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Media Convergence as Universities’ Attraction: Study of the Use of E-Learning as a Marketing Communications Strategy of Private Higher Education Institution in Indonesia Siti Komsiah; Eli Jamilah Mihardja; Dian Harmaningsih
Communication Sphere Vol 1, No 1 (2015): November
Publisher : Communication Sphere

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ABSTRACTThe competition between higher education institutions in attracting prospective studentsincreased today. Each educational institution improve educational facilities and infrastructurefacilities, improvement of the curriculum, the quality of human resources, collaborate withoutside agencies, and emphasis the cost of education. The increase in the facility includes theapplication of e learning on the course. E learning application provides convenience andflexibility in teaching and learning activities. This paper is a presentation on marketingcommunications strategies using e learning in the lecture as an attraction for students,consumers of higher education institutions.This research using survey method of students and then depth interviews withmanagers of private universities whose implementing e learning programs in Indonesia. At thetime of this paper was written, research was already held in Jakarta (representing the westernregion), Denpasar (representing the middle region), and will soon be carried out in Makassar(representing the eastern region of Indonesia).Our preliminary study, in Jakarta and Denpasar resulted in findings that e learning canbe partially marketing communications strategies for Private Higher Education Institution. Thatis, the application of e learning as a teaching and learning method improve the Private HigherEducation Institution opportunity to be selected as a college by students. The findings of thisstudy academically useful as a reference for similar studies in the future. As a practical manner,the findings of this study are expected to be a recommendation for the management of otherprivate universities in shaping the marketing strategy of the institution.Keywords: E learning, Marketing Communication Strategy, Private Higher Education Institution
Komunikasi Kesehatan Bagi Ibu Dan Anak Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19” Di Paud Turpa Umi Nawiyah, Kelurahan Harja Mukti, Cimanggis Depok Dian Harmaningsih; Susi Yunarti; Siti Komsiah; Wijayanti Wijayanti Wijayanti
IKRA-ITH ABDIMAS Vol 4 No 3 (2021): IKRAITH-ABDIMAS No 3 Vol 4 November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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Pada masa pandemic COVID-19 saat ini, pola hidup bersih sangat diperlukan untuk tetap menjaga kesehatan serta daya tahan tubuh tiap individu, sehinga banyaknya pemberitaan bisa membangun kesadaran masyarakat tentang penting nya pola hidup bersih dalam menghadapi infeksi virus corona ini. Kesadaran dalam pola hidup sehat dalam keluarga sangat diperlukan agar membantu program pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pandemic tersebut. Telah dilaksanakan kegaiatan pengabdian masyarakat pada orang tua dan guru PAUD Turpa Umi NAwiyah Keluarahan Harya Mukti Cimanggis Depok. Kegiatan ini sebagai bentuk berpartisipasi dalam memberikan pemahaman pada masyarakat terkait pandemic covid-19. Beberapa informasi perlu disampaikan pada masayarakat terutama pada ibu rumah tangga terkait tentang stretegi komunikasi ibu dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan covid-19 dan pola hidup sehat, konsultasi kesehatan secara digital, hoax dan diisinformasi seputar covid-19
Anonimitas Netizen di Media Sosial Dian Harmaningsih; Susi Yunarti; Wijayanti Wijayanti
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 5 No 3 (2021): IKRAITH-HUMANIORA Vol 5 No 3 November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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This study aims to explain about the phenomenon of deindividuation appears in cyberspace,especially in social media. The research question is why are netizens on social media makingscathing comments about the COVID-19 vaccine? This study uses De-individuation theory -Gustav Le Bon and descriptive qualitative research methods by analyzing various commentsfrom netizens on Facebook and You tube accounts. Data collection was carried out in the periodNovember to December 2020. The results of the study revealed that the phenomenon ofdeindividuation occurs on social media, especially by netizens who use accounts that are notreal names and anonym. Meanwhile, netizens who use self-explanatory names tend to makemore polite comments. This phenomenon shows that the courage to use harsh words ignoresnorms and ethics that makes them think that their identity is unknown to public. Even the mediahas suggested to comment clearly, but no sanctions are applied, so netizens have the freedomto make harsh comments like He is the most correct. This condition of anonymity is the basisfor a person's lack of self-awareness
Proyeksi Masyarakat 5.0 Melalui Model Pembelajaran Berlandaskan Hots Di Perguruan Tinggi Wijayanti Wijayanti; Susi Yunarti; Dian Harmaningsih
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 1 (2022): IKRAITH-HUMANIORA Vol 6 No 1 Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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Writing this research article aims to explain the need to developlearning models and methods based on HOTS in higher education, in orderthey can really contribute positively to the development of society 5.0. Theresearch method is descriptive analytical by conducting observations andinterviews with 30 students at two universities in Jakarta. The results of thestudy show that there was a contradiction between the necessity to carry outonline learning which requires students' digital skills to be further developed,and the need for HOTS development in the learning process. Digitalcapabilities that are a requirement for human quality in the industrial era 4.0must still be equipped with the ability to think, which is problem solving,critical, creatives and innovative. For the future can projection society 5.0.
Model Blended Learning & Hybrid Learning Untuk Keberhasilan Transformasi Digital Menuju Smart Society Susi Yunarti; Wijayanti Wijayanti; Dian Harmaningsih
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 3 (2022): IKRAITH-HUMANIORA Vol 6 No 1 November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37817/ikraith-humaniora.v6i3.2186


The purpose and objective of this research is to find out and explain the application of blended learningmodels and hybrid learning methods in universities as an effort to help realize digital transformationtowards a smart society. To answer the problem of the readiness of human resources, who shouldprepare them, and how to prepare them, so that the digital transformation process can run as desiredtogether. A qualitative descriptive analysis has been carried out based on CMC cyberspace theory,digital transformation and the concepts of blended learning and hybrid learning. to explain the resultsof observations and interviews with lecturers from 4 state universities and 30 students from 2 privateuniversities in Jakarta, online during the even semester 2021 lectures. The results reveal that the onlinelecture process is not fully reliable for realizing digital transformation, but rather a system that is ableto combine (Blended) all teaching methods both offline and online (hybrid) in the learning process inhigher education. And for its implementation, it requires high integrity, dedication and self-motivationfrom both students and lecturers. Research data shows that 35% of students are quite excited to doonline learning, but 65% of students have become bored. And when asked to choose, 70% of studentsstill want offline learning. Conclusion The success of digital literacy in society starting from universitiesthrough the application of blended learning models and hybrid learning methods is an indicator of therunning of the digital transformation process which is expected to lead to the development of thecommunity's ability to adapt and become part of a smart society civilization