Djoko Purwanto
Departemen Teknik Sipil FT.UNDIP Jl. Prof.H.Soedarto SH., Tembalang, Semarang, 50275

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PENYEDIAAN TRANSPORTASI UMUM MASA DEPAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Siti Rahma; Dyah Amalia Wijayanti; Ismiyati Ismiyati; Djoko Purwanto
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 1, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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The increasing number of private vehicles using in Semarang causes a high traffic volume in some primary roadways of the city. It can be seen from the use of official cars vehicle / personal that originally totaled 34,000 vehicles in 2007 to 44,600 vehicles in 2009 (Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Semarang, 2009). The presence of mass public transportation Bus Rapid Transit, which is Trans Semarang, is considered not able to overcome such problem yet. The value of the load factor both BRT corridor I and II were only 20-30%. (Based on research Chairunnisa R, Yenni N, 2010 and Ilham H. Rasyid, Aldila Bachtawar., 2013). The aim of this research is to evaluate public transportation’s performance and to figure out the policy of public transportation that is suitable for the economic condition, and demand from citizens of the city of Semarang. The methods used are analyzing previous research data about public transportation, especially BRT Trans Semarang, and processing primary data in the form of interview survey to citizens. The survey is done in three sub-districts: Ngaliyan, Pedurungan, and Banyumanik. The aspects that are reviewed through the side of effectiveness and efficiency of public transportation are headway, frequency, public transport fares, security, safety, and comfort. According to the result of the research, it is identified that more than 50% of citizens prefer using private vehicles, because the public transportation had not satisfy yet. Therefore, the effort of improving and developing provided public transportation is needed. In this case, the region is divided into two sections journey, namely urban and suburban areas. In the urban areas, can be done by revamping the BRT transport system, the provision of special BRT lane, and the provision of feeder that fits the needs of society. Whereas in suburban areas, public transportation is needed for high speed travel time savings, in addition to reducing the occurrence of traffic congestion on the main roads of the city.
PENYEDIAAN TRANSPORTASI UMUM MASA DEPAN DI KOTA SEMARANG Siti Rahma; Dyah Amalia Wijayanti; Ismiyati Ismiyati; Djoko Purwanto
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 2, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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The increasing number of private vehicles using in Semarang causes a high traffic volume in some primary roadways of the city. It can be seen from the use of official cars vehicle / personal that originally totaled 34,000 vehicles in 2007 to 44,600 vehicles in 2009 (Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Semarang, 2009). The presence of mass public transportation Bus Rapid Transit, which is Trans Semarang, is considered not able to overcome such problem yet. The value of the load factor both BRT corridor I and II were only 20-30%. (Based on research Chairunnisa R, Yenni N, 2010 and Ilham H. Rasyid, Aldila Bachtawar., 2013). The aim of this research is to evaluate public transportation’s performance and to figure out the policy of public transportation that is suitable for the economic condition, and demand from citizens of the city of Semarang. The methods used are analyzing previous research data about public transportation, especially BRT Trans Semarang, and processing primary data in the form of interview survey to citizens. The survey is done in three sub-districts: Ngaliyan, Pedurungan, and Banyumanik. The aspects that are reviewed through the side of effectiveness and efficiency of public transportation are headway, frequency, public transport fares, security, safety, and comfort. According to the result of the research, it is identified that more than 50% of citizens prefer using private vehicles, because the public transportation had not satisfy yet. Therefore, the effort of improving and developing provided public transportation is needed. In this case, the region is divided into two sections journey, namely urban and suburban areas. In the urban areas, can be done by revamping the BRT transport system, the provision of special BRT lane, and the provision of feeder that fits the needs of society. Whereas in suburban areas, public transportation is needed for high speed travel time savings, in addition to reducing the occurrence of traffic congestion on the main roads of the city.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 2, Nomor 2, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Semarang is one of the big cities, where many centers of economic, political, socio-cultural and educational center. The existence attractive to residents outside of Semarang to travel to Semarang. Most Salatiga’s residents doing trip - roundtrip to the Semarang city. However, the operation conditions of public transportation that led to and leaving  Semarang still not up and there are a few obstacles along the way such as markets, factories and other activities that disrupt the trip. This transport problems will cause a variety of negative effects, such as lost time due to the long trip and the increase in Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) to existing roads, so that the government develop a national road network in particular in areas of Java such as Trans Java Toll road construction Semarang - Solo segment. The purpose of this evaluation is to analyze the velocity space (space mean speed) and the Vehicle Operating Costs comparison between existing roads and toll roads segment Ungaran - Salatiga. Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC) using the Pacific Consultants International (PCI) formula. Data that obtained from the survey results for the velocity space (space mean speed) toward Ungaran - Salatiga for each vehicle and departure times both morning and afternoon, for the morning bus speeds faster 1.55 km / h of speed during the day is 31.14 km / h; 2 axle trucks during the day faster 4.67 km / h of speed in the morning is 30.76 km / h; as daytime tuk 3 faster 1.37 km / h from speed in the morning is 27.05 km / h; while the direction of Salatiga - Ungaran for the bus in the morning faster 1.21 km / h of speed during the day is 36.36 km / h; 2 axle trucks during the day more fast 3.77 km / h of speed in the morning is 34.29 km / hr; 3 axle truck in the morning faster 3.09 km / h of speed during the day is 26.81 km / h. The average speed for the Toll Road is taken based on a minimum speed of 60 km / h. The results of the comparison vehicle operating cost (VOC), it costs when crossing the Toll road is more economical when compared to the existing road. Where is the economic value of the vehicle in the morning for the bus is more efficient to IDR 37.132,38 (27.19%); 2 axle trucks more efficient IDR 32,802.99 (30.17%); and 3 axle trucks more efficient IDR 22,842.59 (13.58%). While in the afternoon, when crossing the Toll road for the bus will be more efficient IDR 39,564.97 (28.47%); for 2 axle trucks more efficient IDR 26,220.25 (25.67%); while for 3 axle trucks would be more efficient IDR 23,083.17 (13.70%).
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil volume 1, Nomer 1, tahun 2012
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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ABSTRAK Tanah dasar merupakan lapisan terbawah dari sistem perkerasan jalan yang berfungsi untuk mendukung lapisan di atasnya dalam menahan beban kendaraan. Di sisi lain, tanah dasar merupakan komponen terlemah, karena mudah berkurang daya dukungnya sebagai akibat pengaruh air. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka penelitian ini melakukan kegiatan perbaikan daya dukung tanah dengan menggunakan material modifier berupa Terrasil, yang berfungsi sebagai penolak air (water repellent atau waterproofing). Untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan penggunaan Terrasil maka pada penelitian ini digunakan tiga proporsi Terrasil terhadap air, yaitu 1:400, 1:600 dan 1:800, yang diaplikasikan pada sampel tanah di dua lokasi pengujian. Sampel tanah yang dipilih diperlakukan pada dua kondisi, yaitu kondisi kering dan kondisi terekspos air. Untuk mengevaluasi daya dukung tanah pada dua kondisi tersebut pada keadaan sebelum dan sesudah Terrasil digunakan, maka dilakukan pengukuran parameter California Bearing Ratio (CBR). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Terrasil pada tanah tidak akan memberikan dampak yang signifikan pada hilangnya nilai CBR antara dua kondisi tersebut, kecuali tanah tersebut dalam kondisi padat. Penelitian ini juga merekomendasikan proporsi Terrasil terhadap air 1:600 karena dapat menghasilkan nilai CBR wet losses yang paling minimum. Dengan proporsi ini, dapat diperoleh nilai CBR wet losses hanya sebesar 11,93%, yaitu pada lokasi dengan kepadatan tertinggi. Kata kunci: Subgrade, soil improvement, bahan modifier, Terrasil, CBR   ABSTRACT Subgrade is the bottom layer that functions to support the upper layer to withstand against vehicle loads. However, subgrade is also the weakest component of the structure due to losses of carrying capacity as a result of water infiltration. To minimize the losses of carrying capacity of the subgrade, a study was conducted by proposing a modifier, namely Terrasil, that function as water repellent. In this reaserch, three proportions of Terrasil to water, i.e. 1:400, 1:600, and 1:800, were used in two test locations. Two conditions were applied on soil in the test locations, i.e. dry condition (unsoaked) and wet condition (soaked). To evaluate the carrying capacity of the subgrade before and after Terrasil application, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) measurement was conducted. The results showed that the use of Terrasil on the soil did not affected significantly on the carrying capacity losses due to water infiltration, unless soil compaction has been formerly applied. In addition, proportion of Terrasil to water 1:600 was recommended as optimum proportion for maximum water-repellent, with the condition that it should be applied on compacted soil. With this proportion, it can be obtained CBR wet losses only 11.93% at location with better density. Keywords: Subgrade , soil improvement, modifier material, Terrasil, CBR
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 6, Nomor 2, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Simpang-simpang dan putaran balik di Kota Semarang seringkali belum dapat melayani pergerakan arus lalu lintas secara maksimal, terlebih dalam melayani kendaraan angkutan barang. Hal ini ditunjukkan antara lain dengan seringnya terjadi tundaan, baik yang disebabkan oleh pengaturan lalu lintas yang kurang efisien maupun karena geometrik yang kurang memadai. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan analisis kinerja dan simulasi manuver kendaraan khususnya kendaraan angkutan barang menggunakan simulasi jejak kendaraan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi simpang dan putaran balik dengan mengambil contoh studi kasus pada Simpang Arteri Utara, Simpang Kawasan Industri Candi dan Putaran Balik Kawasan Industri Terboyo.Tahapan yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis kinerja simpang eksisting menggunakan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 dan mensimulasikan manuver kendaraan rencana pada simpang dan putaran balik eksisting menggunakan simulasi jejak kendaraan. Analisis kinerja simpang akan menghasilkan keluaran berupa nilai derajat kejenuhan yang selanjutnya akan menjadi tolak ukur apakah simpang dapat melayani arus eksisting atau tidak, sedangkan simulasi manuver kendaraan menghasilkan keluaran berupa jejak kendaraan yang menentukan apakah geometrik simpang dan putaran balik mampu melayani manuver kendaraan angkutan barang dengan efisien atau tidak. Setelah dilakukan analisis terhadap kondisi eksisting, dilanjutkan dengan optimasi jika diperlukan, baik dengan melakukan pengaturan ulang fase sinyal lalu lintas maupun dengan perubahan geometrik.Pada hasil analisis kinerja Simpang Arteri Utara, didapat kinerja pendekat selatan 0,94. Geometrik simpang dinilai masih dapat dioptimasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja simpang dalam melayani kendaraan angkutan barang. Optimasi Simpang Arteri Utara dilakukan dengan pengaturan ulang waktu sinyal lalu lintas dan pelebaran jembatan. Pada Simpang Kawasan Industri Candi, didapat DS semua pendekat >0,85. Optimasi yang dapat dilakukan untuk Simpang Kawasan Industri Candi adalah dengan melakukan pelebaran pendekat, penyesuaian median dan mengatur ulang waktu sinyal lalu lintas serta diadakannya larangan belok kanan untuk pendekat timur. Pada Putaran Balik Kawasan Industri Terboyo, putaran balik dinilai tidak mampu melayani kedatangan kendaraan yang diakibatkan oleh geometrik putaran balik tidak dapat melayani manuver kendaraan angkutan barang dengan efisien. Optimasi Putaran Balik Kawasan Industri Terboyo adalah dengan menggunakan jenis putaran balik bundaran dengan diameter bundaran 20 meter dan panjang lajur khusus putaran balik 60 meter. Dengan studi ini, diharapkan adanya studi
PERENCANAAN JEMBATAN SUNGAI SIKATAK UNDIP Fuad Kamal Azmi; Estiana Kussanty; Djoko Purwanto; Purwanto Purwanto
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 7, Nomor 4, Tahun 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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ABSTRAKJembatan Sikatak yang berlokasi di Kampus Undip Tembalang dibangun untuk menghubungkan Jalan Prof. Soedharto dan Jalan Lingkar Undip yang terputus oleh Sungai Sikatak. Dengan pembangunan jembatan ini diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi pergerakan arus lalu lintas dari Jalan Lingkar Undip menuju Jalan Prof Soedharto tanpa harus memutar arah ataupun memasuki Kampus Undip. Dalam penyusunan Tugas Akhir ini direncanakan jembatan rangka baja tipe Truss Arsch Bridge dengan bentang 60 meter dan lebar 11 m ( termasuk lebar trotoar pada sisi kanan dan kiri jembatan 1,5 m). Konfigurasi jalur pada jembatan ini adalah 2 lajur dua arah tak terbagi (2/2 UD) dengan masing – masing lebar lajur 3,5 m.Standar yang dipakai untuk merencanakan jembatan ini mengacu pada SNI 1725 2016 (Pembebanan untuk Jembatan), SNI 2833 2008 (Standar Perencanaan Tahan Gempa untuk Jembatan) dan SNI 1729 2015 (Spesifikasi Bangunan Baja Struktural).Tahap awal perencanaan struktur atas adalah perencanaan sandaran, trotoar, dan lantai jembatan. Kemudian dilanjutkan perencanaan gelagar memanjang dan melintang, sekaligus perhitungan shear connector. Memasuki tahap konstruksi rangka pemikul utama, dilakukan perhitungan beban – beban yang bekerja, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SAP 2000. Setelah didapatkan gaya – gaya dalam yang bekerja dilakukan perhitungan kontrol tegangan dan perhitungan sambungan.Setelah selesai analisis struktur atas jembatan, dilakukan analisis perencanaan struktur bawah jembatan ( abutment, wing wall, plat injak, dan pondasi). Dari data tanah yang ada, substruktur jembatan tersebut menggunakan pondasi bore pile dengan kedalaman 12 m. Pondasi bore pile dipilih karena karakteristik tanah di lapangan lebih sesuai dan efisien dengan podasi tersebut. Pada setiap perencanaan komponen struktur dilakukan kontrol kapasitas terhadap beban yang bekerja meliputi momen, gaya geser, gaya aksial, dan gaya lateral. Adapun tahap terakhir dari perencanaan Jembatan Sikatak adalah desain perkerasan .yakni meliputi penentuan jenis dan tebal perkerasan.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 6, Nomor 2, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Permasalahan yang umum terjadi pada proyek berskala sedang adalah bagaimana merencanakan komposisi campuran beton agar dapat memenuhi spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan dalam usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan beton dalam volume kecil dengan membuat sendiri campurannya di lokasi pekerjaan (site mix). Pembuatan site mix dilakukan karena banyaknya waktu yang dibuang untuk menunggu hasil mix design dari laboratorium beton dirasa tidak efisien karena suatu proyek memiliki batas waktu pengerjaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dengan output berupa rekomendasi komposisi campuran beton dengan menggunakan perbandingan volume berikut dengan nilai FAS yang dianjurkan untuk menghasilkan beton mutu sedang dengan range mutu beton K250 hingga K300.Penelitian ini menggunakan 9 variasi campuran beton, yaitu dengan perbandingan 1:2:3 dengan FAS 0,5; 0,6; dan 0,7, 1:2:2,5 dengan FAS 0,4; 0,5; dan 0,6, serta 1:1,5:2,5 dengan FAS 0,4; 0,5; dan 0,6, dengan material penyusun beton semen portland Tiga Roda, pasir Muntilan, dan split Gringsing. Benda uji berupa kubus 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan hasil komposisi campuran beton yang direkomendasikan untuk menghasilkan beton mutu sedang dengan range K250 hingga K300, untuk material agregat dicuci adalah dengan perbandingan 1:1,5:2,5 dengan FAS antara 0,47 hingga 0,43 dan 1:2:2,5 dengan FAS antara 0,45 hingga 0,41. Sedangkan untuk material agregat tidak dicuci direkomendasikan menggunakan perbandingan 1:1,5:2,5 dengan FAS antara 0,46 hingga 0,4 dan 1:2:2,5 dengan FAS 0,44. Sedangkan Untuk perbandingan 1:2:3 hanya menghasilkan beton mutu kurang dari K200. Perbandingan campuran yang paling ekonomis yang direkomendasikan untuk menghasilkan beton K250-K300 adalah dengan perbandingan 1:2:2,5 dengan FAS antara 0,45 hingga 0,41 dengan agregat memenuhi persyaratan kadar lumpur
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 5, Nomor 4, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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The attempt to provide toll road in Java has been developed rapidly. In the Solo-Semarang route, the construction has reached packet 3 Bawen-Salatiga. An issue in packet 3 appeared in packet 3.1 between Sta 22+900 - Sta 23+500 because it is located in a clayshale deposit area (Kerek Formation). Based on the N-SPT data obtained from drill test for excavation structure, clayshale was not found in the layer. From the soil description and geological review, the layer was dominated by tuff breccia with andesite fragment. In the embankment of STA 22+975, CPT and geoelectric tests were taken and the result from geoelectric showed the presence of claystone which is the main material of Kerek Formation. Therefore, the embankment is the weakest zone by ground movement. FEM analysis results were compared using LEM method by Plaxis 8.2 and Slope/W 2007. FoS acquired from the two methods showed insignificant changes. The static load calculation result proved that the FoS of excavation and embankment structure was bigger than the minimum standard required by USACE (FoS>1.30). FoS of embankment with two configurations had a considerable value. The application of quake load in accordance with 2010 earthquake zone map with 0.44 g acceleration revealed a variety of FoS. In terms of the security over the excavation, the FoS was bigger than the minimum requirement, which is >1.10.
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 4, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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Diponegoro University is a State University in Central Java. Faculty of Engineering is part of some faculty at UNDIP. One of the problems from this faculty is parking space requirements. Although it has provided a parking space (off street parking) in each faculty, but in reality there are many vehicles parked on the roadside (on street parking). This final report aims to evaluate the need of existing parking spaces and planned capacity expansion of existing parking spaces. Methodologies used include: field surveys, problem identification, data collection, test of the validity with chi-square test, data analysis, calculation of SRP needs, arrangement of the old park and planning of new park. The number of the current shortage of parking space requirements in Engineering Faculty is 141 SRP for cars and 894 SRP for motorcycles. Meanwhile for the development of the next 5 years is 237 SRP for cars and 1568 SRP for motorcycles. Development of parking area with komunal parking area construction, to join of parking area on Civil Engineering with Geology Engineering, and to join of parking area on Chemistry Engineering, Industry Engineering, Machine Engineering. Also structuring again the parking area configuration on Architek, PWK, Electrical Engineering, and Lecture Together Building. Based on the analysis of the calculation, planning is considered to have been able to solve the needs of today and the parking spaces for the development of the next 5 years is until 2019. To solving the possibility of the occurrence of on-street parking, the solution is given by the installation of parking prohibition signs around the side of the road.
ANALISIS PENGARUH KINERJA JEMBATAN TIMBANG TERHADAP KINERJA PERKERASAN DAN UMUR RENCANA JALAN (Studi Kasus Jembatan Timbang Salam, Magelang) Arief Fath Atiya; Okty Diana Wulan Sari; Djoko Purwanto; Bagus Hario Setiadji
Jurnal Karya Teknik Sipil Volume 3, Nomor 3, Tahun 2014
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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On Keprekan Road – Yogyakarta’s Limit is always crossed by heavy vehicles and sometimes overloaded. On that road found “Jembatan Timbang Salam”. Because of  still many phenomena the overloaded vehicles so that “Jembatan Timbang Salam” needs to be revisited its performance in dealing with violations of overloaded that will be effected the pavement performance. From the results of evaluation and analysis carried out, "Jembatan Timbang Salam" in category C which means its performance is in bad condition and it affects the performance of the existing pavement. Using the assumption of the initial design serviceability index (P0) 3.9, the design terminal service ability index (Pt) 2.5, Structural Number 5, and 10 years plan (2005-2015), overloaded that occurs in the field due to condition A (actual load), age of road performance only lasted for 9.48 years for the first analysis (using a growth rate for all classes of vehicles) and only lasted for 9.53 years for second analysis (using the growth rate for each type of vehicle class). Moreover there is also a decreasing road service ability index with an average decline for the first analysis due to standard JBI  load are 1.40% and due to condition A are 1.48%. And than, for the second analysis due to standard load average decline reached 3.07% and for condition A average decline reached 3.33%.But with the overlay in 2011, 2012 and 2013, the service ability index of the road are being increase. For the first analysis the increase reached 26.02% and 35.30% increasing for second analysis.