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Liwaul Dakwah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 9 No 1 (2019): Liwaul Dakwah: Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Studi terhadap Alquran selama berabad-abad telah melahirkan berbagai produk tafsir dan ilmu-ilmu yang berkaitan dengan Alquran termasuk qaw??id at-tafs?r sebagai rumusan umum yang digunakan untuk memahami Alquran. Dengan redaksi yang ringkas, tegas dan kuat serta cakupan makna yang luas membantu seorang mufasir memahami berbagai fenomena pada ayat-ayat yang dikaji. Kaedah penafsiran tersebut awalnya tersebar dalam setiap produk kajian Alquran dan tersirat dalam metodologi para pengkaji tafsir, namun pada perkembangan berikutnya kaedah itu dihimpun dalam suatu karya khusus dengan melibatkan banyak disiplin ilmu seperti na?w, ?arf, u??l fiqh dan bal?ghah. Studi Alquran pada abad modern memberikan warna baru bagi perkembangan tafsir dan ilmu Alquran sebagai usaha reinterpretasi terhadap ayat-ayat Alquran untuk disesuaikan dengan tuntutan zaman, mendekonstruksi atau mengkritisi beberapa produk tafsir klasik yang tidak memiliki relevansi dengan situasi dan kondisi yang modern, dan seyogyanya tidak merombak prinsip dan pokok ajaran Islam. Studi Alquran modern tidak mungkin berjalan tanpa kaedah yang mendasarinya, kaedah tersebut dapat ditemukan pada berbagai karya kontemporer yang ditulis berkenaan dengan Alquran, karenanya diperlukan suatu upaya menghimpun kaedah-kaedah penafsiran yang bersifat kekinian yang masih tersebar sebagai wujud kontribusi keilmuan bagi perkembangan ilmu Alquran dan tafsir.
Studi Komparasi Metode Penyelesaian Mukhtalif Al-Hadīs antara Muhaddisin dan Fuqaha Muhammad Daud, Zakiul Fuady; Irwanto, Irwanto
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 7 No 1 (2021): JUNI
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v7i1.128


Abstract: Outwardly, there are hadith that seem contradictory between one hadith and another. It happened not because of the inconsistency of the Prophet Muhammad in giving his words but because of the method of hadith researchers in understanding them. In resolving these contradictory hadiths, there are several methods used by scholars. This paper aims to determine the methods used by hadith scholars and fiqh scholars in completing these hadiths and to compare the methods they use. This research is a literature review using content analysis as a data analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that hadith and fiqh scholars have the same sequence of methods in resolving contradictory hadith, they are al-jam'u (compromising), nasakh (abrogating), tarjih (confirming), and tawaqquf methods (moratorium). Only does Imam Abu Hanifah has a different order, they are nasakh, tarjih, al-jam'u, and tawaqquf. The comparison of the methods used by the two groups of scholars, both hadith and fiqh scholars agreed to prioritize the al-jam'u method as an attempt not to paralyze one hadith with other hadiths. However, in contrast to Imam Abu Hanifah, who prioritized the nasakh method rather than the al-jam'u method, consequently there were hadiths that were not used.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 23, No. 1, Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v23i1.16790


Humans are formed from the process of evolution according to Charles Darwin. The process of the creation of humans from the point of view of the theory of evolution put forward by a famous scientist named Charles Robert Darwin, who stated that humans were the evolution of ape species or a kind of short-tailed monkey. there is a book entitled 'On The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favored Racesin The Strungle for Life' which states that humans came from a revolutionary ape species from a very long time ago. Darwin's theoretical paradigm in biological knowledge today is the basic reference in every theory carrying the origin of the development of life (organisms). Even though there are many verses of the Qur'an that mention the elements that make up Humans in several verses. This study aims to criticize the theory. The research method used in this research is a systematic literature review. The results of this study The creation of soil according to Tanthawi, went through the following stages, turab (Ali-Imran: 59), clay mixed with water (al-An'am: 2), then became thin lazib (As-Shaffat: 11), then processed into black mud (hammain) (Al-Hijr: 26), then became dry clay like pottery (ar-Rahman: 14), after that it turned into pottery (fakhkhar) ar-Rahman: 14, then became Adam as the first human , in the interpretation of the Ministry of Religion, through stages starting from soil, starch essence comes from soil (al-Mu'minun: 12), dry clay from shaped mud (al-Hijr: 26 ), and dry soil such as pottery. (Ar-Rahman:14).Manusia terbentuk dari Proses Evolusi menurut Charles Darwin. Proses terciptanya manusia dari sudut pandang teori evolusi yang dikemukakan oleh seorang ilmuwan yang terkenal bernama Charles Robert Darwin, yang menyatakan manusia adalah evolusi dari spesies kera atau sejenis monyet berekor pendek. ada sebuah buku yang memiliki judul ‘on The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Racesiin The Strunggle for Life Yang menyatakan bahwa manusia berasal dari spesies kera yang revolusi dari waktu yang sangat lama.  Paradigma teori Darwin dalam pengetahuan biologi dewasa ini menjadi rujukan dasar dalam setiap teori-teori mengusung asal-usul dari perkembangan kehidupan(organisme). Padahal banyak ayat al qur’an yang menyebutkan tentang elemen elemen pembentuk Manusia di beberapa ayat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkritik Teori tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah systematic literature review. Hasil dari penelitian ini Penciptaan tanah menurut Tanthawi, melewati tahapan sebagai berikut, turab (Ali-Imran: 59), tanah liat bercampur air (al-An'am: 2), kemudian menjadi lazib tipis (As-Shaffat: 11), kemudian berproses menjadi lumpur hitam (hammain) (Al-Hijr: 26), kemudian menjadi tanah liat kering seperti gerabah (ar-Rahman: 14), setelah itu berubah menjadi gerabah (fakhkhar) ar-Rahman: 14, kemudian menjadi Adam sebagai manusia pertama, dalam tafsir Kemenag, melalui tahapan mulai dari tanah, saripati pati berasal dari tanah (al-Mu'minun: 12), tanah liat kering dari lumpur berbentuk (al-Hijr: 26 ), dan tanah kering seperti gerabah. (Ar-Rahman:14)
Proselytism without Coercion and without Discrimination against non-Muslims in the Study of Quranic Proselytism Exegesis Sayed Akhyar; Sufian Suri; Irwanto Irwanto; Andri Nirwana AN
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3177


The reality is that people who are the target of da'wah always reject new da'wah teachings because they compare them with old da'wah teachings that have become a tradition in their lives. The method used in this study is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. The SLR method is used to identify, review, evaluate, and interpret all available research with topic areas of interest to phenomena, with relevant research questions. With the use of the SLR method, a systematic review and identification of journals can be carried out, which in each process follows the steps or protocols that have been set. The results of this research show that in introducing the new Islamic teachings to non-Muslims, all the Prophets used da'wah methods. This da'wah is a way of inviting people to follow the right path for salvation in this world and the hereafter. The approach or method of da'wah taken by the prophets in dealing with their respective people is guided by the da'wah methods outlined by Allah s.w.t as conveyed by the Qur'an. The most prominent characteristics that support the strength of the da'wah movement of the prophets are patience, high will, istiqamah and determination. This characteristic makes them worthy of being given the status of Nabiyullah by Allah subhanahu wata'ala
HADITS TENTANG DARAH WANITA MENURUT AL-SHAN’ANI: Suatu Telaah Mukhtalaf al-Hadits Zakiul Fuady Muhammad Daud; Irwanto Irwanto; Ahmad Khoirul Fata
Farabi Vol 19 No 1 (2022): Farabi
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/jf.v19i1.2708


Hadith is one of the sources of Islamic law, one of its functions is an explanation of the Qur'an. However, because hadiths are not always narrated mutawatir so there are some hadiths that seem contradictory (mukhtalif hadith). The purpose of this study was to determine the method of resolving mukhtalif hadiths about women's blood based on Imam as-Shan'ani's view contained in the book of Subul al-Salam. This research is a literature review that uses the book of Subul al-Salam as one of the primary data sources and uses content analysis as the method of analysis. The results showed that Imam Shan'ani resolve contradictory hadiths related to women's blood using the al-jam'u wa at-taufiq method or compromising the hadiths so that every muslim could practice mukhtalif hadiths customized according to their circumstances.
Family Communication Patterns in Gender Relations in Coastal and Mountain Communities in Aceh Marhamah; Irwanto; Fauzi; Shafira Ulfa Rahmani; Sufri Eka Bhakti
Muwazah Vol 14 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28918/muwazah.v14i2.6061


This research examines gender relations and family communication patterns to maintain harmony in coastal and mountain communities in Aceh. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collected by means of interviews, observation, FGD and documentation, informants 10 families in North Aceh District and 10 families in Central Aceh District. The validity of the data was obtained using source triangulation techniques and data analysis using the Miles and Huberman model analysis starting from data reduction, display and data verification. The results of the study show gender relations in mountain communities in the division of roles in implementing gender partnerships. Coastal communities differentiate the roles of women in the domestic sphere and men in the public sphere, and are adaptive to certain conditions. In the aspect of decision making, there are similarities, namely it is in the hands of the man (head of the family), although other family members are included in the deliberations. Family communication patterns in coastal communities are patterns of equality and separate unbalanced patterns. The pattern of communication in mountain communities applies a separate balanced pattern which is internalized in the manganese iyo tradition. This communication pattern creates an attitude of mutual understanding, openness and mutual trust which has an impact on the realization of harmony in the family so as to reduce the divorce rate.
Liwaul Dakwah: Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Masyarakat Islam Vol. 13 No. 2 (2023): Liwaul Dakwah: Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47766/liwauldakwah.v13i2.2552


Kitab Durratun Nashihin merupakan salah satu kitab yang bercorak targhib dan tarhib, banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat muslim khususnya di Indonesia. Ternyata di dalamnya banyak memuat hadis-hadis bermasalah. Status kualitas hadis-hadisnya telah dikaji oleh Ahmad Lutfi Fathullah salah seorang hadisolog Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui bagaimana metode Ahmad Lutfi Fathullah dalam bukunya yang berjudul Hadits-hadits Lemah dan Palsu dalam Kitab Durratun Nashihin. sehingga hal ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pemikiran dan edukasi bagi masyarakat baik secara substansi konten maupun metodologi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian sumber dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research), objek penelitiannya adalah buku Hadits-hadits Lemah dan Palsu dalam Kitab Durratun Nashihin karya Ahmad Lutfi Fathullah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder, kemudian data dianalisis dengan pendekatan analisis isi (content analysis). Hasil penelitian ini, pertama, Metode Lutfi dalam Penyusunan Kitab (Manhaj at-Tartib), meliputi : a. sistematika buku terdiri dari 1). pendahuluan yang menjelaskan metode dan pola penyusunan hadis serta metode dan kaedah penilaian suatu hadis; 2). bagian isi yang terbagi kepada lima bab memuat hadis-hadis tentang keutamaan bulan Rajab, Syakban dan Ramadhan; 3). Bagian penutup yang berisi motif, tujuan dan harapan penulis. b. korelasi antara bab dengan hadis yang didalamnya terikat secara langsung dan tidak langsung atau tersirat. c. Numerisasi hadis terdiri dari nomor urut hadis yang diberikan penulis dalam bukunya dan nomor hadis sesuai dengan fasal yang ada dalam kitab durratun nasihin. d. memaparkan hadis dengan bahasa Arab diikuti dengan terjemahannya. e. Takhrij hadis dilakukan oleh Lutfi dengan menjelaskan sumber dan kualitas riwayat secara ringkas (muyassar) dan argumentatif. f. Referensi penulis meliputi kitab-kitab hadis bersanad, kitab rijal al-hadis, kitab yang hanya mengoleksi hadis palsu, kitab-kitab takhrij, kitab syarah hadis dan kitab-kitab tafsir. Di bagian akhir bukunya, Lutfi membuat dan menjelaskan istilah-istilah teknis dalam disiplin ilmu hadis yang terdapat dalam bukunya. Kedua, Metode Lutfi dalam Kritik Hadis (Manhaj an-Naqd), meliputi: a. Penilaian terhadap hadis menggunakan lima kriteria yaitu Ittisal as-sanad, ‘adalat ar-ruwat, dabt ar-ruwat, ‘adam asy-syuzuz dan ‘adam al-illat. b. Takhrij Hadis dilakukan oleh Lutfi berbasis analitik (Dira’i) dan rekomendatif (naqli). c. Penilaian terhadap hadis palsu antara lain berdasarkan rekomendasi para ulama, kajian ilmu rijal dan jarh wa ta’dil, indikasi-indikasi kepalsuan suatu riwayat dan kaedah-kaedah yang menunjukkan kepalsuan suatu riwayat.