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Budaya Bertoilet: Duduk atau Jongkok? Martosenjoyo, Triyatni
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 1 No.1 Juni 2016
Publisher : ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia

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AbstractPublic toilet is one of the important parts of the building that many aspects of design have to be  taken into account to build. Many public  toilets are built just by looking at the outer performance without considering whether or not the target user will fit with the design. This article deals with this. It examines how toilet is perceived by the users, what type of toilet is preferred and why, and how they utilize public toilet. The interaction between western and eastern culture in the toiletdesign has resulted in cultural shock and stuttering technology among the toilet users in regard to the use of toilet because the influx of western culture is not balance with the introduction of the new culture. Whether one chooses squatting or sitting toilet, it is not only related to universal issues about modernity, luxury, cleanliness, and health. Toilet is not solely function as a disposal waste container, but it is also a place for one to seclude him/herself from others, to relax and to create new ideas. Toilet is a symbol to show ones’ identity. But how one use the toilet is closely associated with one’s perception about toilet, gender, health, cleanliness, Islamic ethics, and body proportion. Key words: toilet, sitting toilet, squatting toilet, modernity.
Pemanfaatan Ruang Kios dan Los Pasar Studi Kasus Pasar Wamanggu Merauke Saliki, Saliki; Martosenjoyo, Triyatni; Harisah, Afifah
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 23 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4938.876 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112019.10


Trader Behavior Study of Space Utilization Kios/Los Market Case Study of the Wamanggu Market in Merauke. The problem of this study is the behavior of the spatial utilization of aisles in the Wamanggu Market in Merauke that the space of selling used cannot accommodate traders' activities in selling in arranging merchandise in the stalls and in serving buyers the circulation space of traders in serving buyers is narrow. Therefore, the traders choose to use an aisle which is considered to be more fulfilling the activities of traders in selling. The purpose of this research is to obtain the description of the behavior patterns of stall traders in conducting trade activity, the spatial utilization pattern of the stall was conducted by traders for selling, know the dimensions and arrangement of furniture used by traders and the arrangement of furniture is used the spatial utilization of stalls so that can affect to trade activities space. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach and purposive sampling technique with the informants consisting of 10 spice traders, 5 vegetable and fruit stalls traders, and 6 in clothing stalls traders, while the object of research is the space of traders stalls, and research subjects are the stall traders. The research location is in the Wamanggu Market in Merauke, Merauke Regency with a research period of 5 months. The results obtained that the behavior patterns tend to be familiar with the seller and buyer, such as greeted, chatter, and gathered. Spatial utilization behaviour tends to use the aisles to selling by arranging all merchandise and part of the area of the aisle. The ideal size of the selling space in the spice stalls, vegetable stalls, and fruit stalls are 250 cm x 300 cm with the type of furniture Case Fixture or open shelves with a size of 250 cm x 150 cm x 100 cm and and circulation patterns of the L shape on the kitchen herbs and patterns Linear form circulation in vegetable stalls, fruit booths with a size of circulation area of 50 cm-100 cm and in the clothing stall is influenced by the number of openings namely: 1 opening with U and Grid patterns, 2 openings with L and Grid patterns, 3 openings with Linear and Grid pattern and ideal space of 350 cm x 400 cm so that the circulation area of 45.7 cm-61 cm is obtained and on the hallway as the orientation of the aisles has an ideal width of 400 cm
The influence of Transit Area in Public Open Space of Losari Beach Makassar Pavilion on the Activities of Group Visitors Miftahul Jannah b; Triyatni Martosenjoyo; Rosady Mulyadi
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Volume 4 Number 1, February 2021
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.022021.13


Urban communities are social beings who have a high level of activity. One of the activities to release fatigue is a refreshing type of activity. A developing city like Makassar needs open space for the public as a container for community activities, including refreshing activities. The Losari Beach Pavilion is present as an open public space that is visited by the majority of visitors in groups to carry out refreshing activities. This public space has a space configuration whose design is available in several parts of the room as a stopover for visiting activities. This part of the space shows that the activities are overlapping so that space is used in the transit space and some of it becomes empty space. Therefore, this research was conducted to explain the effects of what happens to transit space and empty space, in this case the space that is not functionally stopped. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The data collection technique uses the behavior mapping method by recording activities and sketches to get an image of the activity pattern carried out by group visitors then presented in tables, pictures and descriptions. The results of the study show that the transit space is a place of stopover because of the influence of spatial area, visibility, historical area, iconic elements, social interaction, while the shelter space was not functionally visited due to the influence of minimizing visibility, social interaction, and arrangement of attribute elements.
Accessibility Based on User Perception of Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) Wirajaya Makassar Mutmainna - Mansyur; Triyatni Martosenjoyo; Edward Syarif
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Volume 4 Number 1, February 2021
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.022021.14


In planning a building and environment, not only design that needs to be considered but also accessibility. Accessibility that can be accessed by everyone for the creation of equal opportunities. In designing, the perception of the environment is important, The Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Physical Disabilities (BRSPDF) Wirajaya is a rehabilitation center for people with physical disabilities to acquire skills so that they can work independently. So accessibility is very important in supporting activities and smooth activities in the Hall. Based on this, this study aims to analyze the level of conformity of accessibility elements to the principle of facilities and accessibility. In this research the method used is the survey method and use the questionnaire as a research instrument, a type of quantitative detiptive research.. The results showed that the level of conformity of accessibility elements to safety is 74.1%, convenience 79.5%, usability 71.8%, and independence 64.1%.
Perubahan Pola Permukiman Akibat Akulturasi di Kampung Kuper Kabupaten Merauke Yosi Valentina Simorangkir; Triyatni Martosenjoyo; Mimi Arifin
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 21 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.334 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112017.11


Akulturasi yang terjadi pada Kampung Kuper Distrik Semangga diawali dengan hadirnya atau masuknya migran, dimana kebudayaan mereka sebagai pendatang mempengaruhi kebudayaan masyarakat marind sebagai penduduk lokal,yang berdampak pada perubahan pola permukiman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungapkan proses yang mempengaruhi perubahan pola permukiman masyarakat Marind pada Kampung Kuper Distrik Semangga, Kabupaten Merauke sebagai Fenomena Akulturasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan melakukan observasi langsung pada lokasi penelitian dan wawancara mendalam kepada beberapa responden. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan perubahan pola permukiman pada kampung kuper terjadi akibat akulturasi. Kebiasan masyarakat lokal yang hidup berpindah-pindah (nomaden) dengan matapencaharian berburu dan mencari ikan di sungai berubah menetap dan mengukuti kebiasaan masyarakat pendatang yang bermata pencaharian sebagai petani. Dampak pada perubahan pola permukiman yang tadinya berpola linier (memanjang sungai) kemudian sejajar dan berubah menjadi menyebar.
Pemanfaatan Ruang Kios dan Los Pasar Studi Kasus Pasar Wamanggu Merauke Saliki Saliki; Triyatni Martosenjoyo; Afifah Harisah
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 23 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (4938.876 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112019.10


Trader Behavior Study of Space Utilization Kios/Los Market Case Study of the Wamanggu Market in Merauke. The problem of this study is the behavior of the spatial utilization of aisles in the Wamanggu Market in Merauke that the space of selling used cannot accommodate traders' activities in selling in arranging merchandise in the stalls and in serving buyers the circulation space of traders in serving buyers is narrow. Therefore, the traders choose to use an aisle which is considered to be more fulfilling the activities of traders in selling. The purpose of this research is to obtain the description of the behavior patterns of stall traders in conducting trade activity, the spatial utilization pattern of the stall was conducted by traders for selling, know the dimensions and arrangement of furniture used by traders and the arrangement of furniture is used the spatial utilization of stalls so that can affect to trade activities space. This research used a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach and purposive sampling technique with the informants consisting of 10 spice traders, 5 vegetable and fruit stalls traders, and 6 in clothing stalls traders, while the object of research is the space of traders stalls, and research subjects are the stall traders. The research location is in the Wamanggu Market in Merauke, Merauke Regency with a research period of 5 months. The results obtained that the behavior patterns tend to be familiar with the seller and buyer, such as greeted, chatter, and gathered. Spatial utilization behaviour tends to use the aisles to selling by arranging all merchandise and part of the area of the aisle. The ideal size of the selling space in the spice stalls, vegetable stalls, and fruit stalls are 250 cm x 300 cm with the type of furniture Case Fixture or open shelves with a size of 250 cm x 150 cm x 100 cm and and circulation patterns of the L shape on the kitchen herbs and patterns Linear form circulation in vegetable stalls, fruit booths with a size of circulation area of 50 cm-100 cm and in the clothing stall is influenced by the number of openings namely: 1 opening with U and Grid patterns, 2 openings with L and Grid patterns, 3 openings with Linear and Grid pattern and ideal space of 350 cm x 400 cm so that the circulation area of 45.7 cm-61 cm is obtained and on the hallway as the orientation of the aisles has an ideal width of 400 cm
Nature : National Academic Journal of Architecture Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Nature
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/nature.v6i1a6


Abstrak_Ruang terbuka publik sekitar Fort Rotterdam sering terlihat sepi dari pengunjung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi pengunjung dan faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi pengunjung terhadap kenyamanan fasilitas ruang terbuka publik Fort Rotterdam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Variabel fasilitas yang diamati dalam penelitian diantaranya paving, tanaman, kios, tempat sampah, lampu, penanda, dan bangku. Variabel kenyamanan yang diamati adalah kenyamanan fisik yaitu kondisi fisik dan kajian antropometri pada fasilitas, kenyamanan psikospiritual yang dapat dicapai dengan adanya sarana untuk relaksasi, kenyamanan sosiokultural yaitu kenyamanan dalam interaksi sosial, dan kenyamanan lingkungan seperti aroma/bau-bauan, sirkulasi, daya alam, kebisingan, bentuk, keindahan, kebersihan, keamanan dan penerangan kawasan. Dalam penelitian digunakan kajian literatur untuk menganalisis variabel penelitian, dan menggunakan skala likert untuk menghitung hasil persepsi dari tiga puluh tiga responden yang dipilih secara acak. Penelitian dilakukan enam jam sehari pada hari sabtu, minggu, dan senin selama tiga bulan yakni bulan September sampai November 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fasilitas pada ruang terbuka publik ini sudah nyaman karena dominan persepsi pengunjung adalah baik. Faktor pengaruh yang telah dikelompokan berdasarkan variabel kenyamanan diantaranya kenyamanan fisik yang belum baik, kenyamanan psikospiritual belum baik, kenyamanan sosiokultural sudah baik dan kenyamanan lingkungan yang sudah baik.Kata kunci: Ruang Terbuka Publik; Fort Rotterdam; Kenyamanan; Fasilitas. Abstrak_Public open spaces around Fort Rotterdam often look deserted by visitors, This study aims to understand visitor perceptions and factors that influence visitors' perceptions of Fort Rotterdam's public comfort facilities. The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis. Facility variables invited in the study discussed paving, shade plants, kiosks, trash bins, lights, markers, and benches. The convenience variables discussed are physical comfort, namely physical studies and anthropometric studies on facilities, psychospiritual comfort that can be achieved by considering the comfort of air, plants, and good regional transportation, sociocultural comfort, namely comfort, social, and comfort such as aroma, circulation, climate, climate, security, security, regional lighting. In this study literature studies were used to analyze the research variables, then using the Likert scale to calculate the results of the evaluations of thirty-three respondents randomly selected. The study was conducted for six hours on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for three months from September to November 2018. The results showed that Fort Rotterdam's public open space facilities were comfortable because the dominant perception of visitors was good. comfort factors that have been grouped based on comfort variables, namely physical comfort yet, psychospiritual comfort is not good, sociocultural comfort is good and environmental comfort is good.Keywords: Public Open Space; Fort Rotterdam; Comfort; Facilities.
Budaya Bertoilet: Duduk atau Jongkok? Triyatni Martosenjoyo
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v1i1.995


AbstractPublic toilet is one of the important parts of the building that many aspects of design have to be  taken into account to build. Many public  toilets are built just by looking at the outer performance without considering whether or not the target user will fit with the design. This article deals with this. It examines how toilet is perceived by the users, what type of toilet is preferred and why, and how they utilize public toilet. The interaction between western and eastern culture in the toiletdesign has resulted in cultural shock and stuttering technology among the toilet users in regard to the use of toilet because the influx of western culture is not balance with the introduction of the new culture. Whether one chooses squatting or sitting toilet, it is not only related to universal issues about modernity, luxury, cleanliness, and health. Toilet is not solely function as a disposal waste container, but it is also a place for one to seclude him/herself from others, to relax and to create new ideas. Toilet is a symbol to show ones’ identity. But how one use the toilet is closely associated with one’s perception about toilet, gender, health, cleanliness, Islamic ethics, and body proportion. Key words: toilet, sitting toilet, squatting toilet, modernity.
Public vs Private Space of Parking: Zoning, Accessibility, and Etalage Triyatni Martosenjoyo
ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Hasanuddin University.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31947/etnosia.v5i2.10786


Public parking spaces are facilities that support the activities of urban residents with relatively high mobility. As with all definitions of public spaces, public parking space facilities are assumed to be accessible to everyone without questioning their status. Several different things are found in public parking spaces in higher education institutions at UNHAS. This research examines the meaning of public parking spaces for UNHAS people and how they are connected to these facilities. The study was conducted at the Tamalanrea UNHAS campus. Data were collected using in-depth interviews to explore how they perceive zoning meanings, accessibility of public parking spaces, the signages placed there, and observations surrounding campus parking spaces. The interview involved 140 informants consisting of structural officials, lecturers, employees, students, and guests. The results showed that, in practice, the public parking space of UNHAS had become a private space because it cannot be accessed and used freely by everyone, except those with specific social status as written on parking signs (i.e., rector, vice-rector). It is also found that parking spaces have become an etalage for displaying and promoting the personal social status of UNHAS officials.
Gender preference on the quality of landscape aesthetic of urban agriculture Diah Retno Dwi Hastuti; Rahim Darma; Darmawan Salman; Slamet Santosa; Triyatni Martosenjoyo; Novaty Eny Dungga
Publisher : Publisher of Widyagama University of Malang (UWG Press)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/jsed.v4i1.2164


In addition to providing food benefits, urban agriculture also has aesthetic benefits. Therefore, a visual assessment of the urban agricultural landscape can be used to measure this aesthetic value. Gender preference is also carried out to see differences in visual assessment. This research was conducted in Makassar City using primary data with 129 respondents consisting of 53 people who had never been to Makassar and 76 people who had been/lived in Makassar. The aesthetic assessment of agricultural landscapes in Makassar City used the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method with a perceptual dimension. The results showed that the most beautiful urban agricultural landscapes had a high level of preference, namely in various plant gardens and verticultural hydroponic systems. Furthermore, the highest SBE score as a potential attraction was shown by male respondent who had never been to Makassar. Possible urban agricultural landscape resources should receive special attention by arranging them neatly and cleanly so that they have high artistic value to provide beauty and comfort for visitors.JEL Classification:  C00; O13; Q19