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International Journal on Livable Space Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND COMFORT
Publisher : Jurusan Arsitektur - FTSP - Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/livas.v4i1.4874


ABSTRACTPeople in Ngadas Village have enough time to live in their fields. Therefore, the community build farmhouses to help farming activities. However, as an agricultural landscape, cultivation in Ngadas Village has various dynamics. Changes that occur in the agricultural landscape can be traced through agricultural features formed by the type of agricultural land use. In addition, it can be traced through cultural features that are the result of interactions between human activities and the environment such as farmhouses. Therefore, this study aims to find out the implications of agricultural features on cultural features, especially space in farmhouses. The in-depth interview and observation methods were conducted to identify, then the data obtained were analysed by synchronous and diachronic methods. So, the changes that occur can be determined descriptively. The results of the study show that the culture of shifting cultivation that has become permanent causes the fields to develop along with the changes in the plants that have been planted, the addition of activities and intensity of plant management. More fixed location of the farm more developed and permanent farmhouses has been built. More activities carried out in the fields and the higher intensity of plant management, the wider and more space needed for the fields.Keywords: Agrarian culture, Agricultural landscape, Farmhouses
Decolonizing Tacit Knowledge of The Bugis Traditional House through Ethnomathematics Yusfan Adeputera Yusran; Sri Utami; Siti Mar atul Fadhilah; Mohammad Mochsen Sir; Josef Prijotomo
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal Vol 14, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/lw.v14i2.8016


This study aims to reveal the logical factors behind the cultural values of traditional house. Through an ethnomathematical study approach, this study reconstructs various patterns of Bugis house forms using photo documentation belonging to the KITLV institution published around 1880-1953. The Bugis vernacular house forms is often described as the embodiment of the basic knowledge of non-physical (intangible) in the form of culture, belief, and the principles of community life. However, when viewed from the building process, rules, and sizes, to the development of its form and typology, a Bugis house cannot be seen as a mere embodiment of the cosmological concept, but also an embodiment of form that implements scientific knowledge. This is indicated by the various patterns of Bugis' traditional houses formed from an ethnomodelling point of view as a result of humans knowledge to the context and the environment in which they inhabit.
International Journal on Livable Space Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND COMFORT
Publisher : Jurusan Arsitektur - FTSP - Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.687 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/livas.v4i1.4874


ABSTRACTPeople in Ngadas Village have enough time to live in their fields. Therefore, the community build farmhouses to help farming activities. However, as an agricultural landscape, cultivation in Ngadas Village has various dynamics. Changes that occur in the agricultural landscape can be traced through agricultural features formed by the type of agricultural land use. In addition, it can be traced through cultural features that are the result of interactions between human activities and the environment such as farmhouses. Therefore, this study aims to find out the implications of agricultural features on cultural features, especially space in farmhouses. The in-depth interview and observation methods were conducted to identify, then the data obtained were analysed by synchronous and diachronic methods. So, the changes that occur can be determined descriptively. The results of the study show that the culture of shifting cultivation that has become permanent causes the fields to develop along with the changes in the plants that have been planted, the addition of activities and intensity of plant management. More fixed location of the farm more developed and permanent farmhouses has been built. More activities carried out in the fields and the higher intensity of plant management, the wider and more space needed for the fields.Keywords: Agrarian culture, Agricultural landscape, Farmhouses
Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi Oktober 2022
Publisher : KBK Peracangan Arsitektur dan Kota Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaz.v5i3.49191


Abstract: This Sasak tribe is a tribe located on the island of Lombok that has traditional buildings that are still occupied by the common people (to sama).One type of Sasak village that has traditional buildings is bale tani in Dusun Limbungan. One type of Sasak village that has two traditional buildings is bale tani in Dusun Limbungan. The purpose of this study is to determine the spatial hierarchy of Sasak tribe in Dusun Limbungan. The method used is a qualitative method of descriptive analysis. The results of the study can show that the spatial hierarchy can be made into two parts, namely the middle horizontal hierarchy (Dalem bale). While The Vertical horizontal is divided into the lower part (profane), the middle part (profane + sacral), and the upper part (profane). In a horizontal hierarchy which is divided into three parts front (sesangkok), middle (bale dalam) where the front (sesangkok) serves to receive guests or family who come to visit, while the middle (bale dalam) in which there is a bedroom where the bedroom function to store bodies that have not been buried and in bale dalam there pawon (kitchen) and semparu where semparu function where to store kitchen utensils. The function of horizontal and vertical spatial hierarchy of both traditional buildings shows the same results, but in terms of layout and spatial magnitude there are some differences. The spatial hierarchy that is influenced by the elements of belief that can be contained in the Sasak tribe can be in the form of knowledge that can be inherited from ancient times or hereditary.Keywords:  Spatial Hierarchy; Sasak Tribe; Lombok Traditional BuildingAbstrak: Suku Sasak merupakan Suku yang berada di Pulau Lombok yang memiliki bangunan tradisional yang masih di tempati oleh golongan rakyat biasa (to sama). Salah satu jenis perkampungan Suku Sasak yang terdapat bangunan tradisional yaitu bale tani di Dusun Limbungan.Salah satu jenis perkampungan Suku Sasak yang terdapat dua bangunan tradisional yaitu bale tani di Dusun Limbungan. Terdapat tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui hirarki spasial Suku Sasak di Dusun Limbungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif analisis deskriftif. Hasil studi dapat menunjukkan bahwa secara hirarki spasial dapat dijadikan jadi dua bagian yaitu hirarki horizontal bagian tengah (dalem bale). Sedangkan horizontal vertikal dibagi menjadi bagian bawah (profan), bagian tengah (profan + sakral), dan bagian atas (profan). Pada sebuah hirarki horizontal yang dibagi menjadi tiga bagian depan (sesangkok), tengah (bale dalam) yang dimana bagian depan (sesangkok) berfungsi untuk menerima tamu atau keluarga yang datang berkunjung, sedangkan bagian tengah (bale dalam) yang di dalamnya terdapat kamar tidur yang dimana fungsi kamar tidur untuk menyimpan mayat yang belum di kebumikan dan di bale dalam terdapat pawon (dapur) dan semparu yang dimana fungsi semparu tempat menyimpan peralatan dapur. Secara fungsi hirarki horizontal dan spasial vertikal dari kedua bangunan tradisional menunjukkan bentukan hasil yang sama, namun dari segi tata letak serta besaran spasialnya ada beberapa perbedaan. Adapun hirarki spasial yang dipengaruhi dengan adanya unsur kepercayaan yang dapat terkandung di dalam Suku Sasak dapat berupa pengetahuan yang dapat diwariskan dari zaman dahulu atau secara turun temurun.Kata Kunci: Hirarki Spasial; Suku Sasak; Bangunan Tradisional Lombok