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Pengaruh Inflasi Domestik dan Utang Luar Negeri terhadap Nilai Tukar Rupiah Cut Endang Kurniasih; Dahlan Tampubolon
Ecoplan Vol 5 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Lambung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ecoplan.v5i1.378


Indonesia is a country that carries an open economy. Various internal and external factors will contribute to influencing the changes in the exchange rate at the same time. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of domestic inflation and external debt on the Rupiah exchange rate using secondary data from 2010.Q1 to 2021.Q1. Autoregressive Distributed Lag Analysis was used to analyze the data (ARDL). The study's findings confirmed the existence of a significant long-term relationship between the examined variables based on the analysis. It was found that both domestic inflation and external debt have a positive and significant effect on the Rupiah exchange rate over the long run, according to the long-run estimation results. Further, domestic inflation positively impacts the Rupiah exchange rate in the short-term estimation results, whereas external debt has a negative effect. Based on these findings, the government should maintain control over monetary variables such as inflation and the exchange rate through appropriate monetary policies and ensure that all external debt is prudently managed and directed toward more productive uses to mitigate exchange rate risk.
Jurnal Daya Saing Vol 7 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35446/dayasaing.v7i3.765


Struktur perekonomian di Kabupaten Kampar masih didominasi oleh sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan, dengan penyerap tenaga kerja terbesar. Penelitian ini akan menghitung perubahan produktivitas tenaga kerja dengan menggunakan dua metode analisis, yaitu analisis Shift Share dan elastisitas output pekerjaan dengan menggunakan data tahunan yang tersedia dari Agustus 2019 sampai Agustus 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap komponen shift share memiliki nilai yang berbeda antar sektor, ada nilai negatif dan positif. Poin penting yang dianalisis adalah sektor informasi dan komunikasi serta sektor jasa lainnya menjadi kompetitif dan tumbuh pesat sejak wabah Covid-19. Sektor pertanian, pertambangan dan penggalian serta jasa kesehatan dapat bertahan dan berkembang selama pandemi Covid-19 karena pertumbuhannya yang cepat. Demikian pula sektor industri pengolahan, konstruksi, perdagangan, transportasi, akomodasi, jasa keuangan, dan jasa pendidikan berpotensi untuk dikembangkan karena daya saingnya yang relatif tinggi. Sementara itu, sektor listrik, gas dan air, serta administrasi pemerintahan tidak sesuai untuk pembangunan di Kabupaten Kampar. Sebagian besar sektor ekonomi menunjukkan koefisien elastisitas penyerapan tenaga kerja, artinya daya serap tenaga kerja masing-masing sektor di Kabupaten Kampar relatif tinggi terhadap pertumbuhan PDRB.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (492.032 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v6i2.7365


Abstrak: Pola transaksi penjualan pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Desa Logas masih dilakukan secara tradisional. Hal ini disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan mereka terhadap penggunaan internet untuk usaha. Padahal internet tidak hanya digunakan sebagai media komunikasi saja, tetapi internet dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat untuk memulai usaha. Tujuan dilakukannya kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan informasi mengenai E-commerce dan pelatihan teknik penjualan usaha secara online. Metode penerapan yang digunakan yaitu ceramah dan demonstrasi/pelatihan langsung kepada 25 orang. Khalayak sasaran dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah masyarakat Desa Logas khususnya para remaja dan pemuda desa serta pelaku usaha yang sudah ada. Hasil akhir kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah tingkat kepemahaman masyarakat terhadap teknik usaha penjualan online meningkat dari 80% menjadi 96% dan keinginan untuk memulai usaha penjualan online meningkat dari 92% menjadi 100%. Harapannya kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat membantu pemerintah dalam membentuk masyarakat yang inklusif secara digital di daerah perdesaan sekaligus membangun ekonomi masyarakat setempat lebih baik.Abstract: The patterns of sales transaction in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Logas Village are still carried out traditionally. This is due to their lack of knowledge about using the internet for business. Today, the internet is not only used as a communication medium, but the internet can be used to start a business. The purpose of this community service is to provide information about E-commerce and online business sales technique training. The method used is lectures and direct demonstrations/training to 25 participants. The target audience of this activity is the community of Logas Village, especially teenager and village youth as well as existing business actors. The result of this service activity is that the level of community understanding of online business sales increased from 80% to 96% and interest in starting an online sales business increased from 92% to 100%. It is hoped that this service activity can help the government in forming a digitally inclusive society in rural areas while improving a better local economy.
Efek Komposisi Sektoral Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Terhadap Kemiskinan di Riau Dahlan Tampubolon; Cut Endang Kurniasih
Ekonomi, Keuangan, Investasi dan Syariah (EKUITAS) Vol 3 No 3 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/ekuitas.v3i3.1174


The study of economic growth and poverty is one of the main research themes of today’s social economics and development. This study analyzes the decomposition of different total and sectoral growth effects on poverty. The study was conducted in Riau Province, covering 12 regions with time-series data between 2017-2020 as panel data. Analysis of the effect of sectoral economic growth on poverty using the models of Ravallion and Datt (1996) and Christiaensen et al. (2011). All regression estimates use fixed effect and random effects estimators. The estimation results revealed that labor productivity and expansion of labor force reduce poverty in Riau by 3.82% and 2.85% in the agricultural sector, respectively, while 0.10% and 1.97% in the non-agricultural sector. Agricultural sector are likely to have higher effect of labor productivity and labor force expansion than the non-agricultural sector. Eventually, based on research findings, this study offers some policy for alleviating poverty: encourage higher growth in the agricultural sector and other sectors that are closely related to the agricultural sector and characterized by high pro-poor potential, in this case the trade sector, agricultural product processing industry and transportation services. In addition, it is necessary to create better job opportunities in order to provide employment opportunities in the formal sector considering that the informal sector is often a transitional sector for unskilled and semi-skilled agricultural sector labor, which in turn increase the living standard of people and reduce poverty
JEBI (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam) Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Juli - Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.897 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/jebi.v7i2.264


This study aims to investigate the factors that influence consumer behavior in purchasing halal products at Bagansiapiapi such as understanding the halal label, social factors and purchase intentions. This research is a qualitative research, with a descriptive approach. The sample selection technique used is a purposive sampling technique of 50 informants. The results showed that the public's understanding of halal products in Bagansiapiapi is quite high. Environmental and family factors have an important influence on consuming halal-labeled food. Meanwhile, the purchase intention variable towards the purchase of products, respondents prefer to consume packaged food labeled halal compared to non-halal products. It is expected that the findings of this study is for the business to consider adding halal labels on their products and need support from LPPOM MUI and health experts to educate the public about the importance of healthy and halal food
Pemberdayaan Bakat Anak-anak Desa Pangkalan Nyirih Melalui Kegiatan Lomba Muhadharoh Hilmah zuryani; Cut Endang Kurniasih; Fakhri Rabialdy; Teguh Teguh; Adika Findari; Meyna Sari Br Sinulingga; Siti Annisa Shafina Putri; Imam Nur Hakim; Maulana Abrar; Putri Nurhaliza; Tasya Dumaria Novianti; Adif Bijrilian Ursaly; Nadia Neldasari; Yesri Harijon Siahaan
ARSY : Jurnal Aplikasi Riset kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): ARSY : Jurnal Aplikasi Riset kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Riset dan Inovasi Al-Matani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55583/arsy.v3i1.306


Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) merupakan wujud nyata dari tugas dosen dan mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yakni aspek pengabdian. Kuliah Kerja Nyata adalah suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh beberapa mahasiswa dengan tujuan mengabdi terhadap masyarakat di suatu desa. Kuliah Kerja nyata ini dilaksanakan di Desa Pangkalan Nyirih, Kecamatan Rupat, Kabupaten Bengkalis selama 40 hari. Desa Pangkalan Nyirih di pilih menjadi tujuan KKN dikarenakan adanya potensi Desa yang bagus tetapi masih kurang dilihat oleh masyarakat luas. Tujuan pemberdayaan ini adalah untuk memberikan wadah kepada anak-anak desa pangkalan nyirih yang memiliki bakat serta kemampuan dalam bidang keagamaan agar dapat menampilkannya kepada masyarakat luas. pemberdayaan ini dilakukan dengan metode perlombaan. Hasil pemberdayaan ini adalah didapatkannya anak anak desa pangkalan nyirih yang berani tampil didepan dan lebih percaya diri lagi terhadap bakat yang mereka punya Kata Kunci : Bakat, Pangkalan Nyirih, Kompetisi
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi E-Commerce Wirausaha Perempuan Cut Endang Kurniasih; Nobel Aqualdo; Hilmah Zuryani
SOCIUS Vol 9 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Socius: Journal of Sociology Research and Education, Universitas Negeri Pa
Publisher : Labor Jurusan Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/scs.v9i2.446


Sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil Menegah (UMKM) terus menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat baik tidak terkecuali bagi wirausaha perempuan yang ikut menjalankan UMKM dengan mengadopsi e-commerce sebagai strategi inovasi menghadapi bisnis yang semakin kompetitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi wirausaha perempuan dalam mengadopsi e-commerce ditinjau dari faktor organisasi, teknologi, manfaat yang dialami, keamanan dan lingkungan eksternal. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada wirausaha perempuan yang memiliki UMKM di Kota Pekanbaru. Dengan ketentuan, UMKM itu harus terdaftar di Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Disperindag), serta dijalankan dengan mengadopsi e-commerce. Jumlah wirausaha perempuan yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 72 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi adopsi e-commerce pada wirausaha perempuan adalah faktor manfaat yang dialami dengan indikator yang paling menentukan yaitu efesiensi biaya. Faktor selanjutnya ditentukan oleh faktor kesiapan organisasi dengan indikator yang paling menentukan yaitu kesadaran menerima perubahan dan perkembangan TI. Kemudian diikuti oleh faktor teknologi dengan indikator yang paling menentukan yaitu ketersediaan program dan sistem pendukung e-commerce (software, website).
Increasing Digital Literacy Through Video Based Learning in Balam Jaya Kampar Village Hilmah Zuryani; Cut Endang Kurniasih; Fakhri Rabialdy; Teguh Teguh; Adrian Maulana; Diyana Alfiah
Journal of Community Research and Service Vol 7, No 1: January 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jcrs.v7i1.43614


Watching is one of the daily activities carried out by all levels of society, young and old to children. In the digital era, many children do not understand what they are watching and receive harmful information. The fact is that watching activities provide many benefits, such as getting information anywhere and anytime easily. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to students through digital literacy that there is a lot of learning that can be taken from watching activities and developing writing, understanding, and listening skills. The method used in this activity is Video Based Learning which is the delivery of learning through video by showing films. The results showed that the percentage level of video eligibility was 75% with good qualifications. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Video Based Learning method is feasible to use in the learning process
Analysis of the Soundness Level of Islamic People's Financing Banks in Indonesia Putri Asrina; Misdawita Misdawita; Cut Endang Kurniasih
Adpebi International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Peneliti Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54099/aijms.v2i2.661


This study aims to analyze and determine the health level of Islamic Rural Bank (BPRS) in Indonesia from 2017-2021 before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is the Paired Sample t Test and the Wilcoxon signed Rank Test on indicators of the soundness level of the BPRS, including Finance to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Non Performing Finance (NPF), Ratio of Operating Expenses to Operating Income (BOPO), Return On Assets (ROA) and Return On Equity (ROE). The results of the research based on the Paired Sample T test found that there was a significant difference in the FDR variable before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that there were significant differences between CAR, NPF, BOP, ROA and ROE before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
The Effect of socialization and professionalism of amil towards muzakki's motivation to pay zakat (case study of Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang Regency) Cut Endang Kurniasih; Fina Anggraini
ASNAF : Journal of Economic Welfare, Philantrophy, Zakat and Waqf Vol 1, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/asnaf.v1i1.4009


Purpose – The main objective of this study is to examine whether the socialization and professionalism of amil affect the motivation of muzakki to pay zakat at Baitul Mal in Aceh Tamiang, either partially or simultaneously. Methodology – This study applies multiple regression analysis and classical assumption test to handle the primary and secondary data to examine the effect of socialization and professionalism of amil on muzakki’s motivation. It also uses cluster random sampling to decide the possible samples to be interviewed. Findings – The results show that socialization partially has a positive and insignificant effect on the motivation of muzakki to pay zakat. But partially amil professionalism has a significant positive effect on muzakki's motivation to pay zakat at Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang. Overall, the socialization and professionalism of amil simultaneously have a significant effect on the motivation of muzakki to pay zakat. Based on the R2 test, 22.9% socialization and professionalism of amil affect the motivation of muzakki who pay zakat in Baitul Mal Aceh Tamiang, while 77.1% is explained by other factors. Limitation – Despite the author’s efforts, data on a number of variables, are collected by questionnaire instruments only at Baitul Mal in Aceh Tamiang. Therefore, further studies may collect data on another location and apply different approach to examine their impact on the muzakki’s motivation. Practical Implication – Zakat institution has important implications for encouraging the socialization strategy and professionalism of amil to be able to create a mindset of the community in order to create motivation to pay zakat through Baitul Mal.