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BANTEN LAMA LANDMARK BASED ON VISITORS PERCEPTION Sangiru Kasmo Suweko; Maria Immaculata Ririk winandari; Etty Retnowati Kridarso
International Journal on Livable Space Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): Resilient Built Environment
Publisher : Jurusan Arsitektur - FTSP - Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/livas.v3i2.3168


Old Banten Region is an area that is famous for trading at its time. Currently, related to the past glory this place turn into a religious tourist destination .There are still many relics of ancient buildings which show the image of the past glory as well as the element of the city image in Old Banten Region . This study has aim to explore the image of the city of Banten Lama based on visitors' visual perception. The research method uses visual perception method with a rating rating of 14 Landmarks (tetenger) selected based on case selection. Respondents consisted of 40 visitors. The results showed that the image of Banten Lama area based on visual perception of visitors was built based on the image of Banten Lama Great Mosque at 39.63%, Avalokitesvara Vihara 16.16% and Surosowan palace 9.76%. 
ESTETIKA EKSPRESI STRUKTUR DI TERMINAL PENUMPANG KAPAL LAUT Dwi Rachma Septiani; Maria Immaculata Ririk Winandari; Julindiani Iskandar
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 4, No 3 (2020): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE November 2020
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v4i3.554


Structures in architecture acts as a load-bearing element on mechanical systems. In addition, structures can also provide spatial and aesthetic expressions in architectural with the use of certain techniques and materials that bring out the structure expression. The problem discuss in this paper relates to aesthetic parameters used to examine the structural expression on architectural. The research method used is descriptive analytical method conducted with study of the literature on aesthetics, based on parameters: visual complexity, texture and colour, symmetry of the form and familiarity using the case study of Ship Passenger Terminal building such as Qingdao Cruise Passanger Terminal, Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and Salerno Maritime Terminal.The result shows that visual complexity parameter were exposure the form of curved structures and folding structures, the use of lattice, single-mass, and different building imagery. The texture and colour parameter are subtle textures with curved patterns, use of aluminium or concrete materials,and ivory white to bring out the buildings with the color of the sea.The symmetry of the form parameter shows a natural scale, a rectangular geometric shape that is subjected to addition or subtraction, and the proportion 2:1 between the envelope and open façade. The familiarity parameter is repetition of asymmetric curved patterns form make rhythm that raises perception of the visual aesthetic of the building.
PERCONTOHAN PAGAR PENGAMAN RUANG TERBUKA DI KELURAHAN KALIANYAR Maria Immaculata Ririk Winandari; Punto Wijayanto; Sri Handjajanti; Juliandini Iskandar; Aurum Obe Titu Eki
JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera Volume 3, Nomor 1, Januari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1208.668 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/juara.v3i1.9878


Kalianyar settlement has the highest density in Indonesia. These conditions make this settlement vulnerable to fire hazards. The need for open space, the dense environmental conditions, as well as the possibility of fire hazards require residents to prepare for the disaster threat. Understanding and skills regarding the disaster mitigation development and maintenance of open space is necessary to maximize the use of space, to improve the quality of the environment, as well as the skills of citizens. Community action plan is very important to improve the environment quality. The aim of this program is to provide a safety fence based on community action plan. The method used in this program is assisting the development process. This program can optimize the use of space while improving the environment quality. Participants were neighborhood officers and residents at RT 02 RW 07. The result showed that the sense of belonging to the open space can be improved through the fence construction pilot project. The sense of belonging is shown by painting the safety fence independently by residents.
BANTEN LAMA LANDMARK BASED ON VISITORS PERCEPTION Sangiru Kasmo Suweko; Maria Immaculata Ririk winandari; Etty Retnowati Kridarso
International Journal on Livable Space Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): Resilient Built Environment
Publisher : Jurusan Arsitektur - FTSP - Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (851.861 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/livas.v3i2.3168


Old Banten Region is an area that is famous for trading at its time. Currently, related to the past glory this place turn into a religious tourist destination .There are still many relics of ancient buildings which show the image of the past glory as well as the element of the city image in Old Banten Region . This study has aim to explore the image of the city of Banten Lama based on visitors' visual perception. The research method uses visual perception method with a rating rating of 14 Landmarks (tetenger) selected based on case selection. Respondents consisted of 40 visitors. The results showed that the image of Banten Lama area based on visual perception of visitors was built based on the image of Banten Lama Great Mosque at 39.63%, Avalokitesvara Vihara 16.16% and Surosowan palace 9.76%. 
Prinsip urban responses dan energy matters di Digital Working Space BSD Tiara Putri Alyfia; Maria Immaculata Ririk Winandari; Sri Tundono
JURNAL ARSITEKTUR PENDAPA Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Widya Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37631/pendapa.v6i1.421


Iklim merupakan salah satu aspek penting ketika merancang suatu bangunan. Terutama pada bangunan kantor. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang beriklim tropis, jadi harus diperhatikan bagaimana agar iklim tersebut tidak mengganggu kenyamanan para pengguna. Penyesuaian bangunan terhadap iklim seperti curah hujan yang tinggi, panas matahari, kelembaban, serta kawasan yang terletak di wilayah rawan gempa bumi mempengaruhi hasil desain. Selain iklim, aspek lainnya yang tidak kalah penting adalah penggunaan energi. Sumber energi berasal dari material yang tidak dapat diperbaharukan seperti batu bara, minyak bumi, dan gas yang akan habis apabila digunakan terus menerus. Paper ini mengeksplorasi penerapan urban responses dan energy matters di Digital Working Space di BSD, seperti material yang digunakan pada fasad, pelindung sinar matahari langsung, orientasi bangunan, sistem penghawaan dan pencahayaan alami, serta sistem grey water. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan kasus lima kantor di sekitar Jabodetabek. Penerapan Urban Response diterapkan dalam bentuk teritisan, pelindung sinar matahari langsung, serta orientasi bangunan. Penerapan Eenergy Matters diterapkan dalam bentuk sistem penghawaan dan pencahayaan alami serta pengolahan grey water.
Percontohan Placemaking Melalui Narasi Ruang Publik Lorong Bintan Maria immaculata ririk winandari; Punto Wijayanto; Virginia Suryani Setiadi; Mayissa Anggun Pekerti; Aurum Obe Titu Eki
JUARA: Jurnal Wahana Abdimas Sejahtera Volume 4, Nomor 2, Juli 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan Fakultas Arsitektur Lanskap dan Teknologi Lingkungan, Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/juara.v4i2.14884


Lingkungan permukiman Lorong Bintan merupakan permukiman tua bersejarah di Kota Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau. Sebagai kawasan pusaka, permukiman yang mayoritas penghuninya adalah etnis Tionghoa ini mengalami penurunan kualitas lingkungan. Kondisi ini menyebabkan kawasan kurang terawat dan kotor di beberapa lokasi. Bangkitnya kesadaran penghuni akan tingginya sejarah dan peninggalan pusaka di lingkungan permukiman mereka menyebabkan Kawasan tersebut mulai berbenah diri. Pemahaman mengenai potensi lingkungan sebagai lingkungan pusaka serta pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mengenai penataan kawasan pusaka melalui kegiatan pendukung kawasan sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan sekaligus menghidupkan kawasan. Pendekatan placemaking berdasar partisipasi masyarakat menjadi solusi yang dianggap tepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Sasaran PKM adalah peningkatan kualitas lingkungan permukiman di Kawasan Lorong Bintan. Tujuan PKM adalah memberikan percontohan placemaking secara partisipatif melalui narasi sejarah Kawasan Lorong Bintan. Metode yang dilakukan adalah pendampingan perencanaan dan perancangan placemaking. Peserta percontohan adalah pengurus Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) di Kelurahan Tanjungpinang Kota, Kecamatan Tanjung Pinang Kota, Kota Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau. Hasil program menunjukkan bahwa rasa memiliki warga terhadap asset pusaka di lingkungannya dapat ditingkatkan melalui percontohan placemaking ruang publik. Bukti rasa memiliki tersebut ditunjukkan dengan pembuatan mural di dinding bangunan di Lorong Bintan.