ombudsman as a public service supervisory agency that cares for persons with disabilities can be explained by the intensity of reading the ombudsman.go.id website. While the rest (100% -39.4% = 60.6%) is explained by other factors. This means that if the intensity of reading the website and the perspective of persons with disabilities are increased together towards a positive direction, the understanding of people with disabilities about the existence of the Ombudsman as a public service supervisory agency that cares for people with disabilities. The sample in this study was 70 members of the Roemah Difabel Semarang foundation who read information through the ombudsman website. go.id related to the Ombudsman as a public service supervisory agency that cares for persons with disabilities and knows the facts of public services that are not in accordance with standards for persons with disabilities.
Pengaruh Terpaan Iklan Media Luar Ruang dan Frekuensi Diskusi Antar Tetangga Terhadap Perilaku Disiplin Protokol Kesehatan (Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Pada Masyarakat Kecamatan Pedurungan Kota Semarang) Ayu Emilia Kurniawati; Adi Nugroho; Agus Naryoso
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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One of the regions in Indonesia that recorded the highest positive cases of COVID-19 from January to March 2021 is Semarang City, especially in Pedurungan District. The government has made efforts to suppress the increase in COVID-19 cases by formulating health protocol behavioral policies such as washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility. Various forms of policy socialization have been carried out to provide knowledge to the public about the urgency of this disciplined behavior, such as by disseminating information through outdoor media advertisements and cooperation between neighbors in the form of discussions about COVID-19. However, the Covid-19 case is still not sloping due to the fact that there are still violations of health protocols carried out by the community. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of analyzing how the influence of exposure to outdoor media advertising and the frequency of discussions between neighbors on the disciplinary behavior of health protocols. This type of research is quantitative explanatory with sampling technique in the form of non-probability sampling technique. The number of samples in this study were 68 respondents with all gender criteria, domiciled in Pedurungan District, aged 20-54 years, had been exposed to outdoor media advertisements about covid-19 in the last 8 months (August 2020-March 2021), and have had discussions between neighbors regarding covid-19 in the last 8 months. The theory used is Elaboration Likelihood Theory and Theory of Reasoned Action. Meanwhile, data analysis was performed using a simple linear regression test. The results in this study indicate that there is no significant effect between exposure to outdoor media advertising on the disciplinary behavior of health protocols because the hypothesis significance value of 0.501 is greater than 0.05. Meanwhile, the frequency of discussions between neighbors can have a significant effect on the disciplinary behavior of health protocols with a significance value of 0.015 which is smaller than 0.05.
Hubungan Intensitas Menonton Tayangan Review Produk Kecantikan di TikTok dan Intensitas Komunikasi Peer group dengan Perilaku Konsumtif Produk Kecantikan Fatikah Rosutami; Adi Nugroho; Nurist Surayya Ulfa
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 3: Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yaitu untuk memahami dan menjelaskan hubungan intensitas menonton tayangan review produk kecantikan di TikTok (X1) dan intensitas komunikasi peer group (X2) dengan perilaku konsumtif terhadap produk kecantikan (Y). Informasi mengenai produk kecantikan saat ini bisa didapatkan melalui berbagai sumber, salah satunya media sosial TikTok. Terdapat tren yang berupa tayangan review beberapa produk kecantikan di TikTok yang memberikan berbagai informasi mengenai produk kecantikan seperti kelebihan, kekurangan serta cara penggunaan produk kecantikan. Selain itu, adanya komunikasi serta interaksi yang terjadi dalam sebuah peer group terutama dalam membahas produk kecantikan menjadi sumber informasi lainnya bagi konsumen. Adanya beragam informasi mengenai produk kecantikan dari berbagai media ini seharusnya bisa dimanfaatkan oleh konsumen secara bijak dalam menentukan produk kecantikan yang akan dibeli, namun pada kenyataannya adanya informasi-informasi produk kecantikan baik dari tayangan review di TikTok maupun dari komunikasi peer group justru memunculkan perilaku konsumtif bagi konsumen dalam membeli produk kecantikan, yang mana alasan konsumen membeli produk kecantikan bukan lagi karena kebutuhan melainkan atas dasar keinginan, serta konsumsi terhadap produk kecantikan cenderung berlebihan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Behavioral Learning dan Reference Group dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu non-probability sampling. Sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berjumlah 100 orang dengan karakteristik yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan, berusia 18 – 34 tahun, berdomisili Kota Semarang yang aktif menggunakan TikTok, pernah menonton tayangan review produk kecantikan di TikTok, serta pernah membeli produk kecantikan dalam waktu tiga bulan terakhir. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu uji korelasi Kendall Tau_b. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan intensitas menonton tayangan review produk kecantikan di TikTok (X1) dengan perilaku konsumtif produk kecantikan (Y) memiliki nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.050 yang artinya signifikan, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi yaitu 0.142 yang memiliki arti yaitu keeratan hubungan yang sangat lemah dan memiliki arah hubungan yang positif. Selanjutnya, intensitas komunikasi peer group dengan perilaku konsumtif produk kecantikan memiliki nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.175, yang artinya tidak signifikan
Negosiasi Identitas Pasangan Perkawinan Beda Agama di Gereja Katolik Viviana Ardine Mutiara K F; Turnomo Rahardjo; Adi Nugroho
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 4: Oktober 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Interfaith marriage is one of the paths taken by couples who undergo interfaith relationships. Globalization and technology allow people with various cultures to interact one another and allow individuals with different cultural backgrounds to be attracted, fall in love, and decide to marry. In the context of this study, the different identities brought by interfaith marriage couples in Catholic Church carry risks and challenges, so that interfaith marriage couples in Catholic Church negotiate their respective identities to get a communication experience that can be accepted, understood, appreciated, and achieve mutual comfort, through the relational identity that is formed. The purpose of this study is to find out how the experience of identity negotiations is carried out by interfaith marriage couples in Catholic Church. Several theories used to examine this phenomenon include Identity Negotiation Theory, Cultural Identity Theory, and Identity Management Theory. This research uses phenomenological approaches and focuses on the experiences of the couples and to explore more deeply of the things related to the experience in negotiating identity, the researcher uses data collection techniques through in-depth interviews. The results of this study, identity negotiations are carried out by interfaith marriage couples in Catholic Church to achieve a balance of identity and comfort in a joint relationship were successfully carried out. The couple succeeded in carrying out interfaith marriages in the Catholic Church while maintaining their respective religious identities and the couples succeeded in creating comfort in their relationship as interfaith marriage couples both in the family they built and in the surrounding community by supporting and respecting each other.
Hubungan Electronic Word of Mouth Di @theswoonnetflix Dengan Minat Berlangganan Netflix Aulia Rahma Fadilla; Adi Nugroho; Nurist Surayya Ulfa
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 4: Oktober 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Netflix made a new innovation with The Swoon, a community for fans of Korean Netflix shows around the world. Using Instagram to share things about Netflix’s Korean shows, The Swoon has succeeded in sparking online conversations or e-WOM. E-WOM has several dimensions, including intensity that related to involvement in e-WOM, content of e-WOM itself that related to attractiveness and positive valence. Even though it has succeded in triggering e-WOM, Netflix subscribers in Indonesia are still less than some other competitors. In fact, Netflix has several times failed to reach its target of increasing new subscribers and losing subscribers globally. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is a relationship between involvement intensity, attractiveness and positive valence on electronic word of mouth at @theswoonnetflix with Netflix subscription intention. The population in this explanatory quantitative research is men and women who live in Indonesia, follow @theswoonnetflix on instagram, have seen or been involved in talks about Netflix and its Korean shows on @theswoonnetflix account, aged 18 – 44 years, and have never or not currently subscribed Netflix. The sample that used is 100 respondents with nonprobability sampling technique. The theory used is the Buyer’s Information Environment Theory. The test results using Kendall’s tau-b correlation test show the relationship between involvement intensity on e-WOM at @theswoonnetflix with Netflix subscription intention has a significance value of 0,000 which means it’s very significant and has the correlation coefficient of 0,690 which means both of them have a strong level of relationship. Then, the relationship between e-WOM attractiveness on @theswoonnetflix with Netflix subscription intention also has a significance value of 0,000 or very significant and has the correlation coefficient of 0,685 which means both of them have a strong level of relationship. Furthermore, the relationship between e-WOM positive valence on @theswoonnetflix with Netflix subscription intention has a significance value of 0.000 which means it’s very significant and has the correlation coefficient of 0.601 which means both of them have a strong relationship. All of the correlation coefficients from the three correlation tests above are positive, indicating a unidirectional relationship.