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BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v17i2.3017


Tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) is one of the potential local fish to be cultivated as a food or pet fish. The data and information of the growth pattern of species are essential for fish farming success. The observation on the length and weight relationship is an usefull indicator to determine the pattern of growth fish observed. This study aims to determine the growth patterns of tinfoil barb fish based on length and weight relationship, condition factor and fish fecundity of tinfoil barb from Sarolangun, Jambi and Anjongan, West Kalimantan. The 30 samples were taken randomly from each group. Data were analyzed using analysis regression Microsoft Excel. The result showed that the regression coefficient of length and weight relationship was 2.811 for Sarolangun and 2.686 for Anjongan. The regression value indicates that the the growth of tinfoil barb was allometric negative, with an average factor condition ranged from 0.99 to 1.002. Length and weight relationship had determinant value (R2) ranged from 0.79 to 0.96, with the fecundity ranged from 20168 to 232.040 eggs from 9–45.5g of gonad weight. 
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 13, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v13i2.685


Best tilapia is breed fish developed by Research Center and Development of Freshwater Aquaculture (BPPBAT) Bogor that has been launched since 2008. Best tilapia is the third generation of gift tilapia. In order to obtain a better growth performance, BPPBAT continued the process of breeding, and to date we have obtained the sixth generations of Best tilapia. This study was aimed to determine growth of tilapia through observation of the relationship between the length and weight of local tilapia, F5 and F6 BEST which were maintained in brackish waters in the Pangkep area, South Sulawesi. Fish samples were taken at random, 30 fishes were taken from each population for length and weight measurement. Calculation of the length-weight of fish in the Pangkep area obtained regression coefficient (b) for local fish 2.4361; BEST F5 3.1077 and F6 3.0522. These values indicated that the local tilapia was negatively allometric while BEST was positively allometric, with local fish condition factor ranged between 0.471-1.334, F5; 0.468-1.479 and 0.498-1.534 F6 respectively. This results has indicating the normal condition of the fish. The length-weight relationship of fish had a value of determinant (R 2) ranged from 0.7829-0.9182, and indicated fish variations influenced by other variables was rather small and has suggested close relationship between length and weight.
The growth and survival rate of red tailed tinfoil, Barbonymus balleroides (Valenciennes, 1842) post-larvae in aquariums with different densities Irin Iriana Kusmini; Fera Permata Putri; Deni Radona
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 17 No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v17i1.301


Tinfoil barb Barbonymus balleroides (Valenciennes, 1842) is one of the local freshwater fish that have the potential to be cultured as fish consumption as well as ornamental fish. This study aimed to determine of the growth and survival rate of red tailed tinfoil post-larvae based stocking density (3 individual L-1, 4 individua lL-1 and 5 individual L-1). This study was conducted in plasma nutfah research station, Bogor and experimentally used completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and three replications for each treatment. The post-larvae used in the experiment were sized 0.37 cm from induced breeding spawning. The post-larvae were reared in the aquarium (dimension= 60x30x30 cm) with a volume of 34 liters water. During reared (90 days) post-larvae were given commercial feed (protein content =40%) at-satiation with frequency of three times per day. The result showed the value of length, weight and the highest specific growth rate (P<0.05) in the treatment of stocking density 5 individual^1 with value of 1.8 cm, 0.24 g and 2.72%, while the highest survival rate of 3 individual-1 with a value of 86.76%. Abstrak Ikan lalawak Barbonymus balleroides (Valenciennes, 1842) merupakan ikan lokal air tawar yang memiliki potensi untuk dibudidayakan sebagai ikan konsumsi maupun sebagai ikan hias. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi pertumbuhan dan sintasan pascalarva ikan lalawak berdasarkan padat tebar (3 ekor L-1, 4 ekor L-1 dan 5 ekor L"1). Penelitian dilakukan di Instalasi Penelitian Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air Tawar Cijeruk, Bogor dan dilaksanakan secara eksperimental menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga perlakuan dan tiga kali ulangan. Pascalarva yang digunakan berukuran 0,37 cm dan merupakan hasil pemijahan secara induksi hormon. Pemeliharaan dilakukan dalam akuarium berukuran 60x30x30 cm3 dengan volume air 34 L. Selama 90 hari pemeliharaan pascalarva diberi pakan komersial berbentuk remah yang mengandung protein 40 % secara at-satiasi dengan frekuensi tiga kali per hari (pagi, siang, dan sore). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai panjang, bobot, dan laju pertumbuhan spesifik tertinggi (P<0,05) pada perlakuan padat tebar 5 ekor L-1 dengan nilai 1,8 cm, 0,24 g dan 2,72% sedangkan sintasan tertinggi pada perlakuan 3 ekor L-1 dengan nilai 86,76%.
PRODUKSI IKAN UNGGUL DI LAHAN MINAPADI SECARA INTENSIF Wahyulia Cahyanti; Vitas Atmadi Prakoso; Otong Zenal Arifin; Irin Iriana Kusmini
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (97.811 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v4i1.72


Superior Fish Production in Intensive Paddy Cum Fish Culture         Aquaculture development in Indonesia is expected to push forward the fish farmers entrepreneurship and competitiveness of aquaculture products in a sustainable manner through improved efficiency and cooperative advantages. Development of fisheries resources in accordance with the management and the optimal use or to provide added value of the fish itself also to provide other products. One technology that can be used is through technology in paddy cum fish culture. This study aimed to improve of land productivity through superior tilapia production in paddy cum fish culture system. In general, the best results obtained in treatment A (no treatment). Productivity of rice and fish could be enhanced by applying paddy cum fish culture  system by 4 to 5.5 million or 10-15% per hectare rice field.Keywords: Minapadi, Productivity, Nila, Fertilizer ABSTRAK          Pengembangan perikanan budidaya di Indonesia ke depan diharapkan dapat  mendorong masyarakat perikanan/pembudidaya untuk meningkatkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan daya saing produk perikanan budidaya secara berkelanjutan melalui peningkatan efisiensi dan keunggulan koperatif. Pengembangan sumber daya perikanan yang sesuai dengan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan yang optimal dan dapat memberikan nilai tambah selain dari ikannya itu sendiri juga produk lainnya. Salah satu teknologi yang dapat digunakan yaitu melalui teknologi minapadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmeningkatkan produktivitas lahan melalui produksi ikan nila unggul dalam sistem minapadi. secara umum, hasil terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan A (tanpa perlakuan). Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa Ikan nila lebih baik pertumbuhannya dibanding mas.Secara umum hasil terbaik diperoleh dari lahan kontrol atau tanpa perlakuan. Produktivitas padi dan ikan dapat ditingkatkan dengan menerapkan sistem minapadi senilai 4-5,5 juta atau 10-15% tiap hektar sawah.Kata kunci : minapadi, produktifitas, Nila, pupuk
KERAGAMAN FENOTIPA IKAN NILA BEST F4,F5 DAN IKAN NILA NIRWANA 2 HASIL SELEKSI DENGAN ANALISIS TRUSS MORFOMETRIK Irin Iriana Kusmini; Dinar Tri Soelistyowati; Rudhy Gustiano; Peni Pitriani; Vitas Atmadi Prakoso
JURNAL SAINS NATURAL Vol. 3 No. 2 (2013): Sains Natural
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.39 KB) | DOI: 10.31938/jsn.v3i2.65


Phenotype Diversity of BEST Nila Fish of F4, F5 and The Nirwana 2 Nila Fish Using Truss Morphometric Analysis          In the framework of the management of genetic resources for long-term development and sustainability of cultivating nila tilapia fish for the evaluation of population genetic resources needs to be done. The purpose of this research was to know the fish of nila tilapia BEST phenotype diversity of F4, F5 and the nila tilapia fish of Nirwana 2 using Truss Morfometrik. The fish from populations of Tilapia BEST fish of F4, F5 and a Nirwana 2 fish each sample taken as many as 20 tails. The measurement was done by specifying points along the body of the fish assay based on morfometrik truss method. The dots were connected one with the others so retrieved 21 characters measuring results. The analys was done using cluster analysis. The observations indicated levels of similarity of truss morfometrik BEST Fish of F4, F5 and the Nirwana 2 fish tilapia very high character except on B6, B3, A3, B1, C1 and D6 that significantly different (p ≤ 0.05).The results gave an indication of the quantity of fish body that  BEST fish was  shorter and rounder than the fish of Nirwana 2 tilapia. Based on the inter population relationship the fish of Nirwana 2 tilapia separated  from BEST nila of F4 and F5.Keywords : BEST tilapia, Nirwana tilapia, truss morfometrik, diversity ABSTRAK         Dalam rangka pengelolaan sumber genetik jangka panjang dan pengembangan budidaya untuk kelestarian ikan nila maka evaluasi sumber daya genetik populasi perlu dilakukan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ragam fenotipe ikan nila BEST F4, F5 dan ikan nila Nirwana 2menggunakanTruss Morfometrik. Ikan nila dari populasi nila BEST F4,F5 dan nila Nirwana2 masing-masing diambil contoh sebanyak 20 ekor. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menentukan titik-titikacuan sepanjang tubuh ikan uji berdasarkanmetode Truss Morfometrik. Titik-titik dihubungkan satu dengan lainnyasehingga diperoleh 21 karakter hasil pengukuran. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan cluster analysis. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan tingkat kemiripan truss morfometrik Ikan nila BEST F4, F5 dan ikan nila Nirwana 2 sangat tinggi kecuali pada karakter B6, B3, B1, A3, C1 dan D6 yang berbeda nyata (p≤0,05).Hasil tersebut memberikan indikasi bahwapola badan ikan nila BEST lebih pendek dan bulat dibandingkan ikan nila Nirwana2 yang lebih panjang. Berdasarkan hubungan interpopulasi ikan nila Nirwana 2 terpisah dengan kelompok nila BEST F4 dan F5.Kata kunci : nila BEST, nila Nirwana, truss morfometrik, keragaman