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Customary Right Compensation and Forest Villages Development Programs of Mangrove Company at Bintuni Bay Papua Barat Wahyudi Wahyudi; Max Jondudago Tokede; Zulfikar Mardiyadi; Ana Tampang; Mahmud Mahmud
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika Vol. 20 No. 3 (2014)
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB University)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3600.369 KB) | DOI: 10.7226/jtfm.20.3.187


Mangrove at Bintuni bay offers various services to indigenous communities from ecology, social, and economic. Mangrove also could be harvested accordingly to optimize contributions to indigenous communities welfares. This paper highlights implementation of customary right compensation (CRC), and Forest Villages Development programs (FVDP) of mangrove company at Bintuni Bay, Papua Barat. Company reports and documents related to CRC and FVDP from 1988 to June 2013 were reviewed and analyzed. Field works were conducted to examine the implementation of both programs at four villages of two districts. Sustained mangrove harvest for chipwood production in Bintuni bay for more than 25 years is the most outstanding achievement of mangrove utilization and management in Indonesia. Huge amount of expenditure have been spent out, and given to indigenous communities through the CRC and FVDP programs, respectively. These cover from economic, social, and environmental related programs, manufactured public facilities, scholarships, and others. However, the indigenous communities are remained poor, and failed of being self-sufficient community. It clearly impresses that the main goals to improve the welfare, prosperity of indigenous people are considerable failed. It is presumably that social culture systems, and subsistence agriculture practices contribute to the failing these programs. Mostly, forest communities in Papua are practicing subsistence agriculture, hunting, heavily relying on their surrounding natural resources, and spending all their cash or money instantly for consumption, not for saving, investments or even productive activities. Therefore, several program could be initiated to improve in achieving the CRC and FVDP missions, such as building capacity, providing counselors and strengthen local community governance, which could accelerate of being self-reliant community.
KUALITAS PERAIRAN DI TELUK DORERI KABUPATEN MANOKWARI Luky Sembel; Emmanuel Manangkalangi; Zulfikar Mardiyadi; Abraham W Manumpil
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.76 KB) | DOI: 10.31186/jenggano.4.1.52-64


Pasar Sanggeng, pasar Wosi, pelabuhan, PLTD (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Disel), perhotelan dan pemukiman penduduk yang terletak di pesisir Teluk Doreri Kota Manokwari, menjadi salah satu pusat aktivitas yang melayani kebutuhan masyarakat. Akibat adanya aktivitas yang tinggi tersebut menyebabkan pembungan sampah-sampah organik dan anorganik tidak terawasi atau terkontrol dengan baik. Kondisi ini berlangsung secara terus menerus setiap hari sehingga dapat menyebabkan terjadi degradasi kualitas perairan. Tujuan Penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui status kualitas perairan di Teluk Doreri Kabupaten Manokwari. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Agustus tahun 2016 bertempat di Laboratorium Kelautan, Ilmu Kelautan Unipa dan Laboratorium Prolink IPB Bogor. Lokasi pengambilan sampel air di sekitar perairan Sawaibu, Wosi, Andai, Sowi dan Perairan Maruni. Data parameter yang diambil melalui pengukuran langsung dan tidak langsung. Pengukuran secara langsung meliputi parameter salinitas, pH, suhu dan oksigen terlarut. Sedangkan pengukuran tidak langsung dengan cara mengambil sampel air. Pengambilan sampel air digunakan untuk penentuan parameter kekeruhan, nitrat, fosfat dan logam berat. Sampel air tersebut langsung dimasukan dalam botol polyetelin dan dikirim ke Prolink IPB Bogor untuk dianalisis. Pengukuran mengacu pada Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1998). Hasil penelitian dari lima lokasi di perairan Teluk Doreri berkisar antara 0,17 – 6,16 NTU untuk kekeruhan, 4,64 – 5,04 untuk pH, 5,1 -6 mg/L untuk oksigen terlarut, 30 – 33 ‰ untuk salinitas, 29, 8 – 30,6 oC untuk suhu air, 0,1 -0,8 mg/L untuk nitrat dan fosfat berkisar 0,08 – 0,16 mg/L. Hasil logam berat cadmium (Cd) menunjukan potensi toksik yang tinggi bagi biota perairan di Teluk Doreri. Parameter logam berat cadmium, nitrat dan fosfat sangat mengkuatirkan serta dapat menyebabkan gangguan terhadap lingkungan khususnya bagi biota perairan. Parameter – parameter tersebut telah melampaui baku mutu yang ditetapkan kementerian lingkungan hidup no 51 tahun 2004.WATER QUALITY IN THE DORERI BAY DISTRICT MANOKWARI. Traditional markets (Pasar Sanggeng and Wosi), port, PLTD (Power Plant), hotels and residential areas are located in the cost of Doreri bay in Manokwari district. Activities in those areas create organic and inorganic wastes that have been used the Doreri bay as a water dump. The waste has been dumped since long time ago and continue up to nowadays.  That cause water quality degradation of Doreri bay. The research objective was to determine the status of water quality in Doreri Bay, Manokwari Regency. The water quality study has been carried out in August 2016 in Marine laboratory of UNIPA and Prolink laboratory in IPB. Water samples collected from Sawaibu, Wosi, Andai, Sowi and Maruni beach.  Data were divided base on the data collection which is directly and indirectly collected. Water salinity, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen are direct data collection. Turbidity, nitrate, phosphate and heavy metals are indirect data collection that has been analyzed in Prolink IPB. The water has been analyses by using Standard Method for Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1998). The results show that turbidity of five areas range from 0.17 to 6.16 NTU, pH range from 4.64 to 5.04, dissolved oxygen between 5.1 -6 mg/L, water salinity range from 30-33%, water temperature between 29, 8 - 30.6 oC, 0.1 -0.8 mg/L for nitrate and phosphate between 0.08 - 0.16 mg/L. Heavy metal (cadmium) showed high potential toxic risk on the biota of Doreri bay. Cadmium, nitrate, and phosphate are a heavy metal that categorized as concerned pollutant to the Dorery bay. Those heavy metal have been exceeded the water quality standard base on Ministry of environment number 51-2004. 
Konstruksi Etnoteknokonservasi Burung Pintar (Amblyornis Inornata) di Kawasan Cagar Alam Pegunungan Arfak Antoni Ungirwalu; Agustina Arobaya; M. Tokede; Mariana Peday; Dina Padang; Susanti Tasik; Zulfikar Mardiyadi; B. Sadsoetoeboen; O. Matani
Igya ser hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Vol 1 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Papua Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47039/ish.1.2019.1-9


Etnoteknokonservasi secara ideal terjadi ketika manusia secara berulang harus menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem alam dan harus mengizinkan lingkungan hutan hadir dalam pikiran masyarakat itu sendiri. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkonstruksikan kearifan lokal suku Arfak dalam pemanfaatan dan pelestarian burung pintar (Bowerbird) di kawasan Cagar Alam (CA) Pegunungan Arfak. Dari 9 (sembilan) persarangan burung pintar yang ditemukan tersebar di gunung Kongoi Mokwam, ditemukan simbol etika budaya lokal suku Arfak dari proses adaptasi dan interaksi dengan alam lingkungannya. Hasil kajian menemukan bahwa kearifan lokal dalam pemanfaatan dan pelestarian burung pintar merupakan proses kreasi sosial. Adaptasi kreasi sosial masyarakat suku Arfak terhadap lingkungan akan menghasilkan bentuk-bentuk interaksi yang pada awalnya berfokus pada pemanfaatan bagi pemenuhan subsisten, kemudian beralih menjadi konsep pelestarian lokal dalam wujud simbol larangan berupa bagian tubuh hewan dan tumbuhan yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan lingkungan alam dan kehadiran pihak luar dalam menentukan perubahan terhadap pelestarian burung pintar. Simbolisasi tanda larangan merupakan wujud etnoteknokonservasi suku Arfak dalam mendukung konsep “Igya ser Hanjob” yaitu menjaga batas keberadaan burung pintar di kawasan CA Pegunungan Arfak sebagai identitas dan entitasnya yang masih dipertahankan hingga sekarang.
Stok Karbon Pada Hutan Rawa Di Provinsi Papua Barat Destri -; ZULFIKAR MARDIYADI; Keliopas Krey
VOGELKOP: Jurnal Biologi Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/vogelkopjbio.v2i1.54


Mengingat begitu pentingnya hutan bagi kehidupan manusia, baik dalam lingkup lokal, nasional maupun konteks global (perubahan iklim) Indonesia berupaya menemukan cara bagaimana menjadikan hutan itu tetap berperan sebagai sumber perekonomian, menyumbang pada perbaikan hidup masyarakat sekitar hutan, terjaga kelestariannya dan berkontribusi pada penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca. Dan alternatifnya adalah dengan menjaga serta memanfaatkan kemampuan hutan dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon termasukHutan Rawa, Hutan Rawa adalah hutan yang tumbuh dan berkembang pada kawasan atau wilayah yang selalu tergenang air tawar dan Stok karbon adalah cadangan karbon yang terdapat di alam.  Tujuan dilakukannya  penelitian ini adalah untuk Menghitung luasan Hutan Rawa di Provinsi Papua Barat, Menghitung jumlah stok karbon Hutan Rawa di Provinsi Papua Barat, Menganalisa berapa potensi emisi yang diakibatkan jika terjadi eksploitasi pada Hutan Rawa, Menghitung berapa nilai ekonomi serapan CO2 pada Hutan Rawa.Considering the importance of forests for human life, both in the local, national and global context (climate change), Indonesia seeks to find ways to make forests continue to play a role as economic resources, contribute to improving the lives of surrounding communities, maintain sustainability and contribute to reducing emissions greenhouse gas. And the alternative is to maintain and utilize the ability of forests to absorb and store carbon, including Swamp Forests, Swamp Forests are forests that grow and develop in areas or areas that are always flooded with fresh water and carbon stocks are carbon stocks found in nature. The purpose of this study was to calculate the swamp forest area in West Papua Province, calculate the amount of carbon stock in swamp forests in West Papua Province, analyze the potential emissions caused by exploitation of swamp forests, calculate the economic value of CO2 uptake in swamp forests.
JURNAL KEHUTANAN PAPUASIA Vol 3 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Kehutanan Papuasia
Publisher : Fakultas Kehutanan UNIPA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46703/jurnalpapuasia.Vol3.Iss1.64


Identifikasi potensi biomasa dan karbon penting dalam upaya kontribusi menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besaran potensi karbon pekarangan di kampung Mubraidiba. Metode yang digunakan ialah deskriptif dengan teknik observasi lapang yang dilakukan secara sensus terhadap seluruh tanaman pertanian, perkebunan dan kehutanan yang selanjutnya dibagi berdasarkan keleas diameter. Persamaan alometrik digunakan untuk menduga besaran nilai biomasa yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik dan jenis tanaman yang ditemukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis-jenis tanaman di pekarangan kampung Mubraidiba dilakukan pada 2 (dua) kelas diameter, yaitu kelas diameter 5-30 cm dan kelas diameter 30 cm up. Selain itu, pengelompokan tanaman juga dilakukan berdasarkan jenis tanaman kehutanan, pertanian dan perkebunan dengan jumlah jenis tanaman pertanian dan perkebunan pada kelas diameter 5 - 30 cm lebih banyak (66,67%) dibanding jenis tanaman kehutanan (33,33%). Selain itu, fungsi antara kebun campuran dan pekarangan sedikit berbeda antara kebun campuran dengan tujuan produktivitas dan pekarangan dengan fungsi produktivitas dan fungsi keindahan serta kenyamanan tinggal. Rata-rata nilai biomasa pohon untuk kelas diameter 5-30 cm adalah 1,9951 ton/pekarangan, sedangkan rata-rata biomasa tanaman pertanian sebesar 1,7035 ton/pekarangan. Rata-rata total nilai karbon pohon diameter 5-30 cm sebesar 2,6994 ton/pekarangan, sementara stok karbon pada tanaman kehutanan rata-rata dengan diameter 5 – 30 cm sebesar 3,7898 ton, sedangkan stok karbon tanaman pertanian dan perkebunan rata-rata sebesar 0,8518 ton/pekarangan.
KEPADATAN, KARAKTER MORFOLOGI, DAN PERTUMBUHAN LAMUN Cymodocea rotundata DI PANTAI YANKARWAR, MANOKWARI, PAPUA BARAT: APAKAH ADA PERBEDAAN DIANTARA ZONA INTERTIDAL? Paskalina T Lefaan; Moses Peday; Bernadus Duwit; Satriano N Yoku; Daud Orisu; Yunus Baab; Abraham William Manumpil; Zulfikar Mardiyadi; Emmanuel Manangkalangi; Luky Sembel
Jurnal Perikanan Pantura (JPP) Vol 6 No 1 (2023): MARET 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/jpp.v6i1.5367


Cymodocea rotundata is a seagrass species that occupy habitats in the intertidal zone. The ability of this species to occupy the intertidal zone is thought to be related to its particular morphological adaptations in response to fluctuations in local aquatic environmental conditions. This study aims to describe habitat conditions, distribution related to density, morphological differences, and growth among C. rotundata seagrass stands in the upper, middle, and lower intertidal zones of Yankarwar Beach, Manokwari, West Papua. Transects and quadrats methods were used to collect seagrass samples, so information on their distribution and density could be obtained. The seagrass samples collected were also analyzed (counted and measured) for their morphological characters including the number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, horizontal sheath internode length, root length, stand weight, leaf weight, rhizome weight, and root weight. Seagrass growth was obtained by marking the leaves and observing them for 10 days. The results of this study indicate that the conditions of the physicochemical parameters of the intertidal waters are still suitable for the growth of this seagrass species. The highest density was found in the upper intertidal zone (3,161.73 stands.m-2) and followed by the middle intertidal zone (962.04 stands.m-2). Although most of the morphological characters of seagrasses and seagrass parts were relatively the same between the three intertidal zones, larger leaf widths and lengths of horizontal rhizome internodes were found in stands in the two upper intertidal zones. Differences in growth as reflected by the increase in leaf length and dry leaf weight also showed greater values in the upper and middle intertidal zones. This condition shows the adaptability of this seagrass species to variations in environmental parameter conditions in the middle and upper intertidal zone. In addition, the results of this study indicate the presence of C. rotundata, especially in the intertidal aquatic environment which has an important ecological role, including as a substrate stabilizer. Therefore, this vegetation conservation effort is very important. Keywords: intertidal zone, morphological adaptation, seagrass growth
Rekognisi MBKM bentuk free form dalam riset tematik pemanfaatan lahan oleh masyarakat di Pulau Mansinam: MBKM Free Form Activities and Thematic Research on Community Land Use on Mansinam Island Bernadetta Sadsoeitoeboen; Jenny Raweyai; Max Tokede; Francina Kesaulija; George Mentansan; Zulfikar Mardiyadi
IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): IGKOJEI: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46549/igkojei.v4i1.358


As the flagship program of the Ministry of Culture, Higher Education, research and Technology through the Freedom to Learn the Independent Campus (MBKM) policy where students are required to master and be ready for the increasingly rapid development of science and technology. The free form MBKM activities carried out by the Faculty of Forestry UNIPA in 2022 are centered on Mansinam Island, the UNIPA campus and the Planning and GIS Laboratory of the UNIPA Faculty of Forestry involving parties outside the campus who come from the support of the Indonesia Mapping Community (IMC). The participants, which consisted of 9 students from the Faculty of Forestry UNIPA Bachelor of Forestry Study Program, were required to be able to develop science and technology that had a direct impact on the community, especially in honing hard and soft skills in using mapping/GIS applications and technology and being directly involved with the community. The purpose of this activity is to document the stages of the free front MBKM process and research on participatory mapping activities in compiling a land openness map on Mansinam Island. The results of the documentation of the free form MBKM activities of the Faculty of Forestry, UNIPA in 2022: include activities (i) Classroom learning, (ii) Learning in the form of work practices/Professional internships, (iii) Learning in the form of research, and (iv) Learning in the form of community service society can run well and successfully. The results of learning activities in the form of research produce a map of the distribution of open land covering an area of 300,244.56 m2 or 7.4% of the total area of Mansinam Island. Several administrative obstacles need to be fixed, but it is hoped that the 2023 MBKM program for the Faculty of Forestry will become the flagship MBKM program at the University of Papua and can be attended by all students in Indonesia. Key words: MBKM; Recognition; Thematic research; UNIPA